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Saturday August 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE A letter from The Crystal Gazer Critic PIEDRA BRO.
SASTRERIA AMERICANA he you and To get Busy of with the we can some of may do against their you that him onu tienda prendere tehinkerese gravure smaller branches havinghera self of the welfare of Sinterest yourof Siquirres without that you caring CIRILO Tuberculosis; how the problem can be solved were thinking that if Very Dear Mr. Editor of out such persons as we know you do is disgusted about, for really it is bet not mean to include, so we are advising ter to have the Liberty Hall for the AMERICAN TAILORS THE SEARCHLIGHT you in your next issue just make a list development of Arts, and the telling of We have had great experience in the United States. We can make took several copies of your paper of those persons who you believe are Fortunes that to have DEAD HOGS the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
and boiled them down in my Critic not included in your article, and those on the rostrum insulting the Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the Pot, and immediately saw the sayings who go and would not take small with their fetidness, and believe the best finished workmanship.
of the Holy Scriptures verified in my stimulant in their back pockets, then 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
no records of the Liberty Hall of Liexperiments in that part which says you will have every body satisfied.
mon, can boast of such improvements, The last be first and so on, as We want you specially to apologize as that carried on on right now in there.
in the skimmings of my Pot, the first to our friend Mr. Ambrose, you know As there is an authorized Professor of thing that floated was CIRILO and he is a Professor in both innocent and Arts kept handy on the rostrum to keep ofcourse being mere froth threw it vulgar gyrations, so you could not expect and got nd of it, did not even to beat him at his game, and afterall he and carries on his work during the same school hours, so as to incite the worry to save the copy of Sir Thomas is a sport and we dont take him site desire of the children to get acquainted Moore Geography which also came seriously. He just went to the opposite up in the skimmings extreme your article. and we art, so there is But to get right down to business assure you that at heart he means well.
nothing for Mr. DISGUSTED MEMborrowed the Crystal Gazer from my August 2nd 1930. Liberty Hall at Siquirres, as That done, we had another gaze at BER to holler so much about; on the Dear Mr. Editor; friend and Prof.
the Home of the A.
and together we other hand we questoned the CRYSthe CTYSTAL, add would you believe read the following that the disgusted member of your TAL, about the going back of the PrePlease allow me space in Your Expresident will help the Your article in the Searchlight of July 26th paper kept up such racket that sident of the to Church your much recognized Journal acting Presideot to put the 12th entitled THESE EXCURSIÓN, we had to leave other important objects again, and it told us for the benefit of to ex pess my feelings re, the programe over, you must help is not half as bad as some people want beckoning to us, and give him the your contributors, that he has Siquirres Division of the yourselves and if you cannot to make of it, and there is only one tention he demanded. Why, the gyra decidad to make some atonements, so that he that confesseth his be thing wrong about it, is that you viewed tions that he exerted in the CRYSTAL sins get along, others will help you; the situation and made up your summary nearly split it, so we had to listen to pardoned, all this is done from a scripAs an expresident of this because Standing at the foot from too broad a view point and you him. But really Mr. Editor we dont tural point of view. And, although Mr. great and noble Organization, boys, gazing at the top how did not take any pains to distinctly point see what the DISGUSTED MEMBER Wellington han the spunk to advise and one who has seen and apwill you reach the top boys if lend money to the NT. we are satisfied that Mc Society is doing and is destin. try again lads and vou ll be sure preciated the good that the your never try so try, trv Wellington and his colleagues do not HOTEL ATLANTICO realize what the arts are capable of ed to do for Negroes all to succeed at last.
making people even over the world. am much You have a few good gen.
wish so they need not worry.
distressed to think that a great tlemen in your midst who are There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as But Mr. Editor, what came up swim centre like Siquirres is so back. always ready to help in any THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the minz in our gaze as we scrutinized another time was some bedroom recepward.
good cause whom m sure will Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
tacles that we do not like to call by their It is a credit to the Negroes aid you such as, Mr. Norton, Eduardo Escarré and his wife right names, being afraid that Mr. Am all along the lines that each Mr. Bions, Mr. Chambrose may think ill of us, which were braach has a Shelter of their bers, Mr. Shedden and others xoxoxos.
taken away from Madame de Mena bedroom sct. But you and own which they call Liberty See the Manager of the readers your know well these articles which you Hall to the honour of the Or Co. and explain vour inteorefered to in your last issue speaking of ganization, yet when one pass tions and your dificulties and FOR SALE the deficiency you find in Siquirres and es through Siquirres and asks am sure in his usual kindliwhich you reccommend the Municipa for the Liberty Hall, he will be At the most Central Carner in Limon doing a thriving business lity secure for the accomodation of ness he will give you a train shown the downstairs of a CAFETERIA LA ESMERALDA Siquierites. We to Siquirres, when by invita way iu which you have Lodge so badly kept; one is tions to all the Branches, you As well as all my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best expressed yourself on the matter has led to wonder if the members can have a Gala day, and so do business and residential quarters in the town of Limor consiting of 53 rooms allowed you lose prestige with your dont feel ashamed to see the something to help yourselves by all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied.
which means others will help Apply to Cleveland Duncan, to interest a house of their own where also. Hoping to hear something if Limon is provided for or not.
they can meet. am therefore tangible from you early. Thankthe subsequent skimmings we saw appealing to the mapliness of ing you for your kindness this but we just threw him bin laut officers and members to stand Mr. Éditor. Josephs Exthis time without Sir Thomas Moor together like meo and erect a president. Pacuarito.
geography. We were Rose Hill was nt far from SiquiIN rres it could be used at a substitute According to official statements published by rather than the Municipality going to the Costa Rica General Statistics Department, the that expense provided that the actors mortality through Tuberculosis in Costa Rica is would be given the time, ofcourse this more than 400 CASES YEARLY.
is just an idea of ours as the CRYSTAL did According to the latest information from Lic.
not authorize us to make such a statement. Say Mr. Editor where don Alberto Echandi, President of the Junta de did you invent your Mr. Pile from, why CARTAGO Caridad. published in «La Nueva Prensa dated does he come out so boldly and refute 1st July 1930. tuberculosis is the greatest plague of Mr. Ambrose defence, is he an invenThe great REALIZING SALES at LA FAMA of the San Juan de Dios Hospital, producing the hig.
tion of yours, we cant place him the CRYSTAL, for the idea of Mr.
Messrs Rivera and Co. Cartago, are calling the athest percentaje of deaths, namely: 31, or 265 Pile to speak so disrespectfully of the teation of all the people of the Atlantic section Limon deaths out of 833 hospital patients.
LIMON BOYS, should not be tolera who visit frequently this establishment and acknowledge ted he did not report to you SOLUTION that it has always carried the most up to date stock of the quality of gyrations that took of merchandize at the lowest prices in Cartago.
This most important problem can novy be easily place in the last picnic.
solved by adopting and using the Now our friend ODACREMED Novy there has been opened for the first fifteen days want us to believe that his article about of August MAMMOTH CLEARANCE SALE.
Prof. Friedman Curative Preventive leive that he invented it so as to see Mrs. Jackson was copied, but we be It suits you to grasp this opportuning to come to if it would have any effect on the preCartago, and buy articles of first necessity at the Anti Tuberculosis sent St. Mark incumbent, but if it is lov vest possibly prices. Real bargains, that may never be had again. The Entire Stock at ridiculous prices.
which is giving such splendid results in other hygiself, bring the wrath of the Pulpit on You save money by coming to.
egically progressive countries, on account of its in him, as such a statement is not at all disputable qualities.
complimentary to Mrs Jackson succesLa Fama: Rivera Co.
sor. Anyway the CRYSTAL tells us Unlike some of the other so called remedies, the that Mrs. Jackson had a kind word and Friedmano Vacuna is absolutely harmless and its a pleasant look for all those who were, effects are entirely beneficial.
or were not connected to the Church.
Anyone suffering from tuberculosis, vvithout Another thing we are advising you Mr. Editor, you know that the Preachdistinction of form, and provided the cases are not ers, black and white have been acusalready too far advanced. e. not beyond the 2nd tomed to do what they ase, leave Grade can radically improve through or injections them to make their picnics under whatof the Friedmann Antituberculosis Vacuna, vithout ever guise they like.
the help of any other treatment vvhatever. In fact We are closing out this weeks study AND no other treatment vvhatever must be resorted to with our Esteemed friend Mr. Urbina BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY INI everybody along with The Searchwhile undergoing the Friedmaon treatment, otherhas been so unkind to, simply ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED vvise the curative effects of the Friedmann Vacuna because he speaks his mind in regards Bureau established for the greater convenience, are nullified.
to the negroes what he has said is not We guarantee positive improvement for such understanding, satisfaction and protection of the Englishreally so bad, poor Mr. Urbina everycases returning the cost of the Vacunas if it is not so.
body would like to choke him, when Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection he has simply done what everybody Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen More than that nobody can ask. give the doe man instead of giving them hell, against unscrupulous and this debtors.
negro hell, Consult your doctor before the sickness has pur. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to sued unrestricted its vvay of irreparable destruction, he has introduced them into the lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conargu ments of the Congress, and we think fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both Important testimonial from France: novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with that he is doing a lot, and only in this Extract from letter received by us over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on from the will the BANANA CONTRACT the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Société international de Recherche contre La Tupass, for the negroe is a prominent figure in the Banana business, and he Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and culose et Le Cancer, Paris.
INA Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials to enter into the dis.
are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge We vish to state that ve employ the Fried cussion of the Contract, now that Mr.
and Counsel.
mann Vacuna officially in our Antituberculosis Work Urbina has introduced him, the Contract is sure to be a decided success.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ in Paris. preventive y curative. vvith very favorable AURELIO BERMUDEZ The CRYSTAL, has bunches of Barrister Investigator results. Sd. Dr. Simionesco.
things for The Searchlight, and we are Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager rea For information to give them to you in small bits and orders aply to: Atwell Co. Ap. 861 Tel. 3654 and we still have some of your searchSan José, Costa Rica MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE lights boiling, and will give you the San José, 50 yards West of the Sole concessionaires distributors for: Mexico, Central results later.
Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia American Republics, Panama, Ecuador, Yours for occult art Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, Colombia, Venezuela Cuba New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Crystal Gazer Critic Jacional Libbregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas Rivera Company of any way Vacuna, eeerrese LIMON SERVICE BUREAU who light way was not allowed


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