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Saturday 25 October 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (U UNTERNA)
PAGE Religion an Unfit Subject DIGNITARY OF THE METHODIST BODY in China Gonorrhoea Try HEIDISAN Lost: Wristlet Watch SOLD IN ALL APOTHECARY SHOPS Current Items The President Busy CHINA IS AGAIN AT WAR al religious choices when We are informed by the different missions of Centralauth) great fame, and is group pictures, he will unwith Christianity.
maturity is reached. incumbent of the Wesleyan America and the West Indies. much interested in Photograph doubtedly take of Wesleyan activities in Costa Rica so The Nationalist GovernHis tour will be from Englanding, he it is who writes up Third, he declares that faith in Costa Rica The Revd.
to New York, to Bahamas, all the missionary notes and that when the Magazines and ment, controlling most of if, as they say, the churches Siley that about the 2nd. of December there will arrive in Jamaica, Belize Honduras back reports of the Wesleyan de. Bulletins are edited and disChina, has issued an order are not conducting their Costa Rica the travelling ins to Jamaica to Colon, Port nomination magazine and sta tributed we may all have a banning the teaching of schools as a means of gain pector of the Wesleyan Mis Limon, Bocas back to Colon tistics of everything that reprint of ourselves around religion in mission schools ing church members, they sionary Society, Mr. Deaville and Jamaica the Leeward Is concerns the Wesleyan So the missions and Churches of below the rank of junior will not be deeply affected Walker; on a tour of inspection lands and back to England. ciety.
our activities.
and investigation into the Mr. Walker is a writer and He will unfortunately only be Mr. Deaville Walker is a college, the order being by the elimination of reli in Costa Rica for two or three traveller of great fame and the reply of the Chinese gion from the curriculum.
days, hence will not be able experience, having been travelauthorities to the petition Fourth, he considers to take the pictures of the ling all over the world for from Christian churches religion an unfit subject beatuiful sceneries of country many years in the interests of asking for a repeal of pre for inclusion in a modern life in Costa Rica.
the British Methodist Missioviously announced restric. scientific education.
It will therefore be to the nary Society, THE SEARCHtions.
The decision is aninterests of all ambitious Wes. LIGHTwishes him in adleyans to avail themselves of vance a very pleasant assoMoling Tsiang, the Mi nounced as final and not an acquaintance of this great ciation among his coworkers nister of Education, says subject to review.
Statistician of the Methodist and acquaintances in the The Christian Century The Anglican Bishop faith, and endeavour to have Switzerland of Central Amé (Undenominational) makes in the province of Honan themselves included in the rica.
and you shall be cured in a surfour principal points in is reported already to have upholding the Governments ordered all schools of that prisingly short time.
policy: communion closed, and In the first place, he has even ordered some of DON ACCEPT ANY SUBSTITUTES, objects to the teaching of them torn down, This move, which only would mean for you a regret Mr. Jack Orane will pay a reward of 2000 for Christianity without teach it is said, is to prevent the table loss of money and time: the return of a Gold Wristlet Watch (Round ing, at the same time, Government from taking Shape) with expanding chain which was lost on Only HEIDISAN does possess all the the tenets of other faiths. them over for public schoolthe 9th inst in Limon properties for a complete healing Second, he holds that purposes.
of this disease.
unless children are protected It is well calculated to from the approaches of arouse intense resentment religion in youth, they will on the part of many Chinot be free to make ration nese.
Guillermo Steinvorth The government of quirres, has been increasing Brazil fallen in her membership by Sole Distributor Revolutinnary forces are leaps and bounds; on SaCafetería and Refresqueria Ap. 778 SAN JOSE succeeding on every side turday night next. Novem THE LITTLE WONDER The rebels have again been ber first, there will be an successful in Brazil. Presi. Initiation of tevelve prodent Washington Luis has minent gentlemen, some There is where you can have PROPRIETRESS thus been forced to resign belonging to the Official your coffee, tea, or chocolate Alice Bailey on the demand of General life of that tovun to vvhich Saturday last Don Cleto cultural Society to invite with a beafsteak at all hours.
Menna Barreto.
all true hearted brothers are Gonzalez Viquez Was in Car himself and the Ministro tago, this Saturday himself de Fomento to Limon, to cordially invited.
New Sporting Club The Alma Mater Bits of wit and Humour from and his Minister of Fomento pass judgment finally on The Estrella and Banaare in Puntarenas, and soon the Canal Moin Tortuguero, nito Sporting Club will It vvill be pleasing to The Digest Spice of Life they will be in Limon to in consequence of certain launch out their great all members of the Frachristen the new Dutch propositions in their hands programme on Time for Squalls. You took a quarter out of one 30th of ternity to know that the boat Costa Rica expected relative to the Banana December, when a great Dicpensation for this Ledge must give up staying out late pocket and put it in the other.
soon, besides there is a question.
will of San José has arrived.
at night, said the doctor.
Racing Committee What the idea? she deputation from the Agriamuse being You think the night air is the public, with Arrangements are asked curiously bad for me, doctor?
horse racing and all class made to Special m tipping the waiter.
Train to San José for the No, said the doctor, it Getting Under Her Skin. New ins that. It the excitement. My wife is prolonging her and back.
so as to give all members after getting home that harms holiday. need her at home, The Limon Division of dent: Mr. Fitzbert Barter Those who travel of the Confraternity a you.
but it seems useless to write the Universal Negro Im 1st. Vice President: Mr.
chance of being present Curiosity Box. How Mr. Arnold Cunning from Saturday night to suggesting that she return. provement Association, has Sam Brown chairman of many are there in your family. Get one of the neighbours at last had their election Trustees: Mr. Edward Mitwho has been representing Monday morning at the madam?
to suggest it, my boy. of officers.
chell Secretary. On Sun The Ho ro. co Medicina Ceremony.
Just my husband and The past administration day 2nd November will be factory in this country left «No children?
has been a sad failure, the Installation of Officers. on the Carare for Jamaica No. Any dogs or cats?
few members remaining to ever cavelling over the re. of the awful fall in trade. No.
call on the President Mr. fusal of Mr. Cunning acting Mr. Cunning has identified Belize Do you have wireless?
Theodore Smith to re Pres to accept the nomina himself with everything No.
sign this having been do tion for Secretaryship of that concerns the uplift of According to the Cla«Now have you any saxone Mr. Reid was elec Mr. Wellington, who his people here for some rion and again by nevvs phones, pianolas, ukuleles, or It is sad to relate the ted President Mrs. Cipriana is indeed the choice of three years, and has been through the source of the other musical instruments? death in San Jose of Mrs. McPherson, Lady Presi the people.
much beloved by all vvith authorities of the Salvation Indeed not. And why all Winifred Walker, vvife of vvhom he came in Contact Army movement it is learnt these questions?
Mr. Will Walker a baggage The Searchlight wishes that there is a great call «Madam, m just the man master on the Local Train.
Mr. Cunning a happy and for Jamaican settlers in who intends to rent the house to the bereaved family, prosperous career in his British Honduras as a means next door The Searchlight extends nevy field of activities. of developing the vast reBoy That Kissed the its condolence. few days ago, there upon she boxed her in the Arway to their studies sources of the colony. Lands Blarney Stone. LADY. My 0occurred a scandal in the face, incurring a pugilistic Tyvo daughters of Mr.
can be had in that place husband was a tramp, too, Rafael Yglesias School; it bout, in vvhich the teacher Richards, Manager of at a dollar per Acre; and but he suddenly decided to Mrs. Isolene Mason, vvife appears that one of the seemed to have got knock the Penshurst Farm, also vvhile it is scarce of roads make a man of himself. of Mr. Charles Mason a young lady teachers, vvho ed out.
left by the Carare for Ja and Railroads at the present, MEDICANT. No wonder, former employee of the does not seem to be much In spite of the fact that maica, to join their Sisters but if settlers vvent in to Co. but latterly doing liked for her manner of the teacher first caused the there in School, vvho have develop the lady, with a beautiful woman land, the business in Siquirres also treating vvith those around offence, the child has been there novv for months, government is making arto inspire him died on Wednesday.
her; seemed to have insult. vve understand expelled undergoing a Course in rangements to put these in LADY Well, come in and To the Husband and ed one of the pupils, a from School and the maltheir Collegiate education as the developments in ll see about some sand.
other relatives we beg to child of 13 years old, by ter has been taken to the creased LODGE NOTES wiches.
tender our sincere condo calling her an atrevida Agent of Police vyhose The lands are all adapted Kind to the Under Dog. lence.
Negra, a Chancha, a Perra, decisions are anxiously In spite of the depres. to Banana Grapefruit Co They were eating at the cafevvhich vvords vvere return vwatched for an impartial sion La Eureka Lodge ffee, Cacao and other Tro teria, and she noticed that he ed by the child. vvhere. hearing. M; of Si pical agricultural products.
ESTE documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
run a Administration Excursion trains to Estrella inauguration of this Lodge, which has prompted the The membership are how this week fun faconsequence Cheap lands in DEATHS School Scandal
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