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SUBSCRIPTION 3. 00 QUARTERLY IN ADVANCE EDITOR MANAGER NATION Apartado 123. Cartago LEONIDAS OVALLE TORRES Director de la noción en espailor WEEKLY NEWSPAPER SINGLE COPY 25 PUBLISHED SATURDAYS THE SEARCHLIGHT. Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally LA LINTERNAS Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en general, especial.
mente por Cartago y Limón YEAR LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY 18 OCTOBER. 1930 NUM. 51 What is Britain doing Call from Matina significant festival as a Tramway derailment again The officers and mem have part in the 1931 Conbers of the Matina Divi vention; those who vvould So while the Latin Republics are thinking that how Britain leaves us alone to be insulted by all and sion of The A, like to see a recognition of take pleasure in extending the Negro, those intellecthey shall no longer permit the immigration of Negroes sundry, is bearing fruit, but we must not cense coman open Invitation to all tuals who would like to into their countries, out of one cause or another; Bri plaining. Petitions must be sent to the Secretary of honest Negroes of Matina be a distinguished memtain is also thinking what shall be done with these States for the Colonies through the Governors of all and adjacent villages, to ber of the A. Come teeming millions of her ebony hued subjects, their progeny, the Colonies from which britishers have had to emcome in and help to recu in. This is your chance to and mixed breeds.
migrate setting forth the unpleasant conditions ander perate our Branch. We come in and clect your Cuba and Panama say they do not want them, which we live as sojourners in strange lands; we must have just struck a recu honest leaders. No excuse, because there is not sufficient works in the country to continue to agitate until the protests of the white settlers perative march by a mem yes truly no excuse.
bership drive from the 18 Thanking you Mr. Edi give employment to their population plus the immigrant. are defeated and Negro ownership of the lands is an th. inst. to the 12th. of tor for your constant efforts.
Honduras does not like the race, Costa Rica is feeling established fact.
November when yve shall in the cause that lacks Assistance that they will soon be contaminating the Purity of her More honest Negro leaders of the type of Dr. have a general election of For the wrong that needs Resistance For the Future in the distance race; and now we see England is endeavouring after Thorne of Barbadoes and Marcus Garvey are needed, officers to assist in guidAnd the good that you are doing.
all, to free them from all these indignities and insults, negrocs are only murmuring but they are not making ing the destiny of all Negroes.
by forming a great Negro Colony in Africa, which impressive influential representation.
Ishmael Murray.
The time has arrived now when inteligent workers desire. Be it resolved that As it is your earnest is the correct thing to do, so that these people will Genl. Secretary Matina Div.
have a country of their own to go to whenever they are necessary. Let every Negro Institution amalgamate those who would like to are told by these countries, which they have towards this end and soon the negroes when wanted Colonized and made habitable that they are no longer will have to be invited to labour on works of improve fit to live among them. In fact the ambitious ones will ments in other men territory, becanse they shall have not wait to be told these unpleasant things. They will enough of their own to do; but we must Economize, Spains dominance hamlet, the proud name and gradually walk out so soon as the opportunity affords and Cooperate with each other to be efficient when the world pouver las faded, but remembrance of Spain and itself call comes.
nevertheless her former glors gloriously lionoured not only The plan which Britain has in mind is to make a and honour has not been by Civil recognition but by vast Colony of British East Africa, Kenya and Uganda, forgotten by her sons. If in military honours no other vvay has the memory and include Tanganyika, the mandated German territory which was wrested from her. Germany ofcourse is of her greatness been promin An Invitation to all ently portrayed, it is by the objecting to England using Tanganyika for such a purOn Sunday last the same Concerned Wayss and Freitag the recelebrations in commemoration pose, but from records before the League of Nations as Electric Car No. 32 which construction of the streets; of her provvess as once misThe general Public vill to the illtreatments by the Germans of the natives beleit the track last week in front hence if the low spot in the tress of the seas, by her dis. be hereby acquainted that fore the war, bringing about a greater liking by the of Mr. Piza store in Central rail is the contributing cause of covery of the Western He it was decided at the last Natives of British rule, no change may be likely. Avenue, and mounted the the derailment, and there is misphere.
business meeting on Tues.
The British Government desires to make all this sidewalk causing the death of not the shadow of a doubt The 12th Oct. vvas once day Oct 14th. that the Mr. Walter Sagot the chief that it is the primary reason, kept up as Columbus day, but nomination and election of territory something like one united Crown Colony, the radio Engineer of the National then whose door shall this so as to universalize the day Officers of the Limon Didistant object of which will be to develop it into a Radio service, did the same be placed at?
in conjunction vvith the Na vision of the A.
great self governing Dominion.
trick again on Sunday last at We have no doubt that if tions glory that gave him vvill take place on Wednes It will be governed by a High Commissioner, who the same spot.
the matter is handied in a birth, it is now looked on as the day night 22nd. inst.
will administer and legislate on such questions as RailEngineers of the govern tactful manner that the Tram celebration of the dignity of All members vvho became ways, Ports, Harbours, Customs, defenses, posts Telement as well as the Company way Company will grant a the Race and Language; hence onfinancial or indifferent reasonable gratuity to the in every city of greatness, Lonto the interests of the Sographs and general Communications etc. besides being have been on the spot measuring and remeasuring to adviser to the Secretary of the Colonies on all nalive deserving widow, but if force don, New York, Washington, ciety on account of the find the cause of the accident, is to be used, the case ap Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Rome as mal administration of the questions but to any experienced eye it pears a very arbitrary one vvell as in every country where past regime, or othervvise, His Council will consist for the present of 24 can easily be observed that with plenty of scope for legal the Spanish language is spoken. are invited to link up and members, being officers of his staff and members the Southern leg of the rail at arguments.
Sunday last was befittingly assist to extricate the Dinominated by him from each State, representing the that spot is fully an inch and In the meantime we syinhonoured as the Dia de la vision from the disrepute various races, Africans, Indians and Arabs.
a half lower than the North pathise sincerely with the faRaza. In Costa Rica yve vere into vvhich this regime had The proposal as made by the McDonald govern Car has any defects in the great misfortune, and deplore for in every City, town and ern rail and ofcourse if the mily Sagot. Castro in their novvhere behind the times, dravvn it. Wellington ment, is to apportion forever to the natives tremendous rigidity of the truck or a worn greatly the untimely end oi an areas of tillable lands, and to make them inalienable, flange of the leading wheel it ambitious and useful life, full so that ather races cannot take the soil away from them will mount the low rail rather of promise and hope.
for their own purposes says the Montreal Daily Star: than following the groove.
but the proposal the article goes on to say, will not The Car has been ordered To advertise in The the By latest Cables we see templation the covering by a meet with the approval of Parliament without a strug. and the topic on the Street Searchlight is to that so as to provide efficient great roofing of the river gle because, already the white settlers in Kenya are and in public assemblies is double your business of Britain, there is protesting vehemently against certain phases of the what of compensation for the already granted by the govern.
death of the unfortunate man, Letec. ec ment for the project.
Hence it will be seen that our complaints as to a rising star to his country This roofing will be higher IROQUOIS FAMOUS INDIAN HERBS in his profession? Ofcourse if than all the bridges and all contributory negligence can be THE IDEAL REMEDY allowances will be made for EMPLOYMENT OFFERED proven, then an indemnity passing ships. first Secmust be paid, but the quesFor the treatment of Constipation Biliousnesstion will be 1500 yards in Ambitious colored boy between 14 and 16 years of age wanted tion is to whose faalt can Headache Dizziness Jaundice and all disorderlength, which will allow ample for general office services. Preference will be given to applicant ed conditions of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels.
with knowledge of Spanish, elementary English, arithmetic and this accident be placed? The landing facilities far an class typewriter manipulation. Employment will not impede continuation track was taken up and reof school attendance. Salary contingent on your qualifications For further information Apply to LESLIE MORGAN of airship now in conter pla.
Application must be written in your own handwriting and composilayed, under the supervision tion. It is contemplated to cost tion. Write to. EMPLOYMENT, Box 90, Limon of the government, who did BOX 536 Port Limón, Costa Rica several millions, and will be a Este comento esprep edad de treba Waeisner Willa obrazón tidake dels lemaalgpalle Biblioteca del Melinisterio de Sulleray Jewentus. Goeta Bica, great help to unemployment.
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