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SUBSCRIPTION 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE EDITOR MANAGER NATION Apartado 123. Cartago LEONIDAS OVALLE TORRES Director de la min en español WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS THE SEARCHLIGHT. Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally LA LINTERNAL Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en general, especial mente por Cartago y Limón YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 11 OCTOBER 1930 NUM. 50 Scandalous and Shameful Termination of the Teodore Smith To the interests of Postage Stamps Collectors Administration are conWe have not as yet finished the general Wellfare of the are invited to attend We have selected the follo Will Be Shown in Berlin shown by George Sloane is preparing a detail of the scanthe Sunday night meeting of wing from The New York One of the choice collec an authentic copy of the dals, excesses, abuses and October 12 When the Vice Times of 10 th of August, tions of United States stamps celebrated British Stamp Tax mismanagement of the business the Basura cart to take care President and acting President for the Interest of those of will be shown by Represenstamp of 1765, prepared for of the Limon Div of the of, and find the right place for of the Limon Division will our friends who are of a. tative, Ernest Ackerman of use in the American colonies. entrusted to the care that kind of refuse matter.
be giving a statement of recent Philatelic disposition, as a of Mr. Theodore Smith for His pony Express collection ocurrences in the ComandanNew Jersey. After the Boston two terms, which we expect WELL WISHER contains several letters carried cia connected with forced the proof that the Philatelic inte show it will be taken to Berlin, rest is still alive.
over the as will be the exhibitions of plains and the at our earliest convenience resignation of Mr. Smith, NOTICE Mr. Hind Mr. Lichtenstein, to place before the publie STAMP SHOW DRAWS Rocky Mountains from St.
ex President several Joseph to Sacramento. He will without the slightest item of Mr. Steinway and All persons interested in Authorized MANY TO BOSTON others, for the international show also several letters from exaggeration, but we the old New England whaling laconically recording here the Delegation of Collectors stamp show opening there Sept. 12. Mr. Ackerman left ships of 1875, several letters undecent descent from office Here Will Attend National for Europe several days ago, carried free of postage from of a man in whom the Orga.
Exhibit Which Opens Totaking other parts of his collec San Francisco after the earth nization placed its confidence, On Sunday 21st of Sep. live crovyned with glory morrow.
tion for exhibition. Mr. Stein quake and fire of 1906 and a and gave him full cooperation tember the Liberty Hall of wherever the highest senway and Mr. Lichtenstein letter salvaged from the sea during the time he kept himself Estrella Division of the timents of Garveyism is RARE SPECIMENS LENT have been named as judges after the sinking of the away from obnoxious influen vvas the Center of discussed; it is only a pity at the Berlin show, being the steamer Oregon off Fire Island ces.
attraction, the Hall was that other parents do not Parts of Displays Will Be Shipped only Americans on the Board in 1886. Other curiosities inMr. Smith instead of ceding tastefully decorated with follovy the paths of use to Berlin for International Show to the request of his consticlude rare Confederate postthe colours of the Red, fulness traversed by Mr. There in September of Award. Mr. Steinway will sail on Aug. 28 and Mr. master stamps and letters tuents by vacating the Chair, the Black and the Green, and Mrs. Franklin in the Many of the leading pos.
Lichtenstein about the same so as to further inconvenience for the purpose of unveiling training of their children.
bearing cancelations carried them by re entangling the her nevy charter No. 202.
on the old Missisippi River There vvas a large and tage stamp collectors in the time.
affairs of the Division, placed Among Mr. Ackerman Packet boats.
The meeting commenced appreciative gathering and United States will be exhibitors the registration and United States stamps to be other with the singing of the a happy evening vvas spent at the National Stamp Show The judges at the Boston books of the Division in the processional hymn at pm. by all.
in Boston opening tomorrow. shown at Boston are copies show, in addition to Mr.
hands of the Limon local during yvhich the officers of the rare 15 and 24 cents, Among the speakers vvere The exhibition is being held Steinway, will be Dr. Victor authories, under the pretence marched to their respective Messrs Hemming, by the American Philatelic with inverted centres of the Berthold, Beverly King and of charging the membership seats. The audience then Allyvood, Ranger, Society, whose annual 1869 issue on original envelo Victor Rotnem of this city, for illegal demands, and which joined in singing the open. Nain, Baker, and Mrs.
vention will be in session in pes and also the only known Judge Robert Emerson of Proin spite of the crude choice ing Ode, vvhen the ri Bond each speech being Boston during the week. Se envelope containing the 90 vidence who also will be an which he made in vacating tualistic and scriptural lesson interspersed vvith songs and veral large rooms in Horticul cents, 1869, and the 10 and exhibitor; Clarence Brazier of his seat, was unable to prove. vvas carried out by Mr. recitations; while Miss tural Hall have been set aside 12 cent issues of 1870, mailed Chester, Pa. Louis Missbach The continual toleration of the David Spencer, chaplain Nezzie Franklin seemed to for the displays to Calcutta. He also has some of Brooklyn, George Angers membership allowed this and Master of Ceremonies. be at her best on the Organ. large delegation from the New York postmasters, being of Springfield, Mass. and gentleman to forget that they The veil was lifted by The meeting vvas brought Collectors Club, 51 West the large cent issue, a mint Peltz of Albany.
block of sixteen of the cent, could well have indicted him tvvo young Garveyites Miss to a close by rising to the Forty eighth Street, will leave The annual convention of before the authorities under a Enid Franklin and Master Ethiopian Anthem.
for Boston today and tomorrow. 1847, a block of four of the he Society of Philatelic Amecriminal charge for involving Leonard Bill.
Among them will be Theodore 90 cents, 1857, on a piece of the Division several hundred ricans closed last week in The programme was a Flemming Steinway, who will be one the original envelope sent from Colones, which without the very lengthy and impressive Worcester, Mass. with one of Ed. Note. We are proud of the judges and who will Washington City to Hongkong the largest delegations in the consent of the membership he one, vve vvere accompanied to be again of use to Mr.
show his choice of Sydney and all of the special printing history of the society. The contracted, and has now by several officers and Flemming, vvhe had immeviews of the first New South values, to 90 cents, 1873 heaped as a responsibility on closing event was an auction members from the Banani diately cut all communicaissue.
Wales issue; George Sloane, sale of rare United States and them. In spite of all this his to Branch vvhose help vvas tion, so soon as yve vindiwho will show some Amer To Show British Tax foreign stamps Friday night supporters who apparently have much appreciated by us. cated the protection of our ican pieces, including several Stamp.
by Ohlman of this city.
not as yet conceived the idea Enough praise can never good name, in the memorare «Pony Express) stamps Among the relics to be of the Organization, but will be given to the young rable, Smith, Corn vvall and envelopes; Hugh Clark, side in anywhere, there is an Franklins, for their useful mitchell unvvarranted aswho will show a lot of paopportunity of personal bene ness in the musical part of sault. but Bro Flemming triotic envelopes used during fits, caused a shameful ocu the programme, indeed the you must alvvays appreciate the Civil War period; Charles rrence at the Liberty Hall, at name of the parents of the Surviving of the fittest. Curie, vice president of the a meeting held on the night these youngsters vvill ever Collectors Club, who will Be known, that the to reside in Limon, conseof the th of October With exhibit several of the rarest the object of discussing ways How are the mighty fallen properties situated at quently he has been bound Request specimens from his general and means out of the so many Cahuita planted in Cacao over by the Judge to pay collection.
difficulties handed down upon We have a lengthy Commuand Coconuts belonging me 100 per month as nication from Mr. George We In consequence of the Arthur Hind and Alfred to Jane Maxwell and allimony allowance; and the membership, and if possia llington on behalf of the mem change from Fortnightly Lichtenstein, who rank in the Thomas Maxwell her thus he is trying to evade ble revive the right spirit in bership of the Limon. Division payments by the Company forefront of world philatelists, husband, cannot be sold his responsibility towards the Organization.
mortgaged, without me.
If some of the readers bear those members who have been from 1st. of October, We their collections, Mr. Hind in mind, they may remember dissatisfied over the gross mis.
the signature of the said He has also got a management of the Division are asking our subscribers sending his rare British Guiana, Jane Maxwell. Any property in Limon AZ that a party of the Smith affairs by Mr. Smith and to The Searchlight to the only known copy, which Loans made on the presum Portette; but as underadministration declared himself his Cornwall Michell cabinet settle up their subscriptions he purchased at the February ed Security of these Farms stand that there are attempts as a DEAD HOG. he took that these gentlemen are no faithfully to the end of Oc sale in Paris for more than will be null and void being made to sell or particular care in demonstrating longer associated with the Ad tober so as to start afresh 35, 000. Mr. Lichtenstein will himself meritorious to the ministration of this Division as without my permission and Mortgage one of my proour 2nd year in November show some of his Canadian Signature. These properties perties in Cahuita, her by appelation at this meeling.
from the 1st October.
The Limom Div. must deciderefore hereby invited to reinsAll former members are the yoii may send in your rarities, including his collection came into my possession beg to Warn the Public, to rid itself of the fetidness tate yourself and bring your Quotas in Limon to Mr. of British Columbia stamps.
on the death of my first that no Loan, Sale or R, Brooks, and along Harry Konwiser that dead swine carcass is friends to help to reorganize the lines to Dr. Shavv and husband; and my second Mortgage can be legal Edward Stern, both members capable of circulating, as the the Society to its former state husband the said Thomas without my signature, of the Collectors Club, will health of their division is of prosperity and dignified pro at Siquirres; or direct to Maxwell has been care Jane Maxwell ceedings unsafe except they ask the show some of their United Cartago.
Come in, and revive the spirit States franks and early postal taker, but he has now left Cahuita Comandante for the loan of of Cooperation The Management Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacionalna sem er at der issues me on the Farm, and gone Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Money Lenders he Warned. Or

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