p. 8


PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT UNTERNA Saturday 20 September 1930 The Fierce Problem Consolidated Cooperation only Solution to Negro Problem This taken from The Literary Digest. shows the Universal problem of the coloured Race vve GIFTS OF GRAMMAPHONES Mora Co.
That the period in which each race has its peculiar is equally illogical, as to radicalistic in our aim; ve we are living is one of problem for vvhich it must kill the goose that lays the have only to assimilate universal reconstruction is find a solution; it is also a golden egg.
those methods of self prea matter that leaves but recognized fact that in the To our mind, the mo servation through which little doubt in the mind of process of finding such a tive in vievy is that of other races have erected the careful observer. solution some other group subjugation; and hovy may their success: consolidated Our Statesmen, Scien must, necessarily, be affec the race escape such a cooperation in the form of tist and Philosophers have ted. And vvhat group must, condition? Surely not by agricultural pursuits; bank all agreed, that the old necessarily, be affected. And pleading, vvith folded arms, ing institutions, to enorder of things can no long. vvhat group is more likely bickering against one ano courage thrift and economy: er be applied in the suc to be victimized? The ther, and allovving reli commercial enterprises, by cessful manipulation of unorganized; the group with gous and petty diferences direct importation; better TO STOP THE INTER able, for since a Negro the Worlds problems, hence, out direct representation to ever keep them apart. remuneration for our teachMARRIAGE of white vvith seaman earnings are not We see that each national the group that is most This is a time for united ers, not only in the form men of other races some sufficient to keep his family and racial group finds it helpless; the group that action, talk alone will do of promises but, by prompt thing must be done, urges above the poverty line, it expedient to introduce cer vvill not unite; the group nothing, Quite a lot has payment of their fees as a the Liverpool Association often happens that while tain measures of readjust that vvil not cooperate, and, been said on the matter stimulus that will permit for the Welfare of Half he is avvay on a voyagement of their political, so unfortunately, the scattered but no definite plan has them to abandon other caste Children.
his vvife is forced to become cial, economical and indus negro groups are invaria. ever been suggested. occupations, thus devoting And the British press a prostitute. And it is trial life.
bly identified vvith these We see no other inter all their efforts to the profinds similar trouble at other virtually impossible for a It is an established fact, conditions.
pretation, in the writing per education of our chilharbour ports, increasing the half caste to find employ Tonger the custodian of the bered that, in order that tiny, but subjugation, un It must also be remem on the wall of negro des dren; social and literary ormenace ment.
ganizations for the improveFor example, at Cardiff, So the girls of the World economic condition; the privileged classes might less vve unite our financial. ments of the moral and a mixed colored population family take to the streets the twentieth century has continue to prosper, it is intellectual, moral and phy. intelectual standard of the of 1, 300 is made up of and the boys to petty vice witnessed some many clash. necessary for them to main. sical resources, for the com. race; and, of equal impor West Africans, Somalis, or mere idleness.
es between the the ele. tain some avenue of ex mon purpose of transform. tance, the general patron.
Arabs, and Indians; Man. Most of the West African ments of capital and labor so ploitation. Therefore, to de ing our status from lia. age of negro enterprises.
chester has 200 colored; seamen come fron Liberia, that the various governments cidethat those legislations bility to asset.
The foregoing concluSouth Shields has an Arab Nigeria, and the Gold have found it necessary to against the negro is with It does not mean that sions having been the obproblem, and London a Coast on ships in the trade, excercise some measure of a view to exterminate him, we should be agitative or ject of meditation among Chinese problem.
vvith passports and money control, in order to create some of our people for the But Liverpool 400 to spend on arrival; they a spirit of mutual good will Cannon. 00000000000000000000000000000000002 past tvvelve years, at least, Anglo negroid families and sing, dance, and dress vvell. betwveen both factions; it is cannot find any rea1, 350 colored children, and so attract impression observed that in such counson to be reluctant in sugvvhose mothers are vvhite, able young vvhite women, tries as the United States gesting right here to the and fathers chiefly West say correspondents of the of America, from the shoeEditor and to every negro African seamen, raise chief London Times and other shine to the diamond mag.
And coal Stoves of our community, vvho discussion and demand for British papers. These vvives, nate is given corstitutional is in To secure entirely free, any of these articles.
a position, to give a comprehensive Govern hovvever, having once mixed representation at the White some substantial support, ment Inquiry vvith colored men, are hope House, a similar status is We offer you 25 chances; al information from in the materialization of Investigators find that lessly unable to break away maintained, to a certain even the first of those comentally the Anglo Chine on account of community extent, in the executive operative institutions to se child is said to be equal ostracism, vvith their half machinery of all vvell orgavvhich vve have devoted if not superior to the vvhite. caste children, burden cha nized governments.
School authorities state that rity and government relief.
our commentary, We might ask, what is APARTADO 917 To be continued.
the Negro half caste child Besides government the motive behind all these In front of Theatre Variedades Britton.
shovvs early brightness, but inquiry, the press call for readjustments? To our mind retrogrades later. probably special social workers at the answer is contained in 0000000000 0000000 rating slightly inferior to the ports, and favor at least one vvord: PROTECTION.
the whites. As the Man forcing colored seamen to America, in order to pro000000000000000000002 chester Guardian observes: sign on in Africa, SO tect her national industries There are, hovvever, that they shall not have found it necessary to le EL CHIC DE PARIS other factors which make money to spend until they gislate and enact lavvs Are you interested in a Ra.
Central Avenue him inferior.
get back home.
that would control immi dio set? get in touch with His home life is deplorgration; of course, this Eduardo Escarrè at HOIs the only store, whose proprietors go annually to measure France to bring the latest fashiones.
came under the TEL ATLANTICO, San JoIn Ladies dresses for Bails, parties and calls. Silk 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000032 fire of critcism from other sé he will make and install you a first class RADIO set, underwear. Hats, overcoats, Lace dress goods, etc.
countries, but here we find so you may sit in your home All of the finest Parisian taste.
the inevitable law of self and enjoy Concerts, Pugilistic There is a children dress department under the preservation, since the slo bouts, speeches or any Amuse care of Mrs. Julia Woodbridge, which carries all gan that the voice of the ment, broadcasted from the that a mother can desire for her Kids at lowest prices.
people is the voice of the United States, Cuba, Jamaica Special manicuring Room, in which facial massages, FROM government has become or Europe.
colourings and permanent curlings and Crimpings are done.
universally accepted; and Do us the favour of visiting our store and convince as each national group has yourselt that this is the best in the country, its particular problem, it is VERMIFUGO BREMAUD hardly reasonable to expect SAN ANTONIO that in the adjustment of QUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU their affairs they can sa.
Efficacious Remetisfy the various foreign dy to expel worms groups that would be Lucas Morúa affected, as a result of such LAWYERS NOTARIES Sold in the SpaBAYER legislation.
And as we observe the nish drug Store, Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA attitude of the vvorld toCartago, Tep. 17 Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; vvard the various negro Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
groups scattered among ZAPATERIA ENGLISH SPOKEN them, one vvould almost be inclined to conclude LA PRINCESA DEL DOLLAR that the organized races Don accept any tube are all bent on the exter Offers you, elegant shoes.
mination of this particular sewn or nailed as you race. But let us for a moLUMBER! LUMBER!
or envelope packets ment analize the situation The best lumber for Construction: Cedar, Laurel, and see if extermination is Box 1526. San José, Gavilan. Floorings, sidings and mouldings, at the Without the really the motive behind lowest prices in the Market.
this attitude. Our response Telephone 2819 Lumber deposits, in front of the new Camion Station is negative.
Jacinto Xirinachs The affirmative may be San Jose, 8th. St. North.
the theory of the greater Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago TELEPHONE No. 2974 majority, but as vve have DDOVUOQUV0W3 observed from experience, Numero 1436Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
may order.
Bayer Cross


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