
PAGE The Young Women Standard Club United Fruit Co. Merchandise Dept.
CLEARANCE SALES Transactions of The Co.
We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints see Cahuita cricketers at Penshurst LIMON SERVICE BUREAU Radio Installation We had thought the in which we live. Education had been long of our Young people is since defunct, but were what is wanting to take Whenever you are in San José Quality Merchandise most agreeably surprised their place alongside the VISIT LA COMPETENCIA to be honoured with a different groups in the When you purchase goods at United Fruit Co.
Card inviting us to parti world; and such Clubs as The store that has the lowest prices, the most Commissaries you may rest assured that you are cipate in the privilege of the are the fashionable materials and above all, believes in assisting in the directing means by which such buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods giving every body a square deal are not allowed to remain in our stores.
the manipulations of this instructions can be obtainENGLISH SPOKEN most laudable Society. ed through exchanges of Zepol and Floradora Products The aims and objects of opinions in progressive 50 yards East of the Market on Central Avenue this Club is to promote a ideas with a view of subHave you joined the growing number of our RAMON MADRIGAL BOX No. 1009 TEL. 2998 higher standard of Social duing the darker passions.
customers who are saving money by buying Zepol life among the Young It is our hope that the Women of Limon.
enlightened men of the and Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod It behoves therefore every town will give every help Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and young lady of the Town and advice to these strug Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne and adjacent districts to gling Young Women, that and Lavender Lotion.
cooperate in the movement, the Club may be a means as well as every mother to of reclaiming those who By the Gleaner it is in 25. 000. 000. Due to that their daughters might have erred, and noted that the interests of recent competitions by the incorporate in the aims of strengthening the determithe Royal Mail Steam Trade board of the United this Organization to pro nation of the steadfast, so Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color Packet Co. in the Argen States, The Royal Mail mote rectitude of living. as to better fit them for tine Navigation Co. which Steam Packet Co. has This is the age when we the high calling of Comwas formerly owned and been losing money in have to aim at the highest panionship and ComradeControlled by the recent years rather than achievments possible in ship for which they are S, and Lambert and Holt making, hence the reasons moral life to command the intended.
Navigation Companys, has for disposing of some of respect of the Community been sold out to the Anglo her holdings.
On the 28 th Sept. 1930 a Kerr took wickets for 14 Argentine Navigation group game of cricket wasplayed at Runs in Tovers Hazel took the Penshurst Oval, bet ween wickets for runs, the balance the Penshurst and the of runs being made off PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres Rising Star of Cahuita. Johnson Gumbs and Barrett AND The Penshurst won For Cahuita Iglesia took Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away: BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY the toss, and Sent the Rising wickets for Runs, Gibson and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED Star to bat; they con wickets for Runs and shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies tributed 38 runs. The Penshurst McLeod wickets for shoes are matchless in beauty and style. Bureau established for the greater convenience, under in response could only Runs Siquirres PILE tanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Pu muster 12 runs, owing to the G. Smith Cahuita blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed disastrous bowling of Messrs for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
Gibson and Mc Leod. Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the CAHUITA FOR SALE public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical Eglesia 16, Palmer 4, Ten Heciareas of Banana in first year production, experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts Buchauan 5, Gibson at Ley River on the Estrella Railways; much virgin lands he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe Wittaker Birsset 2, Are you interested in a Raattached for extension. This Farm is under Contract rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials Mc Leod 3, McLeod 0, dio set? get in touch with are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel. Mc Leod 0, Leoy 0, E: Eduardo Escarrè at HOThe owner is not a farmer, would therefore sell out EMILIANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ Tiudal 2, Corioso not onto TEL ATLANTICO, San Jo cheap for Cash. Appy to, Alexander Powell. Limon.
Barrister Investigator Extras 2, Total 38.
sé he will make and install Attorney at Law Notary Publle Soliciting Manager PEUSHURST you a first class RADIO set, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE Grant 3, Kerr 2, so you may sit in your home and enjoy Concerts, PugilisticLimon: Oposite Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the Gordon 1, Pazlor 0, HaPresidencia bouts, speeches or any Amusezelo, Edwards 0, Barment, broadcasted from the arrived on Saturday, her officers The Rochester nal and questions of the Pan Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of nelt 1, Miller 1, Wallfall o, United States, Cuba, Jamaica American Highways to be Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamaica, Verley 0, Gurubs 0, were taken to San José and opened up.
California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, or Europe. Johusow not ont. Extras feted by the American Colony The officers and men enjo.
Total 12.
in the Country yed themelves immensely Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago This boat is on special du among the populace, in Sports Bowlin. for Penshurst, Número 1462 ty here, supposedly on ac and pastimes of all kinds in count of the Nicaraguan Ca Limon.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ones Brought from page that adversity and persecution can harm; for members, nearly five sixths man has an unalterable, 300 yards west of the live stock Market at Cartago, TO RENT executes all class of artistic Floral designs in Wreaths of the people. The United innate desire to Worship States, with a population God, the good. The sham etc. Loose flowers also supplied as per request. confortable little dwelling of about 120, 000, 000, has and the falseness of the Has the greatest Rose garden of American Beauties.
54, 624, 976 church members church will go, the good Orders may be handed in, and supplied at La Ultima only about one half the will remain. The cleansing Joya in front of The Bank apartments with or without furniture population; yet no one calls that has been taking place APARTADO 102 CARTAGO TELEFONO 12 the United States a nation gradually in other countries of atheists.
has begun with the force of an explosion in Russia.
Information from: LIA PIZA Colton, With this understanding, worker in Russia, says: We can have a new simP. Box 868 Telephone 2238 The Christianity of the pathy for the Russian Russians is being purified people in their struggle for SAN JOSE in the fires of adversity and freedom of worship as well persecution, and spiritually as freedom of government. GRANT will confound its enemies If, in her efforts at reform, as the church has done Russia tears down much Suits made to order in the Shortest notice.
throughout the centuries. that is good, we can be always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels LUMBER! LUMBER!
No fears need be held that assured that she will evolve The best lumber for Construction: Cedar, Laurel, the Inner Light will fail.
a religion that is far finer North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts The old religion that RusGavilan. Floorings, sidings and mouldings, at the and truer than the old.
lowest prices in the Market Suits also made on the Raffle System conie in and get a number sia knew was in many True religion cannot be Lumber deposits, in front of the new Camion Station instances opium for the harmed; destruction winnings this week can Jacinto Xirinachs people. It was an excuse come only to the false gods. In Serie Drawing No. 10, won by Julio Vargas Mora In Serie Drawing No. 30; won by Silvio Mata Ticket 116 for ignorance. a shield for Ticket 74 San Jose, 8th. St. North.
ambitious and greedy men. Weekly Unity In presence of José Sanchez, Ofelio Feoli, José María Aguilera.
TELEPHONE No. 2974 Such religions are the only BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministero de Cultura warship with us Religion a necessity.
Jardinería «La Granjita Sastreria GRANT


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