
PAGE Saturday 25 October 1930 THE SEACHLIGHT (U LINTERNA)
La Colonia China, celebra el 19 Aniversario de la JARDINERIA LA GRANJITA Independencia. De Monarquía a República Radio perfection in Super Wasps Causes of the.
Europe on the Loud Speaker 300 yards west of the stock market Cartago For Artistic Floral designs in Wreaths, Crowns etc.
Send orders to LA ULTIMA JOYA La Colonia China de Limón, garse a orar por la republica que todos sean uno solo la Yo felicito a la Colonia que pasa de Monarquía a RepúApartado 102 Cartago Telephone 12 y sus principios.
China en este día de gloria y confraternidad!
blica, es la más progresista y Que grandes son los chi El día 10, todos los nego la felicito porque entre ella ecuánime en el País, celebró nos. si grandes son por cios cerrados, todos los chi hay muchos buenos generales, el día 10 de Octubre corrien su gran populación no des nos amalgamados. Nosotros que sabrán llevar el timón de te los 19 años de libertad truida con el diluvio, mucho nos preguntamos. Que pasa la guerra hasta su consumación.
como republica y fué así como más lo es, porque todos son en Oriente? alguien nos EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS Este 10 de octubre que pudimos que todos los hermanables? Pueblo este que dice: en el Oriente pasa, lo acaba de pasar, no fué como Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and hijos del Imperio Celeste sin merece la bendición de Dios! que a nosotros que estamos los anteriores, sin embargo, Commissions on Legal affairs.
distingos, cerraron las puertas Una consigna, la hermandad! desorientados!
a las autoridades principales de sus comercios para entre Una señal solo basta para Le pasa ahora a los chinos, se les invitó y hubo música y ERNESTO ORTEGA lo que a nosotros los latinos, paseos, hubo tambien fuegos Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago cuando dimos el grito de de pólvora.
El 10 de Octubre de 1911, Falta uno dicen unos: Juan se dio en Pekin el grito de José León Yee, pero dicen Libertad, y el 10 de Octubre otros nó; no falta nadie.
de 1930, los hijos de por En un ejercito debe haber Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, allá venidos aquí, lo han from your electric light socket!
varios generales, por que si confirmado con sus actos de Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump muere uno quedan los demás, Brought from page 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from Civismo.
all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South en este ejército sucumbió uno, Africa and Australia!
The nations of the world, and lastly, as demand for pero lo repuso, un José Achión, un Eduard Yomy Hup. Limón, 12 de Oct. de 1930. as Royle puts it in a Easily assembled in a single evening luxury goods is more tickle Lee Limy y tantos otros de Consolidated Press dispatch than that for staple articles la Colonia.
Cronista Fisgón from Washington, are following of food and clothing, it means the procedure of the smoker not merely an immense initial vvho rolls his oven. In other adaptation of industry to evv During the course of one evening, the Super wasp brought vvords, they are using eyery conditions, but a permanent in 5 W, Chelmsford, England, and PC) Eindhoven, Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the YOUR PORTRAIT effort to cut dovvn each ma state of comparative instability Super Wasp is easy! Ennufacturing process vvhich in vvhich similar acts of adapquire of when you come to San José, visit the may yield a profit to others tation over smaller areas of ISIDRO VILLALOBOS or increase the price to them production at a time vvill ARIAS STUDIO selves. Each nation is trying constantly be required. BOX 210 to produce as much as pos As this change in the geSAN JOSE sible of its ovvn foodstuffs, neral character of demand is TELP 3460 we speak English to manufacture its oven clothes consequent upon the leveling we treat you well to refine its ovvn petroleum, up of the standard of living we make the best pictures to buy vvheat instead of flour, and the increase of leisure This, of course, has an upsel vvhich have been going on houses from Chrysler Palace IROQUOIS FAMOUS INDIAN HERBS ting effect on the world steadily since the vvar, and West of Parque Morazan market.
vvill, it is to be hoped; conti THE IDEAL REMEDY Another upsetting factor is nue, this increased instability Box 400 Telp. 2437 noted in a Suicdish banking of industry must be accepted For the treatment of Constipation BiliousnessHeadache Dizziness Jaundice and all disorderpublication, quoted by the as a nevv element in vvorld ed conditions of the Livar, Stomach and Bowels.
London Economist. This is economics vvhich has come the vvide shifting of eonsumer to stay.
For further information Apply to LESLIE MORGAN demand from staple articles Concurrently with this deto products of a more lux velopment has come the inP. BOX 536 Port Limón, Costa Rica urious and varied character. dustrialization of backvvard This, explains The Economist, countries, so that markets has three important consevvhich might have taken the The sewing and embroidery machine you quences.
coarser products of the textile should have. Sold by installments In the first place, it renders industries in the older couna large part of the equipment tries, vvhen the home demand Call or write of certain industries perma shifted to finer products and Frente a frente, las dos úni blica, el martes de esta semanently superfluous, and re to silk and rayon, have cas agrupaciones políticas lo na, y por la concurrencia se cales sea El Partido Indepen puede decir que lleva las proROB. ECHEVERRIA quires a change over from the instead been supplied to a production of coarser to finer large extent from their own diente limonense, y el Partido balidades del triunfo. En esta Atlántico Limonense, ambos reunión hicieron uso de la CICLO CLUB grades of food, textiles, and nevvly establihed factories, and other articles of universal con the vvorld productive capacity con buenos elementos, se ha palabra, los señores, don Arhas become redundant.
iniciado ya la lucha. El primero turo Fernández Ríos, don Carsumption; secondly, it reduces Box 323. San José. Telp. 2888 con seis jóvenes a la cabeza los Manuel Fernández, Dr.
the scope for mass production como candidatos a la regiduria, vvith its attendant economies. To be concluded in next issue)
don Francisco Prado Salinas el otro, con otro número igual, elemento prestigiado del Foro ya conocido.
costarricense, don Carlos OrozEl Partido Independiente Li co Amador y don Horacio EMPLOYMENT OFFERED monense, hizo una reunión Tassie; quien lo hizo con sinprivada que casi se hizo pú. ceridad y amor por la causa.
The Construction as was Mr. Heavens XII Filled the Ambitious colored boy between 14 and 16 years of age wanted mentioned in the Last space of the above named for general office services. Preference will be given to applicant issue should have met the failing Club and administewith knowledge of Spanish, elementary English, arithmetic and typewriter manipulation. Employment will not impede continuation in the Orane red a crushing defeat to the of school attendance. Salary contingent on your qualifications Application must be written in your own handwriting and composition. Write to: EMPLOYMENT, Box 96, Limon the true Sporting Spirit before the Combination for TELEPHONE 3904 they did not appear, neither 15 Runs Mc. Coy the only This Dry Cleaning Establishment did they have enough player to make Runs.
sporting ideas to send Scott put on 44 Runs is the most modern and accredited for cleaning and their non appearance notice in fine style for the Compressing of the finest clothing material in this City in some way or other to bination to make a total the men or probable dogs of 103 runs, everything LIMON OUR SERVICE IS QUICK DESPATCH of the As they went on in the best of to any part of the City may call them according cricketingspirit. We are If you wish io see the best Talking, Musical, to their action. Any how only hoping that All Clubs and Silent Films.
Call up SAN JOSE DRY CLEANING Cricket was played, and will put aside selfishness Go to the CINE MODERNO every night at and Apartado 253 Telephone 3904 thats all there was to it and play Cricket.
Some of the same people p. all films direct from The Gran Teatro Raventós 75 yards South of Monte Nacional de Piedad were entertained. In nothing Off Stump.
Where the most affable and gentil proprietor attends to the com.
de elspodbutacionariaketpregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura dosta fort of all classes of his patrons alike.
VESTA Frente a Frente CRICKET San Jose Dry Cleaning Cup Fixture but Lacking XL GR who collasped Cine MODERNO


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