p. 4


Saturday August 23. 1930 THE President Weaknesses Immense Shark at Moin VERY SIGNIFICANT JOURNEY MERCHANTS PHARMAEUTICO The Indian Problem.
Mr. Nation, in mind to allow the Professor An immense shark was caught Editor and Manager when he is back to practice at in the seine of Mr. Simon Hythe Burial Scheme Building.
On Thursday, the American Costa Rica Minister before the THE SEARCHLIGHT polite here on Sunday 17th. trust the members will see Managed by Mr. Samuels. Minister to Costa Rica Mr. Washington government; and Apartado 123 to it that this is not allowed.
Cartago, This monster was feet in Eberhardt, along with Mr. Cor. now we see this Journey slated Mr. Editor: am very Sorry to say that length, and weighed over 500 tes Minister of Agriculture and to San Carlos Colorado. read an article in your paAll who are really interested in this enlightened age. Men pounds. When cut open there public works with two of his per of August 10th. under the who claim to be intelligent are was found inside of him, a fair Engineers were to have left for in the welfare of Costa Rica so narrow minded, bigoted and sized Hawks Bill Turtle, a large the Nicaraguan frontier. will feel elated in the thought heading Superstition Progresses superstitious.
Mr. Everhardt goes to San of the prospects of any move it amuses me very much that, head of another Turtle and take the greatest pleasure to trust that this letter will many pounds of Turtle Shell, as Carlos to meet and consult with that will tend to the prosperity open the eyes of the members as well as the body of a the five American Engineers of the country, altho there are inform you that it is not only of the above named Association, smaller Shark weighing about who are in charge of the work many soull be patriots whose the President of your Organi: So that they may elect another 75 pounds.
tion that believes in this Obec President in the next term of but the President and one of It is regretable that folks Nicaraguan Canal and Mr. Cortes their own pockets, who are wilOffice.
round here do not make use of and his Engineers were to accom ling to arouse public sentiment the Founders of the Burial ScheThanking you for Space the flesh of Sharks as the Eu pany him in consultation proba. against every proposition put me Association is also a firm believer and a fanatic. He has JAMES THEOBALD ropeans do, hence the labour bly over the interests of Costa forward that will invite the inflow of Capital, under the guise for capturing such monsters of Rica in said Canal.
This trip has however been of patriotism, against entreguis the deep is practically lost.
postponed on account of the tas, whereas if they be analyzed JOHN WILLIAMS swollen condition of the rivers. keenly they will be found to be It is remembered that we an patriotic only so far as personal nounced in these Columns that interests are concerned.
VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO there was brewing trouble over It is well known by those the boundary line between the who are following the history Our plan of propaganda by means of Coupons, Efficacious Remedy two countries from the fact that of the Nations that the Nica.
augments the sales in the Commercial life.
to expel worms the mouth of the San Juan ri raguan Canal must go through As a Merchant it is to your own interest to afiliLucas Morua ver had cilted up and Nicara and as of necessity the Rio Frio ate yourself to our plan of propaganda.
guan traffic into the lake had Railroad into San Carlos and Our Coupons are exchangable for shares, vvhich SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE to be brought through the Colo up to Lake Nicaragua is a negive you the privelege to participate in our raffles of Cartago, Tep. 177 rado Bar, possibly these are the cessary acquisition to convey Merchandise. There are three thousands colones, in points th have called forth materials for the works.
gifts to our clients of afiliated Merchants. Get informa.
this very conspicuous visit of Hence our conjecture of this Notables.
tion from Banana Lands on Lease very significant Conference of It is more conspicuous still Engineers diplomats; whoso The International Propaganda Offices adjoiniog when it is considered that Mr. hath eyes to see let him see.
John Keith Bank, Some of the best lands can Eberhardt had a lunch party a It is to be hoped that when Telephone 4109 Apartado 528 be had on Rent at Estrada on few days ago, at which were proposals are made, they wont a basis of seventeen per cent present. His Excellency the pre meet with the frivolous objecSAN JOSE for Rental, that is, you pay sident of the Republic, as well tions by those patriots as are ten cent per Bunch and you as the Minister of Foreign now being placed in the way was!
get fifty cents.
Relations Mr. Octavio Beeche, of the consummation of the BanLands adjoining the main and Mr. Castro Quesada the ana Contract.
line at San Jose Creek.
ENDO Continued from page far removed and apart as Lucknow Apply PARSONS AN ANIMAL LOST overthrow of the school of chaturAmraoti and Lahore, issued similar rebukes and defiances to Gandhi, with Estrada Strayed or Stolen from Carmelita Farm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE varna (caste division. Allahabad Star, appeals to Government not to vveaken NUTMEG ROAN FILLEY, three years old, with a touch of white Puff on the April 14, 1930. its ovvn British element thereby comtail, and streak fo white in forchead about 13 hands height, for 21 days now. The Refusal of Ghandi leadership by mitting their fate to Hindu hands, Lodge Notices property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Any one giving information that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be Suitably rewarded.
those he tried to serve count or discredit But of them Moham The Loyal Phylis Chapter Mre. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmen Farm The first step of the new party vvas med Ali, the Islamic leader, asked the There will be a function stagto dispatch a large deputation to Muslim associations convened in Bom ed at the Loyal Phoenix PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES AÑOS Gandhi, over 200 miles away. Finding bay on Hall, on Can we forget that side by side with the 21st Septemhim already arrived at Dandi. on the de color rosado con algo de blanco en el cola; desaparecida de Carmen, Rama Mr.
seashore, surrounded by his followers, Gandhi Satyagraha at Dandi is ber at 30 precisely, by Indiana. Se dirá una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su dueña the members of the Loyal Phygoing on another Satyagraha for the rea courage Señora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen almost incredible; calling upon him to moval of the abomination of Untou lis Chapter of the Independent Omeroorsoove face about to return to his colors as chability and unapproachability (from) United Order of Mechanics pledged, and to render honest and a population bigger than that of any known as Grant Rally of whole hearted support to their just nation in Europe today? Bombay Times cause. Further, they demanded the Fruits.
that of India, April 26, 1930. until that cause should have prevailed of the progress of this unequal The members of all fraternal PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres he forego his war on Britain. Gandhi struggle vve are likely to hear little. Societies, Sister Lodges and the refused their plea then The less than dogs have no press, general public are cordially inKeep apushing an ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the clearly informed him that he must no ambassadors, and for our dravving vited, when they will enjoy a only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod With: reckon the Untouchables as against room or platform entertainment their PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless him; that they, in turn, would oppose cause is too caked vvith dirt and great Musical treat in store for in beauty and style.
diminution of Brit support the the necessary veneer of them; and a very pleasant SunSiquirres PILE that they would unite in and mystery or romance. The Untouchables day afternoon.
obstructing his future illicit movements today are only a vast, unorganized Miss HILTON to the utmost of their povver. After of slaves, tragically lacking a this beaten and insulted by the Hindus Moses to lead them. That, here and Secretary about, and vvith hearts dark vvith there, a group should rebel as they vvrath and disillusionment, they started are now doing, is almost a miracle, back on their vveary vvay, to carry home in vievy of the mental narcotic vvith THE LOYAL VESPER their nevvs. See Calcutta Statesman, which they have SO long been drugged.
April 10, 1930; London Daily Telegraph, April 21, 1930; New York Eve The future therefore of Ghandi moThe Loyal Vesper Lodge No The Lambeth Conference is whether the Anglican Church ning Post, April 6, 1930. vement of adhesion as well as that of 5; of Good Samaritans and During the same period, other asso the Negro seem doomed by divisions will stage a high class now concluded. The Bishops of will expecl that section of her ciations of Untouchables in places as among the classes sought to serve. Flower Service in their Lodge the Anglican faith of the Em following, who have Romish rooms at moro the Hall of the pire met to consider propose ideas tendencies such as burnGood Hope Lodge of Ancient zeal etc, but while this is being sionals and adoration of saints, nearer communion of Church ing candles Incenses; confesordar of Shepherds on Sunday done, there have been Religious thus forcing them into the Ro7th. September beginning at 30 m, precisely, riots at different points in En mish Congregation entirely; wheMembers and friends of other Catholics are engaged stoning of the church or whether the gland at which Protestants and ther there is going to be a split BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Fraternal and Friendly Societies ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED are cordially invited to Spend a and fighting one another. Pro Archbishop of Canterbury will testants will not allow the Ca accept the innovations into the Bureau established for the greater convenience, pleasant evening with us. sil tholic to invade their districts canons of the church are matters understanding, satisfaction and protection of the English ver collection expected.
Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection and vice versa, and Anglo Ca the world is watching, because Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen Leopold Brown C; tholics Bishops and Priests are the present revolters or shall against unscrupulous debtors.
Egbert McCarthy Secretary in open rebellion with the low we say reformers are a very Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to church Anglican following. What powerful group.
a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute conis to follow no one can foresee, fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with over teventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Are you interested in a Radio set?
Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge get in touch with Eduardo Escarré GRANT and Counsel at HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ he will make and install you a first Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
Barrister class RADIO set, so you may sit in complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Public always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Soliciting Manager your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE broadcasted from the United States, Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, San José, S0 yards West of the Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Cuba, Jamaica or Europe winnings this week.
Presidencia In Serie Drawing No. 47; won by Rafael Oton Mora Ticket No. 81.
Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of In Serie Drawing No. 24; won by Ramon Vargas Ticket No. 52 Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, Beat depression by alvertising In Serie Drawing No. 4; won by Rogelio Sagot Ticket No. 120.
New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Io presence of Jose Baroni, Rogelio Sagot, Ruben Corea, Alejandro Castillo.
more in BOX 252 THE SEARCHLIGHT San José TELEPHONE 3320 April 23 23 last: They Ver to control; and defying and mas Religious Activities LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND lose; a Radio Installation SASTRERIA GRANT nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacion


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