
30 Saturday October 1930 THE SEACHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
Take it Easy VE pona Jang Jost que don 0561 shas radi de ando Take it easy toTuy 2010 Pivo Р he to SS SAY MISTER. 30 en National Cooperation Bank 15 BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Another Extradition Case Was Columbus Insane?
Joslyn Davis or Victor not opposed to theunearthThere a Record dont Understand Here a sound and useful wheeze Da vis supposed to be a ing of treasures, Spanish Stating: Isobel, Queen of her Land You can practice at your ease, native of Christiana Was Jars ov whatever the forHad a bath when She born, In a calm or in a breeze Take it easy arrested at May Pen in tune may be, but for And no more til the morn Clarendon and taken to heaven sake let him get When she dolld up to wed Ferdinand!
Kingston to await his the Treasure first and share Do not grip the oars and row Extradition papers to be the proceeds with him This, the truth, then m here to maintain Meaninglessly to and fro, sent back to New York to afterwards, but if you are That Columbus, the gob, was insane!
Get into a gentle flow stand his trial for alleged to invest ten dollars as a Passing up all That Dirt And take it easy.
theft of 000 from one means of getting out the In that re gal out Skirt Violet Deane of New York. treasure, you had better To discover Rhode Island and Main!
If the dinner isn got Davisit is alleged con hug your ten dollar tighter Do not marmur at your lot tracted to make Deanes than yon ever did.
His Yaller Gal upon his arm, When it does come, boiling hot, mother (dead) dream to We have heard of vvhere Black Rastus faced The Altar; her giving her a winning there have been several The Parson viewed with grave alarm Policy game number at supposed treasures but we The Bride. Groon squirm and falter: If your grievances you state midnight on a specified have never seen a success.
Have a care for your old pate night; which night has not ful one, especially if money You loss dat ring? he whispered loud, Be prepared to dodge the plate, yet come on record.
is to be advanced to get Poor Rastus threw a Spasm: And take it easy Davis was arrested in the spirit to yield it up to Ah aint loss Nuffin dawg gawn dis crowd New York but got bail you; dont be deceived by Sep my Entusiasm!
To the happy single man, and made good for Jamaica these exploiters of human Careless of the marriage ban where the American Sleuths flesh and blood tell him. From the Mockingbyrd.
Let me recommend this plan have located him.
get up your treasure in Take it easy It is certainly surprising my land vvill give you TO ADVERTISE IN how many of our people a half of it, but do not who claim intelligence, get advance ten dollars on the THE SEARCHLIGHT If you re courting and if she Sixteen stone, well, let her squeal carried away by this kind job, to buy candie nor any IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Whilst you sit upon her knees of trickery about getting other impleinents of supersAnd take it easy up treasures, and getting tition, you can count on dreams of wining numbers being that much out of etc.
It is so sad not many of us pocket, plus the ridicule of Here in Limon We have your friends.
were able to Take it easy.
several examples with Mr. Miss Deane of New York Have you ever taken a little time to think over the Cecil Clough Mr. Mc. Quee deserves to lose her money if future of your dependents. Your wife, your mother, and others where such she could be so stupid as to your sister, or your children?
Contracts have been enterpay 600 just to get a dream After a little thought you are sure to reflect that there ed into and thousands of of a wining Ticket. This case is no protection like a Life Insurance Policy to dollars paid for these Mi of Joslyn Davis for robbing provide for their welfare Take a Policy with the racles which have never from Violet Deane 3. 000 for Authorized Capital 500. 000 materialized, it is time that such a purpose ought to be our people ought to be very interesting alive to these tricks; and The shares of this Banking Institution, carries a NoThe Professors will be an San José, which is guaranteed by the government of yet the same thing is going noyed with us, but it is our Costa Rica.
minal Value of 100. You may pay it by instalments, on among us right now.
Send us your name, date, Place of birth, and with your weekly, fortnightly or monthly of 25, 50, or There is a case in point duty to warn our people of these rascalities, because there requirements and we will send you all details. 5. 00 respectively as you desire.
where we learn a profes.
are some very simple people The Secretary During our many years of existence, our dividends sor has been engaged to who allow themselves to be unearth a fortune on the have given very good results, reaching as high as too easily fleeced.
BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Campone Road. We are 16 in 1930. We make loans as you may desire under SAN JOSE very good conditions and convenient terms. 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Our reserve funds guarantee you the security of your EL CHIC DE PARIS investment Central Avenue Is the only store, whose proprietors go annually to France to bring the latest fashiones.
By latest sporting papers indulged in by players of AGENT In Ladies dresses for Bails, parties and calls. Silk we note that a most alarm. gentlemanly deportment. Box 1203 Telephone 3051 underwear. Hats, overcoats, Lace dress goods, etc.
All of the finest Parisian taste.
ing state of enthusiasm This is the same conexisted at Monte Video duct which was meted San José There is a children dress department under the care of Mrs. Julia Woodbridge, which carries all among Football fans; when out to us in Cuba last that a mother can desire for her kids at lowest prices. Uruguay contested the year, in the great Olym100 yards west of the Palace of Justice Special manicuring Room, in which facial massages, Championship of the Foot pic games, when the Cubans colourings and permanent curlings and Crimpings are ball season with Argentina. behaved very rudely towards done.
The fans committed all the Costa Ricans, insomuch Do us the favour of visiting our store and convince yourself that this is the best in the country.
sorts of breaches of decency that the Mexicans had to during the game. The Auth chime in with the Costa BREMAUD orities relieved these would Rican players, to put a Humberto Flores Solano 0000000000000000000DDOS be enthusiasts of over five stop to this rough unthousand revolvers while gentlemanly way of San Jose and Puerto Limon VERMIFUGO Ex supervisor of the Judicial and War deentering the gates to the playing. Had it not been partments Stadium which had an for the superior conduct SAN ANTONIO Office in San Jose diagonal to the Seminary By the Gleaner of the 20 th.
unprecedented crowd of of the Costa Rican public APARTADO 1201 utlmoit is seen that on 17 th.
Efficacious Reme 98000 spectators.
last month, the same thing In Limon. Office of Aurelio Bermudez Sept. a son and heir was dy to expel worms The Argentine players might have occurred here born to Councillor and Mr.
Lucas Morúa and sympathizers were during the contests with Marcus Garvey at Somali PHARMACEUTICO much enfuriated over the the Fortuna, fortunately Court, Lady Musgrave Road Sold in the Spa loss of the game, and however by the better St. Andrews nish drug Store made fights and stoned cultural teachings of our It has been a long time Cartago, Tep. 177 innocent ladies in the Pa. boys a scene was avoided waiting, but may Marcus Jnr.
vilion who happened to be The Junta de Control The Gleaner gave out that Costa Rica, after having sold be a credit and pleasurable Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago This seemed barbarous, to penalize any player or Club dressed in opposite colours of the League ought to the Atlantic Fruit Co. was out their sympathizers and acquisition to the home of interested in coming to Costa propagandists for a hundred his people. Numero 1462 immagine that people en. who commits any breach Rica, and had sent a high thousand dollars the price of gaged in a pleasant pastime of proprietry which might official of theirs to talk terms the blood of those people could be so uncivilized as cause a rupture in the with the government, but we who supported them here and LAWYERS NOTARIES to conduct themselves in game. Very strong measwondered if the name of the left them ruined, at the mercy such an outrageous man ures should be adopted in AT LIMON Atlantic Fruit Co. could ever of the Co. without even Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA ner. They ought to be such cases, so as to put have awakened public interest apologizing for the trick.
Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors rejected from competing in an end to ill feelings beagain in this country, or if In the issue of the 17 th. bafore the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; further games, until they tween contestant races in That Company would find however we find it was a Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
be disciplined into the International contents espea brass mask thick enough to false rumour, and our hearts ENGLISH SPOKEN knowledge that these games cially.
cover themselves to come to calmed down a bit.
are only intended to be Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Is Sport merging into Warfare?
ANDRES BOZA CANO Lawyer and Notary An Heir is born The Atlantic Fruit Co. and Costa Rica


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