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PAGE THE SEARCHLIGHT LA UNTERRA Saturday 23 October 1930 Big Reception 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000002 Family Career Ruined QUICK RELIEF FROM Among the Passengers him to have stayed all his that arrived Port Limon on life. reception was staged the Dutch Steamer on by the members of the friday October the 17th, Hot Six at the residence was Mr. Sydney Krother of Mrs. Chambers, where better known as (JAP) he they had a jolly time set was met by his friends and apart for him. The HOT the members of the Hot SIX and the BLACK Six the Orchestra he had STARS filled the hall formed. He told a Repre with nothing but real sentative that his stay in Jazz; everything went on Jamaica was a pleasant one in the best of Spirit and and only wished that con all went home feeling ditions could have enabled good.
PAINS CAFIASPIRINA It is regretable to see that himself to be tempted to Mr. Valentine vvho start a gambling life, and has been from practically is found short of 15. boyhood, working in the of the Companys money.
offices of the Ce in He is under arrest for Jamaica, until he has attained Defalcation.
the confidential position of He has tvvo sons also Cashier of the largest Di working in the employ of vision in Jamaica, The St. the Company. This is a Marys Division; should at sad example and a keen this stage of his life allovy warning to many. BAYER LAWYERS NOTARIES AT LIMON Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
ENGLISH SPOKEN The ALSINA Bookstore in San Jose offers you the best assortment of Any kind of English Books, Magazines Newspapers, Stationery Goods, Typewriters Orga Privat the cheapest Standard machine.
BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Don accept any tube or envelope packets Without the Bayer Cross 1000000000000 Sastreria GRANT Just arrived! the greatest assortments of elastic belts to suit the latest silhouette.
Cuts of the latest fashion for Balls, to suit any fancy.
Dresses, hats and scaris for sports Fancy woollen sweaters, caps, gloves, purses etc.
Beautiful dresses, shoes, fans, and purses for Balls.
Do not forget that our beauty parlor, is always at the disposal of our clients for manicuring massaging, permanent champooing, as well as the Kermolite application. There is an expert attendant in this line of adornment.
PRINTING MATTER at moderate prices Apply to: LIBRERIA IMPRENTA ALSINA Profitable Service Sauter, Arias Co.
See Mrs. Woodbridge in her children department, she has just received the latest novelties in Italian dresses, embroidered felts, caps and purses, dresses and sombrillas of Scotch lisle for children from 25, woollen goods for knitting babys wear, embroidery needles, hoops for pouches, and soon wil arrive French clasps for your locks. GRANT See our show windows for pretty designs in pillowslips, Suits made to order to the Shortest notice.
pocket flaps, pictures, wool in skeins for all classes of fancl work in flowers. etc. complete stock of English and American tweeds, sergings and Flannels always on stock; when in San Jose come in and see my recent arrivals.
North West Corner of Central Avenue where Plaza Viguez Tramway starts Suits also made on the Raffle System come in and get a number winnings this week In Serie Drawing No. 33; won by Rogelio Blanco Ticket 68 It vvill be interesting to ignorance of the lavy, some In Serie Drawing No. 13; won by Pedro Granjah Ticket 97 knovy that during the last from ignorance of the In presence of José Castillo, Juan Leiton, Alfredo Baradin, Angel Guevara 17 months, from the 16 th habits and customs of the BOX 252 San José TELEPHONE 3320 May 1928 until novv, our people and its language, indefatigable Agent of Police others from the love of Don Jose Vivo Ductil has wrongdoing. This informa OCCULISTIC CLINIC put into the coffers of the tion ought to be a lesson Board of Education the to many, and should act Dr. JOSE CORVETTI healthy sum of 22. 000 as an incentive to inculcate in fines; and of this amount a sober character, and avoid OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY it is safe to say that three such conduct as vvill place Deseases and affections of the eyes quarters of this sum has one before the Police MaOffice Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres come from the pockets of gistrates.
coloured people, some from The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVER 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Telephone 2036 Box 249 San José, 36 Gangster Shot Jack Diamond the world him, wrth a note asking that famous gangster and gunman all care that money can buy of the United States, after must be taken of him, being chased out of the States The detectives are hunting by his rival Al Capone into his assailant but no clue can Belgium and Germany, from be yet obtained; 29 of Al where also he was expelled Capones adherents have been as an undesirable, has been arrested but the Champion misteriously shot in his Hotel, gangster and gunman himself and a parcel with 3000 was has not yet been Caught.
sent into the Hospital with Chew Adams Chiclets SCHLUBCAH, THIEMER Co.
RADIO TUBES One of the most important houses of Hamburg Importation and Exportation the only legitimate Boxes, they give an agreeable breath and keep the mouth clean and fresh Keep the empty Boxes, for which Prizes are offered in December Exclusive Agents in Costa Rica DISTRIBUTORS SANTIAGO PALACIOS Cia.
RAMON ULLOA Co. SC SAN JOSE, PASAJE JIMENEZ Of All Sizes. Lowest Prices San José, South West Corner of the Cathedral APARTADO 1000 TELEP. 2599 TELEP. No. 3509 APARTADO 1061 000000000 CE. CO MARVIN HOTEL RIALTO CUNNINGHAM RCA Exportation: All products of the country: coffee, hides, honey, pearl shells, etc.
Importation: All that may be needed, especially German Merchandise, Articles for manufacturing or industrial lines; as well as for domestic purposes; for Ironmongers, iron, Wires of all kinds, Leathers, Cement, Manures; Stationery; Agricultural implements; Articles for Drugstores; Beer, fabrics of all kinds, Hosiery, etc.
PICKUPS MOTORS LOUD SPEAKERS SAN JOSE Next door to Botica Nacional, elegant hygenic rooms.
Water always well supplied especially for Baths.
Meals served to order at all hours.
ELECTRIC GLOBES PERRY GIRTON SAN JOSE Carlos Luis Muñoz Manager Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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