
THE NEEDS OF SIQUIRRES PAGE Saturday 26 de July. 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT CONVALESCENT We are pleased to meet Mrs. Gregory of Cairo vyho vvas very seriouslyill, and came up to San José under the care of Dr. Quesada, who found necessary complaint has reached us that an unnecessary restriction to Brooklyn and lower Siquirres where our Tourists, national and an operation vras has been placed on a poor woman at Cairo. It appears that a foreign could drive or walk around for a day outing can one immediately, she submitted her self vvillingly to his diagnosis.
woman by name of Mrs. Anglin built a small shop at Cairo in immagine the growth in the Commercial life of Siquirres?
On the 27 th June this vras front of the Commissariat of about metres square for the purpose God helps those who help themselves, we have all been done and thanks to the skill and care of Dr Quesada coupled of selling bread, cakes, aerated waters etc residing in her own grumbling, and crying for hard times. some cursing the Co.
home some few yards away. The Sanitary Inspector goes up from others the goverment as the cause of our present straitened with the kind attention of his nurses, her many friends, husSiquirres and insists that before she can sell her little breade te she conditions, let us now try to do something for ourselves with must erect a water closet in connection with this little coup in these small holdings will inspring up a linising peasantry some knove she is convalescing rapid.
band children are elated to which no ones lives. The thought is drawn to think how unjustly planting sugar canes making sugar in all its forms. fancy sugar ly at the home of Mrs. Vassel some pople, particularly the coloured people are treated, all for in a country like this at cents gold, whereas imported in Nevv at Cuesta de Moras.
The Searchlight begs to conlack of proper cooperation, there should be a delegation to the York sold at cents) others coffee others cacao, others cotton President of the Republic to represent the disadvantages and to supply the weaving mills of the laberinto, others fruits minor gratulate Dr. Quesada and crops of all kinds to feed ourselves, to say nothing of ten rejoice vvith Mrs. Gregory in necessities under which these people live.
her pleasures Now think of it in the large thriving town of Siquirres there or tyventy dollars wveekly each small man must get from his is not a public Urinal. There is the Railway Station and Market half or one hectarea of bananas, how happy a lot of people vve His Majesty facing each other, and yet not a closet or urinal where one can shall be, then there will be a pig or tvvo on each holding, a retire to for natural purposes.
Mitch covy or tyvo, milk at 25 cents per bottle under ones ovn Birthday Honours The market, which collects from the occupiers of stalls etc. vine fig tree is a thriving business, any peasant young lady for Mrs.
possible about fifteen hundred colones, yet the Municipality does will gladly jump under her ovvn milch covy extract ten bottles.
Vibert Jackson not see fit to spend five hundred colones to erect a public Urinal of milk, keep tvvo for her home and earn tvvo colones per day The following is taken from and pay one of the market scavenging men a few colones extra and get back into her sitting room to look after daddy comforts. The West Indian of Granaper month for keeping it Sanitary; but they will see that a man thats, the sort of sober life we must all settle down to, so as da of June 18th and will am is sent into a small healthy district three miles away to insist that cease vvorrying over hardtimes.
sure interest many persons in such an institution be erected simply to suit a capricious idea. The Municpal interventor vvill be pleased to see the flovy Costa Rica The West Indian In Siquirres where all the trains meet from The Indiana and of vvilling revenue coming in from a happy peasantry; San Jose Joins with thousands of persons Carmen Branches The Monte Verde Branch, The Cairo Branch, and Cartago vvill benefit by the flow of vacationers that will all over the Colony in congratuThe Parismina Branch, The Rio Frio and old lines trains, The Limon continually flock in for purposes of a fortnights rest and change the distinction which His Maand San Jose trains all must meet there, passengers awaiting the No foreign loans will be necessary an occasional local Loan from jesty has been pleased to conarrival of the several trains by vvhich they are bound for their the governmental Agricultural Banks for road making, will jud fer upon her that of destinations, and all bringing their wares and products to sell and iciously honestly expended by the Citizens Association super for her splendid work here in with the Girl buy; continually there are to be seen hundreds of people around vised by the Interventor vvill readily be repaid and so we shall connection Guides movement.
the market place of Siquirres and yet not a place of public conve have a contented, happy, lavvabiding prosperous tovvnship Arriving here in July 1928 niences, it is a mystery that something does not happen to cause of Siquirres, and other such citizens Association will soon spring Mrs. Jackson associated herself ugly sights to the inhabitants and shame and annoyances to some up all over the country and the government shall forget its present with the local movement which poor individual.
troubles. Novy get busy you gentlemen suggested, get an option was then in embryo, and by Ofcourse in the hustle bustle of life seeking after the neces on Rose Hill from Mr. Lorig; get an option from the Co dint of an inflexible purpose to place the Granada Guides sities of our obligations or trying to amass wealth, we are apt on Indiana I, for its practically no use to her, press the Municion a firm basis for its present to overlook vital necessities at times, but we do hope that our pality into action; and you will find this scheme easily carried day status.
City guardians vvill catch a glimpse of this reminder and get out the Company is vvilling at all times to help in any feasible We must add that Mrs Jackbusy after erecting Sanitary conveniences for such an important proposition at improvement, Mr. Marsh brought all the ballast son had an able staff as comarket place and centre.
from Yas for the construction of the Westfalia road just for the workers, and she will be the We nowy turn from the comfort of our citizens to the needs loading of it for don Juan Romagosa, while he vvas Governor first to admit that without of the welfare of our Commercial men. Just a thought struck us of Limon, he will do the same for any affable. friendly diplomatic thier loyal help very little could as vve vitnessed an immense crovvd go by on the last Picnic Jefe Politico or Governor; you can get all the sand ballast from it not been for Mrs Jacksons train on the 22nd. for Guapiles; ve vvondered why is it that him for making your roadvvays at cost. mile of 2nd hand tram ripe experience and fine leader the Commercial men of Siquirres cannot band themselves together rails, can be had from our genial supt. of Agriculture Mr. Sam ship the movement if furtherto make this tovvn sufficiently attractive to arrest the attention Cress, vvho has alvvays been ready to help those who try to help ed at all, might not have boast.
of pleasure seekers and vacationers, why should Guapiles or Tu themselves; he it was who advised his labourers tvvo years ago to ed now of 12 Companys throrrialba be the centres of attraction for these sporting people. In plant yuca corn peas for its going to be like Hell here, that shows ughout the Island with a total Turrialba we find that by the business foresight of the Allen his disposition to help to alleviate distress and suffering, with a mile membership of about 450, besides Rangers and Brownies.
Bros, a fine peasant proprietorship has been created. fine roads of tram rails, you can transport your macadam along your Road. It was the success of the have been instituted by the Municipality of which the deceased vvay, we do not need an expensive system of roads, the ordin movement in St. George that Willie Allen vvas the chief factor, consequently Autobusses have ary round ridging roads vvith vvatertables and outlets as we have inspired social workers in out additional been brought into existence and a good traffic into the adjoining in Jamaica (no better in the world for the class of traffic) is all parishes to form districts have been the result. At Guapiles we find that by the that is necessary 16ft vide, vvhich should not cost more than a Companys. The St. Georges terms of the nevy Contract, several propertiers of the Co. hundred colones per hundred metres to roundridge spread ballast main Spring was Mrs. Jackson The Rally of December 19th vvill be handed over to the government to be cut up and sold all materials found.
last year alone bore eloquent out on easy payments to small landed proprietorship, can one The thought has now been sprung and we hope our City testimony to Mrs. Jackson immagine the possibilities, that will accrue to the Village of fathers vvill cooperate with the leading proprietors merchants organizing ability.
Our Granada girlhood has Guapiles? why cant the same be done at Siquirres? Why cant for the expansion and improvement of the town of Siquirers and a fine example in the anglimen like Messrs, Cadet, Shavv, Norton, Binns, Sheddon, Petgrave, its inhabitants; now go to it.
can Bishop good wife.
Beltran, Chambers, Lorig, Bedvvard, Mc. Intosh Peña, all landed We understand that proprietors and merchants band themselves together as a SiquiAN ANIMAL LOST coogratulatory cable has been rres Citizens Association and approach the Municipality to help despatched to Mrs. Jackson to make roads around Siquirres, buy over Rose Hill property NUTMEG ROAN FILLEY, three years old, with a touch of white Putt on the now on holiday in England by the Granada Guides.
and Indiana Farm, get the money from the Banco Credito HiIt will be rəmembered that potecario for twenty years, sell out lots of five, ten twenty hec property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Any one giving information in addition to the Boy Scouts, that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be Suitably rewarded.
tareas to small settlers on yearly payments during those twenty Mrs. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmen Farm Mrs. Jackson also added years, reserve the rights of the Rose Hill race Track, where you a troop of Girl Guides while will be able to invite pleasure seekers, by horse raeing four times PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES AÑOS in Port Limon and at her de.
a year Cricket matches, giving a Cup to be competed for by the de color rosado con algo de blanco en el cola; desaparecida de Carmen, Ramal parture from these shores, af Indiana. Se dará una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su dueñia ter a residence of years left a Clubs of Cairo, Germania, Pacuarito, Siquirres aud Estrada, insSeñora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen troop of well trained Boy Scouts titute a Baseball and good Football team, with a roadway where and girl guides, these latter autobuses could take the visitors to from the grounds, a road.
slowly disappeared for waot way to the Cemetery in which the several Lodges and Organizaof a guiding hand, while the tions, religious and Political could take part, roadway around up PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres Boy Scouts Kept their end up until the arrival of the Revd Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the Ryecart, the present Commisonly way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: sioner who has more than SASTRERIA GRANT PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless doubled the number of Scouts Cubs; and whose appearance GRANT Siquirres on the Streets of our town Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
and at daily drill on the spaA complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels cious lawn of St. Marks Realways on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
tory elicits highest praise from North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts HOTEL SEVILLA TELEPHONE 3635 Natives foreigoes alike.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, Io the above it is expected winnings this week that Many thousands of West In Serie Drawing No. 43; won by Rafael Vega Furnishes reserved rooms for families and newty married people. As Indians as well as the many In Serie Drawing No. 20. won by Fernando Esquivel Ticket No. 58. well as clean comfortable beds at 1. 00 00 and 00 per day for friends of the Bishop and In presence of Ofelio Feoli, Manuel Alpizar and José Leandro Castillo transient guests Open day and night. Meals at all hours; served in your Mrs. Jackson among the foreign bedroom if desired. Clients attended personally by the proprietor.
element will feel gratified at the BOX 252 SIXTO BECERIL San José Call and convince yourself honour giveoher by the king, ODAĆREMED a Strayed or Stolen from Carmelita Farm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE tail, and streak of white in forchead about 13 bands height, for 21 days now. The in beauty and style. PILE Northeast end of the Market. San Jose Ticket No. 66.
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