
Mission of Princes to Jamaica THE TOURIST TRADE at In gratitude to our Patrons only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: Views of our readers terments to the Province of Limon. PILE Leaving inspiring Message con deavour to spot the Princes For a long whille vue have our visitors, sve are creditably tions; this could be done by cluding their important mission wherever they may be, and while been harping on the necessity informed that there is much regular fixed rates with their to Jamaica, the tvvo African Prin assiduously with holding all in of a Tourist trade Associa dissatisfaction present contracted autos, to be paid ces who arrived here incognito formation from the Press and tion which would have charge among the Tourists of the by vouchers from the passenabout a fortnight ago and vvho public; the Police are straining of the propaganda vvork service handed out to them. gers carried. Such and other had previously advised local every cylinder in their Investiga of iviting Tourists into the We heave herd of instances facilities vvould have the effect officials by cable, that no tion machinery to rip the veil country and seeing to their vvhere Tourists have been ta of encouraging vacationers to comforts public demonstrations should be from the mysterious situation.
and enjoymeots ken out and deposited on plea flock to Costa Rica and held in their honour, sailed during vvhilst among us; and at last sure grounds and left there build up a considerable Tourthe vveek on their return trip to CITY EXCITED OVER VISIT vve are glad to note that the paintiog on conveyances to ist Industry to this beautiful the continent, carrying it is un Chamber of commerce is tak return to their Hotels for hours. country.
derstand a sealed reply from Mar The vvhole city has been throvvn ing the matter up and have and yet theyare tendered a Bill Last years report of the cus Garvey to their father who into a state of excitement appointed a commitee of gen covering all the time wasted Tourist Association of JamaiControls over 250, 000 Square by the reported circumstances tlemen to look after this. in this direction.
ca shovved that there passed miles of territory with over. connected with the Royal Visit With the completion of the What yve should suggest is, through that Island 10700 tour3. 000, 000 Souls in the Belgian and on Sunday night last the Gran Hotel Costa Rica one that as the Co. who ists of all classes. Immagine Congo. The metropolitan Police 15, 000 Seating capacity Stadium great achievement tovvard a is the party most benefited by that each of these left tvventy have explored every avenue of at Edelvveis Park, vvas pack successful tourist season has the Tourist trade through the dollars spent in this country investigation in a futile effort to ed by enthusiastic members of been attained but we cannot activities of their Transporta in sight seeing, we sould have establish the identity of the Prin the Public who understood that stopthere, there is much more to tion facilities, that she would benefitted by nearly a million ces and to place them under rigid the Princes vould visit this be done; in a beautiful country inaugurate an automobile ser. of colopes of foreign capital cross examination. Detectives and famous Local coloured rendez. like this, with a variety of vice under their oven manage left vvith us; besides the posredseams have been watching vous on this particular night. climates an enormous tourist ment and direction to attend sibility of some of these being every movement of Mr. Garvey, officials here have di business should be made, but to the travellings of these plea induced to invest in other intrailing his Lemousine in and out vulged absolutely nothing concer vve need more Hotels of the sure seekers, thus relieving dustries in the country; is this of tovvn. Last week friday vvhile ning this visit of the Princis but kind, ofcoure pe fully realize them of all excessive provoca not an item to encouraged?
speeding to PortAntonio to keep in the circumstances the Bblack that an opinion from those an important appointment, he vvas man attaches great significance considered not of of top notch abruptly stopped, his car care to certain internal developments grade is hardly acknovvledged fully searched and himself and consequent on the visit, none the but we are asking those vyho his chauffeur rigidly questioned least of which was the sudden are in a position to dictate on by four men who professed to and unceremonious departure of these matters to consider ao be detectives; car loads of detec Lady Henrietta Vinton Davis idea; first, that the next Hotel This journal has sustained during these months a tives have been patrolling throug Secretary General of the to be built, vvill be constructmost terrible conflict for existence due to the prevailing Criout Kingston and paying Inter. Aug. 1929 of the World ed out in the hygienic subarbs sis occasioned by the scarcity of the principal product of mittent visits to various points to New York. Our limited space of say Cartago, where a suf the Atlantic zone which is that portion of the Country she on the water front in an attempt has prevented us from including ficient level tract of lands can is destined principally to serve, by a tremendous sacritice to discover the ambassadors from in the present issue an impor be obtained to have say ten in this terrific combat we have survived.
the Congo.
tant message to Jamaicans and or 15 Hectareas of property, The overcome of all these difficulties has been made And it possible to frustrate to the vvorld left by the Royal on which will be made several their efforts to leave the Island. Visitors in the hands of a Black. tenois courts, a good set of possible only by the spontaneous determined support of Police Head quarters in Kings man reporter. This message how golf links, a hockey ground, the coloured people of the country whose causes we ton through telegrams other vever vvill be featured in this Park and possibly a track have Championed unwaveringly from time to time as special despatches have laid an paper next week from The for horse races of say a 34 well as the kind attentions of our printers «La Imprenta Island vvide net vvork in an en Blackman of 16th. inst. Mile circle, on vvhich our Tour. Ujueta» for which we beg to return our gratitude to all Then there is another item concerned, for such appreciation and support.
that must be considered, that But as there now dawns upon us an era of prosperity, PILES SHOE STORE Siquirres is, the Automovile service to possibly such as vvas never before evidenced, due to the occurrence novy passing through Congress by the Keep apashing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the sanctioning of the Banana Contract and its associated betPILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless in beauty and style We novv beg vvhile as above gratefully recognizing Siquirres Editor of THE SEARCHLIGHT the steadfact adhesion cooperation and appreciation of our efforts Journalistic to appeal for your continued support Dear Sir: and ai the same time vvill entreat our Many Merchant Permit me a small corner in friends who have contributed by their Advertisements your valuable paper to bring etc. to the life of this the only Journal of the country exeDear Mr. Editor: am avvare and if dare take Sermon that vvas preached cuted in the English language to increase their advertising Please allow me space in the what is written on the pages in St. Mark Church Limon on support. Conjecturing that English and Spanish are the columns of your very important of the English and Jamaican Sunday 17 inst. at 30 dominant languages in this continent hence this Nevvshistory as authentic on the sub by the Rev. Archdeacon Oakley paper is the only means you have of reaching the English journal to make a fevv stateon the life Mission of the speaking peoples of this conntry «vvho are acknovvledged ments, which consider is of ject; England was not the agor in. of vvhat articles of one occasion, have heard these tunes of war are such that one of Christ, his life, his death, burial Merchandise you have for Sale.
follovving vvords alluded to some them, either life or loses something very dear to and Ascension. It was the Most some other eloquent Sermon that has been Novy that prosperity is knocking at our doors, it is certain class of individuals, that precious value. To argue that preached in Limon for quite a your time to advertise to these great spending people so that The SEARCHLIGT may be found ever so much more they would like to take avvay in the Island at the time vvere It reminds us of a Sermon useful to all concerned than she Might have been herethe same manner as they have capable of taking a valuable that was preached by the Rev. tofore.
people of Spain. vvould like country so povverful as she was the River Jordao some years ago.
If the Archdeacon vvill conti RE, BANANA CONTRACT to enlighten these foolish people at the time is decidedly an exnue in all his Sermons teachings a little on this subject. Jamaica pression of foolishness. beg to inform these poor like this, certainly the St. Mark day evening with respect to the Banana more while the arguments are proceedvvas discovered or was taken benighted souls vvho knovv no congregation will recuperate Contract, twelve deputies of the oppossession of on the 3rd of May thing of vvhat they are trying numerically. The next thing is position, put in a written protest before they will be held culpable before the They were warned by others that 1494, by Columbus in the name to babble over that it was Col that our Church people Should Congress relative to the manner in which country for noncompliance of their of Ferdinand and Isabella King onel Doyley vvith 500 men vvho learn to appreciate Such ser: Congress is humiliating herself before sworn promises, never to leave the preand Queen of Spain. In the year chased avvay don Arnold Sasi mons and the preachers, by vvhich the dictates of the United Fruit Co. in cincts without permision. The business 1655 the Island was vyrested the last Spanish governor from they would learn Something edihowever is proceeding and the 3rd from Spain by the Army of Runavvay Bay in St. Anns at fying and leave the Moderno the Hall, some refusing to return any after it was read they walked out of reading is expected to go through today.
Oliver Cromvvell vvho vvas the vvhich place he was trying to We shall give a full traslation of this Arasty on Sunday nights for protest in our next issue ugh Cromvvell vvas being brand build a fort. He escaped to Cuba the Church.
in a canoe; hence the port bears Thanking your for space Mr.
EEEEEEEEE 3333 ed as a tyrant; and vvas called an upstart, by many of the peers The only people as negroes vvho the appellation Runavvay Bay. Editor. Yours truly RELWOF and nobility of England, he was undoubtedly the chief ruler of are worthy of note for valor England.
and bravery then vvere the maroons vvho vvere in serfdom to Whether the policy of the EnTHE LOYAL VESPER glish people in taking the Island the Spaniards. In my next vvill say more on this subject. The Loyal Vesper Lodge No To the resideats of Port Limon and Sections along from Spain vvas a just one, is not for me to decide. There exThanks in advance for space 5; of Good Samaritans and the lines, We advise allovved me yours truly.
isted a war of thirty years duD. will stage a high class Flower Service in their Lodge That the magnificent PUNTA DE PIEDRA ration betwveen England and MILLER at the Hall of the SALT may be obtained by sending your orders in Spain; from 1618 to 1648. As Parismina.
Good Hope Lodge of Ancient Turrialba to Messrs. Rojas, Cortes Co. ordər of Shepherds on Sunday Allen; Quiros; and Campos. 7th. September beginning at In Limon to. Limon Trading Co.
FOR SALE 30 m, precisely.
Members and friends of other In Puntarenas to. Messrs. Rudi Jimenez At the most Central Corner le Limon doing a thriving business Fraternal and Friendly Societies In San Jose. Arturo Echandi CAFETERIA LA ESMERALDA are cordially invited to Spend a As well as all my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best pleasant evening with us. silNOTE. dont forget that it is the best and cheapest business and residential quarters in the town of Limor consiting of 53 rooms ver collection expected.
Salt in the Country. Ask for it and see that all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied.
you get it.
Apply to Cleveland Duncan, Leopold Brown C; hal MigueFgbert McCarthyar Secretary, del Min Peeeeeeeee BIT OF HISTORY ing 973 Punta de Piedra Salt rooms


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