
Saturday 27 September 1930 The Embargo Explained In grateful acknowledgement International Radiografic Co.
of Costa Rica Sastrería AMERICANA National Cooperation Bank Sports. Sports!
the next day advised my Please allow me space in executor to embargo me for Collins of Siquirres beg by this your valuable column to explain the c50. 00 which had medium to acknowledge with gratitude my reason for taking legal drawn during Mr. Nation actions against the Limón regime so that could loose all actions and expressions of condo Division of the my work. He also assured My mother died a financial this man that he will see to From and after the 28th inst. our offices will be lence tendered to them by their many member of the Port Limon it that dont get this money transfered to our new office in the Gran Hotel friends and sympathisers during their Division in the year 1925. as long as he is President of Costa Rica, diagonal to the National Theatre, where Leaving me as legatee to her the division. Up to the last of recent sad bereavement.
death grant; along with an July, not a word was said to with greater conveniences, we shall be able to renexecutor whose duty it was me concerning the money. On der better services to our numerous clients.
to see to it that was paid the th of August wrote the sum of 300. 00, accor the following letter.
Call up Telephone No. 2948 when you desire us ding to the laws of the Orga To the President and OffiJ. PIEDRA BRO.
nization. Some months expired, cers of the Executive Board.
to send a messenger for your messages.
and went to ask about this Esteemed Sirs: San Jose, 27th September 1930 money and was told that my AMERICAN TAILORS executor drew the amount of am instructed by my attor150. 00 without my knowney to write you for the last We have had great experience in the United States. We can make the best suit in Costa Rica. We import English Woollen Goods. ledge. immediately wrote the time, requesting that a settleGive us a trial and convince yourself our suits are guaranteed the officers of the Executive board, ment be made in full of the best finished workmanship.
advising them not to pay the amount due me within fifteen 3rd Avenue near Photo Imperial Hernandez.
balance of this money without days from today. Failing to my consent or they would be grant this request, legal steps held responsible for same. It will be taken to obtain same.
Authorized Capital 500. 000 was to be left until was of have given you thirty days age to receive it. wrote the already and nothing was said Executive Board on the Ist to me from the time the The shares of this Banking Institution, carries a Noof December 1927 during Mr.
members decided this matter.
minal Value of 100. You may pay it by instalments, Nation regime, asking that Therefore dont expect to a part of this money be paid wait longer than fifteen days weekly, fortnightly or monthly of 25, 50, or to me; and on the 8th, of more. Be it further known 5. 00 respectively as you desire.
We offer you all classes of Sporting January 1928 received 50. 00 that no part payment will be During our many years of existence, our dividends Articles; English Foot Balls, of the without any trouble whatever. accepted.
have given very good results, reaching as high as did not ask anything about This letter was told was famous make 16 in 1930. We make loans as you may desire under the balance until sometime in laughed at by the President. On 1929, when heard that the very good conditions and convenient terms.
the 12 th, of August the letter executor had gone to the was brought before the memOur reserve funds guarantee you the security of your officers of the Division, claimbership; and after half an hour investment For Baseball, an assortment of gloves, manillas ing the balance of this money.
planning of ways and means uniforms, bats, balls etc. etc. as well as Upon hearing this, sought to pay the money, the memadvise from a student of the bers ask me to wait until AGENT law; and he told me to go thirty days more when thay and tell the President of the would make a voluntary subsP. Box 1203 Telephone 3051 Division who was Mr.
cription and pay me. The Smith at the time not to pay President being absent at this San José The best at this money to any one beside meeting upon hearing of the 100 yards west of the Palace of Justice myself or else he would be in the El Centro members action, protested held responsible for it. This strongly that such a thing did immediately; and was cannot be done.
assured by him that he would He would not stand as a not do such a thing for it would be illegal. few months President of this division, and ago after the President Mr. allow the members to do Can storied urn or anima the best that money can buy see they like. He will to it Smith found that was ted bust, Back to its mansion would have been applied that Wait until When the one who was against his mal call the fleeting Breath. NoFate decreed otherwise.
administration of the division division is able to pay me.
Can Honour voice pro That the community has and with an intention to spite The thirty days expired and voke the silent Dust?
sustained a great loss by the FOR SALE me in some way or other; Went for my money, and was Or flattery soothe the dull death of this kind, Noble, Ten Heclareas of Banana in first year production, advised my executor to demand told that there was no money ear of Death?
and Generous Gentleman was the money although knowing to pay me. Not having any at Ley River on the Estrella Railways; much virgin lands What intention to harm the asso.
scene that had denounced this man could have clearly evidenced by the cosattached for extension. This Farm is under Contract mopolitan nature of the crowd already, knowing that was ciation; but since Mr. Smith brought to our minds more of Sympathizers who turned The owner is not a farmer, would therefore sell out of age, to demand the money, is trying to use his. Poder vividly the significance of these words, than that which was out to pay their last tribute, cheap for Cash Appy to, Alexander Powell. Limon and seeing the plan that was Generalisimo, to deprive me witnessed last Sunday at about There can bee no doubt that laid out to deprive me of it: of what is mine, had to resort wrote to the officers of the to an Embargo. Which Will Four As we watched the this gentleman during his life Executive Board of the divinow cost the Division over cortege of un precedented had become endeared to the number following the corps hearts of the people of every sion on the 15 th, of May 200. 00 instead of 100. 00 station of life throughout the requesting that the amount be If the members Wont get rid of Don Juan Jose Leon to be entire community. His many paid to me within thirty days.
of such a laid to its last resting place; man, in a short deeds of Kindness to nearly This letter was taken to We certainly realize that Hon.
the While he will cause them to members by the President. He loose their Liberty Hall along our voice cannot soothe the every Social and Educational Institute of this town, will Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, told them that was not of dull cold war of death. In property. Thanking from your electric light socket!
Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump this case the deceased had long be remembered. He may age to receive this money and you for space Mr. Editor.
he could not pay it to me even be regarded as a silent Beni10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from not the chance all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South of resorting to restorative factor, as only those who Africa and Australia!
because someone else was claiming it. The members Ferdinand Wright have been directly concerned measure which we know that Easily assembled in a single evening knows anything of his many advised him to call the two generous acts, we feel sure parties together and see who that such a demonstration of the money was belonging to.
New way to improve your English sympathy and condolence canThis was done in a memberA command of effective English gives you added advantages not fail in helping to comfort During the course of one evening, the Super wasp brought ship meeting on the 24 th Of and better opportunities. Poor English handicaps you more than in 5 W, Chelmsford, England, and PCJ Eindhoven, those who mourn. Nobility is Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the June. According to his action, in you now realize You can improve your English through our College. If you really the substance of GoodSuper Wasp is easy! Enthe matter, it appeared as if are embarrassed by mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or ness. And Born But to die quire of.
a part of this money was pronunciation, our new method will prove a revelation to you.
is the last fulfillment of Man ISIDRO VILLALOBOS promised to him. After a lengAsk for free information.
mission here on Earth. In thy discussion, the members BOX 210 these realizations we hope decided that the money should Colegio Inter Americano SAN JOSE be paid to me being the legal that his sorrowing wife and TELP. 3460 legatee. The President not APARTADO 1236. PASAJE DENT. SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA family might find Solace.
being pleased of this decision, Britton.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
world de Sport BOX 867. SAN JOSE. TELP. 3318 Great Benefactor Expires Radio perfection in Super Wasps am Europe on the Loud Speaker

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