
Saturday de August 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE La Miniatura de José Manuel Ortiz Is the most visited store in Cartago; the best assorted Stock, in which the many customers are most courteously and generously attended. The attention of the Public has been drawn to the fact that in spite of the many great Bargain sales announced by other stores, the MINIATURA has never done so; yet this Store is constantly filled with visiting purchasers.
One item of great interest for all purchasers would be to visit us and consult the prices of our goods, compare them with the prices of the Barratillos and you will see the secret, which is that our store is a one price store, with a small percentage of profits, and no fluctuating prices hence we are always Barratillo.
CYRILLO AGAIN INCIDENT IN CONGRESS The proof of the Pudding is in the eating. To prove the superiority of Cookery, is to come to If you want something delicious for dinner or Lunch lets go and try Alda To have a Tea at 3p. from Alda is always to return there: where at the A.
building. Ments at any hour.
the pleasurable, and the firiuo take the lead, but suppose they fear ein honest contradiction that FINANCIAL EXPERTS The Editor: question. It is not the fault of the All the world over vve find tha On Wednesday last yvhile late is a part ovner, asking Sir: In your hot haste to serve Church, as an authority, that the people who have the hardes to be relieved of the Customs me up your long string of sa. she does not receive the support things to say against the Church the discussions over the Banana Contract vvere proceeding, a charges on Printing Paper in usages. to which your incoherent she sorely needs; nor are the are those who by her power very serious incident cccurred the Customs this is under arguments on my letter of July shortcomings of individual cler22 may be likened, you let lo gymen a contributing factor. Men allovved to satisfy to the full their bet vveen Don Carlos Aragon, stood to indicate the fact that Minister of Finance and Deputy if those having obligations with ose that printers devil. who made have their oun reasons for with umbridled lusts.
And as the work of the Church Ulate vwhich might have resulnonsense of the concluding pa. holding their support: there are the government, beg them off, ted in bloodshed had it not naturally the government, vvill ragraph of my letter by setting those who, while they are highly will have to go on till the end been for the timely intervention have to appeal to heaven for up gratifications for society, in favour of her work; never of time, it means that she is of Bishop Volio and other assistance. Mr. Ulate in turn instead of qualifications for so once thought of her support and vvell vvithin her rights, if to carry friends of both gentlemen in took a very stern objection to ciety, as wrote.
they give none; others there are out her programme she arranges the house.
the letter being read, and used You have been good enough who might give, but they feel such social events as garden parMr. Ulate has been attacking against him as a vveapon of to place your response next that for their support they should ties, picnics, concerts, and excurthe government very severely, depreciation against him per to my letter; its proximity will receive in return material benefits sions. think of no course more convenience the intelligent reader akin to those that are given by legitimate, and fail to see why Co. for the passing of firm that wrote such a letter as being in collusion with the sonally, vvhereas it was his who follows the references that fraternal bodies, so, they too give her activities thus far should shall now make to your mis none; a third class stand out from labelled competivecommercialism the Contract, vvhen Mr. Ara and not he himself; ofensive quotations and your allusions her communion because of their The operations of the United gon in his position as Minister remarks of a personal nature of Finance, went to object to Vvere then freely indulged in thereto.
failure to live under the staid Fruit Company, to vvhich you The matter has hovvever been wrote in general terms, and discipline that she exercises over refer, are irrelevant details and do certain of these accusations and paragraph of my letter very her children.
not apply. But do agree in to explain certain points in dis calmed doven as vve say by clearly means the Church be The Church cannot do more toto vvith the policy you outline cussion, principally he protested the intervention of friends, and whatever its denominational cha than appealing repeatedly to the in the last paragraph of your termed «pordiosera, beggarly the discussions of the banana racter in any part of the vvorld, hardened natures of the first response. The conduct of some to foreign capital and Corpora. Contract, which up to novv and questions its progress amon class of individuals; in ansvver to of our young men on the Suntions; he then read a letter from has reached no settlement.
gst a people that is, any com the second class, she stands ready day evening trains, as wve here La Tribuna of vvhich Mr. Umunity of people who might and vvilling to give material help see, is on outrage on common prefer (not who are known to in the way of alms to her needy decency; and if you had so written prefer) investing in games of poor, but that help is limited by from July 12, you would have AIDA CAFETERIA chance, etc; but you have tried her resources, vvhich can be the said all that need be said; but to make out that this reference product only of free gifts and even novy you are forgetting has a local bearing, as though, donations by her better off mem that parents on the vyhole are na AIDA CAFETERIA UM if it did, should have been bers and vvell vvishers; in regard leaving too much of the homeafraid to say so, or, should to the third class, she ansvvers training of their children to be PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED have been denied an existence. by enjoining on those within done by the Church and the Again, while paragraph assumes the duty of going out to bring day school, vvhich, taken together the general trend of thought in the strayed. Naturally, in this with other idiosyncrasies, lead. work the me to say again. me as not, or they the general saying that the general trend in doing so, that is no reason not so much tovvards cultural We see financial experts are of thought is towards the spe vyhy the laity should stand off development as it is tovvards being sent out in different direcThere is also in Jamaica Mr.
culative and the frivolous, and no reason vvhy men should refuse the spectacular, the pleasurable, tions investigating the conditions Export Department of the Ba.
that 99 per cent of parents to support, financially and other and the frivolous.
of smaller countries.
are frivolous!
vvise, a cause vvhich should be Thanking you for spaee, There is in our midst Mr. on a trip to Canada in the incardi Rum Company of Cuba, Your deductions are but a co dear to the hearts of all men. am, etc. medy of errors, and all that An undutiful clergy vvill be broCYRILLO Charles Kepner Jnr. who is terests of his firm.
twaddle about my identity, which ught to book in just the same Sipuirres, July 29, 1930.
a great American vvriter, his mission is to investigate the condiHe admits that Cuba is pasis not the subject under discus vvay as an undutiful laity; so that sion, will receive no more than laymen need only do their part ED. NOTE. In not think. also goes for a similar purpose they are very optimistic that this tion of our Banana Industry; he sing thro a serious Crisis, but the passing tribute of a sigh. and leave a disloyal clergy to be ing of Cyrillo as harshly as to Guatemala Honduras. Of vvill soon pass by; although he We come now to this vexed deal with by a Higher Pov ver our friend the Crystal Gazer course his articles on the fiscal says Sugar can be bought in Critic, vve are vvont to ask eonditions of any country carries Cuba now for one a quarter him not to waste our time by weight in the financial world. cent per pound, the works proinviting us into a controversy vided on the main road from io vvhich he admits in the last Havana to Santiago, vvill relieve LIMON para garaples teisingarbage. that Distinguished soldier dead considerably the mongestion of If you wish to see the best Talkiog, Musical, and sequently my deductions (even Silent Films.
though unsatisfactory to him)
Brigadier Grazebrook, He says there is considerable Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and the can only be that he is general Officer commanding distress Among some Jamaicans9 all film direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos. parently taking up the cudgel the Troops in Jamaica died last there but that there are others Where the most affable and gentile proprietor attends to the comas a means (speculatively) of week, after a short illness. Co doing well.
fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
patting the authorities of the ronel George Archibald Stevens churches on the back vvhereas: vvill succeed him in Command.
vve are not at all aiming the gas bag against them but Vacationist LAWYERS NOTARIES against the immorality these trains which he admits Miss Violet Wilson the orgaA heavy Shock of earthquake AT LIMON does exist.
Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA nist of The Wesleyan Church vvas felt all over Jamaica on Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before His advocacy therefore does at Cairo, has been spending 27th inst, the valls of some the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial dohim more harm than good Her vacation in the Capital buildiogs vvere cracked, but no cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
by trying to entangle these vvith her aunt Mrs. o. chamage of great consequence.
ENGLISH SPOKEN authorities in a condemnation Moore. On Saturday last she vvithout an accusation. entertained her friends with Dont vorry over your iden a pleasant evening at the home tity my dear Mr. Cyrillo, be of her relatives, and left to Cricket cause since you feel that your take up her duties on MonIn the th. test match the personality deserves obscurity, day 4th. inst.
it would do us no good to Mr. Mrs. Moore begs to first inding Bradman was out Australians made 345, in the It will be vvell that the quirres to Zent and back; so overestimate your idea of your thank their many friends for for 14 Runs, England repled Race fans vvill keep in mind no one need to say they cant self by bringing to public gaze the attentions showered on Miss that on the 15th of September go for a days outing. Fare your indentification, so keep Wilson during her short stay liffe 74, Duleepsinghi 54.
with 221 for vvickets Sutibcthe Zept folks vvill again en three colones return.
there until you Shall feel the amoog them.
tertain them vvith a good days fuo as they have alvvays done.
Exemplary conduct on trains without reproach. The Crysinestimable value of publicity There vvill be eight events guaranteed, anyone using foul tal Gazer hovvever seem AN ANIMAL LOST to be vvell contested. Trains language yvill be returned his have a correct estimation of vill run from Limon and Si fare and ejected from the train.
Strayed or Stolen from Carmelita Farm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE your identity, conscientiousNUTMEG ROAN FILLEY, three years old, with a touch of white Puft on the ly therefore you vvont molest tail, and streak of white in forchead about 13 hands height, for 21 days now. The us any more on this point, do property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Any one giving information PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres please.
that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be Suitably rewarded.
Mrs. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmen Farm Keep apushing an ashoving till you push them dark clouds away; and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: Doubling your advertising in PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES AÑOS PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless de color rosado con algo de blanco en el cola; desaparecida de Carmen, Rama in beauty and style.
THE SEARCHLIGHT Indiana. Se dará una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su duela. PILE Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteo Nacional Miguel Obregon Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotos del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud Costa RicSeñora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen is to double your sales Cine Moderno Earthquake in Jamaica 00 THE SPORT OF KINGS Siquirres


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