
Saturday November 1930.
PAGE WHAT OF OUR SICK AND DISTRESSED Dr. Oscar Pacheco JARDINERIA LA GRANJITA DIATHERMY The Ministerial misunderstandings SAY MISTER. is BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS LAWYERS NOTARIES AT LIMON Messrs DANIEL ZELEDON and CARLOS SILVA Offer their services to tne English Speaking Public as solicitors Dear Mr. Editor: anyone door, because view of opening the eyes the country, there are five before the lower as well as the Supreme Courts of the Republic; Notarial documents also prepared at Lowest prices.
Permit me space to throw everyone in conducting a of my people in so for as acknowledged religious Sobusiness must have a method the concentration of our cieties operating, and all ENGLISH SPOKEN a suggestion out in your widely circulated journal.
and if this is the system forces for cooperation is or nearly all of these or As one goes along siness, and in criticising of the Co. it is their bu concerned.
ganizations have by dint Now there are in our of perseverance and coothrough the different villag.
es and towns, the distress any method of public utility midst over thirty Lodges of peration, ovvned and consLadies Please note. caused to we must do it in a healthy, Fraternal Organizations tructed their ovvn premises our people of SOMETHING NOVEL, SOMETHING CHIC!
through lack of efficient clean manner looking operating there are 17 for the conveniences toward a remedy for the branches of the Universal their membership, why Covered Buttons of all sizes and quality. Rhinestones, of all colours medical help at the proper evil. Coming in criticism Negro Impro. e ment Assothen can vve not all come for trimming dresses as well as, Metal Edges and Nail Heade ime is appalling, and to the therefore, it is only with a ciation, scattered throughout together for sake of huin silver and gold, can be supplied by.
thoughtful mind much of Mrs. CARMETA SMITH manity and love of our Near the Star Store Limon this dist. ess could be alesuffering people and go viated, if only we could out and do likevvise by intelligently bring together our forces of concentration building a Hospital vvhere our sick and afflicted can for the good of humanity SPECIALIST ON DESEASES OF WOMEN be attended to.
primarily, and the betterTREATMENTS BY AMERICAN APPARATUS OF Look at vvhat Sports ment of the race.
has done, not even sports It is evident to any casual 300 yards west of the stock market Cartago observer who walks into but the Base ball fans, did the Limon Hospital, that they not get our unselfish For Artistic Floral designs OFFICE 250 YARDS WEST OF the treatment to the patients businessman the late Mr.
In Wreaths, Crowns etc.
RAVENTOS THEATRE Juan Jose Leon interested in that institution is meted out in a in the movement aud consSend orders to LA ULTIMA JOYA manner inferior truct them a Stadium, each to brute beasts. At times one of the seven Clubs Apartado 102 Cartago Telephone 12 patienis are admitted there in a serious condition and guaranteeing an equal sum do not see the doctors to repay the Cost of the until next day, sometimes construction? Why cant this be done? Why cant a not attended to for two committee be formed vvith or three days, then the diet allovved them is insufficient It is pleasing note Mr. Cortes to carry out a member from all these Have you ever taken a little time to think over the to keep body and soul that don Cleto has been his schemes of retrench Societies and consider a together this is vvith refe able to tide over the ments in the Railway. Peace scheme and a plan to cons future of your dependents. Your wife, your mother, rence to those people who recent difficulties again is therefore happily restored truct a Hospital? Surely vve your sister, or your children?
are employees of the Co. arisen in his cabinet. The among the officials. can get business men inte After a little thought you ar: sure to reflect that there and to whom it is obligated Minister of Public Works The Minister of war also rested in the scheme, such no protection like a cuife Insurance Policy to seem to have suggested had a dispute with one of as Mr. Thomas of the by a deduction of two per provide for their welfare Take a Policy with the cent of their salaries.
some retrenchment in the the Deputies Mr. Saborio Surtidora Co. or Niehaus The government has no manipulations of the Go on account of which Mr. and Co. or Mr. Avelino de Hospital of its own, so vernment Railway but the Saborio offered him a duel, la Peña, vvho vvill supply that when any of our people Administrator refused to but Mr. Quiros informed the materials, and be paid San José, wnich is guaranteed by the government of are thrown in the institution accept them, whereupon him that on account of his by instalments on the guaCosta Rica as an act of charity, the don Leon Cortes tendered elevated position in the rantee of the associations Send us your name Piace of birth, and date, with your mode of treatments can well his resignation. So as to government service, it was concerned.
requirements and we will send you all details. be conjectured. Under the tide over the dispute ho. not in his place to accept throvv this thought Mr.
The Secretary present management there Wever the President asked a challenge from him, if Editor so that we may are many employees who Mr. Castro Ureña Manager however he felt like all get interested and consult BANCO NACIONAL DE SEGUROS Would prefer lose their jobs of the Rafilway to accept attacking him in the public on the matter, vvith the SAN JOSE and die outside rather the position of Minister to he would be ready to meet vievv of our ovvn Hospital, than enter as patients.
Panama, so as to allow his attack at any moment. vvhere vve may be able to Now my object for this send our sick and distressed, TO ADVERTISE IN article is not with an inand train our ovvn nurses tention of laying blame to for the purpose and engage THE SEARCHLIGHT a our ovvn doctors and IS TO DOUBLE YOUR BUSINESS druggists for the Services.
Thanking you for your cooperative ideas yours Sincerely.
e El aroma tan poco agradable que despiden las cloacas We are please to Administrator of Customs This name signifies: en todas las esquinas. Es imSgd Chas Rhoden that our old friend Don at this port las returned posible pasar de una acera a EN DISCOS Architect and Builder Ricardo Mora Fernandez, to his post of duty Don la otra y tiene el publico que Ricardo has always interestandar por media calle, para The best music in all styles played by the best or7 evitar que el vaho de los sied himself in everything chestras. The artists of the greatest fame. The most fones se le meta a uno hasta harmonious and sentimental recitations.
that concerns Limon and el estomago.
El estado antihigienico y En Panatropes: the people of the Atlantic Coast, thus we voice the ruinoso en que se encuentra The best instruments for the reproduction of the music sentiments of the Commu1 mercado.
La cantidad de hombres sin from the Records. Portable models, for the table and nity in welcoming him oficio ni beneficio que vienen furniture. Made of the best materials. Electric Panatropes Quality Merchandise back amongst us.
del interior a buscar trabajo gave a strong and sweet sound at the same time y como no lo encuentran se reproducing perfectly the last detail of the notes.
When you purchase goods at Co. Surtidora de dedican a medir calles.
En Radios: Commissaries you may rest assured that you are Our much beloved and Que el Municipio tenga tantas cosas por resolver y haThe last Word in long Wave receiving apparatuses, buying clean, fresh merchandise. Old shopworn goods respected doctor don Mi ce más de un mes no se reune, with fixtures for short Wave as well. Instruments of are not allowed to remain in our stores.
guel Velasquez is also we Los empleados Municipales 1931 model, the chassis is protected. We highly recompleased to relate completly con ecepción de uno o dos, ment the Radio Panatrope combination, of which Zepol and Floradora Products recovered from the recent figurando en directivas de there are many in use giving Wonderful results.
th determinado grupo político y illness which had him 0Have you joined the growing number of our es más, haciendo propaganda On sale in all parts of the Republic prostrated for some weeks. customers who are saving money by buying Zepol abiertamente y tratando de General Repository at Rich and poor alike rejoice all imponer su criterio a los peoand Floradora Products? Next time ask for Zepol Cod at the good fortune of nes.
Liver Oil, Castor Oil, Fruit Salts, Unguento and having him restored to us La reunión del partido tu reca Amaro Castillo, con ma.
Floradora Brillantine, Talcum, Perfume, Eau de Cologne to continue his sympathetic rimba en media calle.
and Lavender Lotion.
and charitable attentions.
El baile con marimba en la San José Chrysler Palace to those in afflictions.
the de Ernesto Alvarado, Calvo y Cia. Los caballos To advertise in transitando por nuestras calles duratne la The Searchlight 1oche por falta de una mano Telef. 3027 Apart 26 Hundreds of Patterns. Guaranteed Fast Color caritativa que los lleve al fon40 Municipal. Conde Nillo.
Sociedad Tipográfica de Cartago Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
Cosas que chocan BRUNSWICK PERSONAL see Compañia Surtidora de Costa Rica. sel mc The SALON BRUNSWICK 15 casa VICENTE LINES We Sell the GENUINE Peter Pan Prints

    León CortésPresidentes de Costa Rica

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