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Saturday 10 Inc (LA LIRILIR If husbands step out are they to blame? CRICKET AT CAHUITA coast On the 12 of Oct. the which to make their 79 for Runs Thorpe believe an article about But she, anyhow, manages to keeping a husband dePenshurst journeyed or die, the batsmen tried taking the other wicket.
husbands who step out to convince herself that her lighted in her appearance to Cahuita and engaged to play a delaying game, Of the five wickets of would benefit a few wives disposition, character, looks, at nights. With all day to the Rising Star of conpled with the tricks of the Penshurst Mc at this time; so why not manner, everything are just take care of herself. yet she village in a game of this ling of Captain Hazel of Cahuita men took wic.
that thriving sea their umpire, but the bowLeod trundling for the write one? Miss Makes as he married them some Penshurst Was too disas.
the suggestion really. She seven, eight or ten years ago.
cream her face and do her pastime for gentlemen.
kets for 27 runs, Gibsen explains, the poor man is Does she worry about hair up in curlers to visit the toss and sent the Pens spite of all the delays and The Rising Star Won trous for them, who in one for 17 Runs and not to blame as often as those many excess pounds? her friends, but they are Lewis one for 23 runs the ill treated wife seems to Does she bite back the curlers, just the same and hurst to bat, which dispates put up by the for the PenshurstĦ Kerr think continues the friend impatient word? How does naturally curls his blood, for six wickets, declaring despatched them within the Barret 30, Warfall not Club contributed 78 Runs umpire of the Rising Star made 13 Runs, Williams of the steppers out. When she look vvhen he leaves and directs his footsteps at p. The Rising star time alotted for only 37 the husband is suspected her in the morning? And towards the club; and from out, and Gumms 14 not then tried to effect a draw runs; he taking wickets out, Gordon 1, with 10 or known to step out with when he returns in the even the club vvhere?
the opposite sex, why ing? The latter, while trite, Then comes the squeal; having only two hours in for 16 runs, and Kerr Extras.
shouldnt the woman rake is still something for a but eight times. Out of For the Rising Star, herself over the coals before Woman to ask herself. ten she must blame herself.
wittaker made 9, Palmer 1, she gets herself after the There are just any numFrances 11, Buckanon 1, man? What has she done ber of wives who get into Iglesias 1, McLeod 4, to lead him to stepout? the habit of wearing out McLeod 5, Lewis Nine times out of ten old things around the house, Anunciar en La Linterna Gibson 2, and Extras the woman who might saving the new and snappy have admitted faults readily The only regretable ones for street or social es de buen éxito para incident was the unsportenough before the discovery, appearance. Women who sus NEGOCIOS manlike attitude of Mr.
becomes a woman of do not have to practice Campbell the umpire of irreproachable record with rigid economy either. They Of All Sizes. Lowest Prices the Cahuita side, his decinever a flaw in her character are Women who discourage sions were always biased or disposition. It is he who the urge to flatter a man Banana Lands and unfair to his oppohas changed, not she. He by appearing decorative for CE. CO MARVIN nents, it is to be hoped is not the same person his benefit while he is in on Lease that the Rising Star taken on for life, presumably the home.
on that happy wedding day. know a wife who will select an umpire who Some of the best lands CUNNINGHAM His disposition has changed. stays home during the day, can be had on Rent at RCA will realize that Cricket is He is different. He is this, modern enough in every Estrada on a basis of sea gentleman game, and that and the other thing. thing except when it comes an Umpire must be imventeen per cent of Rental partial and fair whether that is, you pay ten cent his side is losing or winper Bunch and you get FOR PUBLIC GOOD ELECTRIC GLOBES fifty cents.
Lands adjoining the main Grant PERRY GIRTON RADIO TUBES PICKUPS MOTORS LOUD SPEAKERS ning SAN JOSE TO BE RAFFLED line at San Jose Creek Estrada.
AMBITION VERMIFUGO SAN ANTONIO Ten Thousand colones Only 500 thousand worth of Costa Rica Lottery tickets will be printed for Tickets playing on the first this raffle and will carry day of January 1931 will various prizes. winners of be raffled in Limon on the course will get lotery tickets.
15 th. December 1930. All interested will Such gentleman as our observe that this cannot Governor, the Commandan be done on the ending te Mr. Finaly the Brittish numbers of the Costa Rica Consul etcmay be invited Lottery as there will only to preside as judges of the be 2500 tickets issued.
Hurry up and get a Ten thousand colones ticket, all vendors of tickets worth of tickets plus what residing in Limon will ceris usually sold here, means tainby sell these tickets. The much for us here, and also prizes will be advertised in the Junta. The more tick all the leading News ets sold in Limon the papers of the country.
most likely will the prize In case of postponement fall hereNow comes a of the raffle all buyers will fine chance to buyers of we notified both in the the Lotery to obtain a News by ticket which will cost you vendors.
400 and stand the chance Lee.
to win a 2000. 000 prize.
Remedio eficae, para la oxpulsión de lombrices.
De venta en la FARMACIA ESPANA LUQAS MOBUA Pacotes CARTAGO. CR papers and AMBITION has very little to next to nothing to the progress without contributing somedo with the man who is of the age in which they live, thing to that civilization?
satisfied with conditions as he so when they die they leave Ambition won permit a finds theni. For it causes a nothing accomplished by man to remain in a rut day healthy dissatisfaction which which to be remembered. after day. It won let him be forces him to try to better person whose only plea contented with conditions as them.
for recognition is that he is he finds them. It keeps nagging The world is chock full not what somebody else is, is at him to try to better them.
of people who are contented of very little value. An ambitious It taunts him by pointing to with their jobs or their lack fellow with many faults is some one else who has done of jobs; contented to stay at more worthy than the easy. better than he has.
the same desk and do the going, let things take their It says, You have only to same thing at the same pay own sweet course sort of keep your eyes open and to year in and year out.
fellow who claims that he work and think. You will These contended souls may hasn any faults.
accomplish more if you attempt have nothing particularly bad But isn that a fault, and more. You ll be worth more in them. They may be honest an unpardonable one? To have if you work toward that end.
enough and good hearted lived and to have enjoyed the You must work more! If you enough; but they contribute benefits of modern civilization don t, you will be right where are now one year, two years, ten years hence. Good Lord!
Think of yourself doing the same work at the same bench for the same pay ten years from now!
Be it known that the to reside in Limon, conseSo if ambition is kindled in properties situated at quently he has been bound our breast and we don stifle Cahuita planted in Cacao over by the Judge to pay it, it will drive us on till we nd Coco uts belonging me 100 per month as do make something of our to Jane Maxwell and allimony allowance; and selves. It because it has Thomas Maxwell her thus he is trying to evade driven men before our times husband, cannot be sold his responsibility towards that we now enjoy the benefits or mortgaged, without me.
the signature of the said He has also got a of present day culture. If it were not for the ambition Jane Maxwell. Any property in Limon at implanted in the men before Loans made on the presum Portette; but as underour time, we still be living ed Security of these Farms stand that there are attempts in the trees, hunting our food will be null and void being made to sell or with ax and arrow.
without my permission and Mortgage one of my proSignature. These properties perties in Cahuita, hereby Many a man who wouldn came into my possession beg to warn the Public, commit tarceny will cheerfully on the death of my first that no Loan, Sale or husband; and my second Mortgage can be legal steal a busy man time.
husband the said Thomas without my signature.
Maxwell has been careWhat is a pessimist: man taker, but he has now left Jane Maxwell who wears both suspenders and me on the Farm, and gone Cahuita belt.
Money Lenders be Warned. GRAN HOTEL VICTORIA. San José new earthquake proof building situated 125 yards to the North of he Market San Jose, towards aso de la Vaca.
Opened until a. every night.
This Hotel has luxuriously furnished quarters for families at 2, and colones per day, and beautifully reserved Rooms and dining Saloons.
Exquisite cuisine, meals served to American, French or Spanish Stylos as per your order at 50 upwards.
Suppers and Liquers a Speciality Of its class in the capital it has the largest, most comfortable and hygienic rooms, with a Radiographic Machine for the diversion and amusement of its guests.
Reorganized by the new Proprietor AMADOR GONZALEZ. TEL: 3687 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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