
Saturday 27 September 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (U LINTERNA. PAGE Pictures of our church life LIMON SERVICE BUREAU AND BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED LIBERTY Bureau established for the greater convenience, undertanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu.
blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Superior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Barrister investigator Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager By the Gleaner we see that their intimate friends, others Elder Mosley df the refusing to be seen in their Free Seventhday Adventist of Presbitery but by certain this place is carrying on a members alone, othersropingoff series of stereopticon lectures in the church the Sheep from in Jamaica. If he did take the the goats already; while there variety of views of the different are yet ohers who indulge in Church life and practises in this the customary gyrations, so as country, his lectures could to see and be seen, and incertainly be made very instruc frequently there appears the tive, interesting and possibly bailiff seal across the door.
amusing: with some of our Hence the Elders pictures ought spiritual Pastors, refusing to to be very interesting to his see anyone on the Streets but audience.
10 CIGARETTES CIGARETTES MAIN OFFICE Limon; Oposite «Arrasty Theatre BRANCH OFFICE San Jose, 50 yards West of the Presidencia LAWYER AND NOTARY Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal documents prepared. Honest advices on points of Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a losing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto.
Rufino Solis. Lawyer Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon English and French Spoken Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend Our Coffee abroad VEL LIBERTY Lawyer and Notary Sunday at the Spanish School Welter skelter trend our fect With willing haste to join the fete Dr. Oscar Pacheco DIATHERMY The evils of Artificial Foodstuffs The price of our coffee is Viñas and Turrialba districts keeping firm in the English being only 135 sacks, but the Humberto Flores Solano market, the last sales reported Cavina of this week expects San Jose and Puerto Limon fetched 15 o per cwland to take away over a thousand Ex supervisor of the Judicial and War dethere wer very few sacks of bags.
the last crop remaining unsold. Labourers are needed around Office in San Jose diagonal to the Seminary The Pastores of last week Turrialba to pick and handle APARTADO 1201 took the first consignment of coffee, from which a days In Limon. Office of Aurelio Bermudez this year crop via New York wage of 50 and upwards Sunday th 14 the Sep. guished girls of the school.
fron the farms of Messrs Lin can be made according to tember was gala day at the Nothing was more beautiful do Bros around the Juan efficiency in the business.
Government School of Li than to see Niña Fé tie on mon.
Prominent citizens a ribbon sash of the sacred including the Patronato colours of Costa Rica over LAWYERS NOTARIES Escolar, parents and guar the shoulders of the niñas AT LIMON SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN dians attended in great and place in each gentle Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF numbers and signed the hand a card declaring the Offer their services to the English Speaking Public as solicitors Visitors Book. The School merits; children and parents before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; edifice was tastefully deco alike vere filled with joy Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
rated with flags and plants; for this distinction ENGLISH SPOKEN OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF and a note of joy tuned Tres vivas para Niña Fé, the hearts of all as at o tres vivas for each grade RAVENTOS THEATRE clock a. the Banda Mi teacher. The se fills the Ladies Please note. litar took up its stand in heart of youth with joy the spacious corridor and and paints beauty on their SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC opened the fete with the brows, rivals the angels in Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours Himno Nacional de Costa glory and fires humanity for trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads Rica. The school children with a flood of smiles as in silver and gold, can be supplied by.
Mrs. CARMETA SMITH of the higher grades sang We Watch that streak of Near the Star Store Limon In London there are two on Demmets restaurant in the strains in splendid gladness flush the resy bakeries side by side, one New York chorus on this eve of the cheeks of the recipients, advertised in his window We On one sign he had Butter 109 th Anniversary of the and see their breast heave serve bread to his Majesty Cakes for these biscuit Independence of our noble in responsive gratitude.
the King. The Competitor were very delicious but very republic.
Among the distinguished We were severely spurned time is past in the history of put a large Card in his indigestible and unhealthy, on The staff of teachers children were several Spaat by some of our encaged, the world when any living window God save the King another Card adjoining the was there in full, headed nish niñas and many of narrow minded friends some man or body of men can be set on a pedestal and decoraThis is thought to be much cake window he had «Prepare by the Inspector of Schools our coloured constituents time ago when we criticized ted with a halo.
in Contrast with two signs to meet your God.
don Eliseo Brenes. Dis including misses Winfield the decision of the Chief courses were pronounced Aurelia Hylton, Dora Taylor Justice in the Garvey case, by the able and amiable Lucy Po hon and sister, It was said that it was im GRAN HOTEL VICTORIA San José Directora Niña Fé Castro, Dorothy Chickery, little Fé posible that our Chief Law the talented and beloved Richardson and a few Magistrate could have so erred Director don Victor Solano, others.
This Hotel or allowed himself to be so the schoolmasters and the We congratulate the parcarried away by prejudice.
of Schools. Their ents of each child who has What will they say now by so distinguished herself.
the recent decisions of the furnished tical, constructive and pro Limón, Sept. 17 de 1930.
three judges sitting in Sugressive liberty: punctuality, Hylton preme Court as against that of Apartments hygiene, harmony and inour Chief Justice; and in dastry.
support of which we publish at 2, 3, 4, Patriotic airs Were sung the following clipping from the Golden Age.
and coloaccompanied by the delicately sweet touches of Niña Judges Are Human Beings Fé at the piano. This lady Are you interested in a Rames per day.
THE late Justice Brewer, of seems at once teacher, dio sel? get in touch with the Supreme Court, once said: Excellent cuisine, mother, musician and guar Eduardo Escarrè at HOIt is a mistake to suppose meals Served at your dian angel of the youths TEL ATLANTICO, San Jo that the Supreme Court is as she pours out her very sé he will make and install either honored or helped by wish from soul to animate and educate you a first class RADIO set, being spoken of as beyond the children. She is a born 1 50 criticism. The life and character so you may sit in your home pedagogue and merits our and enjoy Concerts, Pugilistic of its justice should be the Upwards whole hearted support. bouts, speeches or any Amuseobject of constant watchfulThe chief attraction of ment, broadcasted from the ness, and its judgments sub AMADOR GONZALEZ TEL: 3687 the day was the presenta United States, Cuba, Jamaica ject to the freest criticism. The tion of about 37 distin or Europe.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Are our Judges human?
has elegantly principal theses were pracRadio Installation


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