p. 4


A word to your Owl SASTRERIA GRANT Ticket Contracts Annulled Cine Moderno page 87 REBUTTAL Jane Barrett did triumph in suit against the Free Seventh Day Adventists Manager of Limon Service Bureau says Dear Mr. Editor this article is well observed; II a violation of the principles go Gilbert. ys. Williams, MasAs a prominent subscriber to for the uplifting of his com, might he not open a night school verning the relations betwen at sachusetts 57.
August 19, 1930, torney and client, a few of which If the holder of a note place pour much appreciated weekly rades so as to teach us not only we shall cite, for the benefit of it in the hands of an attorneypermit me space to make a Mother Tongue but a little Although reluctant in following our readers and Elder Mosley, at law, with instructions to bring dent, The Night Hawk. For of his culture?
our client instructions to file an especially from the American and suit upon it, and the attorney, the improvement not only of Lengthy lectures scarcely touch embargo and suit against the British rules on the question of acting under the honest impres his Morals, but as well for those the hearts of the congregation Free Seventh Day Adventists, for Professional Ethics: sion that he would best promote he aims to criticize; that but come to the point and give the reasons already staded, we When an attorney disobeys the interest of his client by not instead of filling your journal us an example to follow.
could not do otherwise, unless the lawful instructions of his bringing suit immediately, omits with such rot, believing that we were willing to commit a client and a loss ensues, for that to do so, and the money is af his identity is so obscure (his your Thanking you in advance Sir breach of confidence or incur loss the attorney is responsible: terwards lost by the insolvency personatity may be worthy of appreciatively.
of the maker or for some other obscurity) but his identity in YOUNG CRITIC reason, the attorney is liable in AN ANIMAL LOST an action against him; and the measure of damages is what Strayed or stolen from Carmelita Farm, down Carmen, Indiana branch ONE might have been recovered from NUTMEG ROAN FILLEX, three years old, with a touch of white Puff on the the maker of the note, if suit tail, and streak to white in forchead about 13 hands height, for 21 days now. The had been brought when the note property of Mrs. ALLEN of Carmelita Farm. Any one giving information GRANT that will lead to the recovery of the animal will be suitably rewarded.
was placed in the hands of the Mrs. KETURAH ALLEN. Carmen Farm attorney for collection: Cox vs Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
Livingston 2W. 103; wil complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels PERDIDA UNA YEGUITA DE TRES ANOS cox. VS. Plummer Peters 172. always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals de color rosado con algo de blanco en el cola; desaparecida de Carmen, Rama An attorney should advise North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts Indiana. Se dorá una gratificación a la persona que la presente a su dueña. his client to the best of his judg.
Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, Señora KETURAH ALLEN. Finca Carmen ment, and if the client refuses winnings this week.
Nomoemen to follow the advice, it is safer In Serie Drawing No. 48: Won by Aristides Cordero Ticket No. 24.
for the counsel to follow the In Serie Drawing No. 25; won by Tobias Orozco No. 11 client instructions so far as the In Serie Drawing No. 5; wou by Mario Moya Ticket No. 119.
FURNITURE AT SONG rules of law will permit. Nave In presence of Antonio Sequeira Benigno Peñaranda, Francisco Quadra. VS. Baird 2, Indiana 318.
BOX 252 San José Cheap set of drawing room furniture comprising sitting chairs, TELEPHONE 3320 Armchairs, Lounge, Table. Apply The Searchlight or to Mrs. Alva BriTo save the client by all cefio, Apartment No. 436. Calle Tarque, Cartago, o Mrs. Bell Hotel Francés. means and expedience, and at all hazards and costs to other persons, and among them to himself, is his first and only duty; and in performing this duty he must not regard the alarm, the torments, the destruc By The Gleaner vve note that regularities existing in the mani LIMON tion he may bring upon others. the Contract vvhich was avvard pulations of this Municipal CoIf you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, and Sharswood Professional Ethics, ed to Mr. Gore by the uncil. there is a very influentially Silent Films.
Kingston St. Andrevvs Corpor signed request going up to the Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and And, regarding the rules above ation Council for building Con governor asking that the present cited, the responsibility of the crete drains around Cross Roads Board be dissolved and a Com9 all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos.
attorney is as great and as strict to take avvay the storm vvaters mission appointed to transact the Where the most affable and gentile proprietor attends to the com in Costa Rica as in any other from the Bridge constructed there affairs of the parishes of St. Anfort of all classes of his patrons alike.
country, when want of good by the Public Works, has been drevvs and Kingston until a new faith or attention to the cause cancelled by the Governor. election be made.
is alleged.
Tenders vere solicited for this The names of The Custos of To be continued vvork vvhich vvas estimated at St. Andrevvs, the Mayor of Kings 900 by the government; tvvo ton and Mr. Seymour Seymour, tenders were received, one by Representative in the Legislative An invitation TO All Messrs McCullock and Brooks Council for St. Andrewys, have Dear Mr. Editor: doctrine besides a well equiped for 820 and one by Mr. Gore been proposed as such Comday School, run by a School The Matina Branch for 950. Mr. Gore tender was mission.
gentleman, trains the The Charges against Mr. Ferof Mr. Josephs of Pacuarito tomorrow. How then does this latest style. In Aid of the Liberty the proceedure, and the matter uncil for alleged acceptance of to the apparent irregularity of nandez as a member of the Co.
relative to my Division of the Medlesome Matty dare to insult Hall fund, on Monday night the vvas referred to the governor, bribes for voting not infavour of writer said truly. horse us all by saying it is badly kept ist. of September. Half night who ordered that this avvard be certain propositions brought be etc. and not worthy of our with a highly trained instinct, is concert and half night dance. annulled and new tenders before the Council is proceeding meetings?
superior to a man with a low can only advise Mr. Josephs The Country, best Band in solicited.
before a Commission appointed grade intellect In consequence of alleged ir by the Governor.
attendance live always for Peace, but because the members of this to leave our business alone, hovy can refrain from drawing Division can well take care of Murray Genl. Secty.
swords with such meddlesome themselves. Those people who particle of truth. The premises watch other people business will Cheap for Cash, at Turrialba a lot of land 10x50 Varas with a alluded to in which we operate soon not have anything of their own to watch over.
belongs to an accredited FraAll advices of Births, deaths, comfortable house of four rooms with a San Juan between, and ternal Organization in which Thanking you for this privelege marriages, etc. as vvell as other Verandahs in front and back other such well respected bodies Mr. Editor. beg to remain ap publications to the Daily GleaEnquire of ASHLEY or CHARLES LEWIS Der can be sent in to The as well as a recogonized reli: preciatively Yours.
gious Society also expounds the (Turrialba)
DAVID JONES SEARCHLIGHT for transmission tenets of Morality and Christian to Jamaica, Fees being seot in President Siquirres Division to us in advance as «The Correspondeat.
Due to the death of Mr.
HOTEL ATLANTICO George Campbell vvho vvas the salesman of the Daily GleaThere is no Hotel that attends to your comfort as ner in Limon all patrons of THE HOTEL ATLANTICO one block and a half South from the The Gleaner can solicit their Eastern Market Gate attended to by your friends.
supply from Mr. Brooks, BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Agent of The SEARCHLIGHT Eduardo Escarré and his wife ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Box 434 Limon. Bureau established for the greater convenience, understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishSpeaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen PIEDRA BRO.
against unscrupulous debtors.
Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to Collection Some of the best lands can fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both be had on Rent at Estrada on operated the direction of a Barrister with AMERICAN TAILORS a basis of seventeen percent We have had great experience in the United States. We can make over tyventy five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as for Rental, that is, you pay the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the ten cent per Bunch and you Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials best finished workmanship.
get fifty cents.
are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
Lands adjoining the main and Counsel.
line at San Jose Creek.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Apply PARSONS Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager LAWYERS NOTARIES Estrada.
AT LIMON MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS SILVA Limon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre San José, 50 yards West of the Presidencia Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as Solicitors before Beat depression by advertising the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial doCorrespondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of cuments also prepared at Lowest prices.
Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, more in New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, ENGLISH SPOKEN THE SEARCHLIGHT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 reply to an article from the pen minds of the them as trainen tbe will be staging a concert of the accepted, but protests were made creatures of debased mentality. do nothing but walk around and NOTICE TO OUR READERS FOR SALE LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND Banana Lands on Lease SASTRERIA AMERICANA lose; a novy under


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