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1930 40 NEWS OF THE WORLD an At America Cup She has accommodation for Unemployment answer to Australias 566 of Lord Nelson Home 1500 passengers of Cabin, Tourwhich Bradman made 334 thus The Governor of The LeeLord Lipton is determined al ist third classes, is provided as per a governmental report, giving them the uneasy, position ward Islands, is pleading with to helist not in good health, with elevators and children play through the Minister of Labour of a follow on, but by patient true hearted Britons to conHe has built his Shamrock She is propelled by two sets for great Britain puts the Num playing they out played time, at serve the home of Lord Nelson the call of time having wic at the dockyards of Antigua and prepared her with the min of 10 cylinder double acting, ber of unemployed in the counutest skill, and sent her across four cycle diessel Engines of the try at 930. 500 being a gain of kets for 95 runs in their second harbour vvhere he resided as to compete with Americas best; Harland type, each set 42925 over the previous week inning.
commander in chief of the Nary before sending her over he test being designed to No wonder, if taxpayers mo Scientific Progress in Radio to the glory of the British Empire.
her out with all Englands best 10. 000 shaft horse power at 102 ney is to be doled out to heal Some few weeks we found Mr.
sailing light craft, and out twenty These engines are said thy strong men, instead of find. Marconi lighting up the Radio vvill cost about 000 to The necessary repairs etc.
two races that she ran in she to be the largest Marine Diessel ing works of relief for them Palace in Australia with over to vvhich a donor in the won 15 of these races in all units so far constructed. She is to be engaged on.
3000 lights from his Yacht Elec. nited States and one in Canada sorts of seas; ofcourse according a marvel to Engineering Science. Court of Appeals tra in the Mediteranean Sea. have subscribed 700, it is the to the regulations for the race Now we find the Lord Mayor balance necessary that the challenger has got to be built the To Ban war The Supreme Court of Jamai of London a week ago opening hearts of Britishers are being sturdy enough to come across ca will again be constituted as a the Radio Exhibition in Melbour appealed to for, are there none the ocean under her own sails 61 countries have already sign Criminal Court of Appeals for ne eleven thousand miles away in Costa Rica that can be to compete with the lighter craft ed the Treaty for renouncing British Honduras, as was the by pressing a button and tapping touched.
in American waters.
War as illegal and inhuman. Of case in former years, but disa key at the Mansion House, Capt Heard who will handle all the countries invited to part continued. The Secretary of London, by which the diversity The Jamaica Banana her in the race was able seaman icipate in the movement; it is State for the Colonies has issued of lights thrown on declared the Producers in the last race, she carries a only Argentine, Brazil, Colum such instructions.
signal for the opening of the This Association is succeeding crew of 22 young seamen, and bia, Equador, and San Salvador The Society St. Vincent Exhibition, and within a quarter by leaps and bounds; its memleft British waters on 19th July have not signed.
and the trip across is expected de Paul of an hour a telegram was re bership is rapidly grovving, inceived from Melbourne Australia somuch, so that the Directors to take her a month, we sincere Oldest Druggist dead By the Gleaner we see that annuoncing the success of his are needing more Ships, and ly wish them good luck across the Treasurer of The St. Vicent opening the show, io fact arrangements have been so that she will arrive fit to be Mr. Kinkead the prode Paul Charitable Society of Later in the day additional made for securing extra able to take back the old mug moter of the drug and grocery Kingston has issued its balance; lights were thrown on by the ship every year, to be paid for before Lord Lipton leaves these business of King St. died on 16th Sheet for year ending 30th. Mayors of Montreal Canada, by the deductions of tuvo earthly shores.
86 Worlds largest Ship doing business as a druggist for ment Savings back and in Trea from Fili Islands by a similar Producers, All class of produce over 50 years.
surers hand following are operation.
is beiog taken care of. There the Accounts.
Product Prices London has been formed a Citrus Fruit The 3rd Britannic made His wife died two weeks ahead Balance in Bank on Jany 1st.
her maiden trip from Liverpool of him and it is probably to this 1930 96. Cash in Treasurers Market producers Association, a Pimento producers Assn: a Coconut to New York; built by Messrs shock that he succombed; there hand 12. 19. 7; Donations 34. 15 By latest quotations we find producers Asso. and all minor Harland Wolff Ltd. Belfast, she were twelve children by the union y Collections in Poor Boxes at the following in the English Products are being merged in, is of 26943 tons, 680 ft. length; eight of whom are alive three Holy Trinity Cathedral 50. 10. 4; market.
to provide freight for these 82 ft breadth 42 ft in depth sons and five daughters and they Collections at meetings 24. Cocoa: Trinidad 16. to ships and a consolidated marand 17 knots.
all used to work in the business Proceeds of Concert in January according to quality per keting of all classes of pro She has 13 watertight compart of Kinkead Sons of 12. 0; Miscellaneous 6d. Intcent.
ments and a double bottom. King St. Kingston Jamaica.
erest from Bank Total 202. Grenada 10. to 13. Payments Weekly doles to poor according quality per cwt. 121. 0; Cash grants 12. 6; Jamaica per wt.
Materials for clohing to poor 7d per lb. Ginger 15. cvvt. 17. 15. 3; Stationery printing 140. Total 144. Balance in Nutmeng 748 per lb. Mace Pinrine Estillon Manager of Bank 56. 17. 1; Cash in Treas. 213 par lb Annatto od per lb. the Farm of Mr. Alberto Hersurer hands 202.
Honey dark 3216 white 45 nández adjoining La Flor shot This is a charitable institution, Orange Oil 6 per lb.
The Constant Spring Hotel for the Tourist trade in Panama himself. few days before, he is nearing completion and is ex at a cost of 800. 000 dollars.
inaugurated kept up by the Rum Jamaica 219 to per said he had a vision from his wife who died about three years ago, pected to be opened up for the The Contract has been signed Catholic Church all over the gallon in bond.
Copra 19. per Ton. telling him that she needed him end of the year. The Manager between the Syndicate the go world.
In Limon this Society does Record Distribution alongside of her and immediately appointed a Jamaican one Mr. vernment work is to be started Charles Cameron who was born within six months of the signing admirable work among the des The largest direct shipment he took ill in bed, with an attack at Windsor St Anns but left approval by the Executives erving poor and sick, by giving of Bananas ever sent into Ca of the head, doing strange things, when a boy has arrived to shape of Contract, and is to be com out clothing, food medicines nadá from Jamaica was that on finally he forbade his men to up all conveniences and finishing pleted within eighteen months to them. controlled by the ladies the 24th ultimo boys theich Lady to shoot them if they did.
Connaught Hotel in Hamilton lands and the Co will operate we seen, such ladies as Madame entirely sold out the samealidad communicated with, who came And is now transfered to his are agreed there will be an ex finding out the needy through was three dollars and thirty cents to see what was happening. On native land in similar capacity. tension of another 25 years, at rain shine, sacrificing themsel. per quintal.
arriving on Wednesday 23rd. inst.
The Constant Spring Hotel has the expiration of which the go ves in all the slums, doling out Prospects of Orange and Pinrini, and asked him how he at the farm remonstrated with 110 rooms and if trade grows vernment will either buy or grant whatever donations they can reGrapefruit it will be awgmented by Cottag another 25 years after which the ceive from Charitable donors day es built around to fill the require wholeconcern becomes govern by day. Their self denying cus The Jamaica Citrus Growers feeling like a man ready to died.
ment ment property without any in toms are worthy of greater sup Association is progressing as Mr. Hernandez invited him to It will be operated by the demnity whatever.
port by the Community because rapidly as is The Banana Pro come outside for fresh air and United Hotels Company of The Gran Costa Rica Hotel this Society while controlled by ducers Association, there are up as he turned outside to prepare merica, the largest hotel oper is also expected to be finished, the Church does not confine itself to now over 1500 members who a chair for him he heard the ators of the Americas, who run so as to be opened up for the to any religious affiliation, but will control a production of erack of a gun inside, on entera chain of 21 of the best Hotels 15th. September. This is a most exists merely for the poor what 100. 000 boxes of fruit. ing he found Pinrine stretched imposing structure altho not of tever their creeds.
As is well known the last sit dead on the floor. He placed the The Canadian National Railways an ornamental appearance from While on Charity by the same ting of the Legislative Council mussel of the revolver under his are much interested in the Ho without, but the decorations of means we note that the Royal voted 5000 to help the heart, the bullet going through tel and will advertise boost the interior will be of a first George United Relief Society growers, and the government has the heart and coming out on The water required for Hotel bility, never before has reinfor give its annual Emancipation gas works of the Railway lands purposes and for watering the ced Concrete of its kind been Day dinner to over 300 poor on to erect the Packing house and Courts etc. is calculated at one million gallons feel safe in saying Central Ame tronage of the deputy Mayor grapefruit etc. which is unfit for rica. It daily, in consequence, a well is carries an emergency Dr. Penso.
being sunk at the foot of the Tank of 60. 000 gallons on top, Tenders have been asked for Are you interested in Cricket Hills, and with powerful Pumps and two wireless towers for high the construction of the Packing get in touch with Eduardo Escarré to put the water in a Storage power receiving broadcasting. England saved another defeat house by Mr. Robertson at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José Tank, enough will be secured.
The workmanship is a great in the 3rd test match against the Manager and his Directors, he will make and install you a first So far the well has been sunk credit to the Architect Mr. Law Australia at Leeds due to the and it is expected that by Occlass RADIO set, so you may sit in 160 ft deep.
From the Panamanian papers Mr. Cadtz whose names will who recovered his batting form be in operation, where a great isticbouts. speeches or any Amusement.
it is also seen that an immense ever live in the Architectural by putting on 113 runs, making quantity of girls will be given broadcasted from the United States, Hotel and Casino is to be built concerns of this country Biblioteca Nacio. the total forbis side of 391. inea. employmentura y Juventud Costa Rica Cuba, Jamaica or Europe.
Coffice no demand, Weimento Suicide at La Flor Zent Speeding up for Tourists on the continent.
golf links, Tennis known in Costa Ricar and we then ist August cunder the pa erect the machine tor canning Radio Installation a Radio set?


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