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MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION. 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS APARTADO 123. CARTAGO WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY AUGUST 1930 41 THE RECENT RAINS RE SIQUIRRES on To improve Cricket Efficacy of advertising We are glad to see our ar be used, the road makiog was The month of July has been at Las Lomas also a great stretch got their backs up against a ticle of a fortnigt ago has borne abandoned.
most Capricious in the manner of track which was used for a dangerous proposition and handle fruit, we see some leading gen Now they are thinking seit has carried out its after ef siding for dumping and widining it as they ought they will for tlemen trying to get together riously as a means of cutting fects of the heavy rains. was also washed ont.
ever have Traffic suspended at to formulate a Citizen Associa up these lands and selling In the beginning of the month At Bonilla is the greatest that point. The foundation of tion and we see the Municipa them in lots to settlers; there the Southern end of the Pro problem, and it is well that the the bed of our Track is slowly lity getting busy in the colo is supposed to be 17000 Hecvince suffered from its freaks by Railway officials tackle this in shifting towards the river conDization of the Moravia Valley, tareas in the vicinity, of which destroying certain sections of a more serious manner. The dump. tinually, and the more the slides and askiog the government to 3000 is a dead level.
the Railway lines, and syvamp ing at this point seem to have are cleared the more the river help them to habilitate this It ought therefore to make ing much of the farms in the been done in a childish mood. bed is scouring into the new Valley by giving them a Road a fine settlement as an extendirection; the torrents seem to The Piling, was done without bedding provided. Never will into it.
sion to Siquirres, and a great have been heaviest towards the any idea of durability not being these be stabilized until four cy It is accessible by the road help to the revenue of the MuChirripó mountains. now towards driven deep enough in the linders are sunk below the river which was under constration Dicipality of that towa.
the end of it, the great down ver bed, then instead of dumping bed and properly anchored and fall seem to have been in the this with large boulders and a bridge placed there, and having time that there was no com.
eastern and middle sections of rocks as was done at Peralta now a water way of sufficient munication by Rail, but do the Province thus causing serious and Pascua with an idea of width to wash this mud away and sooner than the Railway could The chance for Automobiles slides and washouts along the throwing the river on the South after the shifting mud has been dug There are on the market main line of the Railways. ern bank, it was dumped with awaythen rock the space between The worst of these were at the same mud which was taken cylinders thoroughly with boul. In interest of football no less than twenty two automobiles, which have been ia Torito, Las Lomas and trouble, from the old slides how long ders, until this is done, slides and The football team La Fortuna use among the officials of the some Bonilla at this latter the could this have been expected washouts will forever cause de.
trestle work and dumping of the to last, Just as long as a snow lays in Trafic. We may be scof of Cuba will be here on the government; and which havebeen main River was entirely carried ball in a warm place, naturrally fed at and told oh! you are no 14th iost to again engage the suspended by vote of Congress away and the mainline of the it is gone and deserved to go. engineer, but it is experience attention of all football fans from such services as a means of Costa Rica: Now Bonilla as we have al that counts, and we have seen of curtailing expenses. There Track to San Jose was washed They arrive the 14th.
is the chance now of buying completely, so the trains had to ready written some months ago similar accomplishments elsebe placed on the side track which is a formidable undertaking and where. It is this experience that and start playing their first in cheap a good automobile.
was occupied by the steamsho must he tackled as such, until most of our Engineers lack to game against the Gymnastico Among them we find, on 17th. inst. As is well know Buicks, Chevrolets, auburns vel for widening the roadway, the Engineers realize that they ve day, in the old days when we had men here like Mr. Reid as they are a very powerful combi Dodges, Packards, Fords, resident Engineer, Mr. nation, but it is hoped we shall Oldsmobile, Hupmobile. 1, Field, Mr. Scharschmidt, Mr. make a good showing. Graham, Stude, Chandler, Crowley who did not have to take bearings of their work twice, whose Theodolite never made a mistake, Bonilla would have been July 27th, 1930. finally relinquished the ehair to stabilised long ago but today El Encanto July 22nd. 1930. Cricket meeting was held Mr. Irons vvho gave some some of our Engineers are only in Limon on the 27th day of Sebye cih teresting remarks on the desughts men and Carpenter bos Mr. Nation take pleasure to inform you, that thanks to an advertisement forming a Board of Control, that the season being practicaly gy and chemical analysis of earth THE SEARCHLIGHT Cartago.
vvith the follovving officers and over preliminary contests vvould compounds and material to be Dear Mr. Nation: pnblished in your very popular members present Messrs be carried on by the Repre met sixty feet below surface.
weekly; relative to the loss of a Me complace manifestarle que Spence president of the Conssented Clubs, Pending the real Some of our men get lost in the succeeded in recovering this aniacting, and Moore, Law. started January 1931 vvbich hands. We heard a joke about en su muy popular semanario, mal two weeks after the publitruction CC. Fisher octy Competition which will be bushes with a Compass in their gracias a un anuncio publicado mule from this farm, we have this happening to some Engineer acerca de una mula perdida de cation of the advertisement.
son, Wareham and B. Col vvill be open to all Clubs vvish ful of taking part during the Nov. slides of esta finca, logramos recobrar ese Please send your account to ville of the Wanderers 1928. at San Antonio Hill animal dos semanas después de The Cimarronee Fruit Co. Rio Pasmore, and Knott of the FISHER, Secty It is this experience and execu publicarse el aviso.
Sírvase enviar la cuenta a Ci tulations for the efficacy of your Hondo, and aceept my congraSurprise a Represetative of the Estrella was also pre state that some Clubs to vyhom It is disappointing to tive ability that some of the Engineers need today, men who will marrones Fruit Co. Río Hondo, advertisings.
sent, at this meeting of the Board of Control as well as Mr. invitations were extended have not be afraid to report to Mr. y acepte mis felicitaciones por la eficiencia de sus anuncios.
not even had the usual cour Marsh or any chief that so Yours very faithfully, Irons and Mr. McRae, De Ud. muy atentamente.
other gentlemen vvho were tesy of replying; among these so must be done at such o point, are the Estrada and Pacuarito and if it is not done quit. because VENEGAS Sgd. VENEGAS invited vvere unable to attend Clubs. This makes us feel keenly he is sure of his diagnosis of the meeting was called to order the loss to Cricket of Mr. Hun conditions and would not be at 11. 25 a. by Mr.
ter of Estrada never could this led by inferior Knowledge such Spence president of the Consmen are needed to grasp the truction vyho out lined the have been vvere he alive.
situation at Bonilla.
objects of said meeting, and The Secretary It is hoped that these July rains vvieil mean no end of beautiful Service of Song by chior (City of Gur God) a the year rains so as to give entiled Won by a Song Was tenor solo was sung by Mr.
the Railway men a Chance to rendered by the Zent choir Eustace Allen; the Revd.
tackle the situation in a serious on Suoday July 13; inspite of Siley then closed by a Small capable manner.
the rain it was well attended. Adress and said he didot like The Revd. Siley pre clapping of hands in the church Kindly permit me Mr. Editor to sing same. by Mr. Moni sided for the evening, and read but that the member should space in your valuable paper to ton of Pacuarito. His decision Chinese Lotery the story of a boy who was stand and coogratulate the prove to the public my high ap is clear to anyone who will won by a soog. The opening contributor; and he congratupreciation in connection to the not hide the truth who is am In a recent tour around Li anthem by the choir open lated the organist Mrs. Viodiscussion that appeared in your bitious, and uplifting.
mon we were surprised to find my lips was rendered; then let White and also the choir paper these few weeks.
All intelligent persons those right in the heart of the Town another anthem by choir who which brought a fine meeting re, The Running of Excursion who are ruled by their concien that there is a lively trade being will be a helper, then a Duet to a close.
Trains. had read the opinion ces, should lift their hats to this carried on by the operation by Miss. Rose Peterkin, and Member of the gentlemen week by week. gentleman of Pacuarito, for the of a Chinese Drop Pan. Miss. Derby, a solo by Mrs.
Two gentlemen proved the lot peaceful and attractive manner can it be possible that the Po Margret Mackenly oh Let us of good that is derived, that in which be brought the discus lice know nothing of this? not be weary, then a short AN ENIGMA the churches bonefit by same, sion to a close.
At a time when the the go Lecture by Revd. Siley then and that there is positively no trust that those who had vernment is prohibitiog the solo by the organist Mrs. Vio Dear Mr. Editor: evil in it and the young men never erred or strayed from the truth, sale of Panama Tickets and let White played by Little Miss took rum in their pockets.
Please for a brief space for will be convinced after turning other games of chance as an Helena Wattler from Liverpool which am thanking you in ad.
Whilst another two debated to Bro. Moulton poem for every impetus for encouragiog the Anthem by chior Salvation the contrary pointing out the line and every veree is sound success of her Lotters Scheme; oh the Joyful sound then a immorality through the running moral, and may say to this can it be imagined that a means duet by Miss Ivy Derby and Just two Questions; One was answered, the other is left, who of an excursion train here in well thinking gentleman, although of gambling that is detested organist Saving Grace aa killed Cock Robio?
Costa Rica by the colored folks. not acquainted, to always give by all governments and thick anthem by chior full surren.
The matter then appearing to us something of this kind. ing people would be encouraged der Story then by Rey, Siley bovy and arrovv.
I! said the sparrovv, with my be suspended like the pendulum Thanking you in advance, Mr. in the midst of us.
of a clock, but please to state Editor.
We would beg to call the Wondrously redeemed another Question 2, Who killed Joha in our first paper for August Alfred Johnson attention of the Police Dept. Story, Mrs. Wesly Manos? leftto be ansvver.
we not only read the final decito open their eyes along sev.
Eliza Thompson quartetted. Professor Carlini is here sion, but we were instructed Pocora, 8 1930.
enth Street.
wish Mesrs Allen and Morris unfolding truth.
ito es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas adherinewin Songilda arta Ranthem George Cuthbert. Snr.
Service of Song at Estrada Another Opinion vance.
then came


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