
Saturday de Auguet 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Progress of our Banana Contract National loss United Fruit Co. Merchandise Dept.
This vexed question has been the theme of all argu The Directors of the Company cannot be termed Anments on the streets as well as in the homes and it has gels, but they realize that the labouring population is sufBy Cable from Paris the death been under discussion in the Congress Hall by the repre fering, and they have yelded to many points and to press is announced of Marquis Don Ma.
nuel María de Peralta, Costa Ri.
sentatives of the people for ten days now and yet no deci for more is likely to make one flee rebelloos; for it must be can Minister to Europe residen sion; we have seen no less than nine bulletins and handbills remembered that the Co. can afford (uve vvont say to do in France, on account of which scattered on the Country seven of which are in favour, we vuithout Costa Rica because she has too much at stake the country has been declared ink are yet unable to find out who is paying for all this propa here and besides she has a tender sport for this country! Mourning for three days.
ganda work, whether it is the Banana producers or those but surely she can afford to lay passive for another year, Don Manuel born, in Cartago who hope to obtain work by the putting thro of the Con and vvill thə modificationists realize vvhat might happen in in 1847 hails from the Noble tract or who. The representatives of the Co. have another year of starvation?
house of the Marquis of Falces de The latest that the Co. has conceded is to hand the Peralta und married in Paris The publicly asserted that they are not in any way interested in Juanita de any propaganda vvork, vvhy should they? anyvvay the government a cheque for 695, 636 colones for backuvard Ter Belgian Countess country is seriously aroused over the fate of the Conces itorial Taxes in connection voith the Holdings of the Ferro Clérembault, Marques of Countautsions as it is placed before Congress.
carril Costa Rica Nortern Railuvay Cos. Which she has Biron and duchess of Castellara.
The loss to Costa Rican aris.
There are some very forcible arguments by the op been contseting for the past ten years and could continue to tocracy and influential diplomatic positionists or rather vve should say the modificationists, contest. We hope therefore that with all these exhibitions service can hardly be replaced. He because there is really no one opposed to the resuscitation of good vvill tovvards the prosperity of the Country that the was perhaps the oldest Consular diplomat in the world, having of the Banana Industry but many persons are clamouring voting will be taken successfully this vveek.
for modification of certain clauses, vvhich vvould result in served the diplomatic Corp of his Country for 57 years.
more beneticial opportunities to the producers as vvell as to the government.
LAWYERS NOTARIES His body will be brought back to Costa Rica.
AT LIMON Some deputies are arguing on the facilities gained by The Searchlight begs to share Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA the Company by exemption from duties on materials in the irreparable loss and pain Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before needed and used in the construction and maintenace of Railthe lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial dosuffered by, not only the family vvays, as vvell as agricultural implements, and accusing cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
Peralta but the entire Costa Rican ENGLISH SPOKEN people.
the Company of selling in their Commissaries such goods on vvhich they got exemptions. So far as the exemption is concerned, every civilized Country in the vvorld grants exemptions in vvorks of public utility, and as for selling at a profit exempted goods it could never be expected that an El Duelo Nacional influential, povverful company such as the Co. is, En la madrugada del dia 1º.
vvould stoop to such subterfuges. The majority of Custom de Agosto del corriente, murió en house clerks and Bookeepers of the Co are Costa París el Excelentisino Ministro Ricans, hovv then could it be presumed that a Company de Costa Rica en Francia Marqués Quality Merchandise vvhich is intelligent enough to make a gigantic success of don Manuel María de Peralta.
When you purchase goods at United Fruit Co its business could be so stupid as to stoop to collusion in La Nación sufre riguroso duelo Commissaries you may rest assured that you are contrabanding (for that it does really amount to) vvith her por la desaparición de uno, si no el más granite valor representativo Custom house and other dependents. Murder vvill out one buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods de la Patria, conque se contaba day and vvhere vvould the prestige of the Co. be to find actualmente. El Marqués de Pe.
are not allowed to remain in our stores.
herself in a ten million dollar fine for contrabanding over a ralta décano del Cuerpo Diplothirty year Concession; hovv stupid does the allegation mático en la Ciudad Luz, supo Zepol and Floradora Products appear.
conquistar la admiración y respeto Others contend over the Railvvey Concessions and the demas extranjeros por su elevado más profundo de los franceses y Have you joined the growing number of our impossibility of competition arriving at the door; but let talento y erquisitus virtudes customers who are saving money by buying Zepol us ask vvhere is the sense of penalizing the Company beand Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod Este astro que hoy se oculta cause she has made a good bargain? Everyone succeeds ante las miradas del mundo, se Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and by paying attention to his business, and if one vvants to guirá brillando esplendoroso en Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de shovv is patriotism, it is not by hampering the other in la posteridad, enlas páginas de Cologne and Lavender Lotion.
his business vvhich is beneficial to the country but to create oro de nuestra Historia Pa tria, more business.
Patriotism is not to be exhibited by speeches but dy dolor por tan sencible pérdida, EL SEARCHLIGHT une su We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints actions. There are the men vvho are suggesting that the al dolor de los costarricenses.
Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color Negroes vvho vvere invited here, and resided here for thirty or forty years and have made a nevu generation here must be made to starve so asto givevvork to the natives, forgetting that most of these negroes OSA EXSEBESSO AN ENTERTAINMENT are novv native born bred; there are immensely vvealthy men here and some of the modificationists (let us call themso)
The cream of the August Festivities will be where? at the Home of Mrs.
Cipriana McPherson, where there will be an elecution Contest prizes are vvealthy, vvhy not do something, so that vve may see awarded to the best Speaker and Songster.
Come and see your much admired king and Queen and their Court atthat there is no real necessity for having a Co. here, let us tendants and guards.
be independent if vve can. The Pirris Fara Co. is an exAll friends and well wishers Cordially invited; Prices of admission Adults 00 Children 0, 50 Refreshments supplied.
In consideriog the affairs of ample, that if we are patriotic we could have formulated on the 4th, August.
the Banana Contract vve canSyndicates five years ago for developing the Pacific lands, Proprietress CYPRIANA MCPHERSON not allow the occasion to pass the Colorado and San Carlos lands. Be patriotic and band vvithout shov vering encomiums ourselves together and make the Tortuguero Canal, so we SXZA BAZA 950 on our Deputies. Mr. Virgilio Chaverri started out by defendcould open up all those lands, Any four Capitalists here can put up a million colones to put that work thro; and see what ing most laudably the BanaSWEMBWE na Contract from the attacks benefit it vvould be to the government and our labourers.
The Banco Nacional de Seguros, loaned a quarter milFOR SALE made against it by Mr. Urbina of Guanacaste; but Mr.
lion for street reconstructions; Zonta advanced a million to Paco Gutierrez did the sublime CAFETERIA LA ESMERALDA be repaid by Custom duties; patriotism only counts vvhen in his speech delivered on vve act patriotically vvhy not propose to do something in As well as all my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best Thursdavia defense of the Probusiness and residential quarters in the town of Limor consiting of 53 rooms Agricultural lines if you vvant to be independent of the yince of Limon. It is just vvhat all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied.
vve alvvays expected of him Company, but instead, patriotism is called novv to place Apply to Cleveland Duncan, and said during the election.
difficulties in the vvay of the entry of foreign Capital and His exposition of the needs of leaving one section of the Community to starve, vvhile vve a reasonable Contract at this import all articles of food, Sugar, Rice, beans Corn, Beef, time, his attack on vvhat vye hides etc. Had our public men vvho are making such ela.
vvould deem patriotism vvroogborate, statistical accusations novy, as to vvhat the CompAIDA CAFETERIA gly interpreted in any Deputy any has gained and vvhat she has presented our not prevvho would argue against the sented to the government, had taken time by the forelock, AM AIDA CAFETERIA necessities of such an arrangement under our circumstan.
and incited public opinion since the first presentation of the PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED ces coupled with his exhauspropositions in Don Ricardo Administration, as to the tive statistics could not have possibilities by trying to do something for ourselves vvhetbeen better placed before an her on the Pacific or in the Tortuguero Valley; get a fevv audience and brought out spoaships under Contract until you can buy one or tvvo as The taneous congratulations from Pirris has done, then vve vvould be able to discuss terms the President of the House, the Minister of Finance and novv vvith the Company, but in a poverty stricken condition as is our populace today, it is just so much dangerous even from among the enemies waste of time to attempt to impose conditions on a CompaLIMON of the subject under discussion.
ny who can afford to do vvithout us, therefore the only soIf you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, and We feel his speech alone has lution seem to be to take the best that can be obtained and Silent Films.
vvon the question, for there is nothing left to be said. He set your populace to vvork rather than risk a hunger strike Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and is a noble son of a noble father, vvhich is the most fierce uprising the vvorld can experience p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos. We are prood of him and hope and it seem that this is what some of our public men are Where the most affable and gentile proprietor attends to the comLimon vvill demostrate its apinviting.
fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
preciation of him in a befitting manner.
Honour to whom Honotr is due Entertainment Starts at p.
CAMP ONE ROAD At the most Central Corner in Limon doing a thriving business The proof of the Pudding is in the enting. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to If you want something delicious for a dinner or Lunch lets go and try Alda To have Tea at 3p. from Alda is always to return there: where! At the building. Meals at any hour.
Cine Moderno.
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