
Saturday 30 de Auguet 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT PAGE From Madre de Dios Benefits from the World War?
nor Our Annual election of Of Elsie Clarke and our heroine, ficers vvas held at this place on Mrs. Dorcas Foote, and Bro.
Sixteen years have now been lured into this battle of Egoisution to the people for themselves, Monday night 18th inst and on Ellis of 27 Miles all pledged were dismissed with an acustom were forced to accede to the Sunday night 24th found a lively their adherence to the cause completed, yet a very small perlittle group of members renew. vvhen Messrs Chas Barker and centage of the earth inhabi ed indifference, and it became demands of the latter and te a matter of course to deviate bend their obduarte irreconciing their pledges to the Asso Richard Foote, the President and or accept that the World War from promises considered at that lability; resulting in a Republican ciation Germany, Austria and Turkey, Mr. James Montague preached agemets, vvhen an enthusiastc of 1914, has created any results time sacred.
The originators of the great ceding territorities to disatisfied an appropriate Sermon from Phil meeting was bronght to a colse those who have remained, or human butchery pretended to factions held by force for cenippians 4th.
chap and 17th verse. by the rendering of an Anthem have escaped annihilation, or even resume their dominant position turies. Russia tired of Imperialism The Negro World was read by by the quartette of Misses for those who have or not suf over the other creatures of the gapes to the world beseeching the Secretary, who also spoke Williams and Wright, Mrs. fered subsequently from its ef globe, even over those that had an acceptance of equality among on the theme Behold the day Dorcas Foote and Mr. Jas Mon fects; for besides the actual par accepted their sophistry and had her people on grounds more or has come, and vvho vvill stand tague.
his wrath. Our distinguished This Division is numerically ticipants of the war, very many gone to their rescue. They pre less acceptable.
England who boasted of her enthusiast of 76 years old, sister small. but our Molto is by de thousands of people have been tended not to comprehend the more or less ruined one way or great significance of the sacrifi established justicefound it want Margaret Williams gave an en termination we shall be strong the other, which can be unpreju ce, that it was ordained by a ing when weighed against the couraging address.
de dicedly retraced to the effects supreme being so that this shed demands of the entities that Mr. Charles Robinson, Mrs.
THE SECRETARY of the war.
ding of blood should take place made up her Empire, in so much Speculative opinions have as a means of disestablishing that she dared no longer to EEEEEEEEEEEEE0233332233 been continually launched as to such gigantic egoism. This great remain indiferent to the evoluthe cause of the war. Every ingratitude became repulsive to tions that the war brought about, VICTOR MACHINES THE BEST writer of these causes using as humanity. in so much that from and she raised the category of logical facts as possible to gain the bowels of the most auto her dependencies placing them The times are dull, but it is to drive away dull cares why it is necessary to soften the Crisis by buying the most melodious on a platform of equality, reppublic aprobation of his opinion. cratic entity of the immense World and harmonizing Music.
Others have tried to assign the power monopolizers was evacua udiating the name of Empire Only to be found in VICTOR MACHINES. For Victroblame to definite individuals or ted the standard bearers of sel for that of Commonwealth, and las and the latest hits in VICTOR RECORDS as well as the communities, while those on the fishness. From the land where making compromises that she best Pianos Pianolas.
other hand recorded with great the greatest gulf between the refused ever since the establishDistributor along the lines emphasis and extreme arguments social status of humanity was ment of her Empire.
LESTER NORTON But is this all? No it is not.
their irresponsibility of this ap established came the first shout SIQUIRRES oarent non productive human of protest of continued social It is only an awakening of the REEEEEEEEEEEEE0333333333333 butchery and destruction. disequilibrium.
seed that was sown on the batThe continued progress of the From the mouth of a distin tlefield of Europe. The realization guished must come in a definite manner.
THE COSTA RICA HOTEL that had been forced upon, and eiless and mercenary mechan. The approaching of same through accepted by the inhabitants of ism, was echoed the neccesity indirect channels is insufficient.
the globe, a system backed by of loosening the cords of repug. The sacrifice to compensate such Continued from page Rica and must be referred to in the arsenals of the great powers, nant predominance that had en sacrifices already made by human Radio offices, Elevator and future years as The Eureka, of and their powerful fleets, ter tangled the whole structure of blood must be effected boldly.
reception rooms are also on the Engineering constructive ability rorized any innovation of opi Creation, and which at once No established organization first floor. The Second floor is in Central America is concerned. from the estabilished organiza conflict.
so far as Hotel accommodations nions that attempted departure threatened a repitition of the to assure the safety of determined people or nations will for visitors, and on the Northern There is only one thing lacking tions. Selfishness was the cur The result in that these facts be enough to fill the vacancy, facing of the 3rd floor is lodged in our opinion is a great Lavvn rent chart of human associations, became so prominent that a new will the manoeuverings realization was introduced among undertaken by one portion of Co. The Managers office occu certainly a pity that thedoctor nopolized agrandizement was the the families of the human crea the earth people under the name North Eastern Corner of the Hectareas of lands anyvvare to How then could this great mach. Most likely, and from an analisis about the lack of equilibrium.
building, his Secretarys office next vvards the Savanahs, Guadalupe inery of such monstrous capaci of the continued pretensions, we Tangible organization for and. intendents office next to him golf línk, a hockey ground and nize feeble sounds of protest. lizations in form of concessions earth is the only foundation for Western and minor offices.
Tennis Courts conld be built for that may have pretended to obs were made with an understan. a world democracy. This must There is also a powerful Ra the pastime of these visitors. truct its path, especially when able indirect maintenance of be realized sooner or later. the dio Station housed in the build: however this can later be con such pretensions emanated from dominance. However room was changes already realized is only ing by which the guests will be facilitated with broadcastings the enterprizing doctor in the This Hotel is supposed to cost objects that had no participation given to the birth of Chekoslavia, a prelude for the recompense Yugoslavia, Lithunia, Iraq, Esto expected by the Great Architect of the latest Concerts, entertain vicinity of a half a Million dol Civilization became mad, their So then those very Gods of nia, Latavia, Estonia, etc, etc. of the Universe for the savaments and happenings from all lars of vvhich the Co. is very inventions brought fury bet nism gave little or no recogni. man.
Governments whose mecha gery committed man against novel ventilation machine for the said to have loaned him 250, 000 ween them, and the great race zance or participation in legislaG. hygienic ventilationofthe culinary, of no external beauty in appear and they caused destruction amo and vvhen completed, although for superiority maddened them, the subterranean flooring all these ance will mark another miles. ngst themselves. In their deterLAWYER AND NOTARY run by Electricity. In short the tone of progressive ideas in Costa mination of destroying each other Uodertakes lavvsuits of the most technical cases.
Gran Hotel Costa Rica is a tre Rican Culture, and has come in and with an intention of not enthe prospects of a Tourist trade. tirely exhausting their resources Conveyances of properties, vvills, and all sorts of legmendous adornment to Costa al documents prepared. Honest advices on points of Lavy in the terrific struggle, it pleased given before going into Courts; Never contest a losing them to make overtures to those suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
creatures that were tabooed in RUFINO SOLIS participating in the gigantic me Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon chanism of world power monopEnglish and French Spoken oly, and invited them to help in their war of jealousy.
But all this came about, not The Analogy of The Gran Hotel Costa Rica and The Theatre Raventos FROM without a certain directing of As ao adjunct to our article ies and the silent film vvorld Providence; a sacrifice should be made, and the battle field was on the opening up of the Ho Nothing frivolous at Raventos.
tel Costa Rica, it is only right Its proximity to the Central PAINS choiced by the Architect of the to call the attention of our Universe as the altar of sacrifice Tourists to the fact that, as this dral makes it the most prePark and Metropolitan Cathebetween man and man, between Hotel is by for and avvay the quently visited by the best eleand amongst the advantageous best in Costa Rica, so in a si ment of the county population.
and the disadvantageous creatumilar category comes the sta Its situation also to the Nevy res of God creation.
tus of The Theatre Raventos Hotel renders it so easy of acin relationship to the active cess, it being one hundred Yards The war ended, armistice proTheatres of the Country. to the South and tvvo hundred BAYER claimed. The entities which were It is the only one in which to the West, gives an you will be made to feel at constitutional after dinner Stroll home vvhile in the City by its to reach a thrillingly interesLodge Notices enterprisiog proprietor Mr. Gir ting picture whether of Love, The Loyal Phylis Chapter too and his staff. He spares Commercial intrigue or advenno cost to introduce the best ture, adds eachantment to the There will be a function stag. and latest Films, both iotalk. pleasure seeker away from home.
ed at the Loyal Phoenix Hall, on the 21st September at 30 precisely, by Don accept any tube the members of the Loyal Phy: Stray Shot VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO lis Chapter of the Independent United Order of Mechanics Let us advise a certain pufEfficacious Remedy or envelope packets known as Grand Rally of fed up married lady who lives to expel worms the Fruits.
on the Western side of SiquiLucas Morua Without the The members of all fraternal rres to cease encouraging other Societies, Sister Lodges and the wive husbands in your home SOLD IN THE SPANISH DRUG STORE general public are cordially in when your husband (who is vited, when they will enjoy a apparently deaf, dumb and blind)
Cartago, Tep. 177 great Musical treat in store for is out upon his business. If you Doubling your advertising in them; and a very pleasant Sun do not cease we shall expose day afternoon.
your locality and physiognomy THE SEARCHLIGHT Miss HYLTON etc. so you may be known.
Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano SecretaryNacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de chevagrieved icone is to double your sa sel Lawyer QUICK RELIEF CAFIASPIRINA easy BEWARE OF IMITATIONS!

    DemocracyEnglandGermanyImperialismWorld War

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