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Jane Barrett did triumph in suit against TO LEADERS AND EXCURSION TRAINS The Free Seventh day Adventists, Manager of Limón Service Bureau Says Joseph Imprisoment for Alimony Can be sung to Sankey 1061 in the Large: Tune to Eternal Father strong to save. Leaders who baskin white men zonc, Gant you do something for your own!
Why you have always criticised Whilst you have launched no loterprise?
Yea, you can lead us much the same As you have led us in these trains.
II Excursion trains, are good to run, But only when tis rightly done; The principles it all be pure, So many true ones will secure; This crisis calls for leaders true To help the suffering, why cant you?
III Costa Rica a blessed land, In which excursion trains run grand; Immoral folks with their ill pride, Oft go to picnics through their guide, Their leaders from their purse extort, To Guapiles bush they oft resort.
IV is froth that Guapiles they go.
But for the money they did so; Atlantic Negroes all should know Some beter places, why not so To San Jose that city grand, All leaders then should understand. Then go where er the young can find, Improvements of all various Kind; will help ambitious ones to rise.
By seeing some new enterprise; Then to their leaders they will give Praises to them, yea while they live.
VI The crowd that fill these train so grand, Are they the best class in the land?
Why decent people stay aside?
Their children they have kept beside, For these men merit not the right To lead their children out of sight.
VII Upon these trains with so much strife, Vice and immoral deeds are rife; The leaders lead them in the wrong, For from their platforms gave the slang.
Would they not lead the people right If they had visions of true light?
VIII To those who will to go astray, Must love these leaders in this Way; While decent ones show no regard, For which the leaders think it hard; To those who hail the the wrongs for right, Leaders should give them all a fight.
IX Yes we want true leaders indeed, For which we must carnestly plead, We want wise leaders and profound To put us on a vantage ground; Leaders who walk in wis dom ways Their names shall have fullness of praise.
Port Limon.
fear of contradiction, that the difference about a settlement of the debt in an between plaintiff and defendant doubt amicable manner and to the satisfaction July 28, 1930.
lessly grew out of the inclinations of of those concerned, having in mind Editor of The Searchlight both litigants to avenge alleged ill treat that we were dealing with a religious Dear Sir: ment; for while the plaintiff, Miss organization deserving of the public Barrett, sought retaliation by demand respect and for which we do not coIn attention to an article which aping from the free seventh day adventists tertain any sentiment of antipathy, but peared in your issue of the 26th insthe immediate payment of an over dued utterly failed.
tant, under the caption Jane Barrett debt, the Legal Representative, the PreBoth in personal interviews with triumphs in suit against the free seventhday adventists an ignominious lie. and 300Mhe Leader of the organization, Elder Mosley and through the medium Benjamin Mosley, ven of written communications addressed to on account of mention being made of the Limon Service Bureau in an intured to retaliate by denying the rest him in his official calling, we endeavponsibility of his association or nuendos manner, the Limon Service oured to entreat him to settle the to Miss Barrett for the liability incurred. matter extrajudicially. As affirmative Bureau is forced to deviate from its of evidence of this fact, we are quoting strict in difference and passiveAnd we understand that it was on acness towards the emotions of individuals tiff subsequently retained the services count of those denials why the plain for the publie information the last of our communication to the Elder which in their legal disputes wherein we are of our Legal Department to force the reads as follows: Limon, December directing the interest of their adversasettlement the obligation, through a 28, 1929. Elder Joseph Mosley, Preries, so as to rectify the misleading judicial action.
sident, Free Seventh Day Adventist, acusation brought to the understanding Limon, of the public by the author of the Limon Service Bureau Conducted Dear Elder: am insisting for the article under consideration, Elder case with due respect to organ third time that Miss Jane Barrett is enMosley.
ization but with devoted fideli titled to the balance of One hundred coty to client lones dued her from the Three hundred Litigation Brought about to (C 316. 00) and sixteen colones dued Our conduct in the case was one of avenge alleged lll Treatment until December 1929. am sustainunusual tolerance and highest consideraAt the outset, we must state, without tion, as we would have rather bringing again that the payment can be obtained through legal process, along with interest, and am Warning you to be rather discrete and to evade any attempt made to feint you into a litiga.
which would not bring credit to your organization, for honesty and veracity.
James Barrett of Matina son in Panama, later she is said am safeguarding our good name, hence was arrested and taken to Limon to have married one Felix Ar reiterate my desire for an amicable on 20th, ultmo. because he refus cher in Bocas del Toro, and com and equitable settlement of the by Tuesday December 31. Cordially ed the courts order of. 32. 00 ing on to Costa Rica she maYours (sed) Aurelio Bermudez, monthly to his wife Alethea Ba rried him in 1926; she had in In rrett.
formed him that both husbands rrett, had been continually writing, insthe meantime, our client, Miss BaBarret claims that he had where dead but in December tructing us to file judicial action for found his wife unfaithful and 1927 he got information that she was urgently in need of the money, for that reason had left her, they were both alive when trouwhile we in response were advisine her to be prudent.
after giving over to her what ble started, and to add insult to The foregoing explanation, if true, ever he possessed, and went to injury he found her yet unfaithas it is, must obliterate from the mind live in another district. He also ful to him on January 19th. 1929. of the impartial public any preconcepclaims that he discovered that The case for alimony was contion that the plainfiff, Miss Barrett, she had married two other hus ducted by solicitor Egbert Brown, Service Bureau to throw the deal on bands who are yet alive; he says but Barret was unrepresented the organization, and that notwithstandin 1913 she married one Wil and was dealt with Exparte. ing the refutation of the charges we kept agitating the matter.
Free Seventh Day Adventist Church was embargoed and organization sued after Miss Barrett was called Damned Negro woman and threatened to be imprisoned by their attorney at law.
According to official statements published by It was not until the latter part of the Costa Rica General Statistics Department, the March of this year that Miss Barrett inmortality through Tuberculosis in Costa Rica is sisted vehemently that the Free Seventhmore than 400 CASES YEARLY.
Day Adventist Church was to be embarAccording to the latest information from Lic.
goed and subsequently sued. The de termination was reached by our client, don Alberto Echandi, President of the Junta de INA after Elder Mosley, a Mr. Thomas Caridad. published in «La Nueva Prensa» dated Miller. an officer of the organization)
1st July 1930. tuberculosis is the greatest plague of and the organization Attorney at Law the San Juan de Dios Hospital, producing the hig.
called at our offices to doubts which, as was clarify certain hest percentaje of deaths, namely: 31, or 265 friendly discussion on the subnatural, brought deaths out of 833 hospital patients ject in issue, and the organization Attorney, Barrister Daniel Zeledon, finalSOLUTION ly offered to pay the balance of the This most important problem can novy be easily debt; the offer was accepted, but due solved by adopting and using the to an established rule of our that payments proceeding from actions should be received from the judicial Prof. Friedman Curative Preventive debtor or even the Courts, by the client reputation, the Attorney was advised business that Miss Barrett would call at his of.
vvhich is giving such splendid results in other hygiin person and receive the 100enically progressive countries, on account of its inbalance, and it was so agreed. We felt so clated over that seemingly amnesty disputable qualities.
solution of the affair that a memoranUnlike some of the other so called remedies, the dum was despatched to Miss Barrett at Friedmann Vacuna is absolutely harmless and its once requesting her to come to effects are entirely beneficial.
the earliest opportunity to Anyone sufferiog from tuberculosis, vvithout receive the 100. 00 and she proceeded distinction of form, and provided the cases are not accordingly; upon her arrival here, she was instructed to call at the organizaalready too far advanced. e. not beyond the 2nd tion Attorney office for same, in comGrade cao radically improve through or injections pany of our messenger, and so she did.
of the Friedmann Antituberculosis Vacuna, vvithout We were alarmed and surprised a few the help of any other treatment vvhatever. In fact minutes later, when we learned that no other treatment vvhatever must be resorted to Miss Barrett arrett was not paid the instead, she received a warm while undergoing the Friedmaan treatment, other tongue from the Attorney, who in his vvise the curative effects of the Friedmann Vacuna abuses, called her, among other things, are nullified.
a damned negro woman and threat We guarantee positive improvement for such cned to have her imprisoned, if she did not abandon his precinct immediacases returning the cost of the Vacunas if it is not so.
tely. Those were the two sparkles More than that nobody can ask.
which fell in the oil and cause the Consult your doctor before the sickness has pursued uorestricted its xvay of irreparable destruction.
Regarding the legality of Miss Jane Barrett action against the Free SeventhImportant testimonial from France: Day Adventists and the liability of the Extract from letter received by us from the organization, we shall submit our stateSociété international de Recherche contre La Tument and our grounds for sustaining that Miss Jane Barrett did triumph in culose et Le Cancer, Paris.
suit against the Free Seventh Day AdWe vvish to state that vve employ the Friedventists, in your next issue.
mano Vacuna officially in our Antituberculosis Work AURELIO BERMUDEZ in Paris. preventive y curative. vith very favorable results. Sd. Dr. Simionesco.
For information VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO and orders aply to: San José, Costa Rica Efficacious Remedy Sole concessionaires distributors for: Mexico, Central to expel worms American Republics, Panama, Ecuador, Lucas Morua Colombia, Venezuela Cuba PHARMACEUTICO SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE Cartago, Telp. 77 Tuberculosis how the problem can be solved FRANK MOULTON Pacuarito about a om LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Anti Tuberculosis Vacuna, fice at possible BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Burcau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence the public for honesty and efficiency. Both nowy operated under the direction of a Barrister With over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager BRANCH OFFICE MAIN OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre Presidencia Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, 100. 00 but that, blaze.
SASTRERIA GRANT Atwell Co. Ap. 861 Tel. 3654 GRANT Suits made to order in the shortest notice. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, winnings this week.
In Serie Drawing No. 44; won by Francisco Madrigal Ticket No. 66 Io Serie Drawing No. 21; won by Octavio Vargas Ticket No. 58.
In Serie Drawing No. 1; won by Leopoldo Rojas Ticket No. 116.
To presence of Mario Fonseca, Hugo Morales and Rogelio Sugot 0422tura y Juventud, Costa San Jose TELEPHONE 3320 cional Miyer MBOX 252


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