
Saturday 11 October 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA)
PAGE Dental Clinic Gentlemem are born, not made India when disaster over The Searchlight Ladies Please note. Smith a gentleman who was SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
Brought from page The 101 the greatest of the ends which caused trained in the same College Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours airship built, left England the collapse.
interests of Representative Ins as himself to forget his culture for trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heads in silver and gold, can be supplied by.
on Saturday for India, and The Wreck is a national titutions at a time when every and training and retaliate in Mrs. CARMETA SMITH on Sunday morning while calamity, many of England group of men all over the similar or more abrupt strains; Near the Star Store Limon so he could have shown him passing ovver the South most famous men are among world is endeavouring to make Eastern France, caught afire the dead. The bodies have itself heard? What has the up as one of the uncultured and fell broken in two, 47 all been recovered and taken Council done, that is unworthy representatives of self governof the 53 occupants were back to England where they of the privilege of self re ment. We have heard with burnt to death and an lie in State at Westminister. presentation? This Council surprise of how the chief other of the Wounded has Abbey.
consists of 17 members and Scout told his friends in the since died making 48 dead The French authorities if four of these have committed United States and Canada, that Dr. Percy Fischel (D. six badly injured. did every thing possible to themselves, under their obli he had been convinced during From Harvard University The 101 is the greatest rescue the dead and dying gations entered into, why not his travels in the West Indies hit in Aeronautic Science and and a day of mourning give the other 13 the chance and Central America, that Bri: Offers modern methods in the practice of the Dental Proof expelling them from amongst tain had made a mistake in fesion. Denture work in HECOLITE, new material that has been the largest airship has sympathetically been imitates the natural color of the gums.
of Zepelin type afloat she declarred by the French them, as they asked to be extending culturing education Office 25 yards North of Carmen Church SAN JOSE helped by the goveroment to to the natives, which in his Was the pride of Great government.
000 APT, 434 TEL. 2683 Britain the sister ship 100 The funeral ceremony will do, when they agreed to pay opinion should only have been having just recently accombe performed for the dead the cost of the enquiry; why along Industrial lines: in St. Paul Cathedral. then penalize these gentlemen And now of graft, does plished the linking trip to by making then appear in the history not record graft (not Canada and back, and now eyes of the world in a similar petty but gigantic) in all counthe 101 Was on a simTo advertise in category as those condemn tries of the world? Even in ilar tour of goodmill to ed of graft?
the British Parliament have we Our advertising Agent alvvays the last to offer And now for the attempt at not heard of this thing? In Mr. Perera complains offence, hence we are sorry took her.
belittling us in the viewpoint American politics, in French of the unprovoked rudeness to see that offence should She has recently been is to double your business of Representative government and German governments do of Mr. Albert Sasso. He have come from a source cut in twain and a piece We know that there are some we not hear of corruptions vvas sent by Mr. Mendio from vvhence one would spliced in betivveen midship self interested Englishmen such and great grafting transactions la the agent in Costa Ri have expected even ordito make her yet longer Anunciar en La Linterna as this chief Justice, Lord by which great, influential men ca for Wrigley Chiclets to nary decency. We are sure than the 100, it seems es de buen éxito para Baden Powell and many others have been imprisoned? Sup this gentleman as his ad that Mr. Perera vvould have as if the centre beams who would be only too glad pose a few smaller men are vertising agent, for an ad been the last to have offered could not bear the weigh sus NEGOCIOS to tear down the structure of weak enough to follow the vertisement. On enquiry as rudeness in soliciting a Representative government; example set them in these to the rates etc. Mr. Sasso client, as he vvas born of and substitute therefor Crown great countries, is this a reason started insultiug this gen a cultured home, and was government: this is one of for breakingdown responsible tleman, which finally ended educated in a school where the attempts to prove that the Institutions and insulting he in a Police case suit. only young gentlemen are people of the West Indies are nourable gentlemen for the Cultured gentlemen are admitted.
not honest enough to be en sins of a few? Certainly not, trusted with self representation and we are waiting to hear Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio. see how this hired servant the last word from Sir Edward frol your electric light socket!
EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump of the people, insulted Mr. Stubbs, Governor of Jamaica 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from Smith an honoured who is now in England, but Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South Africa and Australia!
representative of the people will leave Europe about the Commissions on Legal affairs.
Easily assembled in a Singie evening for years and years, because 16th of this month, because he objected to the manner the we will not be led to believe ERNESTO ORTEGA interests of his Client were that he too will coincide with Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago being handled, by calling him this damnable attempt to in an impudent man and other sult our honourable represenDuring the course of one evening, the Super wasp brought similarly ungentlemanly remarks tatives and belittle our status in G3 Chelmsford, England, and PC Eindhoven, Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the why, because he wanted Mr. in Representative Institutions, FOR SALE Super Wasp is easy! Enquire of.
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Ten Heciareas of Banana in first year production, ISIDRO VILLALOBOS at Ley River on the Estrella Railways; much virgin lands attached for extension. This Farm is under Contract BOX 210 SAN JOSE The owner is not a farmer, would therefore sell out TELP 3460 cheap for Cash. Appy to, Alexander Powell. Limon.
Radio perfection in Super Wasps Europe on the Loud Speaker TO RENT comfortable little dwelling apartments with or without furniture SR. This paper for Sale RAMON ULLOA Co. C.
Dr. Oscar Pacheco TO ADVERTISE IN THE SEARCHLIGHT IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS Information from: LIA PIZA Offers are invited for the the good vvork started and purchase of the rights of enlarge the paper. Box 868 Telephone 2238 The Searchlight. In conEvery assistance vvould be afforded, until the JournSAN JOSE sequence of my failing al is on the right road health; it might be desirable to success, vvhich can 000000000000000 that a Syndicate of Jour easily be done with proper ALMACEN ELECTRICO nalistic aspirants continue management.
From Matina South West Corner of the Cathedral.
San José, Brought from page bringing trouble at any Sale of Motors y Dynamos body door, to suit the some of these characters intrigues of any unscrupuSPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN vvill go into the Courts lous Police Judge; no he TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF SIEMENS and svvear to any damn vvill rather go out and do able damaging falsehoods honest labour than get a against another Negre. for filthy tvvo colones to get getting when the native humanity in trouble; only has got him to do such a the lovvdovun Negro can OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF TELEFONO APARTADO dastardly act, he simply in be got to do such unbe.
RAVENTOS THEATRE 3509 1061 his heart laughs and coming work, such lazy, spurns him invvardly as a unprincipled brutes, should dog be spurned at, as the scum Why is it the Agents of of humanity, their vvomen PILES SHOE STORE, Siquirres Police cannot get the na fold should abandon them; All class of materials of installation of tives to be rural Policemen, and make them feel if they Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away; Luxurious Lamps at the they are above stooping to have got any spark of su and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be such dirt, as to concoct perior animal life (vve vvont shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies Lowest prices.
lies against his fellovymen, say manhood) in him, that shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
Negroes or vvhite he con he should look to wag his Siquirres PILE siders himself far above tail among his ovvn.
Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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