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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. 00 SINGLE Copy 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER S: NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 26. JULY 1930 36 ANOTHER CRITIC Superstition taught in Limon Liberty Hall was even Murder of a Boy Scout The Editor: not in those enlightened com Plata, Santo Domingo, he sent munities where the gratifications Mr. Sobey here, and another to Sir, Your editorial These for society are not measured in Bocas, another to Banes in Cuba Dear Mr. Editor: Association teaches and encour.
Excursions, etc. as published terms of dollars and cents nor in 1899, so the Company has done ages? We understand he in your issue of 12th July, is yet by the colour of the skin; everything possible to encourSometime ago an article apgone back into the Commuthe ugliest bit of mud flinging but by lineage as well as by age morality among the peopeared in your Journal re, the nion of the faithful at the that could ever be performed the degrees of excellence in cul ple, hence the custom of extending belief in the Black Art by Wesleyan Church would like to know what our dear old by a newspaper editor. But for the ture and refinement that have passes in trains for genuine preour President and some of his distinguishing title, Editorial. been attained by its prospective achers and teachers to educate followers, which article Father Pitt will think of this at the head of the column in members.
subterfuge. Fosteriog Black Art which the article appears, would trains are granted for the School severely criticised by those nearin the Schoolroom and receiving CYRILLO children, their parents and guarest around his throne, but have treated all that mass, own, the bread of absolution in the as the production of some del Siquirres, July 22 1930. dians free or at a very reduced now we see you were right, beChurchroom.
cause he has now converted the uded gamester who might say price just to pay the cost of run.
He said that be could not to a mere passerby: This is my The response ning, the trains, for the object Hall in a School room of forremain in the old office downtene tellers, and seekers after game, not yours, so keep out.
of giving them a day outing to stairs for ghosts were on him vain doctrices.
And the diction of your comment Mud slinging seem to be regions unknown to them, as in it, so insisted that the apon Mr. Ambrose letter, which the accepted phraseology to be object lessons on educational He has engaged a Professor pearance of the Hall should be appeared in your impression of applied by those people who at lines, but not for speculative pur who declares himself to have spoilt by fixing the office upthe 19th July, seems a woeful tempt to rush to print without poses; but to day, instead of Superior Powers and know. stairs, hope he has got them departure from recognized jour being able to think out any leaders keeping up to the lofty ledge over all other mediums all cleared away, so he can nalistic procedure thing original for themselvas, in intentions of the Company, cor and Clairvoyants, professiog to better dispensed Garveyism If you are contending, as opposition to the expression of an ruption has been permitted, and reunite the separated, overcome instead of Voodooism. When will the members ask this man presume, that the Church should idea which may not meet their we have stepped down to the their evil influences and Bad not run excursions and make highly strung ideas of morality level, to which our lust for filthy luck, for a small fee one dollar to resign and admit decent picnics to raise funds for carrying or other thought lucre is prone to take us, and gold when the members are minded people to function in on her work, by what others It is so strange that the Preach speculation has been made the advised how many ghosts they the movement.
means, may ask, sould she do ers and Leaders of thought prime intentions of these excur have on them and by whom It is proven by the reports it amongst a people who might who run these excursions etc. sions, at the cost of morality; as they were set for what pur that his name is not on the prefer investing all they are to which we refer do not express Cyrillo admits that the general pose: from which the President financial list, hence nonfinancial, and there are not funds worth in chance games and themselves as objectionable to trend of thought today, is not claims a percentage. Now Mr.
bubble schemes to giving a silver our suggestions at higher cul so much Cultural, but speculative Editor, is this not making my pay up the Munipal collection to a highly literary ture among our youths, because frivolous; were a parent of a father house a den of theives? rates and Territorial Taxas.
In what other country would The financial and musical programe by a body in their consciences they must child attending your school (as list of of schoolchildren or church peo appreciate the truth of our as you seem to be a teacher) such glaring Superstition be members are only about forty, ple? But am quite sure that sertions, but the apparent me would immediately withdraw my tolerated. In Jamaica he would because the members will not these occasional excursions by diums of demoralized thoughts, child from your tuition, for the be prosecuted for receiving by function vvhile he is there.
the Church are not speculative would like to rush where Ang insult you offer by saying that false pretences. Is this what the disgusted member.
ventures. And the Church, what els fear to read.
99 per cent of your parents are is it? If it is really an assemMr. Cyrillo objects to Excur frivolous etc. Your idea of the blage of Christian men and wo sions run on moral, educational means of church support, reminds men, and do not know that it lines, because he lives among as me of The Scotch man who on can be anything else, whom it he says a people who prefer taking leave of his son who is suifs to make these annual func investing all they are worth in leaving home to seek employtions merely for their own enjoy games of chance and bubble ment in the outer Regions, says ment, why should the prejudices schemes rather than giving a to himWell my son you are very sad occurrence took The officiating Priest followand mercenary tendencies of Silver collection going to seek employment to place in Limon on Saturdaved by three draped drums and other people rise in revolt?
Is Cyrillo a leader of thought? mak money, now do it honestly 12th and which calls for rigid 75 Scouts with staffs reversed, know a newspaperman (hapIs he a teacher? if he is, then he if you can; but if you cant, mal investigation on the part of the marching four deep then the pily, not a writer of any conseprefers taking the line of least money. Police, to bring the guilty party friends of the deceased boy Now Mr. Cyrillo, we are not quence) who had impertinence resistance and so step down to to justice. young lad of 14 made up the Cortege. It was to write in a Panamanian daily. immoral means of obtaining his objecting to Excursions, but we years of age a member of the a most impressive sight, a full and do hope this may catch livelihood and support for his are exhorting not to pollute the St. Mark boy scout Troop; military funeral.
his eye as he has not yet died church purposes therefore a very good, by descending to lower who made his living by shoe Father Ryecart is certainly from the corker gave him poor teacher orleader. Very good means for gaining your great point shining, seem to have had an for his bit ot daring, that it was carrying out with great zeal, the Mr. Cyrillo we now realize to of getting rich at any cost. for altercation with a native some instructions intentions of what class of leaders you belong. merly there was never a picnic say a post office employee, some indecent, immoral, and inconthe Scout movement, having sistent of the Church to beg.
Cyrillo says But am quite train when there was not a fight say a man who used to drill now over 100 scouts enrolled; that these occasional and razor cuts freely exhibited, the police, whose shoes he had which cannot fail to achieve Now, if this starving Child, whom sure excursions by the Church are but by continual discountenances just polished over the payment, a every Christian man and woman great success in this country.
is under the obligation to serve not speculative ventures, he and denouncements by respecta in consequence of which alter Mrs. Jackson the wife of our would have been correct had he ble people of such barbarity, this cation the man kicked him in beloved Bishop Jackson who alternative, cannot devise honest said that they are not intended practice is wery infrequent now, his stomach as his pay, and first started this movement ways and means, which give as Speculative ventures because and if you will help to discoun as result of which, that night here, will be very pleased to offence to no one, to further her the US. CO. from its organi tenance immoral scenes on your (Friday) he took in ill and died know how successfully Father plans, what, then, must she do? Zation in 1899 has always encour Excursions by refusing to sell at 10 a. on Saturday.
Rycart is operating in this Close her doors, suposse?
aged the development of Chris Tickets to knovvn leud characBeing a member of the No. respect among the boys she The excursions to Unknovun tianity, and consequently morality ters, insist on a dry train, stop Limon Boy Scout, the troop left behind; she having been Regions will not come off till among her dependents, by enga your trains and eject any undes. took charge of the funeral. The first Scout Commissioner apthe church has secured a copy ging teachers and preachers under irable passenger, instruct your Corpse headed by the Scout pointed here.
not to play any of Sir Tomas More geography, salaries, and sending them out musicians Commisioners Revd. Rye entitled Utopia; and as regards among the labourers to encour pieces which may be a temptation ecart, was taken to the St. Scout coused great consternaThe tragic death of this tion in the Community, and it trial centres, fear, Mr. Editor. for it is well known that it is lar copulative gyrations to which Sunday the coffin wrapped with is hoped that the detective force that though you would be the only by these means that labour Mr. Ambrose refers; then our the Union Jack was borne on will work out this case of ho.
can be properly Organized and excursions will be innocent, the Shoulders of six of his micide and bring the perpetramendable a move, they would made dependable, Mr. Hop inexpensive diversions to which Comrades. preceded by the Cross tor of the crime to justice, and not succeed, as 99 per cent kins one of the old directors, a any family would gladly be a bearer, Incenses. the Union credit to itselfi of the parents would very soon very religious man sent. Mr. party to localities unknown to Jack, Scout banner and Costa begin to dub you and the par Moodie for that purpose to Puerto them.
Rican Fags to the Cemetery.
sons, and the teachers with the side vvalks etc. in spiteof all the most objectionable titles and functions being carried on at the degrees ever heard or read of, Hall continually. He insists on bor the general trend of thought rovving money to run this Excurbeing not so much towards the sion train on the 5th August.
cultural as it is towards the The members therefore beg to spectacular, the pleasurable, and Port Limon, July 24. 1930 At a recent meeting of this rovved for the purpose, the mem Smith the President any money Warn the public not to loan Mr.
the frivolous.
Division of the Mr. bership assured him that condi for such a purpose on behalf of And ministers of religion and Mr. Nation schoolmasters of culture and Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT tion of running a Picnic train also informed him that as his the Division as they will not hold education (I say this deliberately) Dear Sir: to Turrialba on the 5th of August. term of Office vvould expire in debt incurred by him, without will never be so bereft of reason The members protested against September, it would be better their order or consent, as he is as to shring themselves down. By request of the members such a venture because, their to leave off such a business for as you suggest, to those mean of this Organization you are financial circumstances are not his successor, and as there is acting against the best interest levels that can gain favour and asked to make known to the on a sound basis; he argued that not even sufficient funds in hand of the Division.
popularity only in the slums, but public the following facts factsnoteca Nacionin your time money was borecasto meet thera quarterssta taxes for WELLINGTON Warning


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