
A REPLY TO AUDACITY can, World affairs a banana industry on the Atlantic asset to this beautiful country great people, respected like shitimone Riemoonstare content do not stand in the way of centres Saturday 23 de Auguet 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE An invitation All THE HOME COMERS The Matina Branch Employees as well as friends will be staging a concert of the are alvvays selfishly anxious to Editor The SEARCHLIGHT consequence no United Fruit vvork to not only 28739 souls latest style. In Aid of the Liberty back home from his vacations Hall fund, on Monday night the He is one of those bosses that Dear Sir.
Company, and no Negro, who but to many millioos. cannot allow the oppor was able to stand the hard. The Negro as a race in Costa 1st. of September. Half night makes everyone feel at home tunity to slip byuntil have ships then, quite possibly the Rica has no intention to inter concert and half night dance. when he is around.
said a word in reply to an English debt might not yet pose in the other race groups, The Country, best Band in We vvere agreeably surprised article appearing in the Trib have been accounted for.
as the both cultures do not attendance.
to see Mr. Stanley back from una of the 13th Inst, signed The Negroes can with as blend, for one reason or the Europe among us and help to Jose Guerrero, as also a postal much reason claim Costa Riother, and as a fact the Negro Murray Genl. Secty. welcome himself and family home by señor Alejandro Alvarado ca as the land of thier adop is at his best when yoked up Quiros, and subsequently an tion as the Spaniard with one of his own, article by Señor Jose Maria and they have every right of The social problems of the Zeledon.
being proud of thier achieve Negro in Costa Rica does not All of these articles were ment, of making the Atlantic affect the Government but written by men who tried to division what it is for progress rather, thinking Negroes are show that the Negro in Costa in contradistinction to what they, vvho would like to see Aviation nal? Whether by the Colorado Rica is a menace to thier cul it was, in the years 1884 1910, their race go forvvard, and to Bar, or by The San Juan Bar?
The 100 made her successture (White as they try to and according to the Statis. this end desire to sound the ful transatlantic flight to Cana significance up, and we are seeing There is something of great make it) and that the Negro, tics shown by Señor Guerre. clarion call to all Negroes not injection in a population. white ro, the Negro is not so much to depend on anyone but themton England, she and her Sister great prosperity in store for Cosin the majority) is due to the menace, but rather is an selves. Our race had been Rica, Progress.
sea board, that this shadow which we consider our second other face groups. There is plating a demonstration flight now confined to the Atlantic home, and for which we wish no superior race, nor yet any place on the regular Mail and Soviet Audacity Zone, may move to other sec with all our hearts its largest race forsooth, rather, all Biolotors of the Republic, vvhich success and prosperity What passenger service between Eng The Red government has cowould from a social, racial, and Costa Rica needs is more Ne gists agree that in the begin land Canada.
progeny emanated me to an understanding by which They are the largest airships hemogensus consideration be groes becoming Citizens so from one common stock, and afloat, the R101. having been they aspire to conquer the enn a grave problem to the safety as to fit them to enter into that Nature in her endless of the Country etc. etc.
cut amidships recently and in 1934; they calculate to overrun the Political life of the coun. time has evolved men vvith creased by 75 ft in length; she the principal countries of the Without noticing all the hot try, it does not need so black skins in the tropics be is now 775 ft long, with space world by Communist ideas imair the gentlemen try to throw much bombast and gas bags, cause they could better stand of 500. 000 cubic ft. and a load off, every self respectiog Negro nor men with empty logic, the heat, colour is merely a capacity of 166 tons. Her elder bibed into the inhabitants by who reads the Tribuna, ought but men with brains and ca.
question of Geography, climasister is 709 ft. with 000. 000 means of Soviet Agents, so that to feel offended at this diatribe, pital, who would not be sel te, environment, etc. The Ne cubic feet of space and Carries when they shall strike the blow coming from men who, to fish and covetous to bite the gro s, backvvardness is pain. 156. tons of corgo.
all intents ought to know hand that feediog them, who fully due to his lack of oprevolt against constituted Gobetter would not hoard up their ov vo portunities; discrimination as vernment.
Duration flight In the first place, the Negro capital and put every obstacle a result, by his more favored It is calculated that there are was io vited here to work when in the rvay of foreign capita fellovv men, with all its re By the printers devil error now twenty millions well trained others failed, including the Costa lists who would invest thier sultant train of evils such as we had in our last issue ins Soviets ready to take the field Rican, when Port Limon, was millions for the purpose of tead of 600 hours in the contiand they expect to have by 1934 nuous flight of Jackson obrine 60. 000. 000 regularly trained men vice, but who if given equal in the Greater St. Louis. They and women for open warfare.
where only bush existed, yellow Costa Rica needs is men who presileges and opportunities were forced to land on account of Travellers to Russia say that the only a belt of svamps malarivus, reaping other millions vhat superstition, immoralities and fevers, wild animals, where are broad minded, vvho have is second to none in all the Motor troubles at 29 on Sunday country is deluged with men not even the real natives (In travelled to civilized arts and sciences of life.
dians) could exist, it was at abroad, aod have seen success Negroes ought not to leave tinuous flight of 648 hours, exmorning after making a conthis time when the men brought in those countries, and who their destinies in the hands of actly 27 days; being 96 hours rism takes its place.
and women being trained, all sports are set aside, and militafrom other parts died like realiziug the neccessities of their other races who are not well. and 39 mins more than was rats in their holes, that country vould speak no ill of disposed to their the immortal Minor Cooper the foreigners evithin their gates and advancements, but should the City of Chicago. These ba recently arrested several proIn every country they are progress made by the Hunter Bros. in being watched and arrested. CuKeith got in his head to invite who are helping them to the Negroes of. Jamaica to shape their destinies, whether carrying of tales to the white a year if they go on like this. who will be sent out the coun: put avvay servility, cringing fellows will soon be avvay for minent Communists in her midst come to Limon to help him those foreigoers be. man, humiliation of their vvoin his great prospect of making mulatoes, mestizos or Indians, men folks to others vvho claim More discrimination try, and those of her own naCosta Rica what it is; say so What Costa Rica Deeds is un deliberately, because were there selfish organization, among the respect their women as the Negroes has been put in force Police Weekly, so their wheresuperioriority (falsely) learn to tionality wil be beiled in 000, We notice that the ban against and called upon to report to the no Minor Keith, and as a finaociers, which would give other races do aim at lofty in Venezuela; a Negress passenendeavours for the good of the ger from Jamaica to Honduras located.
abouts and activities can be young generation to come, and was refused entry with all papihose that are here now; then, ers properly attested were in her Amnesty and not until then, vvill the The West Indian team Leyland, Hammond Hendren, deplorable state of helplessness, to land. The matter is under turbulent spirit of Sandino and possession, but she was not allowed With a view of quelling the and his babies in New York Tate, Goodhard, Voce. Duck ignorance, superstition and vice discussion between the Consul his followers and of bringing are keeping up the reputation Wyath, Allom and White.
vvorth, Fruiobull. Peebles, be lessened, and gradually be at Kingston and the Honduras peace among all factions in Nica.
of the All Jamaica team, by done avvay voith, and the LaMinister of Foreign Relations. ragua during the coming elecwalking over easily the St Kitts Football tips vould be forced to admit Is it not time for all Negroestions, President Moncada has and now doing the same with after all, that the Negroes, whereever located to open their issued a proclamation granting the all West Iodians vvho made The Club Gymnastico has nothvvithstanding what the eyes and get naturalized and of Amnesty to all Political offen61 rups and 69 in the first and done the unexpected, by prestYankees vould like to say of necessity learn the language of ders, and inviting them to come second innings respectively while ing the game from the Cuthem are as a matter of fact, as the country so as to identify home and avow their willingness the All Jamaicans made 207 bao Warriors La Fortuna pure a race, and as progressive themselves with the life of the to live peaceably under the prein the first and 164 for vvic Public sentiment veas quite as any other race groups, and people among whom they live? sent regime. This is a great act kets in the second ioning Hylton in favour (hovvever much disvve vvould all alike vvin their on the part of President Mon McMahon did remarkable bow. tressingly so) of the Fortuna respect and appreciation, not as Visit of Uncle Sam Warcada for the wellbeing and prosling. In batting McMahon made in this game, but the boys of but as real he men, and she ship on special service perous development of his coun72. Dacosta 35 Holt 30 not out. the Gymnastic fought like he The United States Ship Ro try. Nicaragua Would certainly THE WEST INDIES vvomen.
roes and retained the honour chester will visit Limon on the be the most advanced and prosAustralia tour to Costa Rica by making three TO. ep27th. of September she is on perous country of Central Amegoals to La Fortuna one. Tt PETGRAVE The West Iodians Tour of is left to be special service along this Coast. rica, had it not been for these seen hovy the Can it be the locating of the continuous destructive warfares Australia vvill comprise 16 mat. Orion team is going to stand Siquirres, Ag. 20, 1930 Entrance to the Nicaragua Ca by the natives among themselves.
ches and vvill begin at Sydney up against tho invaders on on 21st November. The first Sunday next.
ED NOTE. We are certain0 0 0 0 ૪૪ test will start at Adelaide on ly grateful to this vvriter for Dec. 12th, at Sydoey on Jany Cricket his Courageous article; this is 1st, at Brisbane Jaoy 26th, at The fourth test match of Aus all our correspondents to interwhat we have been inviting Melbourde Febry. 13st, and the tralia vs. England was abandon est last at Sydney on Febry 27th ed on account of Rain; and in times have vvondered vvhat has themselves in, and at during that same time the the fifth test England has 316 happened to the intelligeace CARTAGO headed by runs for wickets Sutcliffe 138 manhood of the coloured Chapman vvill tour South not out. So far the tests are En ple here, that instead of vuritpeoThe great REALIZING SALES at LA FAMA of frica starting at Johannesburg gland Won Australia drawn on Dec. 24th. The team vvil 1, abandoned 1, the fifth to be ing such articles as Peace, Messrs Rivera and Co. Cartago, are calling the atbe Chapman, Sandham, Ames, played to a finish.
Criticisms on our ideas of greattention of all the people of the Atlantic section Limon; er Morality, Superstitions etc.
who visit frequently this establishment and acknowledge they do not look to the prothat it has always carried the most up to date stock tection of their rights to liveof merchandize at the lowest prices in Cartago.
in any country of this earth Novy there has been opened for the first fifteen days as God intended them; in the of August MAMMOTH CLEARANCE SALE.
LIMON manner outlined by the Im It suits you to grasp this opportunity to come to If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, and mortal Lincoln. Colour being Cartago, and buy articles of first necessity at the Silent Films.
only a condition for which do lowest possibly prices. Real Bargains, that may never Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and one is responsible, but culture be had again. The Entire Stock at ridiculous prices.
and efficiency being that which You save money by coming to. p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos. counts. Avvake Negrces eduWhere the most affable and gentile proprietor attends to the comcate your children to equip La Fama: Rivera Co.
fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
themselves culturally as other Races.
eeeeee. Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Biblioteca SPORTING NEWS in om here come una Rivera Company Cine Moderno


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