
Saturday October 1930 Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantee our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
Shoe Factory of APOLONIO BRENES LIMON west side of the Public market (ZAPATERIA)
SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of FARMACIA ESPAÑA Elegant What steps will Britain take Breach of Customs Laws in Grand Turk Radio perfection in Super Wasps Cocoa Farm for Sale Europe on the Loud Speaker Kingston and St. Andrews Corporation sion Two eminent barristers were Latest advices to hand plan and purpose that man or dominion, hence he feels Island in the crossexamination July, when on the 14 th July sent over to Turks Island in of the witnesses for the Crown he was called by the chief by the Gleaner show that kind should have full it a libel against him to by the Hon Mr. Smith it came Commissioner and offered West Indian labourers opportunity of attaining say that segregation and defence and prosecution of a high Customs official in that out that Mr. Been had insti 10 being for himself and Working at Maracaibo Ve unto the very best possible discrimination are necessary each for his men to make nezuela going across from for him, hence if one section to protect the white man dependency. The Hon. tuted prosecutions against the Smith defending and Mr. principal witness for breach a statement against Mr. Been, Trinidad into the oilfields of the family stood in the civilization, the sanctity o and States of Venezuela are way of the progress up his home or the integrity Been a Customs officer of the gling) to be tried on the 15th. Brathwaite prosecuting Mr. of the Customs Law (Smug which gave rise to the present case. The case is therefore being gradually dismissed Wards of another branch, or purity of his race.
teeming with interest and and once they return to only revolution would be The Negro feels that he watched by the entire ComTrinidad they are not the result.
has capabilities ofculture and munity.
permitted to reenter that The coloured or inferior character which are second Republic races as they are termed to no other race, given The same thing is being are three fifths of the equal opportunities to dedone in Honduras, where peoples of the earth, and velop them, hence all he the Co. is laying off their cultural developments seeks are those opportuni Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, a considerable quantity of depend upon economic ties handed out to him, and froal your electric light socket! thriving. Cocoa farm Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump coloured labour at the re stability, which they are even in the matter of 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from of ten hectareas in the quest of the government, being prevented from having minglings of racial strains all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South miles district from Limon Africa and Australia!
which has made laws Referring to the west In however undesirable it may is being offered for sale prohibiting the entry of dies, there is much in the seem to be from Social Easily assembled in a single evening at a ridiculously low price coloured people in the history of these colonies of standpoints he would never the owner not being able country. One lady Miss which Great Britain must admit that his blood carries to attend to it. In 1928 it Esther Grant who had been feel ashamed. Yet there any taint of physiological, netted over 2, 000 from a long liver there Was is no more loyal inhabitants mental or spiritual inferiority, During the course of one evening, the Super was brought Cocoa to owner.
denied entry and had to throughout the Empire If Britain thinks that in G5 W, Chelmsford; England, and PC Eindhoven, All information from Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the be conveyed back to Kings Poverty stricken Jamaica because she has and is The Searchlight Super Wasp is easy! Entou on a Co. ship. after the war, voted a dominating a quarter of this quire of.
This is a great lesson to responsibility on herself of earths surface she is destined all West Indians in whatever 300000 per annum for to go on doing so for ever; ISIDRO VILLALOBOS To advertise ih part of the world they may sixty years, as her burden she had better be at once BOX 210 The Searchlight be; and ought to cause a for the Great War, and undeceived, by remembering SAN JOSE thought to the rulers of why should this be? but what Rome was in the TELP. 3460 is to double your business Great Britain as to what for loyalty to help Britain ancient days, and what shall be done within the in her financial need; and spain was, only yesterday.
Empire to find lands and yet economic aid was Will she remember that employments for these denied the West Indies to what brought on the warfare industrious subjects of King assist to keep the Sugar which caused the downfall What will happen to the It is said that all the Coun the affairs of the City and George scattered all over Industry alive. The day is of the Roman Empire was Corporate area as Commisthe western Hemisphere far gone out of existence coloured Prejudice? Take Kingston and St. Andrews cillors who have been sum.
colonizing every body when the Englishman could heed and be affected by ment? The findings of the Corporation just at this mo moned before the Commis. sioner.
to declare on matters One Mr. Vivian Durham country, with no place of have thought that the the continual insults being before such Commission have has been holding a series of their own to colonize, only world existed for him alone, offered to her coloured Commission appointed to in been condemned except Mr. meetings in Kingston and St.
to be told so soon as he for he must remember that subjects and find a place vestigate into the conduct of has made it hygienically he owes much for what under the Sun where they certain members of the Coun Penso; hence it is thought Andrews showing the incomfit for habitation Get out has received from others. can concentrate their ener cil have been placed before the that the Council will be dis petence of the members of the Council to carry on the of here! you are no longer As Dr. Moton of Tus gies without let or hindrance Privy Council for decision solved and Mr. Simpson will Administration of the affairs needed, get back from kegee University puts it. Let Britain watch well the with certain reccommendations. again be called to administer whence you came.
When a man must crucify threat of the Tyrant Hertof the ratepayers; and getting resolutions drafted praying for On account of all these his own finer impulses zog of South Africa to the dissolution of the Council.
insults and indignities why towards justice, honesty and break lose from the Empire OCCULISTIC CLINIC While on the other hand we find Captain Cipriani courtesy, in order to estab so as to enslave the Neof Trinidad in his discourses lish his own superiority groes of Africa more than Dr. JOSE CORVETTI another group headed by Mr.
Marcus Garvey have been in London before the La over another individual or he now has them. His seOF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY holding meetings and drafting bour Conferences, striking race, he is in reality de cession would be the hapresolutions with a contrary out in no uncertain tones grading himself rather than piest day for Negroes, Deseas. and affections ot the eyes idea to dissolution.
for Self Government in the other, and of the two immagine what would then Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres the Colonies; while Dr. is the more to be pitied; happen? Again we warn, This latter group claim that OPTICAL CLINIC. GUILLERMO RIVERA such occurrences of graft hapHarold Moodie also in Lon for in the end it is he protect these people in don as Director of the who is and must be the times of peace who have pen all over the world, and all that can be done is to London Missionary Society greater sufferer.
been of great help to you expel those members found and Exchairman of the Colo. The Negro is not looking in times of war or vvhen guilty of graft and replace nial Missionary Society pofor any special priveleges var does come, you may ints out the seriousness of them but to dissolve the nor special legislation, he find them pitted against Ladies Please note. Council on account of the the Governments inattention does not seek admittance you under some one proSOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
misconduct of one section to my people as he terms into any man private home tection.
Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours would be an insult to the them by its Racial Prejufor trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads Community, in the face of dice, which as he says if in silver and gold, can be supplied by representative institutions. We Mrs. CARMETA SMITH Britain fails to remedy Man YOUR PORTRAIT Near the Star Store Limon feel this is the right view to will not attain full deve.
take of the situation, and its lopment, nor will world when you come to San José, visit the only envious, prejudice persons peace be achieved.
could think otherwise.
In commenting on CoThere is a feeling that the lour Prejudice and world Chief Justice and one or two Peace the Doctor said, other men in high official Every branch of the Human we speak English Standing would like to see family was ordained of we treat you well Dr. Percy Fischel (D. the Council dissolved, so as God, to make some contriwe make the best pictures From Harvard University get out certain members from bution to the welfare of it, and then make laws to the whole or die out. Greek houses from Chrystler Palace Offers modern methods in the practice of the Dental Profesion. Denture work in HECOLITE, new material that keep them ont, but we do imitates the natural color of the gums.
not think that His Excellency and Jew, Mohamedan and West of Parque Morazan Christian have all accepted Office 25 yards North of Carmen Church SAN JOSE the Governor will give assent that, and history has borne Box 400 TEL. 2683 Telp. 2437 to this sort of prejudicial feelit out, because it is God s, ings as a means of penaliBESOE zing an entire Community.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica. ARIAS STUDIO Dental Clinic APT. 434


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