
Saturday 20 September 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Gran Match en el Campo Ayala de Cartago FORTUNA VS. LUSITANIA News from Estrada Don Carlos Orozco Amador contesta al Comité de Cartago era es Words of wisdom Lawyer and Notary Information reaches us her mattress to make her won in palmistry, fortune Señor Secretario: En esthat Professor of what? sick, hence her illness, ellingt for 40, 50, 60 cents Limón, Setiembre 15 de 1930 manejar como el más experto llanero argenttno, y por lo Carlidi is making a fortune she immediately came home gold each reading in pu. Sr. Lic. Elias Leiva Quirós te país joven por sus ins.
tanto saber llevarla tambien at this place, by what and threw away the ma blic gaze why? all because tituciones, pero viejo en Cartago con amor y con cariño a su would be termed in any ttres.
These are the sort Professor is presumably Muy señor mio: sus prácticas republicanas establo merccido.
civilized country receiving of things being permitted protected by the Police.
reconocidas en el mundo En cambio estimado señor money by strange pretences. by some of our Agents This is too glaring and Fué, hasta el día 11 de los civilizado, ya en lo politi Secretario Leiva, hay otros viejos y jóvenes inexpertos The Ministerio of Public of Police, to impoverish needs an Enquiry. No go. corrientes, a las cuatro de la co, ya en lo comercial y Health issued circulars to the people and make ene vernment can blame any. tarde, cuando me fué entrega económico, necesitamos que no conocen de estas coall Governors, Jefe Políti mies of each other, and one for his belief in any da su muy atenta circular de hombres de gran altura fado con esta mula tica, algo cos and Agents of Police later wil surely come blood myth, but when it comes fecha 5, razón está por la moral como Ricardo Jimé contrario, y es que siendo la to see that videntes cu shed and crime. In jealou on professing to give ad cual hasta ahora tengo el gus nez porque este hem mula joven y chucara, sabienranderos and superstitious sy of the Profesor in these vice on sicknesses or mis to de contestar.
bre con su sabia inteligendo la clase de jinete que le proceedings are not practi exploits who rents a house fortunes by the aid of the Por demás está decirle a cia, abarca todos los ordeinonta, bota y patea a éste, y ste ensoberbecido y con el sed, and yet the Agent of in front of the Railway mysterious for remunera Ud. muy estimado señor; que nes del haber social, afan de hacerla caminar, le dan Police at this place winks and Police Station of six tion; thats where he falls todo cuanto tienda a resaltar Si el banquete en Car de palos, y a palos le dan la his eye to the practises. rooms; Gipsy sharpers are under the law.
la personalidad de Ricardo Ji tago para lo muerte! Esto estimado señor Does this Agent who on the spot competing ménez Oreamuno, yo estaré social, bueno. Si es o era Secretario, está pasando con speaks English fluently de cuerpo entero y siempre para fines políticos mucho nuestra joven republica, con mean to tell us he does a su lado. Por tal motivo, mejor, porque yo nuestra joven democracia tan creo envidiada por otros pueblos not knovy and see vvhat Efective Business English acepto desde luego la desig como todo el país, que en del orbe y talvez mejor preis going in his sight not nación que se me hace para los actuales momentos por parados que nosotros.
fifty yards from him? Do you realize how important it is to write a integrar el Comité para su que atravesamos, nadie me Todo esto que yo le digo Where patients are admit forceful letter?
jor qus Ricardo Jiménez aqui, en forma de parábola, lo ed to an Office by means debiamos adoptar en la prác Do you know how to use the right vvord in Yo no sé del sentir de los puede poner a flote tica. Si no lo hacemos seguiof Cards or Tickets tvven the right place?
demás miembros que tal Comi. esta nave que zozobra por remos así, si no pensamos, si ty at a time, granting ad Our course will shovy you how to get the té componen, pero lo cierto es, estas dos únicas razones: no meditamos y llevamos por mission to the afflicted in most out of your language. Ask us for free que no se ha podido hacer tercera vez a la Presidencia Costa Rica, es una mula mind or body to the Cli information.
mejor elección en los tiempos joven con resabios. Ricardo de la República al brujo del Irazú, a este varonilustre nic of one at a time for que correios.
Jiménez conoce bien a fondo que es un gran jinete que saa dollar.
COLEGIO INTERAMERICANO BOX 1236 SAN JOSE Resulta tambien, señor Sela idiosincrasia de nuestro be de los resabios y (WE TEACH BY MAIL)
de las This place is thronged cretario, que después de la mañas de la mula tica.
pueblo; conoce tambien las continually by people fecha 5, en que Ud. envió tal Su atto amigo y 000from Limon, Siquirres, the circular, y en autos de ello mañas y resabios de la mula partidario.
tica, y de ahí que la sepa Carlos Orozco Amador old lines and along the don Ricardo, este con fecha sections, who are anxious 10 de este mismo mes en reto be told of their sickportaje publicado en El Dianess and who might have Holmes said tion; let her not go: Keep rio de Costa Rica. declina obeahed them.
tal honor u homenaje, por las It is time that the GoTruth is tough. It will her; for she is thy life Exalt her and she vvill razones que el mismo don Humberto Flores Solano not break like a bubble, at vernor should enquire into promote you.
Ricardo expone, y a este res.
a touch; nay, you may San Jose and Puerto Limon these happenings, because Educ on is the sure pecto, creo, que don Ricardo Ex supervisor of the Judicial and War dethere is going to be much kick it about all day, like success of our youths. tiene mucha y sobrada razón. partments.
a football, and it will be animosities and probably Pues si así como Ud.
Office in San Jose diagonal to the Seminary round and full at evening.
murders caused by the unlos demás Jefes se empeAPARTADO 1201 folding of these mysterious Emerson said nan en llevar a feliz térIn Limon. Office of Aurelio Bermudez illnesses and losses. Neighmino la idea, desde luego bours against neighbours, The common man is the puede contar con mi coopefriends against friends even victim of events. Whatever ración personal y pecuniaria So the Football honours relatives against relatives, happens is too much for El banquete para don PIEDRA BRO.
by these superstitious re him, he is drawn this way have fallen to Costa Rica Ricardo en esa brumosa velations. We know of a and that way, and his for which we feel greatly ciudad, es para admirarlo Sastrería AMERICANA case, where a woman was whole life is a hurry, but, elated.
como hombre público y AMERICAN TAILORS sick and journeyed from the superior man is at La Libertad lived ud no como candidato a la We have had great experience in the United States. We can make Cartago to Estrada, and home in his own mind. to our expectations vvhen Presideneia por tercera vez, the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods, when the Profesor was she defeated the formidable Give us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the consulted, she was told Wisdom is the salt of Fortuna of Cuba by pero si fuere por lo último yo soy el primero en best finished workmanship.
that her rival in love had life, therefore get wisdom. goals to We have decir: Soy de los úlámos, Brd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernandez.
placed some foul stuff in Take fast hold of instruc alvvays been considered as pero en caso llegado seré incapable of doing anything, de los primeros. Yo no but fortunately our colours les temo a los enemigos are beginning to rise in políticos de don Ricardo Ladies Please note. international affairs, the Jiménez, a quien le temo SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
year 1930 shall be a mees a los amigos solapados Lord Lipton yacht 1894 and 1895; that Sir morable one to us for our Cowered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, afall colours de este gran hombre, ya Shamrock has again Thomas got enthused and for trimming dresses and well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads successes in vvorld affairs.
que éstos por miedo com frustrated his hopes of ta built his first Shamrock, in silver and gold, can be supplied by Mrs. CARMETA SMITH binado, pueden hacer con king the honours of Ame and challenged for the cup near the Star Store Limon Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago él, lo que hizo Poncio Pi rica cup back to England. in 1899 and for 31 vears Número 1372 lotos con su Maestro! From 1899 Sir Thomas now has been unsuccessful, has been trying to recover building during those years B78 the lost trophy, which was five Shamrocks at a cost taken over to America in VICTOR MACHINES THE BEST to him of over two and a the year 1851, being won quarter millions of Pounds SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMAN The times are dall but it is to drive away dull cares why by Commodore John Ste Sterling and he has been it is necessary to soften the Crisis by buying the most meloTREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF dious and harmonizing Music, vens of the New York brave enough to say he Only to be found in VICTOR MACHINES. For Victrolas Yacht Club, with his yacht will try again. What a Sport. and the latest hits in VICTOR RECORDS as well as Estey America. since then this After nearly eighty years Organs of all classes, which are known to be the best makes in the world.
cup has been disputed in absence from home, it seem OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF Distributor along of the lines unsuccessfully fourteen re time enough to get despaired LESTER NORTON gattas. It was after Lord and look at the much coRAVENTOS THEATRE Dunraven failures with his veted old cup as American YELRY87 three Valkyries in 1893, property.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Sport Foot Ball A Sporting News Dr. Oscar Pacheco DIATHERMY SIQUIRRES


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