p. 4


Saturday 26 July 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT Health Topics Continued, Tuberculosis FROM GOOD HOPE CARNE VEGETAL HOTEL ATLANTICO SUBSTATIATED It is with great credit to Mr. residents have nobly banded The Friedmann Anti tuber used, having therefore confirm has been definitely and repeat. Uriah Scarlet that we now have themselves together in a school culosis Vacuna has recently, in ed its. World fame also in our edly proved to be the one a day school planted in our board to support the teacher and February 1930, been officialy owo country here.
and only safe solution of the midst. The children of this vicin are about asking the Company adopted by the Government of In addition to the reports problem.
ity have been growing up in for help in the cause, as they Brazil, on the recommendation on the above mentioned disas The peoples of all countries idleness and ignorance; seeing have always generously done in of the Special Commision ap ter in Luebeck, the Calmette have now the means of the the necessity of caring for the other places; so as to prepare the pointed by it to investigate ÉCG Vaccine has been re combatting and overcoming rising generation Mr. Uriah Scar minds of the younger people to the respective merits of all the ported on adversely in Austria, tuberculosis in their own hands lett applied through your valuable take the places of the passing known systems.
Hungary, and even France, and for their own sakes should paper for a Teacher and secured generation in their employ.
The Friedmann Vacuna was owing to its harmful possibilities not be put off from using it the services of Mr. Ayre We have been having constant the only one which stood the having caused deaths in cases it immediately. To ignore the who is doing very good work showers here for the past 15 days.
test whilst all the other known of preventive inoculation even proved remedy is to jeopardize in this repect. The parents and Specifics were refused, the now before the Luebeck disaster. the life of the patsient. The time discredited BCG Vaccine of TheLuebeck disaster is there. to attack the disease is at calmette being especially ad fore not an insolated instance once in its early stages, and versely reported on.
of failure a convincing not to lay until too late.
By information received we repetition of previous failures No Government of any coun.
know positively that the Fried No further time should be try whatsoever, that claims to Is the best food for people of all ages; it is not of a maon Vacuna is giving the wasted on such a dangerous have the welfare of its people bilious propensity, does not contain Cocoa, does not probest results in the cure and expedient as the use of the at heart, can afford to waste duce Uric Acid as does other foods made from Animal flesh.
prevention of Tuberculosis in BCG Vaccine and the at time any longer in further useSOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES towas such as San José, He tention of the medical world less experiments, por needs to redia, Orotina, Puntarenas, should be concentrated on the waste public money on further Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 Guanacaste, etc. where it has use of the Friedmann Anti expensive Sanatoria.
been intelligently taken up and tuberculosis Vaccuna which The Friedmann Anti tuber culosis Vacuna shopld, there.
fore, be adopted officially, in Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT the cause of the people, as the SAVE YOUR MONEY up to date and only safe cure WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER for Tuberculosis, as has been There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as COOK WITH MORE LEISURE. WILL YOU?
done already in all those couo.
Take your share to day, with tries where it has been scientiTHE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the two colones weekly you can get fically and thoroughly tried out.
Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
easy, this marvelous cooker.
Why wait longer. What Eduardo Escarré and his wife Waterless cooker cooks with more proofs are needed?
out adding a drop of water tuberculose patient may is healthy. Save a 40 of be a man of outstanding abifire and have a pleasant meal lity and necessary for the ad.
every day.
vancement of his country. Why You can also win on the Mon should he jeopardize his life day lottery of the club by delay? If by any mischance Sales on cash or by installments one has contracted tuberculo Siquirres, July 23rd. 1930. us; and if Mr. Ambrose had been The Aluminum Club sis, let him save his life by in Siquirres on Tuesday last usiog the the only safe remeMr. Nation (yesterday) he would have seen Box 136 San José Telehpone 2835 dy, viz the Friedmann Anti NATION Apartado 123. Cartago Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT the Limon boys with more litros tuberculosis Vacuna.
of Rum in their back pockets Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast Dear Sir: than can be found on the shelI see Mr. Charles Ambrose ves of our Licensed Liquor shops in Town.
KO Beat depression by alvertising has made an attempt at criticism of your Editorial of the 12th In proof Mr. Editor of my more in inst re these Excursion Picnics appreciation of that particular TUBERCULOSIS as they affect the Community. article of yours, please accept my THE SEARCHLIGHT He says that these Picnics pro cheque for one years susbcription DEFINITELY CURED vide CLEAN WHOLESOME in advance to your esteemed sports, and not a pint of Rum of such exhortations to morality Journal; wishing a continuance New method, consisting of can be seen on any of the pleas and your success.
Sub cutaneous injection of living Board and Lodgings liness and wholesomeness, if that ure seekers. Well as for cleanYours Sincerely, bacilli of the turtle was to be guaged by the exA. PILE Very convenient Board and pressions that emanated from discovered by Lodgings can be had at the some of the seekers on the last Ed Note: Thanks to Mr. Pile train inpresence of the Sunday for his appreciation this is the Prof Dr. Friedmann. Chief PINK HOTEL OF LIMON School children; then Lord help sort that vveighs.
Physician and Surgeon of the situated on 7th street adjoining Anti tuberculosis Institute of the property of the Costa Rica PIEDRA BRO.
Soda Water Factory on 3rd Berlin, avenue, and seventh street.
Cures possible for first and second Every comfort of her clients AMERICAN TAILORS are attended to personally by, We have had great experience in the United States. We can make degree of the disease, by means of the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
one or two Sub cutaneous MRS. RITCHE Give us a trial and convince yourself our soits are guaranteert the best finished workmanship.
3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
injections of the Friedmann Anti tuberculosis Vacuna mmmm This remedy has been officially adopted by the German Government Are you interested in a Radio set?
in May 1929 and now also by the get in touch with Eduardo Escarré BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Brazilian Government by law passed he will make and install you a first 17th. February 1930 class RADIO set, so you may sit in Bureau established for the greater convenience, your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement. Decrees Nos. 32, 37 and 38)
Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen broadcasted from the United States, against unscrupulous debtors.
INI Wonderful cures are being Cuba, Jamaica or Europe, Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose. a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both obtained in Costa Rica novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO over tyventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as For full information apply to the Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Efficacious Remedy Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials sole concessionaires to expel worms are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge Lucas Morua and Counsel.
SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE Barrister Investigator San José, Costa Rica Cartago, CR Telp. 77 Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the Apartado 861 Telephone 3654 Doubling your advertising in Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia Office: Opposite the Imprenta Alsina Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of THE SEARCHLIGHT Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, I: California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Lacional Migdi degolozabaleel syorina Salesitbliotecas SASTRERIA AMERICANA Proprietress Radio Installation ELIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND


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