
Saturday 11 October 1930 Banana overproduction Happenings at Estrada LIBERTY in Over production is the hour. These ships are to cause given out on account operate between Panama of which the Co. San Francisco, Panama has been lessening their New York and New Orstaff of employees in all leans Puerto Columbia their Divisions, Jamaica has routes.
suffered much in this direc With the Command of tion as many of her em the ships at their disposal ployees have been suspen the domination of the ded. Honduras has also world Banana Consumption suffered in a similar strain. is certainly under their The prices of Bananas have fingers touch, it is only dropped considerably in Gods own plan in the American markets and World conflagration that in spite of all this, the can change such Monopoly. Co. is augmenting their There is information to hand shipping by one hundred by which the Puntarenas per cent.
Hamburg banana trade was The General Electric Coy. crippled by the arrival at has been awarded the Con Hamburg of three consetract for fitting out eight cutive cargos of cheap fruit, of the cighteen ships being just a day or two before constructed with Electrical the arrival of the PuntarePower for propelling these nas fruit, which sent some ships, which are to have of the Directors of the electric power sufficient Puntarenas banana Co. in for putting them alongat bed with a Rush of blood the rate of 171 knots per to the head; y de hay?
000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 SS113 99 01 a LIBERTY Chew Adams Chiclets in Costa Rica the only legitimimate Boxes, they give an agreeable breath and keep the month clean and fresh.
Keep the empty Boxes, for which. Prizes are offered in December Refering to the recent cution of another, or a set Murder at Estrada which of men, and falls by incrimgot accidentally closed out inating himself, there is our last issue. The some reason for sympathy, murderer Ivan Powell was but in an unprovoked, caught by the vigilance of astardly crime as this, the Agent at Estrada while even a parent would be crossing the Matina Bridge tempted to give up the to make good his escape party committing such an towards the Coast.
in human act. Brotherly Friday last was a day feelings cannot be brought of great consternation at to bear in such an instance, Estrada when all the friends all obligations of fraternal and acquaintances of Powel ties are dead in such a gathered to take a farewell case, because surely the glympse of him as he was perpetrator could no longer being sent to Limon to be considered Worthy of take his incarceration and ones, paternal or fraternal trial for the brutal murder affections, and anyone who CIGARETTES of his coucubine Mabel attempts to condone such Dunn. Who because she a crime, is a bad citizen, could no longer stand the because in such uncalled continual iltreatments he for crimes every good citiIf you prefer a CIGARETTE of Superior meted out to her from time zen ought to help the to time signified, her in Police to bring the crimiQuality at a cheaper price we Recommend tention of quitting and nal to Justice, rather than actually left his premises put obstacles in their way; and his companionship, for and anyone operating in a that of her uncle with a coutrary manner cannot be wounded spiric Ivan inveigh looked upon but with an led her into his quarters evil eye by the police.
and there he stabbed her to shot her dead in the room and his men for the actiand ran away in the bushes vity displayed in this case, until Thursday night, no and will go further and longer feeling himself safe say, if we had such men in the bushes arcund EsA complaint has reached is considered an at Pacuarito, the murder at enemy of trada under the influence that place would not still us that tivo men at Matina, his.
of the keen police Agent be a mystery.
one Eustace Bryant a hater If this allegation is true in that locality Mr. Justino This makes three murof any concern promulgated will the Governor not invesfor the Improvement of the tigate and see that the laws Vallejo, he endeavoured to derers in association at the Negro and the other Charles of Costa Rica are dispensed get nearer the Coast line, same time in the Limon CarWatson a but fell into the hands of cel from Estrada awaiting clanish Negro, with equanimity to foe as well Chaplain of the Negro Orgathe very man he did not sentince within eighteen as to friends?
want to encounter.
Will not the members of mon ths this is the rd.
nization there, had a their houses, which adjoins the make repre tain people around Estrada Agent of Police at Estrada It is rumoured that cer murder case that the valiant each other. man named sentation to the Governor?
were endeavouring to shield has had to clean up. CerJackson a policeman, brings for what does this Organthe perpetrator of this bru tainly a record for the the case before his Judge ization exist but for the protal act, but this be true, Village of Estrada; with tection of its membership? if next morning against Watson such persons should be floods and murderers the not then better not be.
alone, instead of prosecuting denounced for participating residents of this place are both for disorderly conduct. Banana Lands in such a crime.
having a busy time.
No he prosecutes Watson Where two men get in alone, and the illustrious on Lease an encounter. or a man Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago Judge fines this man we Some of the best lands suffering under the perse. Numero 1477understand 61 colones or 30 can be had on Rent at days in Limon jail.
Estrada on a basis of seWhat authority has a Police venteen per cent of Rental Judge got of fining for a YOUR PORTRAIT that is, you pay ten cent simple offence, no bloodshed, per Bunch and you get more than 25 colones or its fifty cents.
when you come to San José, visit the corresponding days of arrest; Lands adjoining the main why, because he is an adherent line at San Jose, Creek.
of the to which Apply Ř. PARSONS Mr. Murray belongs who Estrada.
we speak English we treat you well we make the best pictures houses from Chrysler Palace West of Parque Morazan Box 400 Telp. 2437 DISTRIBUTORS SANTIAGO PALACIOS Cia.
SAN JOSE, PASAJE JIMENEZ APARTADO 1000 TELEP. 2599 row in 1000WUDUUDU DUUUUU National Cooperation Bank Authorized Capital 500. 000 The shares of this Banking Institution, carries a Nominal Value of 100. You may pay it by instalments, weekly, fortnightly or monthly of 25, 50, or 5. 00 respectively as you desire.
During our many years of existence, our dividends have given very good results, reaching as high as 16 in 1930. We make loans as you may desire under very good conditions and convenient terms.
Our reserve funds guarantee you the security of your investment ARIAS STUDIO ANDRES BOZA CANO AGENT Telephone 3051 RADIO TUBES Box 1203 San José 100 yards west of the Palace of Justice Of All Sizes. Lowest Prices Sastreria GRANT great Matrona dead GRANT CUNNINGHAM CE. CO MARVIN Suits made to order to the Shortest notice.
On Tuesday of this week families are the two most complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels there died in Limon a distin esteemed English homesteads RCA always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
guished mater of one of the on the Atlantic Coast of Costa most appreciated English Rica, who have always upheld North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viquez Tramway starts families of Limon Mrs. James the traditions of true British PICKUPS MOTORS LOUD SPEAKERS Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number Wood, inother of Messrs homes.
winnings this week James Jnr, George, Frank, The Searchlight begs to ELECTRIC GLOBES In Serie Drawing No. 31; won by Oscaar Guzmán Allan and Ernest Wood; and express our Sincere CondoTicket 34 Tickets Mrs. Finlayson and Mrs. lence with the In Serie Drawing No. 11; won by Octavio Vargas bereaved PERRY GIRTON SAN JOSE Cooke.
family, in the demise of an In presence of José Castillo, Gonzalo Montenegro, Rodolfo Zamora.
The Woods and Ewbanks ideal and idolized mother.
BOX 252 San Jose TELEPHONE 3320 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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