
THE Saturday 13 September 1930 SPORTING NEWS DOCTOR JORGE MONTES DE OCA Wanderers and Contrue Mr. Keith beneficiaries Cine Moderno us.
Opinions of our Readers ес ko be AND ra le as 15 DE SETIEMBRE DE 1930 Cricket in Limon muster 52 due to the ac. Patterson 11. Passmore vvas ches as they stand short En esta fecha gloriosa en los anales de curacy of the bovvling of the hero of the Surprise on the slates four games la Historia, cumple Costa Rica el 109 ani On 24th. inst. The Drum Chambers and Samuels. who made some beautiful played Costa Rica vvor versario de su Independencia.
mond Sporting XI engaged The Sporting XI opened shots and a fine six. tvvo, Cuba vvou one drawit the Surprise at 10 a. their defence with Patterson most harmonious and one. On Sunday 14th Club Un gajo más, une a la guirnalda de paz the coin vvas spun and and Roman and closed enjoyable day was Spent. La Libertad the chamy de progreso que ha sido siempre el más fell to the Surprise vvho their innings for 71. McCoy pions of Costa Rica vvill Leg Stump preciado distintivo, de la pequeña república vvent to bat but could only putting on 26, Ben 17 and engage the Fortuna; no need saving that sery del nuevo continente, la bien llamada Suiza Now that the Baseball great enthusiasm is coAmericar. al If you need a first class Medical man see Cyclone, bas Shovvn the tered in this match from way to the leadings Clubs the fact that if the For Cada año que transcurre; cada instante tuna yvins this and made su vida activa y ejemplar, es una nota arOFICE 175 YARDS SOUTH OF THE GRAN HOTEL COSTA RICA tion, to interest themselves kes a tie. then a Costa again. in cricket, as per Rican combination vvill moniosa que vibra con un aire marcial y sa TELEP. 2950. Call at residence By TELP. 2740 the above.
have to play off the tie.
grado en el concierto universall magoificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by It is understood that We are pleased that the Al celebrar El Searchlight, junto con el the French method of heat application. Special matches are again being plucky promotor of these ist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose arranged between regocijo de sus buenos hijos este fausto acon.
these games Mr. Facio bas had Clubs and some of the a successful run; because tecimiento, no puede menos que sentirse feliz Country Clubs under the his expenses for bringing y desear para el porvenir de este pedacito Supervision of a league.
this team here and maintaining them, must have de mundo, una interminable trayectoria de In San Jose cost him over 15. 000 conquistas en el campo del progreso y la feliA Club has been formfrom which we can gathcidad, bajo el amparo de su inmaculado paThe valuation of the pro follovvs San Jose got.
ed in San Jose and the er hovvever he has been bellón tricolor!
perties ovyned by Mr. Mi. 211. 876. 34; Puntarenas gears have been ordered amply revvarded, because his gate entry for the first nor Cooper Keith in Costa 49. 727. 33; Abangares. and arrived under the Rica vvere appraised at. 44. 820. 70; Liberia patronage of The British match vvas over ten thou4. 238. 231, and the Tax 19. 235. 63; Santa Cruz. exhibition match is being equally supported in the Consul Mr. Cox, and an saods and he has been on Death Legacies accord 17. 106. 86; Tilarán.
ing to Costa Rican Lavvs, 684. 82; and Cañas arranged for some time successive matches. As wve brought into the Boards of 714. 11.
next month in the Capital say we are very pleased because such a Spirit of Charity institutions of the This has nothing to do with a team from the lines.
different Provinces in which whit the Legacy left by Nelson, and Mr. Cyril Hunt ganization deserves success; Scharschmidt, Mr.
pluck and systematic or LIMON these properties are located this great benefactor have been making arrangewe need a few more such If you wish to see the best Talking, Musical, and the sum of 354, 365 79 Costa Rica to the country, meat for this innovation; enterprising men among Silent Films.
vvhich amt has been paid vvhich was at first said to Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and by the Executor of the Es. be 000. 000 but after Cup bas also been given for the match by Mr. EduarDon Alfredo Goyenaga P. al films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventos tate into tye Banco de Cos. vvards said to be much less of Limon is also to be Where the most affable and gentile proprietor attends to the com ta Rica, and has been di according to the revaluation do Escarré. special train fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
vided up among them as of his personal RealEstates. is being engaged for the complimented for bis intwo days foo, so cricket fans dustrious ideas, by encan have a chance of spend gaging the Special Trains ing a couple days in San from Limon so as to afford Jose on account of Sport. the Atlantic Fans to see LIMON SERVICE BUREAU the games at a cheap rate English Cricket of Teo colones return fare.
Lancashire has vvon the BUSINESSMEN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Yachting Disparity of views hope this article vvill be ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Championship in County published in time so that Cricket in England this Lord Lipton is doing every Mr. Editor: our worthy friend vvould Bureau established for the greater convenience, year.
thing to fit his Shamrock see that his indigestibles Blease permit me space understanding, satisfaction and protection of the EnglishFootball to lift the coveted Cup vvere not digested, and that in this your valuable weekly this article yvill not cause Speaking public, in their legal affairs, and a Collection from American Shores.
Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen The Alajuela boys did The great race vvas listed to express my views on an against unscrupulous debtors.
any dissimilarity betvven myarticle which appeared In the trick by putting it for todas 13th iost. The Firm that does not encourage litigation to over the Cubans. They American boats are putlose; a Agency that enjoys the absolute conyour issue of the 30th August self and my friend, as am fidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both played a most spectacular ting is all the practices Under the caption bit of only pointing out to him his errors.
novy operated under the direction of a Barrister with game, beating the invin see vvhich stands the History.
Thanking your for space over tvventy five years practical experience, acquired on cible Fortuna of Cuba best test to meet the The writer took for his base the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as goals to tvvo. This has gi Shamrock V, it is thought of argument, what term CYRUS Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and ven the Costa Rican teams mere sophistry. If the gentthe Enterprise will be se.
Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are the records of the cases he has conducted as Judge great courage. The mat lected.
leman in question who wrote and Counsel.
this article indulges in way Parable to be solved sidearguments; or with some EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ To The Editor of ignoramus in these nonsenBarruter THE SEARCHLIGHT Investigator PIEDRA BRO.
sical and frivolous conversaAttorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager tions. should advise him Permit me space in your BRANCH OFFICE to keep such arguments to accredited journal to make MAIN OFFICE San José, 50 yards West of the himself and avoid them meet a fevy remarks on the expresLimon; Oposite Arrasty Theatre Presidencia AMERICAN TAILORS ing public gaze. The writer sions of a Deputy who spoke Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of We have had great experience in the United States. We can make poses to be a historian, which in Congress on the 26th. Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods.
California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the deny, but if he felt like re of the country on account of best finished workmanship.
freshing the memory of his the Banana Industry.
Among cele ed 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernández.
companions in some histor other things he said that, ical event pertaining to if allovved to migrate to the Jamaica (which feel was not Pacific Coast to vvork on necessary, because every ele. the Banana plantations, the mentary school boy acquires Negroes vvould finish his such knowledge in their race Novy the parable before local day schools. He could us is to find out to vvhat It will be remembered tectives, on a plea of their have pursued other courses, race does this gentleman that some vveeks ago an being made a present to her rather than try to create ten belong, because my many Article appeared in these by Wilson, vvithout opening REAL SILK dencies of reproach: and un good friends on the Pacific columns over the pen of up the case for proofs. In pleasant sentiments amongst side of the Country comprise Mr. Wilson, explain consequence of this, vve are From the factory to your feet; not only our Spanish neigh 4 of mixed breeds already, ing hovy one Ada Dacosta reliably informed that this bours, but every enlightened mainly from Columbian and had clandestinely taken vvoman laid an accusation write to us, and we will give persons who may happen Nicaraguan Negroes, Indians, avvay some of his house of Injuria calumny, against you any information, and send to catch a glimpse of his and Chinese, mixed together hold goods vvhich he had Wilson before the Supreme way side vievvs. Just think with a high grade class of loaned her while staying Court, vvhich has been our agents to you.
of it; The idea of him rehe. mulattoes, Is this the grade in his home, out of a cha throvvn out as obnoxious. The Hosiery dealers that guararsing the imbecility of taking to which this gentleman ritable disposition and that it is understood she will away Costa Rica Deceptive claims as his Race? the Cartago Agent of Po again be called up before antees and pleases you indulgence. Consider the The greater Commercial lice had returned her the the Criminal Court in the effect it will eventually have area is in the hands of Chi goods recovered by the De matter.
on us as a race, whom as nese; Electric lighting etc.
you know the world at large are all ovvned by Chinese, SEEEEEEEEEEEE3333333333 is legislating against. The the majority of the so called writer in question promises natives there, go to vvork by VICTOR MACHINES THE BEST to say more on the subject, the rising of the Sun at The times are dull, but it is to drive away dull cares but vvill through this me some times 20 being vvith why it is necessary soften the Crisis by buying the most HUMBERTO FLORES SOLANO dium induce him (or at least melodio and harmonizing Music.
San Jose and Puerto Limon try to. Not to venture to Continned from page Only to be found in VICTOR MACHINES. For Victrolas and the latest hits in VICTOR RECORDS as Ex supervisor of the Judicial and War pursue his course any more, well as Estey Organs of all classes, which are known to departments.
as it is detrimental and will Doubling be the best makers in the world.
Office in San Jose diagonal to the Seminary be a tool to embarrass both your advertising in Distributor along the lines APARTADO 1201 himself and other members LESTER NORTON of our race, vvho reside in THE SEARCHLIGHT SIQUIRRES.
In Limon. Office of Aurelio Bermudez this most peaceful country is to doubleesyounescos legsiedad Eeeeeeeeeeee Law Firm Collection hi pe fic ad his dra ang du acr SASTRERIA AMERICANA in the bis Another Libel case PIZA HIJOS Lawyer and Notary as del Minkerio o


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