
Saturday 11 October 1930 Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantee our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
Shoe Factory of APOLONIO BRENES LIMON west side of the Public market (ZAPATERIA)
SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of FARMACIA ESPANA Elegant 2009 saya akan berada da WD bong000002 Serious warning 28 miles TO OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC LIMON SERVICE BUREAU to News of the World Presidencia To Be Raffled To the Editor of THE is doing so, if any shareSEARCHLIGHT holders dont want him to AND Our Store, THE FASION HOUSE has been removed to the premises Dear Sir: be there, please leave the formerly occupied by LA ELEGANTE, a few doors from the old stand, BUSINESSMAN PROTECTIVE AGENCY Corporation and leave him We have a new stock of ladies. FANCY DRESS COODS of proven Permit me space in your there, also. For whosoever ORGANIZED AND EQUIPPED quality, and unequalled for beauty valuable columns to express sheddeth man blood by select assortment of ladies hats and other wear; also a stock of a few remarks: According man shall his blood be Bureau established for the greater convenience, under ST MARKS BOYSCOUTS UNIFORMS made from guaranteed matanding, satisfaction and protection of the English Speaking Purumours among the shed.
terial, which will be sold at a very moderate price.
blic, in their legal affairs, and a Collection Department annexed people here, it is being Coming soon. a variety of Xmas Cards and other novelties for the protection of Businessmen against unscrupulous debtors.
said that Mr. Farquharson have the honour to be Thanking you Mr. Editor Law Firm that does not encourage litigation to lose; a suitable for presents the present president of the PLEASE SEE OUR GOODS BEFORE YOU DECIDE Collection Agency that enjoys the absolute confidence of the Agricultural and Building the and Corp. 28 yours Shareholder of public for honesty and efficiency. Both now operated under the MANAHAN Corporation of 28 Miles miles.
the direction of a Barrister with over twenty five years practical experience, acquired on the Bench of the various Circuit Courts Proprietress Costa Rica. will be shot, Ed. Note: he presided as Judge and by practice before the Circuits, Supe 0000000000000 by a mar who will be 00000000000 000 000DOO 0000003 This is a very serious rior and Supreme Courts of the Republic. His best testimonials paid to shoot him.
are records of the cases he has conducted as Judge and Counsel.
warning that the AutoriIt will be noticed that ties ought to take up.
EMILANO ODIO MENDEZ AURELIO BERMUDEZ the shareholders in our last Rumours say that Mr.
Barrister Investigator general meeting fully re Harriott at Pacuarito was Attorney at Law Notary Public Soliciting Manager Storm damage an heir: The task will be cognized the spirit of an shot by a paid assassin, MAIN OFFICE BRANCH OFFICE left to the Duke and Du tagonism manifested at that hired by someone who Limon: Oposite «Arrasty Theatre San Jose, 50 yards West of the The worst gale in twenty chess of York who up to meeting and we are quite claims that Harriott was years has been witnessed now have given us no aware that something may working. Obeah to preon the Atlantic and Channel happen, but if any such vent his business from Correspondents and Agents at the principal ports and cities of Panama, Colombia, Nicaragua, Cuba and Jamnica, Coasts of France and Eng val after all eyes were thing happens, please pre succeeding, and indeed this California, New York, Illinois and Pennsylvania, Damage to crops of over anxiously awaiting the birth pare to kill out all those mysterious shooting has of an heir apparent, brought him there as President, there is a similar idea being shareholders who placed been done, and here again a million pounds have been done, several large and by the birth of a little dont leave any, because put on foot at Madre de FOR PUBLIC GOOD Dios. Should the authorilost as a result of the baby girl, who will be hold responsible, according ties not make inquiry as christened with the name heavy seas and storm, the to the spirit shown at the cost of the damage done Margaret Rose. this to what happened at the last meeting month.
last meeting to which this to shipping cannot yet be We placed him there to reference is made?
Ten Thousand colones Only 500 thousand estimated. Four hundred Of Cuba protect our money, and he worth of Costa Rica Lottery tickets will be printed for tents and their contents Revolution has been Tickets playing on the first this raffle and will carry along the Coast at Bourne hanging over that Republic 1000000 000000000000000 day of January 1931 will various prizes. winners of mouth and Boscombe for some time now, it is be raffled in Limon on the course will get lotery tickets.
have been swept away by only the strong hand of 15 th. December 1930. All interested will by the storm and heavy President Machado, coupled Such gentleman as our observe that this cannot seas; and according to the with the fear of American Governor, the Commandan be done on the ending Weather Bureau indications, intervention that is keeping And coal Stoves te Mr. Finlay the Brittish numbers of the Costa Rica there are more storms hoy.
it off.
Consul etcmay be invited Lottery as there will only ering around in the air.
To secure entirely free, any of these articles.
Martial Law has been to preside as judges of the be 2500 tickets issued.
declared which adds to the We offer you 25 chances; all information from raffle.
Heir apparent Hurry up and get a difficulty of the country.
Ten thousand colones ticket, all vendors of tickets Great anxiety is hanging The Banks are bursted, worth of tickets plus what residing in Limon will cerover the British throne, due and American Banks have is usually sold here means tainby sell these tickets. The to the Scarcity of a male had to send in twenty much for us here, and also prizes will be advertised in APARTADO 917 heir; it is looking as if we million dollars to augment the Junta. The more all the leading News tickets sold in Limon the papers of the country.
are drifting back to the the funds of the State In front of Theatre Variedades Victorian age, when no banks, and thus help to most likely will the prize In case of postponement fall hereNow 0000003 comes heir apparent was in sight stabilize the finances of of the raffle all buyers will and Victoria the Good the country. Unemployment fine chance to buyers of we notified both in the the Lotery to obtain News had to be placed on the by is rampant throughnt the papers and Throne. The Prince of length aud breath of the ticket which will cost you vendors. 400 and stand the chance Wales is not thinking of country which helps to to win a 2000. 000 prize. Lee.
getting married, he will na: bring great dissatisfaction. We learn that Mr. Sam cultivation without arguing turally die without leaving Cress Superintendent of the matter with Head of Agriculture is expected fice, so if a failure came back from the States in the responsibility would LAWYER AND NOTARY another week whither he not alone rest on Mass LIMON Undertakes lawsuits of the most technical cases.
had been for a vacation Sam, which we would not Conveyances of properties, wills, and all sorts of legal taking his son and heir like. We hope they will If you wish io see the best Talking, Musical, documents prepared. Honest advices on points of to School soon be with us again and Silent Films.
Law given before going in to Courts; Never contest a Mr. Marsh the Manager with full working instruclosing suit. Honesty of purpose Reliability my Motto. of the Company is also tions. While on this Sub Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and Rufino Solis. Lawyer expected on the Same boat. ject, it is learned that the p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós Upstairs the Commercial Store 2nd. Avenue, Limon.
Rumour has it that the Co. intend building Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comEnglish and French Spelon return of these gentlemen a great Concrete Pier in fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
will mean immediate be Kingston to be operated ginning of works. Specula on similar lines with the tion is rife as to whether docks in Cristobal, this the plantings will be rushed would be a great thing SAN JOSE on the Rio Frio or in the for Jamaica, it is said that OCCULISTIC CLINIC Monte Verde direction Mr. Victor Lorenz who Next door to Botica Nacional, elegant hygenic rooms.
Dr. JOSE CORVETTI where there is considerable built the Gran Hotel Costa Water always well supplied especially for Baths.
lands available, but ofcourse Rica is selected for the OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Meals served to order at all hours.
as these lands were adconstruction of this Job; Deseases and affections of the eyes versely reported on formerly we do hope So.
Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres Carlos Luis Muñoz. in the Boston office, the Administration could not Compre la Revista The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA Manager very well put them in LA HACIENDA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de GIFTS OF GRAMMAPHONES 10000000000 Mora Co.
a a Managers returning Cine MODERNO HOTEL RIALTO


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