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SUBSCRIPTION 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPY 25 THE SEARCHLIGHT EDITOR MANAGER NATION APARTADO 123. CARTAGO PUBLISHED SATURDAYS WEEKLY NEWSPAPER Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 13 SEPTEMBER. 1930 46 Good Bishop Feted Members take Notice and or to of members present. the prestige of the Organi The following elaborate to comtemplate your preo administrative ability, the Dear Mr. Editor address was delivered by Mr. cupations for the growing fevv bickerings of past The President stronglyzation; the indebtedness of Please grantus space Percival Irons on behalf the town of Siquirres: It is unprotested, he assured us the Div. is increasing by years betwveen a fevv pusil in your valuable columns Coloured Catholics of this necessary to reiterate the animous adherents have en to insert the follovving carried on before January, that no election vvill be leaps and bounds. It would seem that a colossal sy vindTown on the occasion of the benefits the people of this tirely disappeared and Cath information. The members feast day of our much be place have obtained from olic concord reigns supreme of the port Limon Div of he vill vacate bis seat at liog is being perpetrated.
the end of the present loved Bishop, Monseñor your generous hands, but among your flock.
the ask to Are vve going to sit tamely Agustin Blessing on Sunday Ah! with what results can we The advancements obtain inform the general public, month, but will be res and allovy the President and those tvvo men vyho eneving 31st August at Console ourselves? Already ed by your Administration that the election of offi possible to the Goverowhich there were present the ment for the operations of as a consequence of your reflects on all sides your un cers will be carried op vvere turned out of of the Div. until January Reved. fathers Wollengar efficacious help, history retiring energy to the greater this month. Those coofice through the request He said that you ioformed of the members, vvho kovy ten and Acosta as well as cords the unquestionable glory of God. These bet financial members who are a great many enthusiasts. an irrefutable fact of a slow him in a letter that is nothiog about the purchterments obtained are mi desirous of returning to novy in his custody, that asing of our premises and well rendered Concert but sure awakening of the raculous taking into account the fold, vvill please get you vvere still the acknovy the erection of our building was staged by Miss Esther religious life of Siquirres. the extreme poverty of your ready for the occasion.
Ainsworth and her pupils of There is an appreciable urge Vicarage, which is due in The nomination of offiledged President of the to doom it any further. the Catholic elementary in the Holy Communions, part to the fact that we do cers vvill be on Tuesday Division until January 1929 such must not be the case.
school, with Miss Ena Camp conversions and Baptisms, not as Catholics contribute Sept. 23. rd election Tuesday even though not in office; Hence it is for us to stand bell as pianist, with 26 itenis together with a Marked in as we ought to do. Yes we Sept. 30th installation of is that true? Hear the by to protect the Organion a programme which evi terest in the religious exer are poor, but we can and officers Sunday Oct. 5th absurdity? lies. In spite zation by demanding our denced careful preparation cises, thanks also to the ought to contribute more of the attendance of the election on the 30th of Sept.
as customary since 1927.
and deserves high congra good priests under your and more as a means of The last election vvas in police officer, whom the The rights and vvishes of tulations to Miss Ainsworth charge who have been vis propagating our Roman, November ovving to the President summoned at the the membership are bound the Teacher, Miss Campbell iting this mission with great. Catholic and be Apostolic late arrival of the Presiexpense of the Division, the to respected the Pianist, and all associated members became irate, and adhered to.
er frequency to preceeding Faith.
dent Mr. A. Smith from with them.
determined that their reyears.
We wish, therefore, to Jamaica, this special pri Thanking you for space This function was set for Mr. Editor, We now follow on to demonstrate to you our gra vilege vvas granted him quest must be acceded to.
respectfully 28th August but Monseñor contemplate your ac titude for this realization of as a candidate for the The public vvould be in yours. Wellington, Blessing being away in San tivities in the town of Li religious wellbeing among election. At a recent meetformed that the Port Li Sam. Brown, Edw, Jose at the unveiling of the mon. Oh City! cause of us, and pray that our blessed ing the request of the mon Div. has retrograded Brady, George Barnes, the Statue erected to the such anxiety to you! a city Saviour will conserve your membership with regard to a great extent, due to Wilson, Bramwell, memory of Bishop Stork, whose spiritual welbeing oc life, and will supply you the mal administration of Walters.
to this coming election it had to be postponed for cupies primordial place plenteously with the necesthe officers, Tuvo years ago Correction. This is a vvas not easily entertainthis date.
vve boasted of four em in your apostolic carreer.
rather a concoction, sary vigour to carry on the ed by the president at Limon, 31st August 1930. Yes in my mind, Limon the Apostolic decoction to deceive. Struggle its inception.
ployees, and only one is in To Monseñor Agustin Bles. is confronted with a pecu among us for many, many sing Illustrious Bishop of liar difficulty, in consequen more years.
9th a letter was read at negligence is being excer such effect or intention, On Tuesday night Sept. evidence at present. Gross sent no letter vvith any Limon. Reverend Fathers, ce of the complexity of ra On behalf of the colour the business meeting, poin of the building, favoured cised in collecting the rets re, January or any month, ladies and gentlemen. ces under your care, they ed congregation we beg to ting out the above menbecause customs and preYour humble servant, has being, chiefly Spaniards, In Suscribe ourselves.
tioned dates for the notenants are allovved cedences become Lavv by been designated as the means dians, coloured peoples of Your obedient children mination election and insovve over three hundred co adoption, and since you of interpreting to our dear of French and English Na in Christ sgd. Percival tallation, which lones; the Hall is converted have adopted September Yas Bishop and loving pastor tionalities, but thanks to Irons others.
accepted and carried unainto a regular Bram dan as your yearly change of the sentiments of the colour your equanimous, intelligent, nimoously by the majority cing Hill, which lovvers Officers, and have been ed Catholics in this Diooperating under such a cese, a signal priviledge which procedure, vvhat has Jan. may hardly be worthy or uary to do with it. The capable of doing to the entire vvish of the membership satisfaction of all or with rules supremely in all due perfection. Nevertheless, issues.
in spite of my professed inWhat did say vvas that capacity, shall endeavour Mankind has been expe have been in the world, the gin to destroy Cocoa to article is obtained from a am still acknovvledged as far as my limited intelli riencing recently no end of price would naturally drop plant something else, and Caricature in the Literary before the Lavvs as Pre.
gence will permit, to offer troubles throughout the to such an infinitesimal point so over production will cease.
Digest; we find the President sideat having been so Gaå few expressions of our world, but to the thought that all would be ruined, If there was no Banana of the Federal Farm Board of zetted and inscribed, and affections in commemoration ful, truly Christian man it as it is with Cocoa today; desease; the Co. would the confronted since Mr. Smith has not of this feast in honour of has no serious effects, he how can anyone keep up have had such an enormous by a Picture of Death. rebeen so recorded, he has our dear Bishop.
is never surprised over any a farm with the price of out put on her farms, that presenting the drought in no personality nor repreOur hearts vibrate with thing, he may be shocked at this product at 18 cents per what poor farmer would the to whom he sentation before the Lavys true religious rejoicing on this the deportment of his broth pound, and yet, if we see get a Contract for his five says well, what of this cal as such. But one is day oignal transcendency ers and sisters around him, ahead of us aright, it has or ten Hectareas of this amity and lack of water you prompted to ask What for the Church of this because they are supposed its corresponding good in it, Commodity.
have caused us in 16 of our gainiogs does he derive, carage. We are very much to act in keeping with their some farmers will soon be The inspiration to this most fertile States? Oh! vvhy he should so contest pleased. Why?
better instructions received. am only settling the overthe Job? If the members Because God has preserved but he is never frightened, production question says do not want him, vvhy the terrestrial life of our for he has learned to Trust this Mirage, and so, this is not get out of it honour.
Spiritual Leader to see the God we all speak of our TU RECUERDO the manner in which the ably, rather that vvait to Course of one more year; trust and belief in a merciDedicado a la bella señorita respetuosamente thoughtful must look at all be throvvo out.
to be spared one year more ful God, but it is only lip our apparent calamities; but of sweet service to us in service and hypocrisy. Tu recuerdo es como el perfume de las rosas to be capable of thinking Relative to Tourist this vale of tears.
In Banana producing a cuya aparición mi pecho siente in this wise, we must place Oh disciple of Christ! self Countries we have the ap esa melancolía de las cosas ourselves in a condition of We are informed that a sacrificing son of the Great parent distress caused by que guardo en mi alma doliente.
absolute trust in an allwise, proposition has been put St Vincent de Paul, how what we term Banana Degreat many times have we sease. but we do not look Alguna mirada de ti bella enamorada bountiful and loving Father, before the President by diría la historia de un anor ahora yermo and realize that the most Mr. Victor Lorenz the contemplated with sorrowful at it in gratitude to God as admiration your repeated a blessing in disguise. had con la voz temblorosa y mesurada appalling calamity or evil Engineer in charge of the has its corresponding a.
Construction of the Hocomo se vela sobre un corazón enfermo.
travels across the mountain there been no desease, immount of good, underlying tel Costa Rica, for the ous districts; journeys per magine what an enormous La última tarde como tu mirada era the evil.
Construction of tyvo formed frequently in your overproduction there would un poco más cordial que en otros días branches of Roadvvays one insatiable desire to take the arrastró un fulgor de primavera to the Volcano Irazu and Christian Doctrine to the al mustio huerto de mis alegrias Banana Lands on Lease tho other to Poas. He vvill advance the money to ful exploits. Your Apostolic Some of the best lands do these works for vyhich accomplishments in spite of evocando tus ojos soñadores can be had on Rent at the Government will pay your advanced years, by which thriving Cocoa farm of e implorando en el dorado huerto la caridad de tus hechiceras flores.
Estrada on a basis of seven by instalments to be aryour category as Bishop of ten hectareas in the miles your flock increses teen per cent for Rental, raoged. The Government district from Limon is being that is, you pay tea cent is to give him a Concession and more. Very few are the offered for sale at a ridicu Surgió en aquella obscura per Bunch and you get to build tvvo magoificent prelates who can rival your lously low price, the owner visión tu recuerdo, avivando ignotas huellas fifty cents.
Hotels at those places to y al recordar tu nombre en la espesura prowess in the Army of not being able to attend to Lands adjoining the entertain Tourists.
it. In 1928 it netted over toda la noche triste se cubrió de estrellas.
maio line at San Jose, It is sincerely hoped that Away from your activities 2, 000 from Cocoa to the Creek.
the patriotism of certain VILANOVA, among your beloved abor owner.
gentlemen vvill put no opLimón.
All information from THE Apply R. PARSONS position to such a magni igines The Indians of Talamanca we now pass along SEARCHLIGHT.
Estrada ficent proposal No evil, but has its corresponding Good Inariats What more beauti. Cocoa Farm for Sale Mi vida que moro eo ámbito desierto more Este documento es propiedad Cultura Hubends Costa Rica.


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