
Saturday 27 September 1930 Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantee our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
Shoe Factory of APOLONIO BRENES LIMON west side of the Public market (ZAPATERIA)
SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of FARMACIA ESPANA Elegant The Commission on Council Enquiry Great dissatisfaction by Jamaica Banana Producers Association Overnight discovery CLEARANCE SALES The Jamaica Direct line space on the boats to loading one half the space on these boats with their The investigation ordered sent in its findings to the ships of the Association convey their fruit to Euroown fruit wherever grown by the acting Governor into officer administering the have recently been calling pean markets, after these In the th issue of The the conduct of certain government, as per. The at Baracoa, Cuba to take boats shall have called at or bought, paying one Excelsior of Cartago we find Councillors of the Kingston Gleaner and it is under in half her Cargo, before Cuba to take on the fruit half of the ships expenses, in and St. Andrews Corpora. stood that criminal proceed coming on to Jamaica to of the Di Giorgi Corpo which arrangement was not lephone system of Cartago in tion Council, has been con ings will be instituted take on Producers Associa. ration.
known to many of the response to an article in ou tion fruit, which is causing On investigation it turns Jamaica Producers. For last issue with respect to this tinuing its course, and start against certain individuals ling revelations of alleged complicated in the charges; great apprehension among out that the Di Giorgi merly the DiGiorgi Corp. public utility; but while seeking to defend the gentleman in graft among certain mem what is feared is that those the members of the As. Corporation owns one half used to buy their half of charge of the office, he alleges bers of the Community of persons found offering sociation, as they claim the value of these boats, fruit from the Association that the service is not only at current prices based bad but dishonest, by carrying Kingston and its municipal the bribes will also be that there is not enough and has the privelege of upon the market prices more clients than its lines of officers, as a means of implicated if criminal proabroad; hence all went well Communication are capable of obtainin gwhatever business ceedings are set in motion propositions, or positions because if there was no so long as the producers attending to.
Our intention is never to were Shipping all they blame any individual employee, they may apply to the offer to bribe, there would Municipality for be no graft.
grew, but now that the Di but rather to point out defects Away from the former Some people seem Giorgi Corporation claims when they appear and invite to charges of alleged graft al have no faith in Mr. Gore Whenever you are in San José that their fruit grown a remedy, hence we are glad ready investigated against Mr allegations, as they are VISIT LA COMPETENCIA in Cuba or bought in that that our colleague corroborates with us that the service is Fernandez, Mr. Duval the hardly consistent; anyway Island gives them better faulty with a hope of betterment.
The store that has the lowest prices, the most financial returns than the Revd Gordon Hay for ac. his declarations have had There is one remark however fashionable materials and above all, believes in Jamaica bought fruit, they that we cannot allow to go cepting bribe from an em the effect of lowering his naturally divert these boats unnoticed. This mushroom in ployee of the Municipality prestige in the community, giving every body a square deal to obtain for him promotion especially when considered ENGLISH SPOKEN from the Jamaica direct Journalism terms the Search service, to call on the this shows his lack of Edulight a Jamaican Newspaper, in the service etc. and in conjunction with his 50 yards East of the Market on Central Avenue outward service to take on cation, in not being able to influencing the Council in mixings here with the Cucommercial propositions yamel Fruit Co. and its RAMON MADRIGAL their half of fruit at Cuba, differentiate between a Jamaican BOX No. 1009 and a Costa Rican Newspaper, TEL. 2998 hence the squeal. The memwhich findings have been Attorney Mr. Melano.
edited and printed in Cartago bers of the Jamaica Banana reported Costa Rica Now comes further evi wholesale allegations of It is thought that these Producers Association are If the appellation is intended claiming that the extra to carry a stigma we can only dences from Mr. James graft in the Corporation The Surprise Cricket Club defeats expense for taking the boats refer this overnight discovery Gore of Cuyamel fame. Council will bring about to The Daily Gleaner, a saying that he too, had paid out 40 pounds to the dissolution of represen. The Excelsior by large margin Cuba should be borne Jamaican Journal the world tative control in the ma.
Messrs Fernandez, the nipulations of the city entirely by Digiorgi and Limón, Sept. 14 respectable turnout of cricket fans pondent staff of which the not half by them, then writer who is a boastful Revds Gordon Hay, and affairs, and these placed in enjoyed a fast, but diminutive scoring game played on the Mr. McLaughlin as well as the hands of a Commission, Limon Plaza between the Surprise and the Excelsior again they are claiming Jamaican, has always been other gentlemen and for Scores. Excelsior were all out for 35 runs that they are loosing a sought after; and am afraid as per a petition which Topscorer: Roman 14 runs considerable having also accommodated has been forwarded to amount of that comparisons as to culture Bowlers: Lewis captured wickets for 25 runs and fruit, ihere not being sufblood, education, integrity and Councillor Clough with a Social Standing in our spheres Loan af 25 with similar be a blot on the integrity the government, which will Scores. Surprise replied with 43 for 4: thus winning ficient space on the boats, might be odious.
to take intentions; towards getting of representative governby the ample margin of runs and wickets their fruit, after would therefore advise this Topscorer: Roberts 15 runs sanction for the erection of Digiorgi has taken on writer, that it is not the spot ment placed in our his tile factory and other hands. This was the same Bowlers: Chambers and Mc Coy captured 50000 stems of Cuban fruit.
under the Sun in which one each.
The new boat being got the culture and refinement, is born that counts, but it is proposals.
idea, on account of which Excelsior was represented by Messrs. Roman, Moore, Mclaren, Henry, Samuels, Mc Coy, ready will considerably reThe Revds. Gordon Hay. Mr. Marcus Garvey Was imbibed around that spot and McLauglín have re. framed up and criminally and Hamilton, and.
Brock, Benn, Chambers. Capt. Hunter, Barnard lieve the situation as Di coupled with personality and giorgi will not have 2 rectitude of ones character futed enfatically the state. prosecuted for libel, in conwhich counts.
Surprise: Messrs, Knott. Capt. Myers, Jones, claim in her.
ments of Mr. Gore Mr. sequence of his memorable Lewis, Gordon, Pas more, Lewis, Irons, Henry Gordon Hay has since left article in the Blackman Roberts, Dobson and Reid.
the Island.
newspaper, The Vagabonds In the meantime the again and to see how Commission has concluded happenings have justified LUMBER! LUMBER!
its investigations and has his remarks.
The best lumber for Construction: Cedar, Laurel, Gavilan. Floorings, sidings and mouldings, at the GRANT VERMIFUGO Prospects in lowest prices in the Market.
Lumber deposits, in front of the new Camion Station Suits made to order tn the shortest notice.
SAN ANTONIO Belize Honduras Jacinto Xirinachs complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
Efficacious Reme The Governor of British San Jose, Sth. St. North.
dy to expel worms Honduras has been on a short North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway slarts visit to Kingston Jamaica and TELEPHONE No. 2974 Suits also made on the Raffle System conie in and get a number PHARMACEUTICO there he has disillusioned all winnings this week Sold in the Spa false hopes of the possibility of labourers getting work in In Serie Drawing No. 29; won by Amado Fernández Ticket 57 nish drug Store. the near future.
In Serie Drawing No. 9; won by Rafael Borbon Ticket 13 Cartago, Tep. 177 He says there is an idea of In presence of Alfonso Alvarado, Rodrigo Vargas.
apportioning lands to small To advertise ih settlers and aiding them with BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 The Searchlight grants until their crops begin is to double your business yet been definitely arranged for by the Imperial governReal Silk ZAPATERIA ment, and may take some years yet to materialize. If however LA PRINCESA DEL DOLLAR here are any who may have From the factory to your feet; write to 300 yards west of the live stock Market at Cartago, a small capital to buy himself us, and we will give you any informaexecutes all class of artistic Floral designs in Wreaths Offers you, elegant shoes. the land and go ahead cultivetc. Loose flowers also supplied as per request.
ating; there are lots of lands tion, and send our agents to you.
or nailed as you available for such purposes sewn Has the greatest Rose garden of American Beauties.
and the government will afford The Hosiery dealer that guarantees Orders may be handed in, and supplied at La Ultima every help possible to encouJoya in front of The Bank Box 1526. San José, rage such settlers; but that and pleases you APARTADO 102 there is no hope of work of CARTAGO TELEFONO 12 Telephone 2819 any kind yet in sight.
Sastreria GRANT Lucas Morúa ple Piza e Hijos Jardinería «La Granjita may order.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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