
Saturday October 1930 Religion a necessity but Fanaticism a menace The West India Australian Team as RADIO TUBES QUICK RELIEF CAFIASPIRINA cum Those Cricket fans who ments of his men. It theIN NICHE in a beautiful inshrined as an object of worshiping the ikons and the Sermon on the Mount.
can afford to make therefore behoves every Cricchurch on the Red Square worship lavishing their money upon They had never heard of it. trip. would be doing ket and sporting enthusiast in Moscow, now the House Often such mummies the priests and churches, Fantastic practices and themselves well to take a who can afford to make of the Moscow Soviet, is were found by the Soviet form the main body of the rituals once made a strong turn to Panama on the the trip leaving here on inscribed Lenin great authorities to be mere waxen 12, 000, 000 Russian dis handle whereby the church challenge to religion: 20 th of Oct. to meet the Saturday 18 th. by the images, placed by unscrupu.
senters from the church. held the people, but these West Indian players jour New York boat and re Religion is the opium of lous churchmen to exploit They are said to have same practices are now tye neying to Australia to try turning on the 24 th to the people.
Is atheism to prevail in were also filled with ikons. cipally because theirs was upon the church. It is this conclusions with the Cham do so, not only for his own gratification of pleasRussia?
richly adorned images and never a religion of the part of the church that the pions of the world.
The team will arrive at ure and information but Persons who are interna reliefs of the saints. These heart. To them religion was Russian people, are discard Cristobal on the 20 th. also to assist in promoting tional minded have watched the Russians were taught a thing of rituals, of deified ing from their religion.
Great numbers of Rusian tralia on the 23 rd. during interests, so very necessary Oct. and proceed to Aus that adhesion to West Indian with interest Russia strug to worship and kiss in re shrines, and of jeweled gle for freedom, and have verence. In Leningrad the ikons. They were impressed churches and cathedrals are which days they will get to be inculcated between found in their hearts a sympathy for its people. of eleven hundred pairs of of the cathedrals, ann awed being used for government an overwhelming reception the different groups. Any who are going through an spikes, each pair of which by the supernatural know purposes. But this fact in by the west Indians domi persons going would of ciled on the Isthmus.
course secure credentials uncomfortable rebirth of previously hung in some ledge of the priests. Of itself is not significant. The The pick of West Indian from the Board of Control government. Now, however, village church, labeled as the teachings of Christ large majority of the church Cricketers in the locality of the Cricket League and many church people are the original spikes that held most of them knew very es were built during the will make up a team so Sporting entities of Costa viewing with alarm the the Saviuor on the cross.
little. One man wrote that Czarist régime, and repreas to engage them in test Rica SO not to be Soviet campaign against The professional pilgrims he asked a group of Rus sented the lavish power matches, thus giving Cap insolated.
the church, saying that it who spent their time travel sian travelers what they and wealth of the monarchy, tain Grant an opportunity Will none of our Fans can lead only to destruction ling from shrine to shrine, thought of the teachings of rather than any religious of getting accustomed to think of this suggestion?
devotion of the people. the several of the Russian social structaccomplishAfter all, religion is not a ure. When the leaders of the Russian people succeed.
matter of churches, but of 2000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ed in throwing off the people and of souls. The Russians who still attended yoke imposed upon them by the monarchical form services attend solely for of government, they saw the Worship, not because their country the victim of of superstitious fear or comFROM domination by an aristocrapulsion. The churchmen, in an effort to prove their tic few, who had kept the sincerity in the face of so PAINS masses of the people in Of All Sizes. Lowest Prices much antagonism, are keepignorance and poverty. The church was a factor in that ing the services plain and devout.
aristocracy scheme of CE. CO power. Under the Czars, MARVIN The majority of the Russian people have not dethe Church of Russia was serted God. They are even second in power and more faithful because of authority only to the ruler CUNNINGHAM CA the attack that is being BAYER himself. The Soviet leaders made upon the church.
were jealous of any group The 1926 census of RusPICKUPS or institution that might MOTORS LOUD SPEAKERS sia showed that the country threaten the Soviet power, so they began to take from ELECTRIC GLOBES then had a population of 147, 013, 609, of which the church both its power 120, 000, 000 were church and its wealth. They have PERRY GIRTON taken the church land Coutinued on page Don accept any tube and income, and in some cases have even taken over or envelope packets dings, allowing services to be held only with the perWe have information that and that the life of the Editor happening in his district that Without the mission of the local authothere is much agitation at is being threatened.
he might not have known, is nities. Public officials are Estrada in consequence of our not allowed to evidence recent article, re the Professor, If because we point out to the cause of ones life being the Police officer whats threatened, we are well prereligious beliefs of any kind.
pared to meet it.
The Russian church has It is evident that Estrada is offered many medieval not yet civilized.
000000000000 000000000 practices and superstitions We know that a plot was to its people as religion.
set for us, to be engaged in The masses of the people a row, then be arrested, know too little of true iltreated and locked up, so The six Cricketers taken Jamaican Cricket by not religion. To modern Chrissoon as we disembarked from tians religion is spiritual out by Mr. Holt to the losing a match, what they the train on Wednesday last, United States to supple. could not Min, they suclight and joy and happiness, but it is not only the Professor ment an all Jamaican eleven ceeded to draw.
a practicable guide for who can see into the future.
living; to the Russians it and compete with all other They were given a great We were shadowed by an West Indians resident in was too largely mystery ovation on Monday last emissary from Estrada and superstition Madre de Dios. It is evident another six of the pick by their many friends; as that country reinforced by when they arrived home Because of their inherent that Estrada stand from Barbadoes, Trinidad an appreciation of their ious tendencies and scrutiny.
their ignorance, the Russian We hope Governor Her have upheld the prestige of and British Guiana players, signal successes.
people were easy subjects nandez Sanchez eye wil for the church dominaton.
catch these occurrences and Before the religious revolt Canonnoun 0000000000000000000000000000000002 investigate.
the country was filled with wandering priests and pilBanana Lands grims, traveling from shrine to shrine, worshiping the CIGARETTES on Lease And coal Stoves incorruptible saints. Each Some of the best lands of these saints can be had on Rent at To secure entirely free, any of these articles.
religious fanatic who had Estrada on a basis of se We offer you 25 chances; all information from literally buried himself alive If you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior venteen per cent of Rental in a cave, receiving food Quality at a cheaper price we Recommend that is, you pay ten cent and water through a small per Bunch and you get opening. After a time he fifty cents died, and in the dry climate Lands adjoining the main APARTADO 917 the body became a mummy.
line at San Jose, Creek.
The mummified body was Apply Ř. PARSONS In front of Theatre Variedades carried to a monastery and NONTZEN Estrada DUWUDUNDOVUOVUDWUDU BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. SAN JOSE control of the church seit In Keeping with the famous happenings around Estrada Bayer Cross Cricket LIBERTY to 10 CIGARETTES cannot VOX GIFTS OF GRAMMAPHONES was a Mora Co.
LIBERTY Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica


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