
KINDNESS REPAID From Ley River About Edelweis Park CARNE VEGETAL Blood Poisoning Dear Mr. Editor permit me panathrogh and trio contribuEver since then she started to say that in spite of the he. ted the music for the occasion, Kindly permit me Mr. Editor she was sick Months passed by.
avy rains and flooded streams and indede pve all had a jolly space in your valuable paper to she started to recruit her health to quit the house in the mornings of this district, the 17th July time in the celebration of this show the public how Kindness and was able to get around. returning in the evening. advill long be remembered here, Birthnight party. vve simply pays, and to be careful of people In the month of March, while vised her to find new quarters it was the occasion of the forgot all about Crisis and unknown to them. was remonstrating with my ser as she was strong enough now Anniversary of that day avhich his vvorries; and had a classic One Ada Dacosta lately of vant for not attending to her to work and assist herself, and brought life light to Mrs. time. It is only a pity that these Panama, came to my lodging duties as she ought this woman ceased feeding her gratitiously but Susan Williams, vvife of social intercourses are so fev house, sick, almost a cripple, could said to me, that if would give it was not until the night of our popular Superintendent and far bet vveen.
hardly get around, with a story her wages she would look after the 25th June that she finally Clerk Mr. Enos Williams that she had been turned out the house and do the washing. left my lodgings after oclock.
Mr. John Williams with his PARTY PET from the place she had been felt annoyed at her ingratitude On the morning of the 26th staying, as her money had not and said to her, you should try June to my great surprise found arrived from her paramour in and do whatever you can in the that the blankets, bedroom linen PIEDRA BRO.
Siquirres; through sympathy ga. house and leave it to my gene utensils, of the room had vehera furnished room, something rosity, seeing how hospitable. permitted her to occupy, as well to eat and drink gratitiously, my have been to you now for five as some of my Kitchen utensils SASTRERIA AMERICANA servant attending to her while months.
were gone. got a searchvvarrant and the detective found my AMERICAN TAILORS things in her new home, the CrocWe have lud great experiene in the United States. We can make kery were thrown by her through the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
the window broken when she Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the best finished workmanship.
saw the detective coming. What 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
was unbreakable he took along An article appeared in the modate the on which with her to the Agent of Police.
Gleaner of last weeks issue with my friend Mr. Altamont Dolphy identified my goods and laid a formal accusation for theft gainst the headline Amusement Park has a first mortgage in St. Andrew said to be on the bought the property in my her by escrito. The goods were market to which Mr. Marcus wife name and the A. valued by me at eighty colones.
Garvey replies.
when they are able, will purThe detective testified that he Is the best food for people of all ages; it is not of a It would appear that the Park chase same according to an agree found these in her house and bilious propensity, does not contain Cocoa, does not proreferred to is Edelweis Park, ment, have entered into with had seen her throw the Cups duce Uric Acid as does other foods made from Animal flesh. am writing to inform you and them. Where this supposed young dishes etc. through the window the public that the news must auctioneer got his authority from smashed them, she acknowSOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES have been supplied you by some to sell Edelweis Park. can ledged that the goods were mine mischievous and malicious per not tell, but know that the but that had given them to her.
Sole distributors: Solera Brothers. San Jose. Telephone 3950 The Judge instead of sending son who desired to create dis announcement was made for the turbance in the matter.
purpose of mischief am there. the matter over to the Criminal Edelweis Park is not for sale fore advising you accordingly. Court being beyond the value of The Park was bought by my Yours truly, his Jurisdiction, accepts false verbal evidences in my absence money in a forfeiture sale, in the name of my wife to accomMarcus Garveg without notifying me, in spite of my accusation by Escrito, saying We are sad to relate the died a couple days later. The DO that had given the goods to death of Mr. Charles Leon, shop deceased had planned to go to AN ANIMAL LOST her, and returns the stolen pro foreman of Mr. Avelino Peña, Jamaica soon as his mother had perty to this woman, who con shoe manufacturer of this Tovun sent to call him bome.
Strayed or Stolen from Carmelita Ferm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE sequently is now barefaced enough The deceased as cutter fitter Mr. Peña and his covvorkers NUTMEG ROAN FILLEY, three years old, with a touch of white Puff on the to be seeking the meansoflaunch of the factory seemed to have all attended the funeral, vvbich Lol, and streak of white in forehead about 13 hands height, for 21 days now. The property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Anyone giving information ing a Civil action against me got a cut on his hand of vvhich the Shepherds Lodge took that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be Suitably rewarded. for unlawful detention.
he did not think much but it charge of, he belonging to that Mrr. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmee Farm This is. Mr. Editor Kindness deeveloped into an abcess, and fraternity.
fully repaid and justice meted after going into the hospital it PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES AÑOS To his sorrovving Sister out to some of us who are Chavvas seen that a pretty ad Mrs. Fowler, brother Hans de color rosado con algo de blanco en el col; desaparecida de Carmen, Ramal ritably inclined to serve some of vanced stage of blood poisoning rold, and other relatives we Tidia. Se dará una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su dueña our people who come knocking had developed from vvhich he beg to tender our condolences.
Señora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen around us is Sheep clothing.
ooOne How could any man with reason believe that could have Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT given away my conveniences PILES SHOE STORE SAVE YOUR MONEY Siquirres with which make my living WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER continually is beyond all good Keep apushing an inshoving till you push them dark clouds away; and the judgment, and since they were COOK WITH MORE LEISURE. WILL YOU?
only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be sbod with: a gift why should she have PILES lind mode Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless thrown the Crockery through Join the Club today, with, two coin benuty and style.
the Kitchen window break lones weekly you may win in Siquirre PILE them when she saw us coming weekly. drawings cach Monday this maris within the good reasonings of velous Cooker.
any Judge.
Or by paying down of its value and 00 weekly you can buy by Thanking you for space.
intalments this useful implement to WILSON save your wife time at the stove.
It was surprising to us on rary and recreation hall with owr recent visit to Siquirres a folding partition for eplarCartago.
The Aluminum Club to see how much advanced this gement of the room if necesP. Box 136 imposing Structure was under sary in case of literary deba San José Telehpone 2835 Distributor from Turrialba to the the guidance of our highly ef tes Board and Lodgings Atlantic Coast.
ficient Architect builder Mr. The plan is a very elaboraS. NATION Apartado 123. Cartago Chas. Rhoden of Limon te one, and does much credit Very convenient Board and This gentleman has rushed the to Mr. Rhoden skill and a bili work with remarkable sloill. es. ty as an Architect: He has Lodgings can be had at the pecially when it is considered been building several of this PINK HOTEL OF LIMON that he has had to rip and kind of construction, reared dress all the 12x12 and 10x10 from old lumber, of these hou situated on 7th street adjoining The eye of the observer has this young gentleman vvho and other heavy lamber into ses being sold out by the ComSmaller dimensions for uprights pany, and has worked them the property of the Costa Rica caught sight of our old friend works in the Engineering Dept. stays as well as Cills up with considerable economy Soda Water Factory on 3rd Mr. Ben Sankey and his wife of the Northern Ry. is sokid in the Capital, it is over a year to knovy something of his Joices, and creosoting all the to the owners; some of these avenue, and seventh street. novv that Mrs. Sankey has not country; during the fevv short lower structure, he has even buildings when finished the Every comfort of her clients been to San Jose hence her trip hours he spent in the Capital ripped the 1x12 turning them lumber is so utilized that very into clinker boards for sidings little firev vood can be are attended to personally by, is much appreciated. They yvill he visited several of the adjoingot probably be around San Jose ing Villages, Santo Domingo, etc. all this has been a very from the pile of second hand Mrs. RITCHE for a week, in the meantime Sao Joaquin de Flores the considerable saving to the materials, it therefore behores old Ben our Banana King Cemetery of Santa Barbara etc.
owners, and Mr. Rhodeo should those who feel like investing Proprietress Politician vvill watch the He is quite cheerful about his be weil in constructions to see Mr.
trend of affairs as it affects work for the Company, but Thris building is a two Story Rhoden as his long experien An Advice the Banana Contract.
like most youngsters likes to Structure of (68x36. The Lod ces in achitectural capabilities ge, ante and Banquet rooms Sport. We hope he vvill take must result in satisfaction to have to thank a Night We vvere also glad to come in all he sees going on in the are all upstairs, while down his clients. The Forrester Court Hawk for his very Lengthy across Mr. Willie Petgrave of Engineers office, and one day stair is divided into six living at Siquirres vvill certainly be cootribution, but until he will Siquirres, of our yvell come out a fine draughtsman rooms for the Bros, and a lib a credit to him when completed. disclose his identity, we must knovvn Auctioneer at that place instead of follovving Sports.
refrain from publishing his article however much to the point; again we must remind hin that busy men have no time to read lengthy articles today, Furnishes reserved rooms for families and newty married people. As and he should guage his artThere is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as well as clean comfortable beds at 1. 00 00 and 00 per day for icles by the size of the Journal THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the transient guests Open day and night. Meals at all hours; served in your to which he is contributing Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
bedroom if desired. Clients attended personally by the proprietor.
so please let us kaow who you Eall and convince yourself SIXTO BECERIL Eduardo Escarré and his wife are; or the waste paper basicketimustaheriti spour labourjota the New Foresters Court Thanking you for space VACATIONERS son HOTEL SEVILLA TELEPHONE 3635 HOTEL ATLANTICO Northeast end of the Market. San Jose


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