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EDITOR MANAGER SUBSCRIPTION 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 30. AUGUST 1930 44 The Material vs, the Spiritual Rupture among members of the of Limon an The Costa Rica Hotel The Banana Contract prominent white Chicago «You might make out a bud gist knows that. How ridiculous lawyer tells Negroes, that ma get, apportioning so much for to think that in the beginning Smith as dictator sets for the prosecution, from Johoterial things are of more im education, so much for physical a white race was created, a black the example of Criminal pros. athan Mitchell, Bisenty, Westportance than Religion. necessities, so much for heaven, one, a red one, a green one, ecution against an active member ney and Holness meanwhile Taken from Panamá Tribune if you will. but not forgetting and so on. Science shows us of the organization vithout ex Brovvn is proving that are of the 10th. August.
to put aside a fair amount for that Nature, in endless time hausting every means possible friends and interested in the Washington, One the realities of the earth. and Nature has unlimited time of adjustment vvithin the realms peculiar manipulations of doesn have to be logical if «Your race has accomplished evolved men wtih black skins of the Society as per section Smith regime, and enemies of 60 of the Constitution.
he is white, he merely needs to a great deal by these methods in the tropics because they cohis thus incapable of impartial be white. declared Clarence of education and organization, uld better stand the heat Color It appears, from the accusa evidence. Solicitor Mr. Daniel Darrow, noted Chicago lawyer, but nothing by prayer, reliance is a question of geography and tions before the Courts that Zeledon is the prosecutiog alspeaking to the Washington on preachers and naive trust climate. That is why the shades Smith and Sam Brovvn knovvo torney.
as Electrician had an altercaOpen Forum, held in the chapel in the deity. If there is a Lord of skins differ.
Much interest is being exbiof Howard University, after who governs everything, be sution as to no report having bited in this case, as the memclergymen of the city had re re that. He knew all about your As for race superiority, it is been given by Smith of the bership claims that Brovvn fused to let him speak, in any toubles before you took them nonsense. It is a question of recent transactions of Funct has been a most interested church here last week.
to Him. And He has done nothions held at the Hall and a and consistent vvorker of the The famous trial attorney fur. ing about them.
human beings or for furniture, picnic Train run, of vvhich no organization and deserves betther told his hearers that if He stood by when your ancesis a matter of opinion or of account has been given to the there is a God. He is white. tors were dragged from their prejudice. The white man thinks members of these manipulations vices to the Society, and his his color is better, naturally. up to novv; duriog which pend upon yourselves, he said. cross the ocean into servitude, black man And what proof that his actions vvere not of nization.
so don depend upon him. De homes in Africa and shipped aremarks are only intended in But that is his notion, not the Brovyo seem to have told him the best interest of the OrgaPrayer won do ou have we that the white, man is good remarked Darrow «What and drowned themselves to esyour race needs is education, cape a living hell, when the rest right? Perhaps he is all worong, vould be better to give oyer Hall is novy a misnomer for the as good pay as you can get, of them were chained to the We Whites are not vyhite any to the people their property. edifice, as no one is at Liber courage, perseverance, and as ships so that they could not way. We re only a kind of so that they could get some ty to investigate the financial ashen gray many of the material needs and thus commit suicide, when fuone to handle their affairs ia transactions of the Society comforts as it is posible to gitive slaves were brought back One thing remember, that an honest manner. Smith in novvadays that he is not threatobtain. am not saying that by Christian officials before the nobody wants to get rid of the turo rushes to Court and pro ened vvith prosecution, expulyou should not give to chur Civil War. He has been present colored race. Oh, no! They want secutes Brovvo for slandering sion, suspension for so doing ches if you want to, but am at every lynching and bombing, you. They like to have you do him by calling him a thief. or his speech gagged in some saying that, with the little mo when poor, helpless black men their work. All they want of Declarations have been taken vvay or other ney the Negro has, he should and women have been tortured you is to keep your proper consider material, practical things and slain. And He has never place. But what is your provery carefully. He must have helped!
per place? Why, servility, crinthem if he is to continue to There isn any such thing ging, tips, menial labor, humiprogress.
as a race. Any intelligent biolo liation, segregation in the worst sections of the cities, exclusion from dignified and intellectual This Hotel is being rushed to etc. in all this great undertaking; work, no matter how well fitted completion with the hope of its this is certainly a great item for it you are. Your proper owner, Dr. Luis Paulino Jimenez worthy of praise on the part of place is a slavery not so far to open it up with a grand display Messrs Cadtz Genl. Foreman of better than the slavery from on the 15th September; and its works, Mr. Millings Superintenwhich you were emancipated natural that he should be so ding Carpenter, and Mr. CampThe Banana Contract is still Another clause acepted vvith in 1863.
enthused. this, the greatest work bell foreman Carpenter, judging being discussed and the end joy is that in vvhich it is unan You will never make any of its kind not only in Costa the height of the structure, and of it is a long way yet from imously agreed that the Compa genuine progress if you stay in Rica but we venture to say in the general hustle and bustle sight, several Motions have been ny vvill after five years exploitayour proper place. You will Central America, it would cer of such works in which the brought forvvard to bring tion of the banana farms on the go forward only by educating tainly be befitting to inaugurate directing officer is apt to lose about modifications but one Pacific Coast, ship all bananas yourselves, organizing, bettering such an undertaking on the day his head and leave some trifling by one they are being lost as in those regions from Nacional your material conditions, and of the Independence of his coun matter to his subordinates with those who are in favaur of the Ports, in the meantime they seeking your rights.
try; but we are fearing that the at times disastrous results, but passing of the agreement as it will be shipped by Railvvay Dr. is doomed to disappointment friend Campbell knowing his resYes, my friends, am stronstands are in the majority and into Puerto Armuelles, Panain this his greatest wish, it does ponsibility as the weaker fence. are determined not to permit ma, thus benefiting Panama gly inclined to think that wha: not seem that this will be pos was most minute in carrying out any amendments to be forced nian labour; and in the meantever you get in this world will sible before the 12th day of the instructions of his superiors have to come from yourselves. October, the Anniversary of an in that may have the effect time if the lands does not hold so that no blame could be at of blocking the project by the the cultivation for more than It won come from the supe other great event in the life of tributed to them or him with introduction of any clauses five or seven years, vvhat do rior race, although there are Central America, being the day the result of a happy conclusion vvhich the Company vvill not vve gain? hovvever this is to occasional white men and woof the discovery by Columbus of the great task and the satisaccept.
be seen.
men who will be just to you. of the great American Conti faction of not only his subordiThe latest vvas a motion by The President of the Repub it won come from the skynent four hundred and thirty nates but his immediate chiefs, Mr. Peralta by vvhich the Com lic has been visiting the Li The gains you have so far at eight years ago and even if the as well as the National accident paay would be obligated to mon end during the past tained have resulted from your ecstacy of our patriotic doctor Insurance Bank on whose shoula loan of half a million dollars vveekhs vvill visit Guapiles and own efforts. So it will be with has to be held in abeyance for ders would have fallen the into the small settlers to assist its surroundings this yvek.
your future gains, declared Mr. another month it wont make his demnities caused by any mishaps.
them to plant bananas, vvhich The loan of a million dolDarrow.
great idea of fomenting the pros Bonus ought to be awarded the Co. vould not accept and lars from the first National The ban of the Negro clergy pects of a Tourist trade the less those responsible as an impetus vvas consequently voted out. Bank of Boston become due men who refused to allow Mr. worthy of praise and ecomium to diligence and thoughtfulness There are yet before the on 2nd. September, and the Darrow to speak in their church that should be showered on his in such operations.
House notices of 22 more of announcement is made that by es, received brief and terse head as a worthy patriot.
And now to the accommodasuch motions for modifications the retrenchments made by allusion from Mr. Darrow. You We have been afforded through tions of this gigantic structure to the Contract before the first the Executives, this obligation can go back and tell them that the affability courtesy of the of reinforced Concrete of the readiog vvill be completed, can be met, although there wouldn speak in a church Architect Mr. George Laurence very latest type in Engineering heoce one may see that it will is the sanction of a proroga. anyway if could speak any, the privelege of being shown all Science; it is of four stories high be some vveeks yet before the tion until the 2nd. of Decem where else, he said. think over the building by Mr. Neil with a flat roofing of asphalted conclusion of this matter. ber, but it will be met no they are right. am not just Campbell the chief Carpenter Concrete, which is suited for It is evideot hovvever that time puntualy.
the fellow to make a speech in who has been in charge of this gardens or Tennis Courts if neit must be passed, from the a church. usually say what branch of the Construction from cessary at the Summit. The buildthat the income arising from think. man can do that if the first nail was struck until ing is about 80ft by 140ft. long the Exportation Tax has alreahe talks in the average church the present time: and it is right and towers up over sixty feet dy been appropriated for the So it is better for me to talk to say Mr. Canſpbell as a work from the sidewalk besides having building of a Railvvay Branch somewhere else. The ministers man, has earned the confidence all its culinary, refrigerating and into the province of Guanacasare satisfied to have me kept and keen appreciation of Mr. Icemaking departments in a subte on the Pacific Coast and the out of the churches here and Laurence his immediate boss and terranean chamber.
Moin Tortuguero Canal, this Are you interested in a Radio set?
am satisfied, so all of us Itconsists of 120 Rooms beauDr. Jimenez, for the masterly yras unanimously adopted vith get in touch with Eduardo Escarré suited, he concluded.
Jubilant ecstacy by the oppoat HOTEL ATLANTICO, San José and unassuming manner he has tifully finished with linoleum floorMr. Clarnce Darrovv is con manipulated his supervision of ings and all necessary accomDents, therefore although it he will make and install you a first sidered the lavvyer in the world this department of the great modations. On the first floor there looks like tanding the hide of class RADIO set, so you may sit in on Criminalogy, and has robbed work.
are five spacious apartments for theox before he is slaughtered. your home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil from the Prisons of the One thing stands out Supreme fancy stores or Offices facing it is evident the ox must be isticbouts, speeches or any Amusement, broadcasted from the United States, some of the most intricate cri in his favour that is there has not Central Avenue and the third slaughtered to fulfil the compromise.
Cuba, Jamaica on Euroopa de la Biblioteca NaciBaricof Justiceno del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotec construction of Wisud. Scaffoldings minal cases presented before the been an accident due to mal Street. The immense diningrooms, Continued from page Radio Installation are

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