
CARTAGO ne se ad se CLEARANCE SALES re 30 en be st be ed of Es; ch ag be The Limon Customs officials nOS rd see ote.
are op es ted Che ut aces the the ght se.
OCCULISTIC CLINIC JARDINERIA LA GRANJITA 300 yards west of the live stock Market at DR. JOSE CORVETTI Cartago, executes all class of artistic Floral deTomorrow is the glorious realization to OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY signs in Wreaths etc. Loose flowers also supDeseases and afections of the eyes plied as per request.
the sons of Costa Rica of what true liberty Office Sanatorium of Dr. Figueres as the greatest Rose garden of Amerisignifies. None can truly appreciate what lican Beauties.
OPTICAL CLINIC GUILLERMO RIVERA Orders may be handed in, and supplied at berty means to one, until he has lost it; and La Ultima Joya in front of The Bank.
so tomorrow brings home to our minds the TELEFONO 12 rejoicings of those heroes and veterans who finding themselves fettered by the chains of LAWYER AND NOTARY serfdom fought under great odds, resolving to risk their lives, some one hundred and At last the long expected The allegations are, that Undertakes lavvsuits of the most techoical appeal case of the Universal Alexander Leopold Grant, cases. Conveyances of properties, vvills, and all nine years ago when they obtained that Negro Improvement As William Emmanuel Wilson, sorts of legal documents prepared. Honest advices liberty, that freedom we all enjoy today.
Alexander sociation, appealing from the and Brevvster on poiots of Lavy given before going into Courts; decision of the Chief Justice Forbes, bought this properNever contest a losing suit. Honesty of purpose As year by year the remembrances of of Jamaica in the matter of ty 76 King St. on behalf Reliability my Motto. RUFINO SOLIS.
what occurred in this country in 1821, which Marks ceded to Mae of the Kingston Division of Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd Avenue, Limon. Lawyer Roglish and French Spoken has resulted in our freedom of Speech goCraig after his death, a the A. on the 23 gainst the Incorporated So rd. day of July 1923, and vernance in these days; we ought to make reciety of New York of the entered into a mortgage on solutions for higher aspirations in the dignified has been decided; property of 500 with Erand the Judges of the su nest Bronstorph on the 22nd.
progress of the country, and so elevate the preme Court have decided August 1923; and they held name of Costa Rica in the civilized world, against the Judgments of the the property in Trust for Whenever you are in San Jose that it vvould be a satisfaction to the descen the Chief Justice, and have the Local Society without VISIT LA COMPETENCIA dants of those heroes vvho vvere engaged agreed that an enquiry shall any aid whatever from the be heldto prove whether Parent Body now designatThe store that has the lovvest prices, the most in the thought of Liberty or death to feel the Kingston St. Andrews ed known as the defenDivisions of the Organiza dant Corporation.
fashionable materials and above all, believes in that after all they had not fought in vain.
tior had any financial con The Judges all concurred giving every body a square deal THE SEARCHLIGHT rejoices today vvith nections with the Incorporat that from the terms of the ENGLISH SPOKEN every true son and vvell vvisher of Costa Ried Organization of New affidavit, proving possession ca and vvith them vvill press forvvard in pro York. had ever received any as exhibited in the record 50 yards East of the Market on Central Avenue moneys from ihe Parent of Titles Office, these were RAMON MADRIGAL gressive ideas for a more glorious 1931. Body or if the Parent Body sufficient to entitle these of the Association in New registered proprietors of this BOX NO. 1009 TEL. 2998 York had any claim or inter land to be heard, and have ests in these local Branches. their case investigated before the order for Sale, and delivery of possession was FOR SALE carried out, and the stay of execution pending the apAt the most Central Corner In Limon doing a thriving business peal should have been This Community is griev. Junta or Committee in pub Interior have been better CAFETERIA LA ESMERALDA granted.
ed to the core in the lic affairs is a guarantee attended to. His resignation knowledge that our much of confidence and conse would not be accepted by As well as all my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties The appellants are therein the best business and residential quarters in the town of Limop fore entitled to an order dibeloved Administrator of quent prosperity of such his chief but he is being consiting of 53 rooms all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition Customs, Don Ricardo Mo functionings. We are there. exchanged with the Superand all occupied.
recting an enquiry by a Judge ra Fernández will soon before sad in the news of visor of Customs in San Apply to Cleveland Duncan, of this Court as to whether the defendant Corpoleaving us.
losing one of our most out José, who comes to Limon.
Don Ricardo, has been standing figures of integrity, Don Ricardo is not the man ration had on the 14th August 1929 or after, any estate associated with Limon for honourability and affability, to Stand for the unhapmany years and has made but we console ourselves piness of his men, whom LAWYERS NOTARIES or interest in the land and premises situate at 76 king himself so affable to all in the knowledge that in as we say are now due AT LIMON persons approaching him whatever position he is, vvages for July and August, St. Kingston known as LiMessrs DANIEL ZELEDON AND CARLOS whether in his private or of the interests of Limon and and are advised that their SILVA Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as berty Hall, and the ordeficial Capacity; whether on its inhabitants will always already miserable Salary Solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the for sale thereof will be var advices, favours or the rigi. rank first in his breast. will be reduced by nearly Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ried by limiting its effect to dity of matter pertaining to the state or interest of the To prove what we ha a half of the present pitENGLISH SPOKEN his command, that he has ve said, it is understood tance.
defendants (if any) in the said land premises, drawn to himself the love that the cause of his resig. The Searchlight voicing and respect of every indivi nation is because the men The apellants are to have dual citizen who has come under his charge have not mon beg to congratulate the public sentiment of LiFOR SALE the costs of this appeal, and been attended to as they Don Ricardo in his stand, the cost of the Enquiry He has identified himself deserve by the Minister of and wishes himself and his Ten Hectareas of Banana in first year production, at and summons will be reservin everything that concerns Exchequer, not having paid family further succesess in Ley River on the Estrella Railvvays; much virgin lands ed and dealt with by the the Atlantic life, in which their extra Salaries since luly the Community to which attached for extension. This Farm is under Contract Judge who takes the Enbis name placed on any while departments in the he goes, and to assure him vvith the F. Co. for its deliveries.
quiry The ovvner is not a farmer, vould therefore sell that he leaves an apreciaThe appellants to be at out cheap for Cash. Appy to, Alexander Povvell tive following behind him.
Liberty to appear and be LUMBER! LUMBER!
represented at the Enquiry, The best lumber for Construction; Cedar, and also the present transLaurel, Gavilan. Flooriogs, sidings and mould Jabón de Coco ferree of the said land if iogs, at the lovvest prices in the Market, y Limón so advised. Signed by the Lumber deposits, in front of the Devy Cathree Judges sitting Messrs 1. 00 LA BARRA mion Station. Brown, Adrian Clark El mejor para el baño.
Central Avenue and Law Jacinto Xirinachs CECILIO NIETO San Jose, 8th. St. North.
San José Costa Rica.
Is the only store, whose propietors go annually to France Box 876 to bring the latest fashions.
TELEPHONE No. 2974 Tel. 2758.
In Ladies dresses for Balls, parties and calls. Silk underIt was always our opinion wear. Hats, overcoats, Lace dress goods, etc.
y as stated in these columns All of the finest Parisian taste.
There is a children dress department under the care of y that the Chief Justice deMrs. Julia de Woodbridge, which carries all that cision was most ambiguous a mother can desire for her Kids at lowest prices.
and that he has exhibited Special manicuring Room, in which facial massages, aversion in everything that colourings and permanent curlings and Crimpings are done. came before him relative to Do us the favour of visiting our store and convince This Hotel yourself that this is the best in the country. Marcus Garvey and the Every lover of BriP. BREMAUD has elegantly tish Justice will be now furnished pleased in this Judgment Apartments FROM BRITISH at 2, 3, 4, HONDURAS and coloLabourers vvill soon be And coal Stoves nes per day. called for at this place as Excellent cui the British government has To secure entirely free, any of these articles decided to give all assistance sine, meals We offer you 25 chances; all information from for the development of that Survedatyour Colony; This is just what wish, from vve have been advocating 50 in our columns, as a means of drafting avvay from APARTADO 917 Upwards countries where they are not appreciated the surplus In front of Theatre Variedades AMADOR GONZALEZ TEL. 3687 British coloured labourers.
Helbrecenze del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cul across him.


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