
A Crystal Gazer Again The proof of the Pudding is in the enting. To prove the superiority of Cookery is to come to To have Tex at 3p. from Alda is always to return there where at the building. Meals at any hour.
The Presidents Visit Why even some of the living sented to give us a visit going Prosperity of Limon assured consPeace FOR SALE At the most Central Corner la Llen doing a thriving business CAFETERIA LA ESMERALDA To the Editor about engineering so as to While we were under the inAs well as all my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best THE SEARCLIGHT give such positive statements as fluence of the spirits further business and residential quarters in the town of Limor consiting of 53 rooms those appearing in the issue of protests came from journalists all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied.
Dear Mr. Editor: your SEARCHLIGHT of the 10th and advertising agents that had Apply to Cleveland Duncan, inst, and they could not get gone to rest long ago, and they Voorem have just been disenveloped over the surprise that you should immediatelly advised us to watch from contact with spirits. but have commented so strongly on our pot. So as soon as got before reaching my study subjects belonging only to cer through readjusting the Crystal AIDA CAFETERIA was surprised to find the cover tain reserved precincts, while they gave the pot a vigorous turn, ings of my Crystal blown wondered where you derived and up came in the first bunch men AIDA CAFETERIA away, and the Crystal itself your stock of boldness from. of froth, the man who wrote If you want something delicious for dinner or Lunch lets go and try Aida partly in fragments over the As to the others who you opined that advertisement for you saying ground.
should be classed with Carpent. No shop worn goods are kept PICNIC PARTIES, AND BANQUETS ATTENDED This came about from the er apprentices, they haven wor in the Store. then ofcourse strong protests made by some ried about what you said, as had to do with him what did Engineers. But it was the dead their only worry is, when a with Cyrilo that is scrap him.
ones that protested so strongly, slide threatens to hold up the Now ll clear up this point.
and wondered what you know pay car.
In writing advertisements you LAWYERS NOTARIES must keep away from saying AT LIMON truths or untruths, and the mo Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA HOTEL ATLANTICO ment your Ad tells the truth Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial doso glaringly, you are out of it.
cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
It takes a man with humour and There is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as ENGLISH SPOKEN a bit of taste to write an Ad.
THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the No never smile man can write Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
an Ad. Advertising is a difEduardo Escarré and his wife ferent thing from signing Time checks. it needs a different spirit. When you tell people For a long while the City Canalization and a good Aviain an Ad that you dont keep fathers of Limon have been tion ground.
shop worn goods in the store, Cleto, but whether it is that vvill help the Municipality to We hope our Junta Agricola, PIEORA BRO.
then fill your withit, it shows either of two we have no baths as in Pun press these points deep dovvo SASTRERIA AMERICANA things, that the man who tried tarenas or vvhat, wve knovv not, in his heart (but vvith love not to write the Ad is sleeping on but little cariño for the Atlanbut our President seem to have hatred)
AMERICAN TAILORS the job, or he did nt give a yam We have had great experience in the United States. We can make for the people who read the ad. tic Port, but at last he has conthe best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the to Limon today best finished workmanship.
journalists who read it got sick The water works. so disap upanimously that a loan Yesterday Congress voted 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
of the dry stuff.
of Now Mr. Editor, we are trying pointing after spending so much 65. 000. 000 be launched, for for the last time to get Cyrilo money) is really the topic of the purpose of the off your nerve, so we want both bis visit, vvith his consulting truction of the Moio. Tortuof you to look up Edition No Engineers to see if they can 150, on Ethics of Journalism, Fo find a route avvay from the guero Colorado Canal, and the lio 1650, Paragraph 945, line course of the Rio Banano; but building of a Railvvay to Guanacaste.
2065 and you will find the fo there are so many other things Tis eventide just half past sixllowing to bring to his gaze that vve And, having read my Searchlight through, finds himself involved in a pole. The much needed Road to the ll take the pleasure now to mix bears he is afraid of, such wholesome draught and send to you.
We meet photographers of a famous (But, by the way, do descry the columns of his paper, is Cemetery and Moin. The Moin photographing Co. of New York, taking Moulton in poetic glee, obligated to cede space to all pictures of our Railway Lines, and Scenery of Costa Rica, for Film purposes.
If he can be, then why not I, persons desiruos of exposing their NOTICE TO OUR READERS They vvere facilitated along the lines, Who own a bigger head than he. opinions on the subject in pro by a Special Caboose and flat Car on or con, he may discard articles vwhich their apparatus vvas located, And drink it all, dear from those persons who persis All advices of Births, deaths, stopping at all the sections of great Tvvill make you strong believe my wordtently endeavour to ocupy for marriages, etc. as well as other and vvashouts to Which being the case, your agile pen themselves and in consecutive publications to the Daily Gleaour Transportation troubles Will prove tvvice mightier than the sword.
ner» can be sent in to The occular demonstrations of our difficulties issues avaliable space that would the Boston Directors can have Now, as the fruit of earnest search, serve other interests of the SEARCHLIGHT for traosmission here. Theyſuvent thro to Puntarenas On 12th. July a month abackcommunty to Jamaica. Fees beiog sent in took our Electrified Railvvays, and reThese big excursions by the Church If Cirilo doubts the veracity to us in advance as The Cor. turned to Limon today to take the Nevv Became your subject of attack, York boat avvay, so we shall soon be of this quotation he may call respondent.
Which brought St. Ambrose, without fear, having our own Sceneries in our Paror send enough money through Due to the death of Mr.
amount Films.
Upon the stage with rag to chev you to the Crystal Gazer Cri George Campbell vyho vvas Because you dared to interfere tic and he will get a copy of the salesman of the Daily GleaOur Sporting Men With what did not belong to you: this ruling in Journalism. ner in Limon all patrons of But Amby dear had quite forgot The Shamrock has made Say Mr. Editor, is Mr. Wel The Gleaner cao solicit their That Nation means much more than one, lington satisfied, that the man supply from Mr. Brooks, the trip across the Atlantic a day earlier than did Shamrock And so as fast as horse can trot who is boss is boss, and the Agent of The SEARCHLIGHT IV. She is divesting herself at Did he, poor fellovy, cut and run.
boss does what he pleases about Box 434 Limon.
Port London Connecticut, of Then came St. Cyr in saintly mood any picnic traine ven if he makes To take you to a further task no money, Is nt there a big her heavy rigging used across the Ocean to equip herself with For sayin gthings he thought quite rude.
house to pay for anything? So DEATH why does Mr. Wellington or And things that should keep on a mask.
the lighter tacklings to meet the defender of America Cupon any one else worry. Now clos Sorry to announce the dem the 13th. inst in the internatioAt this you got so very warm ing out this weeks study, want ise in the Limon Hospital of nal Yacht race.
That fires broke out from every side to warn you not to do any Mr. George Campbell Causing in hell so great alarm from polishing to any of my releases pneumonia, a former exclusive Banana Slump That fiends vvent running far and wide, to you from the Crystal. as vendor of the Daily Gleaner in Thus bringing one right up to you, our study is made up of symet Limon. Mr. Abraham Mendez meric The consumption in the AWho Gazes only in his pot rical gyrations evolving upon is said to have had all his bu decreased considerably market of Banana has For Crystals that he make to do given equilibrium, and persons siness in his hands and arranged customary during these months; as is lot of harm and damn your lot not aquainted with these calcu his affairs.
On knovving which you raised a cry lations are liable to bring about a cargo from Jamaica by the That really sounds much Ike defeat: unexpected eruptions through Ceiba for the Digiorgi Fruit Also we are sad to relate the Co. only fetched 49 cents per Your garbage, Cyr, quite blinds my eye; adding or taking from these death in Limon during this week stem taken from the Gleaner.
So from my columns make retreat brainracking complications, of Ruth; the infant daughter of And sigu peace terms yvithout delay: Yours truly our esteemeed Friend Mr. EdRepatriated Then think you hovy the Contract goes mund Taylor, mandador of Ba batch of nearly forty CosIn Congress Hall at San José For only God in heaven knows ta Ricans have been returned CRYSTAL GAZER CRITIC nanito Mrs. Taylor.
This is an extremely hard blow here by the Panamanian goWhat will become of you and me to the family Taylor but they verament, vvho have been un.
If Congressmen its terms ignore; Doubling your advertising in will be consoled in the thought able to stand the strain of And then, not knowing where we ll be, That vyhom he loveth he stingeot labour in the Banana Let be at peace and fight no more.
THE SEARCHLIGHT chasteneth; for God knovveth all fields of Puerto Armuelles PaCYRILLO Siquirres, August 17, 1930.
things best nama. They came in by the is to double your sa les Pastores of Thursday.
Although a journalist who hears fraid that reliese are the bug Pictures for the film intricacies by vvhich La Miniatura de José Manuel Ortiz Is the most visited store in Cartago; the best assorted Stock, in which the many customers are most courteously and generously attended. The attention of the Public has been drawn to the fact that in spite of the many great Bargain sales announced by other stores, the MINIATURA has never done so; yet this Store is constantly filled with visiting purchasers.
One item of great interest for all purchasers would be to visit us and consult the prices of our goods, compare them with the prices of the Barratillos and you will see the secret, which is, that our store is a one price store, with a small percentage of profits, and no fluctuating prices hence we are always Barratillo


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