
Saturday 11 October 1930 COUNCIL DISSOLVED Radio Installation From Matina conSCHLUBACH, THIEMER Co.
Jardinería La Granjita Some things occur in this brought before the Council going on in the Council, to On Sunday 5th inst the fomed in a masterful manner Are you interested in a Ralife that makes the most by certain of its members; which the eyes of the memdio set? get in touch with Grand Success Lodge of by Bros. Samuels, Skipton reserved burst forth with ex immediately the Council form bers of this body were closed, the o. of of the 3180. and Bros.
Eduardo Escarrè at HOpressions that astonishes his ed itself into a board of but rather was made by the carried out a fine function McNaulty, Gibbs, Bloom surroundings, who might have enquiry to investigate the commembers of the Council itself, sé he will make and install TEL ATLANTICO, San Joat the shepherd Hall, it field Mc Donald, Bailey.
been accustomed to deal with plaints, but it was soon found when they saw that the law was the occasion of the Webster of the 10981, you a first class RADIO set, a reticent, calmly disposed out that the law as it stands did not give them sufficient dedication of their Temple. vvhich was made musical person, and so we find even debarred them from certain so you tray sit in your home scope to honourably and and enjoy Concerts, PugilisticThe procession vvas a short by the rendition of a fevy our coolheaded Custos Hon, scope, to efficiently carry out efficiently carrying on this one but the unquestionable solos and Anthems by a bouts, speeches or any AmuseA. Dacosta expressing their enquiries. They could not enquiry; and after this inves.
ment, broadcasted from the beauty of the Uniform of special choir, organized by vehemently his disapproval at put a witness on oath, they tigation has been carried out this Order created a de Mr. G: Palmer and other the action of the government United States, Cuba, Jamaica monstration not soon to be artists; time vvas made for could not compel any witness at the wish of the Council, or Europe.
of Jamaica in dissolving the to come and declare before what do we find; but that forgotten in Matina. man, but in this instance, Municipal Council of the Kings them who might not be willing this Commission operating at The evening vvas excep enough was not alotted ton and St. Andrew Corpora to give a voluntary statement the request and under the VERMIFUGO tionaye hot but the gather him; as the appropriate tion; at the reccommendation etc. therefore so as to be expense of the Corporation SAN ANTONIO ring vvas a select one, Bro. speeches of the representaof the Chief Justice; because able to clarify these complaints Council, reccommends that the Chas. Bloomfield tives of the separate bodies it is clearly seen by anyone in a satisfactory manner to Council is found incompetent Efficacious Reme. opened the meeting in its fraternal and Political had who has been studying the the public, the Council asked to carry out its duties and be dy to expel worms usual manner and turned to be cut short so as to context of the report, that it the government to help them therefore dissolved, and a Lucas Morúa over the dedicatory progra avail ourselves of the down is entirely the wording of the to investigate this matter by PHARMACEUTICO Commissioner be appointed to mme to Bro. Samuels train. Mr. Montague repre chief Justice, and simply placing at their disposal the carry out the duties of the Sold in the Spa of the Limon Lodge No. sented the Mt Calvary nish drug Store signed by the other two who necessary scope of law which whole Council, because or 3180 as master of Cere. Lodge, Mr. Skipton the are on the Commission of was lacking in the means at of the members of the Council Cartago, Tep. 177 monies; who congratullated Limon Lodge, the pioneer enquiry Mr. Reed and their disposal within their have been found guilty of the Grand Success Lodge fraternal Society of Port Mr. Dacosta.
Jurisdiction; the cost of which misconduct. Can any thing be To advertise in the for their enthusiasm in the Limon, Mr. Murray Anyone also who has been they offered to pay; in considered more unjust to the order, and proceeded to the the A; and littée following the trend of affairs sequence of this request. the faithfut members of the Searchlight is to business of the evening, Miss Rose the Juvenile.
in legal matters in Jamaica government, named and ins Council who have laboured Dedication; the ritualistic The occasion vvas an enwill find that this Chief Justice tituted this Chief Justice Com honestly. faithfuly and well for double your business rights of which was per joyable one and will long Sir Fiends Barret Leonard is mission with full power to the constituents who placed be remembered.
opposed to everything that investigate and call any person them in power, during nearly The Scribe tends to native uplift, heis one of on oath they may require. a decade of years?
LAWYERS NOTARIES those officials who seem to Mark! the request was not Can anything be more Matina althó she has come out to the Tropics from made to the government by AT LIMON unjustly prejudicial to the best fallen from its glory of the Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA England imbued with a outside parties, who might Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors days of the Lindos who wonderful amount of self have seen something irregular Coutinued on page before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; gave life to this once prosinflated idea of superiority Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
perous Village and made it over the natives, even ENGLISH SPOKEN what it is, is yet a thriving though the natives are those hamlet, and may yet surwho must bear the burden of vive, if the Canalization of taxpaying to be able to pay the Moin Tortuguero vvahim his munificient salary of tervvay becomes an ac 2500 per annum, hence with One of the most important houses of Hamburg complished fact, because this false impression of supethe easiest section of that 300 yards west of the live stock Market at Cartago, riority this man has tried to Importation and Exportation Canal vvill be from Mati belittle every thing that tends executes all class of artistic Floral designs in Wreaths to bring out to public gaze.
na to the Tortuguero Valle)
Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica etc. Loose flowers also supplied as per request.
and vvith a Railvvay branch the higher intelligence of the Has the greatest Rose garden of American Beauties.
from Matina to the Bar, natives in their local instituOrders may be handed in, and supplied at La Ultima all the products from the tions of attempt at self repreJoya in front of The Bank San Carlos Valley destined sentation. In keeping therefore for Limon vvill naturally APARTADO 102 CARTAGO TELEFONO 12 with this repugnance he has San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral pass thró Matina but what used the opportunity so soon one deplores considerably TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 as it came into his hands, to is the lack of Unity among reccommend that the CorporaExportation: All products of the country: coffee, the coloured inhabitants of tion be dissolved, and a this place. There is to be Commissioner, an aristocrat at hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
found there a fevv lazy that, be placed in the job at which was scoundrels vvho vvill not Mr. Simpoon Importation: All that may be needed, especially Gervvork, they simply lurk salary when he was Commis man Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or indusaround to do any menial, sioner in 1923, of nothing less trial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for Ironmondirty jobs, and tell lies on than 2000 per annum and gers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; we would not be surprised This name signifies: their countrymen, so as to were it now made 3000, to Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for Drugget them in trouble with EN DISCOS other people and finally run the affairs of both Municipastores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
lities; which the gentlemen who The best music in all styles played by the best orend them in jail. There are chestras. The artists of the greatest fame. The most Negroes in Matina vyho composed the Council have harmonious and sentimental recitations.
hate the very idea of the been doing free, gratis and for nothing; and which it is En Panatropes: Universal Negro Improve ment Association, and will considered impossible for The best instruments for the reproduction of the music stoop to any lies and dirt anyone man to do efficiently.
from the Records. Portable models, for the table and Now that the acting goverfurniture. Made of the best materials. Electric Panatropes actions so as to get its James Morgan, of Boscobel Farm 27 Miles Costa members in trouble vvity nor Hon. Jelf has acted gave a strong and sweet sound at the same time reproducing perfectly the last detail of the notes.
the lavy officers. For on the reccommendation of Rica widower, to Adina Brown, spinster of the said the chief Justice Commission glass of rum for ten cert 27 Miles, both natives of Jamaica, on Monday En Radios: and dissolved the Council let 29th day of September 1930, by Mr. Lesmes The last Word in long Wave receiving apparatuses, us have a peeg into the matter with fixtures for short Wave as well. Instruments of Suarez the Jefe Politico of Siquirresand see the Justice or the injus1931 model, the chassis is protected. We highly recomtice done to the Councillors ment the Radio Panatrope combination, of which and officers who composed there are many in use giving Wonderful results.
that Council and who have serOn sale in all parts of the Republic If you appreciate your ved the country faithfully and well; to the constituents of the journal please sendu To kill malarlal fevers, the only General Repository at to buy a flask at Carboni Co.
Corporate area whose repreyour subscriptions, its the preparation guaranteed as a radical did so and after taking it, was sentatives these councillors cure for Yellow fever, blackwater only sure way to keep it permanently cured are; and lastly, to the interests fever, Ague, intermittent fever, colds in turn reccommended it to alive and all classes of fevers.
Mrs. Gertrude Mata of Cartago, of representative institutions in It is recommended for cleansing and Mrs. Juana Mora of Linea the government of the people San José a disordered Liver.
Vieja who used The Elixir AntianChrysler Palace FOR SALE by the people and for the In proof of the above see the ofelo with marvelous effects as a people.
following, for four months had cure for all sorts of tropical fevers.
Amare and a mule Now, a complaint of the been suffering from Hay Fever No household should be without follower of months old and after trying all sorts of medicines it. Rafael Mata Orozco. Buy it al Telef. 3027 misconduct of one or two of the Apart. 26 Cheap for Cash, apply to was advised by Mr. Antonio Carboni Co. Cartago.
members on this council was Mr. Johnson.
Brenes of Dulce Nombre Cartago POCORA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Se RAMON ULLOA Co. SC.
BRUNSWICK MARRIED Continued on page To our Subscribers Wonderful Remedy is Elixir Antianofelo The SALON BRUNSWICK VICENTE LINES


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