
Saturday 20 September 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE er NOTICE LIBERTY. 300 yards west of the live stock Market at Cartago, Many times have vve returns even in infe is different another sample be of great benefit to all executes all class of artistic Floral designs in Wreaths had the opportunity to hear rior soils to ours, but there from there. Mark name of farmers. How many small etc. Loose flowers also supplied as per request.
about the good results the ground is handled in a owners address, situation and and big planters, tied on Has the greatest Rose garden of American Beauties.
obtained by farmers, ferti better way and intensively size of farm and any in account of failure of crops, Orders may be handed in, and supplied at La Ultima lizing their plantations. manured. In the Canary teresting detail. You will could be directed to a betJoya in front of The Bank Among our Searchlight Islands the annual crop from have a fertilizing program ter economical standing readers there are many farm a hectarea is about 2000 just for your farm, enumer with a small help of the APARTADO 102 CARTAGO TELEFONO 12 ers, vvho vvould like to bunches. Certainly, the cul ating all the interesting right thing at the right knovy details about this, tivation given is garden facts.
time at the right place.
and if it would be pos like and the amount of fer We encourage our subscD. Perera sible to obtain more ba tilization given is high, but ribers to make use of this Ceylonese nanas on old land just as it seems that the money generous offer, which will the coffee farmers double spent in this extra care in many cases their pro gives very good returns.
ted to attend a general share. duction years one Fertilizing experiments made Brought from page holders, meeting on Sunday of the strongest firms in in Costa Rica on bananas 28th day of September 1930 San José Reimers Co. shovved failures in some, 59 Thompson at Madre de Dios, for the is specializing in the line and good results in other 60 Taylor Archibald.
purpose of reporting the preof fertilizers; so vve vvent cases, but in every one it 61 Thomas John sent Status of the Corporato see them and it is vvith shovved the way in vvhich 62 Hubert Thompson. tion.
pleasure that we give some to follovv. In land vvith 63 White Maria, The registration of the Cor good nevvs too ou readers. too high a vvater level, or 64 Whittaker Samuel poration is an accomplished We had an interview with some grass not easy 65 Williams Charles. fact, and it behoves every with the soil and fertili to destroy, it is useless to 66 Waison Fredrick. member to come and hear for zer expert of the mention spend money in manures 67 Williams Julius themselves what is being ed firm, vho explained to First condition to get good 68 Wade done, watch out in the Span us in our own language returns from fertilizing is Notice to Shareholders ish papers and The Search all vve vvanted to knovy. a well drained ground, free from gamalote or baj of the Corpora light where yow will see for As the banana grovving is tion of 28 Miles, Costa yourself whats happening. the one which is most weeds like this one. For Rica.
Tell others in your District, interesting to our subscrib the starting, it will cost whom you may know are ers, we asked if it vvould some money and labour, Farquharson. President. Shareholders, that we shall be possible to better the but it is the anly way to Henry Vice President need them, it is of vital im banana crop on old land. make of banan culture a Barker. Treasurer.
portance to all shareholders to The expert told us that in steady one, producing more Gibbs Secretary.
be presentat this meeting. some other countries, such income and better value of Be it understood that all as Canary Islands, Jamaica land. It would not be pruCIGARETTES members of the above named Farquharson President etc, banana plantations dent to start fertilizing beCorporation are hereby reques. Gibbs Secretary were kept vvith much high fore the farmer has his soils examined. Messirs If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior Reimers Co. offered to the Searchlight readers Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend free analysis if they receive a sample of about ounces of the soil. The samples must be taken from about inches under the surface and if underground CIGARETTES LIBERTY El Banco John Keith Sasso Pirie Sucesores News from from the Sections have the pleasure to announce to their clients and to the public in general that they have combined their respective banking businesses into a single institution.
From Tuesday, September 16th, 1930, the united business will be carried on under the name of BANCO JHON KEITA LIMON SERVICE BUREAU in the offices at present occupied by this bank The management will be in charge of the former officials of the Banco John Keith, in association with the partners of Sasso Pirie Sucesores.
The present clients of the Banco John Keith will continue to transact their operations in the form to which they have been accustomed. The clients of the banking section of Sasso Pirie Sucesores will have their accounts carried in the books of the Banco John Keith and will be attended by the same employees and officials who have for so long a time served them in the former organization.
The agency in San José of the Banco Crédito Agrícola de Cartago will continue in the hands of the Banco John Keith, where clients of the Banco Crédito Agrícola will receive the best of attention in payment of cheques, receipt of deposits and payments, and any other class of business which may be necessary.
The Bank ferat, under this new arrangement, it will be enabled to give its clients a broader and more efficient service, and will do all within its power to accomplish this end, Sasso Pirie Sucesores will carry on in the same place which they have occupied for so many years and will devote themselves exclusively to their coffee exportation agencies, steam and air. ship lines, life insurance, etc. etc.
This branch of the business will remain in charge of Mr. Jerome Clark.
From Matina we are being considered. There is Mr. Salgado Hall it is informed that there are rumour of charges being said to be six colones, why serious complaints of ab made by this officer for is this? if it is so, and to use of authority by the amusements, according to where does this go? The Agent of Police in this where the functions are Municipality only charges district placed before the held, for instance, we learn five colones for a function Supreme government, La that for a permit to have in these places and that Tribuna also had an ar a dance in the Hall of carries with it police proticle on this question a the he charges tection, why then should few days ago which is ten colones, meanwhile in this officer charge ten; who gets the difference betweeen five and ten?
The laws of Costa Ri.
ca are honourable, and gives equal treatment to all citizens wherever he is. AND BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY from, hence it is time for these out Station Police ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Judges to stop extorting Bureau established for the greater convenience, under our people in this manner tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pufor The Searchlight will blic, in the legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed surely bring this to Justice for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Take heed therefore gentleA Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a men, if we are to live in Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the harmony and friendliness, public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe Jabón de Coco rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
y Limón EMILIO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister Investigator Attorney at Law Notary Publie Soliciting Manager C 00 LA BARRA MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE El mejor para el baño Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the CECILIO NIETO Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of SAN JOSÉ COSTA RICA Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Box 876 Tel. 2758 El Banco John Keith Sasso Pirie Sucesores Presidencia Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Zano


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