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Saturday November 1, 1930 THE SEARCHLIGHT (LA LINTERNA PAGE A Peculiar Election The The Nicaraguan Canal to one more RAMON ULLOA Co. SC. five Million Libel Suit your comfortable little dwelling apartments with or without furniture All papers coming from says it will be started on Dollar there being 27 mer.
Dear Mr. Editor.
should never presume noise they are vvont to make. Nicaragua are all elated the 4th of July 1931. La chantmen passing thró on aspire to so honorable and One Mr. Ried vvas Elected over the fact that the sur Noticia says the time has that day line had to exI see that Mr. Wellington distinguish a post as Secretary president, but such a queer veys of the projected route come when the Canal will perience the same delay spat too much in the air, and of a Race Uplifting Association. looking type, that one is for the Nicaraguan Canal soon be started.
hence it will be seen the eventually it fell into his face. Again, found out that the afraid to trust his destiny has been completed, and Ofcourse the needs of necessity of the Nicaragua One reading this gentlemans members of this Association with a person of that sort. it is expected that the works the Canal is more evident Canal in view of the in energetic anticles in your paper. are like a bunch of Kindergar Novy vvhat d be proud to will soon be started. now than ever, because the creasing traffic. It is prac vvould be vvont to be deceived ten, that need to be taught see, is a general propaganda Colonel Danl. Sultain Traffic on the Panama Ca. tically assured that in the as to his motive, and not every inch of the road. to get the young fellovys and of the Army Engineer nal has so increased that approaching elections until vvas present at the Giving these Children a fran girls in.
Corps who was in charge ships have to be waiting whether the Republican or Election, before could un chise, vvould be like delivering No finer display of race of the work of surveying the on each other at times, Democratic party arrives to derstand his propaganda. This your vvealth into the hands of help could be seen than Canal. has completed his according to the Star and power that the Canal will vvorthy gentleman declined a maniac. One man haudly when Mr. Barratt and Mr. Work and turned in his Herald we find that on the be built, as the necessity most decisively the nomination knevy the meaning of this Mitchell helped to elevate to report, so it is only being 18th ultmo the Cale is evident whether from the of third Vice President, but vvord «Franchise. also the position of Assistant Se waited on the decision of donia had to lose an hour standpoint of Peace or War when the presiding officer thought that one Mr. Bramb cretary. Miss Lindsay. One the Senate as to whether at the Miraflores Locks and requirements; and with the turned down his nomination vvell and another Mr. Gordon would feel proud to see that it shall be started or no. again at the Pedro; Miguel unemployment question for the office of Executive vvould be manly enough to young lady make good in La Prensa of Nicaragua while another boat of the pressing the governSecretary, this said vvorthy accept positions in the Execu that post; and hope that ment its evident that this kicked most brutishly. One tive Boards, and Mrs vvith her aid, young Work will be a great revvith an eye of humour vvould Samuels and another trouble vvomen vvould realize more lease for the unemployed be yvont to think that a man maker would accept the seriously the Race Problem. IROQUOIS FAMOUS INDIAN HERBS in Uncle Sammys land.
of Mr. Wellingtons personality, secretarial job, after all the This is a word of warning THE IDEAL REMEDY to our elders. Remember that the eyes of the vvorld are For the treatment of Constipation Biliousness.
To advertise in The looking on you. You cannot Headache Dizziness Jaundice and all disorderbuild your home, if your ed conditions of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Searchlight is to builders are alvvays living in discord. The members of the For further information Apply to LESLIE MORGAN double your business Negro Race should be not BOX 536 ALMACEN ELECTRICO merely units to the world Port Limón, Costa Rica mass, but should be as One South West Corner of the Cathedral San José, Unit, as the vvhite Race represents another Unit. Do 000000000 000000000 Sale of Motors y Dynamos not look on brothers Methodist Episcopal yesterdays, but try to praise TO RENT Bishop has placed a Libel his today. If he should fall suit for five million dollars SIEMENS in the vvay, give him a helping hand. Do not make your against the Hearst news children be disgusted of being papers; it is alleged that the Hearst newspaper chain a child of the Race, but let published an article which TELEFONO APARTADO them be proud of the name is said to have reflected Negro, because by your fine 3509 1061 on the characterof his second example, and good will towards wife whom he married in all your brothers, they can Information from: LIA PIZA find some thing to rejoice in.
England in July last, soon after the death of his first Enmity is a great enemy to Box 868 and progress, hate Telephone 2238 wife.
All class of materials of installation of shatters your vitality. If you SAN JOSE Luxurious Lamps at the quarrelled vvith your neighbor, Lowest prices be manly enough to accept his friendship, and not to drive it on to public ridicule. Such The Panama Minister Exdemonstrations just help to traordinary before the gosap your vvitality. Just reason vernments of Costa Rica along this line, and see hovy much you can achieve.
TELEPHONE 3904 and Nicaragua, don Tomas Arias, who left this country The Night Hawk.
This Dry Cleaning Establishment a fortnight ago, tendered Ed Note.
his resignation to President The Balboa harbour is will be dredged out for a is the most modern and accredited for cleaning and It is a pity that Mr. Hawk Arosemena as soon as he being dredged to a depth quarter mile in length and would not enlist himself to pressing of the finest clothing material in this City went over and put in his of 40 feet, to accommodate breadth so as to accommo the cause so as to help as heavy vessels. At present it date an immense basin in report on the mission for an official to disen, tangle OUR SERVICE IS QUICK DESPATCH which he was sent here; is only 21 feet in some which anchorage will be the knot.
to any part of the City but the President refused places due to silting, which safe before proceeding up Call makes it unsafe to large the Docks to accept it and asked him up SAN JOSE DRY CLEANING vessels, hence the harbour To advertise in to continue in governmental Apartado 253 Telephone 3904 service, Mr. Arias put up The Searchlight 75 yards South of Monte Nacional de Piedad as his plea for demitting office, that his personal is to double your business affairs needed his attention and guidance.
0000000000 000 5000000 Great West Indian Cricketer dead Now you can enjoy the thrill of international short wave Radio, The lovers of Cricket will fro. your electric light socket!
Utterly uncanny is the Super Wasp ability to Jump deplore the loss to the 10, 000 miles, pulling in novel short wave broadcasts from all over Europe, Central and South America, Canada, South manly sport of a first class Africa and Australia!
That the only medicine which cricketer and genuine sportsAre you interested in a Ra.
Easily assembled in a single evening cures Asma, and acute Bron man; Samuel Snow who dio set? get in touch with chitis is the had been for some years Eduardo Escarrè at HOCaptain of the Lucas TEL ATLANTICO, San JoCuajani Jordan of Jamaica, diǝd in Vene sé he will make and install During the course of one evening, the Super was brought The sole deposit and representacion zuela on the 8th September you a first class RADIO set, in SS W, Chelmsford, England, and PCJ Eindhoven, in his 50th year. Mr. Snow so you may sit in your home Holland, on the loud speaker, Trans oceanic reception with the of which is in travelled much in the interest and enjoy Concerts, PugilistieSuper Wasp is easy! EnThe BOTICA VARGAS of Cricket, having played bouts, speeches or any Amusethe game in England, the ment, broadcasted from the ISIDRO VILLALOBOS SAN JOSE United States, Canada and United States, Cuba, Jamaica all throughout the West In or Europe. BOX 210 Apartado 716 Telephone 2812 dies with great success; he SAN JOSE TELP was always a great favourite Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago W00109 000000000000000000000000000000 wherever he went Número 1521 Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
your 1000 resignation refused San José Dry Cleaning Deep Water Dredging at Balboa Radio perfection in Super Wasps There is no forgetting the fact Radio Installation Europe on the Loud Speaker quire of.
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