p. 8


Saturday 18 October 1930 From 28 Millas.
Dr. Oscar Pacheco SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN TREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF DIATHERMY OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF RAVENTOS THEATRE Dental Clinic Eroult from se fair chance to demonstrate the Organist, Mrs. Douglas, the Baptist School for the his ability whose performance at the noble service that she was came the final and grandest The Chairman, in closing organle likened to the rendering to the race at the item Session of the this part of the programme, workings of a Clock.
present time A. Convention. This paid a wanul tribute to the At 30 a packed Each speaker did full justice was again performed with teacher and pupils for the house returned to listen to the to the occasion and the only thai masterly style peculiar to wonderful programme which second part of the programme. regret the audience felt, was the Liberty Hall Children and they had presented to the Mr. Harrison, the when they had to disperse.
showed that in legislation as audience that day. He also teacher presided, and associated Miss Vivine Reid recited in war, the Negro is second paid a high compliment to with him on the platform Tribute to Garvey, which was to no other race if given a were Mr. Griffiths of Cima well received. Mr. Cornille rones, Mrs. Knight of Cairo, made several contributions to Miss Ethel Brown of Pacua the programme, but his violin rito, Mr. Corniffe of Siquirres. Solo Babylon and his Mr. Windt, Mrs. Reid, Baritone Solo Nazareth are President Barker of Madre classics that cannot be easily De Dios and several others. forgotten. We can never say The sewing and embroidery machine you The meeting commenced enough in praise of the thre with the singing of the Open solos which were rendered by should have. Sold by installments ing Ode From Greenlands Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Douglas Icy Mountains followed by and Miss Edna Allen. The Call or write prayer from the ritual. The programme, though lengthy, chairman delivered a warm was a very impressive one, ROB. ECHEVERRIA address of welcome to the At 30 the meeting gathering and pointed out the terminated with the singing CICLO CLUB necessity of supporting of the National Anthem but School for the proper educa the impression which it left Box 323. San José. Telp. 2888 tion of the Negro race. He on the minds of the audience also paid a warm tribute to will be long remembered.
Mrs. Douglas, the teacher at. Windt VESTA Dr. Percy Fischel (D. From Harvard University Offers modern methods in the practice of the Dental Proofesion. Denture work in HECOLITE, new material that initates the natural color of the gums.
Office 25 yards North of Carman Church SAN JOSE APT. 434 TEL. 2683 a If you need a first class Medical nian see Dr. Jorge Montes de Oca Office 175 yards south of the Gran Hotel Costa Rica TELP. 2950 Call at residence By TELP. 2740 magnificent Electrical aparatus for treatment by the French method of heat application. Specialist on Ladies ailments Box 987. San Jose Radio perfection in Super Wasps EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and Commissions on Legal affairs.
Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, frol your electric light socket!
Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South Africa and Australia!
Easily assembled in a single evening ERNESTO ORTEGA Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago EL CLUB SPORT INDEPENDIENTE Europe on the Loud Speaker de Cartago, tiene el honor tario: Dionisio Hernández, y de poner en conocimiento Fiscal José Calderón.
del público su nueva Di Actuarán como Vocales rectiva que ha quedado los veinte socios restantes.
constituida así: Se participa que hay priPresidente: José Acumera y segunda Dirección na, Vice Presidente: Juan Arias, Tesorero: GONZALO ACUÑA Raul Bonilla Secretario: Secretario Gonzalo Acuña, Pro Secre0000000000000000000000000 TO RENT comfortable little dwelling apartments with or without furniture During the course of one evening, the Super wasp brought in 5 W. Chelmsford, England, and PCJ Eindhoven, Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the Super Wasp is easy! En quire of.
ISIDRO VILLALOBOS BOX 210 SAN JOSE TELP: 3460 information from: LIA PIZA Lawyer and Notary An Appreciation. Box 868 Telephone 2238 SAN JOSE NYEW8781 00000 Humberto Flores Solano San Jose and Puerto Limon Ex supervisor of the Judicial and War departments.
Office in San Jose diagonal to the Seminary APARTADO 1201 in Limon. Office of Aurelio Bermudez VN 2000 DUO Cine MODERNO La fe sincera de un salvaje Brought from page Ed Note.
ciate any qualification possessed by us.
In thanking this contributor, We can only say, Should THE SEARCHsince our efforts in the LIGHT leave your hands lines indicated have been and administration, it is found worthy of eulogy, my honest desire that it vve much gratified will not fall into hands that our aims have been that may be antagonistic to the welfare of the rightly interpreted and people and interests you appreciated and trust that have so faithfully Chamsuccessor vvill not syverve fi the path pioned. yours very truly.
laid down. Contributor.
are LIMON If you wish io see the best Talking, Musical, and Silent Films.
Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the comfort of all classes of his patrons alike.
our PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres YOUR PORTRAIT when you come to San José, visit the Hacer fetiche equivale, en su posible ingreso en la c0tre los negros de Dahomey, a munión cristiana. Deciale el adquirir cierto carácter sagra paciente cura: do las personas o las cosas. Quieres ser bautizado, mediante sortilegios y magias hijo mío. Piensalo bien!
de los brujos y sacerdotes de Cuando vuelvas al lado de tu su raza. Esa creencia está padre kuenu, eno te dirá: Titan arraigada, que dificilmente ko, haz fetiche, adora a los puede convencérseles de lo idolos. contrario a esos fanáticos. Yo contestar a kuenu: Sin embargo, es recordado ¡No! Tiko, cristiano, Tiko no un caso digno de consignarse hacer fetiche.
como excepción Sí, muchacho; pero KeuUn negro joven del Daho nu: le dirá: Si te niegas, te mey, llamado Tiko, muchacho corto en seguida la cabeza.
robusto, de tez lustrosa blan. Oh. corta pronto cabeza cos dientes, labios bombones a Tiko replicó el joven y y mirada inteligente, platicaba continuo. Yo contento. Ticon un misionero respecto a ko irá al cielo!
Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away, and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies shoes are matchless in beauty and style, Siquirres PILE TO Dul ARIAS STUDIO COM bon Here V FOR SALE we speak English we treat you well we make the best pictures houses from Chrysler Palace West of Parque Morazan Box 400 Telp. 2437 At the most Central Corner in Limon All my holdings in Costa Rica comprising properties in the best business and residential quarters in the town of Limon consisting of 53 rooms all rebuilt in 1928 in first class condition and all occupied Apply to Cleveland Duncan, LAWYER AND NOTARY For documents and legal vvork see your old friend of Limon ROGELIO MORA FERNANDEZ SAN JOSE 50 YAROS SOUTH OF THE KIOSK PARQUE MORAZAN Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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