
Jane Barrett triumphs in suit against THE BANANA the free Seventh Day Adventists an einen anden van Corner les con ignominous lie report by Flood and Storm damage CAMP ONE ROAD Strange Death at Estrada THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Saturday 26 de July. 1930 CONTRACT This all important question, is just He touches on the possibility of the as uncertain as it was a week again. Co. taking the fruit from Golfo Dulce Lands into Port Armuelles, thus beneParliamentary Committee of Agriculture, fitting Panamá and not Costa Rica, as Fomento and Finance of nine, with a was done at Sixaola, He touches on the vvith, standing, they kept agitat favourable seven and a mino percentage of Labourers to he employed ing the matter. Since Jane Barrett rity of two with an unfavourable report.
so as not to give the preference to the took the matter to court, the It was voted on for discussion on negro labourers as has been the case, Wednesday which caused heated argu he touches on the stipulation of what Port Limon, July 16, 1930. public knows that a few mem individuals who vvere indebted ments, when insults were indulged in class of Materials must be admitted free bers of a local church is not the to her, lodged the full amount at against its presentation to Congress in Editor of The Searchlight so has to save losthe Fiscal Judge since last year: organization. The matter is as so much that of Customs ons in Custom duties duel was proposed by ing over six Dear Sir: follows: few individuals of one after having been advised by the Mr. Ricardo Villafranca to Mr. Urbi as already done.
local Church (not in the char. Second Alcaldía to do so. Their na and seconds named, but this was He also touches on the preservation calmed down of the lands of the Milla Marítima Please permit me space in your acter of the organization) bor responsibility ended after receivOn Thursday Friday Mr. Urbina aguas fluviales, he claims the Company valuable paper to refute the ly rowed some money from Missing a receipt for the full amount occupied the floor, picking out the exploits the best lands along the banks faulty spots in the Contract, hence up of Navigable Rivers. to small craft)
ing statements made against Free Barrett, and they vvere refunding due her. But because they could to now it is only the opposition that which is contrary to Law. He cites that Seventh Day Adventists, as pub the same by instalment. But af not argue the matter vvith the the reduction in Railway and Ocean lished in your paper of the 12th ter the death of Elder Manns, responsible parties, they kept has had a say. In Justice to him His oratory is warthy of great credit to him freight, is a mere bagatelle, as it looks she left the church in a mad rage, hammering at me, and withal Instant for his flowery ianguage as an Orator, and now, and many other minor details he wish to inform the general and vvith a heart full of revenge wrote me some very imperti the preparation of his statistics, Among has gone into. The visitors applauded other things he touches on the question him with a vociferous and enthusiastic public that Jane Barrett had i10 mon Service Bureau to throvy ried to ansvver.
of extending Railroads as private roads ovation.
case against Free Seventh Day Be it knovvn that this orga wherever the Co. May care to.
Adventists. For said organiza the deal on the organization, and tion had at no time borrowed took me before the bar of justice. nization had nothing to do with money from her. The intelligent refuted the false charges; not the settlement that was arrived at, as stated in the paper. Hovv BEO absurd! That Jane Barrett could The Eastern and Southern government the rental of the 回总是合会会一 triumph over Free Seventh Day districts of the Provioce of Li. lands occupied by them.
AN ENTERTAINMENT Adventists vvhen vve have not mon have suffered more from It would be vvell if the Sub The cream of the August Festivities will be where at the Home of Mrs. expended a single cent to satisfy the continual rains for the past Inspector de Hacienda of LiCipriano McPherson, where there will be an elecution Contest prizes her fictitious claim on the orga fortnight than most people are mon vvho is in charge of these awarded to the best Speaker and Songster nization Come and see your much admired king and Queen and their Court atavvare of. The rivers have been land collections vould take a tendants and guards.
Be it also understood, that the continually flooded and much ride into the farms and see the All friends and well wishers Cordially invited; Prices of admission Adults settlement was made vvhen the damage has again been caused distress being experienced by e 00 Children 0, 50 Refreshments supplied Entertainment Starts at pm on the 4th August Judicial Representative of Free on the farms from Chirripo some of the Tenants there, if Proprietress CYPRIANA MCPHERSON Seventh Day Adventists was South; much farms of our small proper representations vvere avvay in Panama.
Settlers at Chirripo have been made by them to the governEXTRA Now that the Limon Service svvamped and vvashed avvay; ment thro him it might have Bureau has dipped its pen into vvhile the districts of Matina the effect of their gettiog rethe ink jug of mire and dirt to and Estrada vere flooded and lieved of the rental for six or cast reproach upon a reputable much inconvenience caused to eight months until the crops organization, have therefore up the settlers, it is in the Estre come ap agaio. At Beverly the set the jug and eradicate the lla Division that serious losses Bridge across the Rio Badano stain placed on Free Seventh and sufferings have been expe vvas badly damaged, the apA very sad and strange death a number of years much res Day Adventists, by branding its rienced. At Bananito several of proach towards the southern ead vvas vvashed out, the Sausoccurred here on Monday night pected and beloved by one and statements as a nefarious lie ori the Company labourers houses Mrs Georgiana Andrade Green, all, leaving behind her several ginated by the arch fiend of the have been lifted off their bases age Groin placed as a protecand vvashed clean across the tion vvas partly vvashed ayvay vvidovy of Mr. James Green vvho children five girls and four boys bottomless pit.
Railvvay lines and vvecked in on the eastern end, because it died some fevy months ago here to vyhom the Searchlight tenThanking you Mr. Editor, am, the Cocoa farms, and enormous vvas not properly fastened, almost as suddenly as she does ders sincere condolence in their Very respectfully, debris heaped around the Co these groins are very serviceable novy. Mrs Green took in on sudden bereavement.
Monday morning vvtth an attack MOSLEY coa trees; in San Clemente the for protecting embankments Strange to say her husband, entire farm vvas flooded, and etc. vvhen they are properly in the head, and collapsed at died of the Same Stroke about Ed Note. We sympathize the Cyclone that passed in that placed; but the Engineers in 30 vvithont being able months ago, his brother died with the Revd. Mr. Mosley feel vicinity the friday previous com this Country have no esperience to say anything to anyone.
at Siquirres a couple of days ings in this matter, but the pletely ruined some of the Swall in them, they are really only Her death has come as a betyven of a similar stroke, their Limon Service Bureau had noth farmers Mr. Joha Graat, and guessing and experimenting as shock to the Community of Esing to do with this publication, several others lost thousands to hovy they should be cons.
trada vvhere she has lived for mother died similarly previous.
it yvas culled and sent us by our of stems of bananas, some peo. tructed; they are used in Jareporter from the records in the ple vvho could ship tvvohun maica vyith very great succees Judicial office of Limon. Statis dred stems of fruit are only in heavy vvatervvays.
AIDA RESTAURANT tics of vvhich are ofcourse open able to ship tvventy and thirty lo such a place as Rio Bato Journalism at all times on stems vveekly novv, thus reod. nano, three ought to be used AIDA RESTAURANT respectful application.
ering them unable to pay the tvvo flat of six feet barrels and one on top of those, if properly PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED plaited of No. wire and the ends concreted into the Abutmeats of the Bridge there vyo: uld never be any trouble.
Among those vvho go about national bank, the LAWYERS NOTARIES on ships rve are glad to see Fred. Gordon of British Consul hospital at the Cieneguita crossfamous the govern went had its ovvo AT LIMON among us again, our old much fame, placed a Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA admired and genial friend Coo him in opposition to the sale Matroo; from those days the case against ing vvith Madame Salomy as Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before ductor Weeks who took a few by the Bank to settle their gallant Médico life has been the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial dodays across to Panama in Com mortgage by Veitch, which cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
pany with Mrs. Weeks who Gordon did not satisfy; this its early life of syvamps, yellovu Vound up with Limon and ENGLISH SPOKEN came a vveek ago looking much suit had been going on benefitted by the small change. spite of Gordon absconding, deserves a long rest change; in fever mosquitos, hence he but it has been definitely set ve vvish himself and his faMr. Cecil Clayton baggage tled now by the Sala Casación mily a happy and profitable man of the Northern Railovay in favour of Mr. Hart Bros. time in his old home the Ca.
also returned last vveek from for vvhich vve congratulate pital. Dr. Velasquez has beeu Jamaica, vvhither he had been these gentlemen.
very popular among the early The eye of the Scribe caught time they hope to visit Cartago for a fevy vveks vacation du.
coloured pioneer residents of a pleasant glimspe of tvvo dis and San Jose to view the pic ring which time he had the Dr Miguel Angel Velasquez Limon, he has identified himseltinguish members of the frater turesque hills and valleys vuith pleasure of seeing the Cricket our sympathetic medico of Li much in the lives of these peof nal link, Messrs Harris their vvinding rivers and beauti matches of team against món and his wife, have also ple, by his sympathetic chariG. and Martin Dooglas ful vvatersheds. They visited the all Jamaica. His many friends gone for a fevv vveeks rest and table attentions among the per Secretary of the Man Estrada Lodge on Tuesday and were glad to welcome him change in San José; Dr. Ve poor afflicted, consequently his chester Unity of Odd fellovys; vvill proceed to the other Lod back again.
lázquez is the oldest resident name is a house hold vvord for the Jurisdiction of Panama, ges in the interior from thence Medico of this town, dating among them; it is hoped he Costa Rica and Nicaragua. These to San Jose returning to Limon Mr. Penso of Estrella Com back from the time he vvas vill return soon among them District medical officer vvhen much recuperated in health.
gentlemen are on a tour of Ins during next week to complete sy was also among the vacapection from Panama to the se their inspection in the Bethesda tionists to the Isle of springs veral lodges under their Jurisdlc. Lodge and embark on the 2nd. vvho we were pleased to wel.
tion in this country.
August for Cristobal.
come back. Its evident his old boss Mr. Thomas Supt. of the Mt. Vesusius has beena ctive thousands wounded and many They will be here for a couThe Searchlight begs to vvish Merchandise Dept. of the ly castiog destruction ple of weeks among the breththem a very pleasant time among Co. was among those who were round, and earthquakes have ruined, to add to all this suftovvos and villages completely ren of the fraternity before retheir friends in Costa Rica.
glad to see him back again, as been spreadiog death and dis. fering, there have been hurriturning to Panama, during which not a moment was lost in tress in Southern Italy there being harnesed again ioto bis have been reported over three canes, cyclones and floods in thousand dead four and a half We ought in these parts to go these places at the same time.
on our koees in gratitude to We were pleased to see in LIMON God for his Mercies to us.
the Capital Mr, Frank Hart, The sick list The American Red Cross Sowho has been in San José Endeavours to please her patrons.
We beg to sympathize with ciety cabled offering assistance for a few days in relationship our frieod and Agent at Ma to the distressed, but Prime The latest in the FILM WORLD to busines of his farm Nige dre de Dios Mr. Farquhar. Minister Mussolini courteously in constant touch with the best production ria at 17 Miles. It will be re son in his illness, which has refused it, explaining that his membered that no sooner than had him prostrated for the government vrasquite capable Be a Modernite Always he bought his farm from the past vveek, and vvhich him of coping with the situation as Veitch lot, thro the Ioterforce Speedye decover Med, Costa Rica.
serious as it was.
The proof of the Pudding is in the eating. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to If you want something delicious for a dinner or Lunch lets go and try Alda To hnve Tea at pm from Aída is always to return there where! At the UN building. Meals at any hour THOSE WHO TRAVEL VISITORS Damaging Earthquakes in Italy aold post.
Cine Moderno onal Miguel Obregon Lizan


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