
THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE Saturday de Auguet 1930 James Graham handed to Cuban PANAMA LOTTERY Police British Protection Notice to Shareholders AGRICULTURE We notice that Mr. Enrique These Tickets are no longer The fact of Panamanian interClare has placed a publication belonging to the government of vention by way of frustrating in our Daily papers to the ef. Panama, but to the person who the liability of any subject vyho fect that several Panama Lot chooses to take a risk by break breaks vvith impunity the lavvs So after all the fight by The Hon Smith, James tery Tickets (70) numbers of the ing, the lays of Costa Rica by of Costa Rica, cannot be consiGraham the man who is supposed to have robbed 10. 000 dollars dravving of this week and 141 their admission into the country, dered following in the paths of of Jewetry in Cuba and managed, to escape to his home Jamaica, for the dravving of August 17th hence in the first instance it is international rectitude.
have been declared null and void unfriendly to this government, We can hardly believe that has been Extradited back to Cuba to take his trial.
by the Agents of the Panama because it is aiding and abetting this advertisement has the sancone to break the lavvs of Costa tion of Panamanian governmenMr. Smith pleaded that this man should not be returned to Lottery in Panama.
These are said to be the num Rica; vvhile on the other hand tal officials.
Cuba, because he might be iltreated and even killed before his bers that have bcen confiscated it shows that the Panama LotRumour says these tickets vvill trial comes off, and showed the authorities that according to the by this government at the Port tery management vvill cancel the extradition agreement between Cuba and Jamaica there was nothing Limon customs found in a pas supposed unalterable decision of be duplicated for these dates, if in the law to compel either country to give up a prisoner, and senger belongings a couple of the directors that Tickets belong so, purchasers had better be careful hovy they buy Panama vveeks ago coming in.
to the person uttering same.
besides they need give no explanation for a refusal of such a Novy this voiding vvould seem This is a Security belonging to Tickets, because if these confisrequest. In spite of all the pleadings of this able Barrister and to lend on air of insecurity for the person presenting it, and cated Tickets von and viere the entreaties of the unfortunate man that he would stand any this Lottery, it might have been nothing should induce the Board presented by the Costa Rican of directors to cancel their value, have to be paid, except Panama punishment in Jamaica rather than be sent back to Cuba, for he done for the purpose of preknows that he will be tortured to death, yet Judge Agar decided venting that the Charity or Edu they can only suspend payment meant to tell Costa Rica uve cation Board of this country if a note from the criminal courts dont care a snap for your that the man be sent back and the Governor and his advisers should benefit by the dravving reaches them that a prosecu: Laws; and vvho vvould suppose upheld the findings and the man is consequently in Cuba now, in case any of these confiscated tion is on foot for the alleged that Panama would do that.
Public opinion is much enraged over this act, and goes so Tickets came in for a prize, but it robbery of such numbers.
does seem irregular and tends to far as to say that had it been an englishman he never would a lack of probity in any dravving Waterless Cooker KITCHEN CRAFT have been returned, it is argued that Fred Gordon is known by to adopt such a measure, because SAVE YOUR MONEY the British Government to be in Cuba, why not ask for him.
a Ticket might be lost or stolen. WHOLE MEAL OVER ONE BURNER The case of David Aiken is also cited here, that the Costa COOK WITH MORE LEISURE, WILL YOU?
Rican governmental authorities refused that he should have been Join the Club today, with, two co sent back to Panama, hence the coloured Britisher has better lones Weekly you may win in the protection under the Costa Rican flag than under the British.
Weekly drawings each Monday this. marThe question arises what benefit does the black race obtain velous Cooker.
from being under the British Crown at home or abroad? Panama Or by paying downs of its value legislated against the Negro race some time ago, so that today and 00 weekly you can buy by no one can enter Panama; andyet the British Crown gave no pro Notice is hereby given to all intalments this useful implement to miñent pronouncements of influence on the matter that would Shareholders of the Agricultural save your wife time at the stove.
bear pressure on Panama in favour of her Negro subjects. The and Building Corporation of 28 The Aluminum Club same conditions obtains now in Nicaragua, because while a white Miles in the Province of Limon.
That a general Shareholders Box 136 english man can enter Nicaraguan territory by showing a hundred Assembly vvill be held at MaSan José Telehpone 2835 Distributor from Turrialba to the Atlantic Coast.
dollars in his possession yet the Negro Britisher is so legislated against dre de Dios, at the usual meeting NATION Apartado 123. Cartago for under no condition will he be permited to land; there are place, punctually at 30 a.
hundreds upon hundreds of Nicaraguan and other subjects being on 17th August 1930.
The object of this meeting is for contracted into Puerto Armuelles, whereas no West Indian Brit finally getting at the formalities, ish Negro is permitted to embark even though he be naturalized to be gone through for the Rea Costa Rican, because a Costa Rican labourer is not allowed gistration of the Corporation, to emigrate by the laws of his country except he is going to Script to be handed each chareand getting out the Shareholder The Jamaica Banana Produ The Darien took the cers Asst.
study for a profession and must show his engagement papers with holder, on the value of their first Cargo across to Europe, over vvhich there has been much the school or college to which he his to be attached. In Colum authorized share holdings The nevy ship ordered by the demonstration of joy.
bia the same condition exists no West indian Negro can enter there.
Shareholders vvho are unable Directors of the Association, vvill The Santa Marta Railvvay Costa Rica is the only Latin Country in which the Negro a letter authorizing any other buil; by the Scottish shipbuilding is operated by an English Comto attend are requested to send be out early in 1931. She is being conveys the fruit to Port vvhich can enter if he has a hundred colones to show, and yet we shareholder. not an officer or firm of Linlithgovv of Scotland. pany, but although having a see that in Congress certain circumscribed Deputies are arguing Director) to vote or represent She is a smaller boat than Contract vvith the Co. for them in anyvvay necessary.
that works must be given in preference to the whites rather than the others already in the trade, haulage of their fruit, is comThus if any depreciation of but is faster and carries more pelled by Columbian lavvs to the negroes, which the is same thing that obtains in Cuba, and your shares, or any circumstance fruit; having economized on pas carry out the term of Common with all this prejudicial discrimination of the coloured subjects of affecting your interest occurs, as senger space, she vvill bave space Carriers at the same freight rates the king in foreign parts, no protest is entered or suggested by representation, the Board of Di space for tyvelve cabin passena result of your absence or non for 140, 000 stems of fruit and as Contracted to the Co the Consuls to Downing Street for the protection of his subjects rectors will not be responsible gers. She will get across the Tropical Agriculture nor is any provision being made in any part of the British EmOcean in tvvo days less than the Professor Geoffrey Evans, prinZ. Farquharson pire for drafting these men, for the formation of Colonies of time occupied by the other boats. cipal of the College of Tropical their own, where they need not be insulted and suffer indignities President Agriculture at Trinidad paid a visit to Jamaica, and has been of all sorts to their manhood as a race, why should such indifA. Gibbs ference to the sentimentality of these people be so neglecThe Packing and preserving visiting the principal centres of Secretary station of the Citrus fruit As Agriculture throughout the Island ted by the Crown. The Colonial Secretary of Jamaica has sociation, a branch of the Banhad many complaints of this nature brought to his attention; ana Paducers, has started the Every Consul and Minister in these countries knows of the dis VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Construction, hence Jamaica vvill DEAD soon be able to Can ber ovyn tressing depreciation of these peoples, can they not make some Efficacious Remedy Citrus fruit vvhich may be too representation to Downing St of these circumstances?
to expel worms small for shipment, as is known ta Rica on July 12 a native of Salmon at Liverpool CosThere are immense tracts of lands in British Guiana, British Lucas Morua the government has given 2000 the Parish of St. Elizabeth after to assist in the Scheme.
Honduras, East, West, Central and South Africa why not draft a long painful illness. He leaves SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE away these men who would care to go to Colonize these lands New Banana Company a sorrovving Wife Mrs. Clara Cartago, Tep. 177 Salmon and brother to mourn giving them free transportation, and allowances for maintenance There is a new Cooperative their loss.
until their crops should begin to come in. Open up roads and Banana Company of Colombia, operating around Magdalena. The Holy Father in thy gracious Railroads into these waste lands and assist them to cultivate and Banana Lands on Lease beglands and Patricted to take keeping.
in Leave yve novv they servant soon be springing up prosperous coloured protectorates as AmeSome of the best lands can Continental Ports.
their products to England and sleeping.
rica has done to Liberia, and in the same way Coloured West be had on Rent at Estrada on Indians have built up prosperous townships in Costa Rica and a basis of seventeen per cent Panama there is no reason why the British Empire could not for Rental, that is you pay have them settled in British colonies and protectorates in these ten cent per Bunch and you get fifty cents.
for off lands as suggested.
Lands adjoining the main GRANT The problem that faces the coloured wandering West Indians line at San Jose Creek.
Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
is a serious one, and we are exhorting West Indians to look at it complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels with all the seriousness the question merits, because Jamaica and Apply PARSONS always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals, North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts the other West India Islands are rapidly getting overstocked, hence Estrada Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, an outlet must be found for these wandering groups who are winnings this week being crowded out in all these countries in which they have Beat depression by alvertising In Serie Drawing No. 45; won by Fernando Bonilla Ticket Ia Serie Drawing No. 22: won by Tobias Orozco Ticket been domiciled.
In Serie Drawing No. 2; won by Heary Spoyser We invite serious intelligent, influential opinions and comIn presence of Mario Fonseca, Hugo Morales and Rogelio Sagot munications on this question in all the seriousness it demands. Naciona BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 ON THE SEARCHLIGHT PHARMACEUTICO SASTRERIA GRANT No. 145.
No. 11.
Ticket No. 13.
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