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Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en general, especial.
mente por Cartago y Limón YEART LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY OCTOBER. 1930 NUM. 49 Murder at Pacuarito Child crushed by an Engine at Siquirres Monkeys prone to antic farces?
SO Imperial Conference Just a year Mr. Hubert Harriot we are conjecturing is that if As a warning to those men who are always on the a very respectable resident of the Detective force of the wayward boys who will not spot, but they jump off and We publish the following we are part, there are arPacuarito and a member of Country cant unravel this be advised by older people on all the same, at times letter verbatim our ticles vuitten from time to the Progressive Lodge of Si mystery in a small District for their own safety; and as stealing whatever piece of readers may judge for them time, vvas a british country quirres was shot twice by a like Pacuarito, in which this an eyeopener to some parents baggage comes to their hand. selves the position in which would be called for proftd, mysterious hand in his farm man habits and antecedents as well, we give out the This is the sort of next vve are placed at times, re, you would be compell to at Pacuarito; he however mi are well known only among following. little boy named generation we are creating. It the opinions of our corres produce the letter or the raculously survived the das the inhabitants of the district Harris who was under the is a pity our governor has pondents and the manner writer of such articles, in tardly attack made on his life, of possibly two hundred care of Mr. Chambers at Si. not got a fund at his dispo the King English is mal so doing you have given a through the skill and attention diwellers; how can they be quirres was sent out on an sal to create an Industrial treated, in consequence of name that no one knovvs; of the doctors and nurses in expected to trace up any thing errand to the Bodega, the School, where all these strays a stray shot in our columns you are responsible. If one the Limon Hospital and later in a Community of two or little fellow seeing a train and waifs could be caught up some time ago, we vvere vvould intervievy the highier in the San José Hospital. three thonsands of people. passing, took a frontend jump and placed to learn agriculture intervieved bey Mr. Charles orthourities of the country On Sunday last however It is therefore up to the on the Engine to show his and trades. If a property like James as to the name of on such subjects for the the crime was consummated, Detectives to show themselves dexterity but in skipping off, Mrs. Arnold could be bought the writer of that article, good of the people in gewhen possibly the same hand by connecting that first shoot his pant got caught, he was over by the Supreme governvvhose name vve gave, neral, you being an in which was haunted with the ing with this one, there must thrown on the ground and his ment and handed over to the which apparently did not teligent man should be death of Harriott, sho and have existed some unpleas. leg badly lacerated, from the Municipality it could soon be suit him; hence this letter, more carefull in placing killed him at midnight in his antnesses in his farm or effect of which he died. Dr. made to pay for itself by the which speaks for itself. such articles from time to bed in his little house at that surroundings to cause the act, Shaw did all he could for education and culture of these Is Mr. James enlightening time in your journal to the Place, and until now no trace surely no one from outside him but he succombed in the boys. This would be a grand our readers as to vvho may publice, at this age vve want can be found as to the per was coming to do this brutal Limon Hospital move toward the civilized be the deaf, blind and some thing eddi fying that petrator of the heinous crime. act. It seem therefore based This is a serious lesson that progress of the community dumb or is he suggesting the other raceses vvill take Two natives and one Sin. on envy, spite, revenge, should be taken by all the and would tend not only to our responsabity shovys us notice of It is the most clair were arrested and decla jealousy or provocation, it is urichins whose greatest pride lessen crime in the country, up as such animal?
lovy dovyn beast among rations taken but they were therefore up to our detectives is to immitate the breakmen but would be a great burden Siquirres us placing them selves to subsequently released, and to show themselves worthy in their duties by jumping on lifted from the minds of the Mr. Nation. Editor trust you will be more the front to be notice of, others arrested but with what of the attention of our efficient and off moving trains, in parents, as well as a great effect we know not, but what chief. Cor don Abel Robles. spite of the efforts of the Po. upliftment to the boys themof THE SEARCHLIGHT carefull in publishing articles lice to check this sort of selves by the education and Dear Sir of a libelous nature that conduct. Especially is his so accomplishments they would As editor of This damagg one day might cause you bey the water front Rats in obtain from such a school ing peaper the Searchlight to regret in donig so.
Limon, while our trains are We wish don José Hernán to informed you it does With best wishes yours At oclock on the 1st. ling special attention to the getting in and out, much to dez will think this out for the more harm than good it Chas James.
October the first Imperial Con economic status of the Do the annoyance of passengers.
betterment of Limon before. dishonour the race of vvhich ference of the British Empire minions and Dependencies. They do not even respect his term expires.
under the Labour government One thing out of the ordi the Company special service Our Travelling friends of Mr. McDonald was inau nary will be brought up by gurated with representatives the South African Hertzog, Mr. Carl Strom pro tel Frances Mr. Carlos Ca.
from all the Dominions and will be the Status of the Doprietor of the Hotel Fran lixy Manager, Mr. Cecil Bell India, minions of the Empire So ces Cartago, arrived on the Stevvart, and Mr. GeorThe Delegates for Great far as Seceding from the Politics has started up in provements from such funds Thursday from Panama ge Wellington chief Cook Britain wil be Prime Minister Commonwealth of Nations Limon earlier than in any for the Province.
and decided to cease ope and their families, all of Ramsay MacDonald. The when feeling to do so. other Province. In Siquirres In February the question rations in his Hotel on vvhom vere brought here chancellor of Exchequer Phi This will be a very serious we find tvvo partidos of Candidacy for Presiden account of sacrcity of by Mr. Strom from Pallip Snowden the Minister for question and is expected to launched so as to place tial chair vvill be thrown tourists travelling here. nama, vvill be returning the Colonies Lord Passfield call for very heated questions their members in charge out, so far there are under Mr. Strom has cancelled by the first boat out. The Lord Sankey and Secretary of affecting the desintegration of of the Municipality one consideration 1st. The grand his four years Contract Searchlight wishes them State Thomas; Australia, New the Empire.
Paper is headed by Mr. old man of Costa Rica. and handed back the pre au revoir but not goodbye, Zealand, Canada, South Africa, Ofcouse it is well known Lester Norton and the Lic. don Ricardo Jimenez; mises to eits onner. and a bright future in the New foundland, Ireland and that Hertzog has never incul other by Mr. George Chis nd. Lic. don Carlos María Consequentl your friends little land of Sports.
India are all represented by cated British sentiments being holm along with their dif Jimenez; rd. Lic. don Al vvho administered the Hotheir Prime Ministers, and still a Boer at heart, it is not ferent runners up.
berto Echandi and th. don matters of vital importance to surprising that this should be In Limon vve find the Oscar Rhormoser, actual Strange Tax the Empire will be taken up his Aims, consequently much Partido Independent Limo. President of Congress.
such as, world comercial de of the Consul vising your is expected from this Confe nense has started its camA peculiar means presion as it affects the Em rence, that will lead one to paign pretty strongly, raising money in Panama passport tivventy five pire and its unimployed, closer consider the depth of loyalty headed by don Carlos Mnl.
the fact that the govern. dollars, if not, and you are adherance of every unit of the by the Dominions to the Fernandez, Dr. Velazquez, ment of that Republic de found in the country after Empire especially in trade, cal British Crown.
don Prestinary and others mands by a nevv decree sixty days from your date vvith don Carlos Orozco journal please send in there with the intention be called upon to pay fifty If you appreciate your that every person entering of entry yon shall then Amador as Secretary.
Their manifiestos are for your subscriptions, its the of residence for more than dollars.
The Executives have plac. banks, rather than be sold better handling of Munici only sure way to keep it 60 days shall deposit vvith ed before Congress a pro out at a sacrifice as is pal Funds and more im alive.
ject for instituting a Dis novv being done.
The President visit count Bank, on account of At the inception of the Don Cleto Gonzalez outcome, by constant vvhich a loan of six Million Banco Credito Hipotecario, Viquez has been spending knocking at the door.
dollars is being arranged. it was thought that she a day or tvvo looking The Road to the Ceme.
The other Banks are vvould have existed for around Limon and Gua tery and the Belt Road much in opposition but it this purpose, but disappoint Next door to Botica Nacional, elegant hygenic rooms. piles, on account of vvhich around Portette by vay vvil be a great relief to ments came in, but novy merchants and agriculturists the nevy bank if brought Water always well supplied especially for Baths.
the inhabitants of these of Moin vvould be a great alike, where they can take into existence vvill fill a Meals served to order at all hours.
places are much gratified, blessing to the town, it is their papers and realize by great necessity. It is left to it shows that at least we hoped don Cleto vvill see Carlos Luis Muñoz.
a discount to settle their be seen.
are not forgotten and some the necessity of a Road improvement by way of vvay to the Cemetery at difficulties vvith the other Manager Roads etc. may be the least.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Politics! Politics!
To our Subscribers Discounting Bank HOTEL RIALTO


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