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Don accept any tube ting ideas in the minds of markets of the World has with in the same unrest in then you pre sera thing Bayer Cross An Appeal Opinions.
This year has been one as well as her anxieties caused and want; at the same time ful and serious in all our FROM of considerable activities of by the Indian unrest, to say she has had her strained transactions.
the elements of this earth; nothing of her inquietudes relations with France that There are the more we are no philosopher nor by two millions of unemp. might have culminated in frivolous ones around us PAINS astromomer, but there does loyed persons clamouring for hostilities if French States who might be quick to say seem to be some evil in employment and food; even men were as impetuous as oh! such things have always fluence overshadowing the the Concord of the establish those of Italy, been so, very true, but never earth this 1930.
ed Church is much disturbed. And now the rage of a to such a marked degree From its inception we have The Chinese are tearing WesternHuricane has wreck as we are now experiencing, been having distressing oc themselves recklessly to pie ed the Republic of Santo not within the last hundred currences not only in the ces.
Domingo leaving over two years has history recorded В elements of this world but America has had her floods thousand dead and five thou such serious universal unrest in the minds of its inhabi. in some of the Southern sands wounded and many in the minds of men, nor BAYER tants, coupled with Floods, States while sixteen of her thousands of families left have there been experienced tempests, explosions, great middle Eastern States have without homes, and yet it such broadcast atmospheric droughts, and earthquakes, been in the throes of an is not settled, because Ame subterranean disturbance besides there has been the awful drought which has rican Meteorologists say that hence it is time for men to greatest depression in money reduced the Crops by one it is yet lurking between begin to think seriously and values and nonemployments half, she also has had her Jamaica and Haiti.
live so that should greate all over the World, which alarming unemployments While this unrestis moving sufferings overtake us we will gives rise to a sullen dis Communistic troubles, while in the atmosphere from East beprepared to meet them for Satisfaction, unrest and revol the heaviest fall in the money to West, it seem to carry the only perfect man said the inhabitants of this world; overtaken, her from which the minds of men; There is The end is nigh and the or envelope packets that demands the greatest, her stock exchange brokers the news of Revolutions all only effective preparation is calmness and wise delibera havelost hundreds of millions around us, the Bolivian go living in mutual Love goodWithout the tions on the part of our ofdollars and madeBankrupts vernment has fallen, as well will to all men, in keeping great leaders to keep the of some of her best people as that of Peru, The Ar with the greatest of all Comequanimity of public order, Italy has had her desvas gentine Republics, Haiti and mandments by Doing unto and avoid another great con tations in the South by Santo Domingo, there is one another as we would flagration Earthquakes, floods and Cy rumour of political upheavals like to be done unto then England has had her share clones at the same time and plots to overthrow cons shall we be living the true of floods and tempests in con bringing thousands of death tituted rule in Cuba, Brazil. family life having that ideal cert with the entire Western in its wake with hundreds Spain; even in quiet Costa friendly intercourse with one Southern Coasts of Europe, of millions of loss, suffering Rica, is there such a rumour, another, as he who created had it not been for the love us all of the same flesh of peace among our people blood, in his own image and We are asked by Mr. EdContinued from page Effective Business English RACES IN ZENT there certainly might have likeness to dwell together a upon this earth intended us ward Brady on behalf of The hand of the Russian to dwell, without each sect Do you realize We are asked to remind Soviet is against every man, making laws of restriction a section of the membership out a timepiece until mid.
of the Limon Div. of the day for one colon with two how important it our readers of the Races in and every man hand is as to who shall come into to invite the Con meals (coffee and dinner is to write a force will be a Special Train run his territory and who shall ference of Presidents to con tillla, an egg fried, e glass ful letter?
The sign of the times is not. Forgetting that most harfrom Siquirres and one from indeed very significant as monizing of all commands, vene a meeting at the Limon of cojada (curdled milk) and Limon to convey the turfi looking much toward the Love God and Thy neighDiv. to enquire into certain cup of coffee. Its evident Do you know tes and their friends; there beginning of the end; and bour as Thyself.
mismanagements of the Div. there is nothing elevating how to use the are many horses contesting it behoves us all to be thought that the Limon Div. foolishly been accustomed to some right word in the days sport is anticipated.
thing better to be able to do right place?
The picnic lovers are not allowed its President and a better vvork. Hence that genforgotten as the Jazz Band FOR SALE few members to withdraw tleman tries to depreciate the Our course will will be much in evidence.
from the Conference to suit Negro because he would Cheap for Cash, at Turrialba a lot of land 10x50 Varas with a their own perfidious aims, have to pay better vages to show you how to Lodge Notices comfortable house of four rooms with a San Juan between, and the Conference could not havehis work done by the in get the most out Verandahs In front and back The Loyal Phylls Chapter adjudicate on matters perta. ened, cultured people about of your language.
Enquire of ASHLEY ining to the Division without him; because these people are Ask us for free staged at the Loyal Phoeor CHARLES LEWIS be (Turrialba)
first being reinstated as a very appreciate of the Neinformation. nix Hall, on the 21st. Sepcomponent of such Confe groes presenceamong them, to vvhom they look for ins Colegio Interamericano tember at 30 precisIf however Mr. Brady and ely, by the members of the truction and enlightenment, BOX 1236 Loyal Phylis Chapter of the So vve have to seek around his section of members feel to discover the Truth of this San Jose Independent United Order (We teach by mail) of Mechanics known as that his Society is being gentleman assertion and to GRANT mismanaged, his course wo knovy if he lives around that Grand Rally of the Fruits.
Suits made to order in the shortest notice.
uld be to file a petition of Junk, and is one of them The members of all fra complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels investigation before the go or is only protecting his ternal Societies, Sister Lod always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
vernment, by lodging an private Payroll.
ges and the general public North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts accusacion before the Crim Thanking you for space, are cordially invited, when Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number, inal Judge against the of they will enjoy agreat Musiwinnings this week.
ficers responsible; It costs JAMES NELSON Pastor Sutton of and a very pleasant Suncal treat in store for them; Io Serie Drawing No. 50; won by Victor Zúñiga nothing to do this.
Barrio Lujan, avenue 14. the Port Limon day afternoon.
In Serie Drawing No. 27: won by Santiago Borbon Ia Serie Drawing No. 7; won by Mario Fernandez Ticket No. 99.
Church and Superintendent Miss HYLTON Io presence of Juan Schielzet, Marcial Vargas, Hugo Morales.
of the Costa Rican Mission Secretary sailed on the GroenSan José TELEPHONE 3310 wald on Thursday August 28th enroute to British Hon. VERMIFUGO IMG Shoes duras where he goes to take SAN ANTONIO the superintendency of that field.
Efficacious Reme.
For nearly three years dy to expel worms Elder Sutton has laboured Lucas Morua in these sections and through Sold in the Spahis congenial ways has gained the possibility of maintaining good banana nish druh Store.
the confidence of his memCartigo, Tep. 172 R, other crops on your old farm, using the high bers and many friends among concentrated complete fertilizer.
those outside his faith.
SASTRERIA GRANT for other shores Ticket No. 62.
Ticket No. 76.
BOX 252 LIBERTY Have You Heard About PHARMACEUTICO 10 CIGARETTES om Sunday, night Aug Radio Installation NITROPHOSKA IG 24th a fine service was held in Limon Church, Are you interested in a Radio Elder Sutton preached his set? get in touch with Eduardo farewell sermon to a large fico, San José he will make Escarré at HOTEL ATLAN appreciative audience, and at the close was presented with DIO set, so you may sit in your and install you a first class RAan address and a beautiful home and enjoy Concerts, Pugil mantle clock from the mem isticbouts, speeches or any Amusebers. Mrs, Sutton rendered ment, broadcasted from the Unia beautiful solo Never Part ted States, Cuba, Jamaica or Europe.
Again, the choir joining in the chorus.
ZAPATERIA The following evening Pastor Sutton and family were LA PRINCESA DEL DOLLAR entertained in a farewell so Offers you, elegant shoes, cial by the officers of the sevvn or nailed as you may church at the home of Mr. order. Rogers We wish himsuccesses in Box 1526. San José, his newsphere of laboum Lizano del SistemaTelephone 2819 Ministerio de Nitrogen Phosphates Potash according to a fertilizing plan which will be sent to you after vve study your soil conditions? If there is anything wrong we will tell you about it if you send us a small sample of the soil. We have a fertilizer for every case.
CIGARETTES If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend REIMER Co.


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