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Saturday November 1930 Shoes For Ladies, young ladies and gentlemen. Special shoes for workmen, we guarantee our better make and attention to orders from all parts of the Line. We have many clients in the Line.
Shoe Factory of APOLONIO BRENES LIMON west side of the Public market (ZAPATERIA)
SUCESSORS CARTAGO, Calle Comercio front of FARMACIA ESPAÑA Elegant 16C a Mr. Mitchell Hedges Loses His Eyesight EMPLOYMENT OFFERED Shareholders Meeting Intellectual Encouragement roads Lost: Wristlet Watch convocation of Shareholders of the Agricultural and Building Mr. Mitchell Hedges who he adds, as the result of a Ambitious colored boy between 14 and 16 years of age wanted Corp. of 28 Miles for a general assembly meeting to take place for general office services. Preference will be given to applicant is well known in Jamaica severe attack of malaria with knowledge of Spanish, elementary English, arithmetic and on Novembor 16th in the District of Madre de Dios at 30 at the usual meeting place.
and other British West India fever and the nerves of typewriter manipulation, Employment will not impede continuation of school attendance. Salary contingent on your qualifications.
The following business of imperative importance will be discussed, Islands as an Explorer and the left side of my face Application must be written in your own handwriting and composiappointment of an administrator Report of the Auditing etc. Your rare fish hunter of great and head suddenly became tion. Write to. EMPLOYMENT, Box 90, Limon.
lawyer will be at that meeting therefore all share Holders are fame. He has secured to violently inflamed, and requested to attend this meeting, the British Museum Sam had to have an operation GIBB LECTY ples of unknown specimens immediately through the FARQUARSON PRESIDENT from South American nose to remove the fluid. Cafeteria and Refresqueria Waters, his failing sight The operation was enTHE LITTLE WONDER will be deplored by all tirely successful but was Next door Brotherton Barber Shop who came in contract followed by blindness, so PILES SHOESTORE, Siquirres with him during his many much so that cannto There is where you can have PROPRIETRESS expeditions in these west read or Write, and have ot your coffee, tea, or chocolate Keep apushing and ashoving till you push them dark clouds away; Alice Bailey ern countries.
be led when go out on with a beafsteak at all hours.
and the only way you can stand tierra firma to do this is to be Panama Sept. 18 Totally the street. But the doctors shod with: PILES hand made Boots. Simply unbreakable, his ladies blind in the left eye and are practically certain that shoes are matchless in beauty and style.
with the right eye serious the sight of my right eye Lands, Roads, and Sttlers.
Siquirres E PILE ly affected following an will eventually be restored was prepared to assign lands operation. Mitchell fully, though the left will Brought from page to immigrants from Jamaica Hedges, has been up against always be seriously im. Pine ridges willbe the most on terms extremely attracit since leaving Panama for paired. One never knows productive portion of the tive. If those terms mean a Colony.
New York, where he has does one? The only thing lease should say, no, unless However, right there, the provision is made as to what As an impetus to our in informing our readers been living at the Ogden to do is to grin and bear on West 72nd Street.
is to be done when the lease brightly thought of Forest it.
ladies of the Ladies Stand that the Young Ladies Mr. Mitchell Hedges Mr. Mitchell Hedges Trust steps in and claims the expires who will pay or get ard Club of Limon, we Elocution Contest has writes that the jungle left sailed for England on Safirst few miles as a reserve, the improved value. If however it means after evidence of the clip the following from now been definitely fixed him with a very unfortu so that on the North side turday and is going to actual use of the land, a clear The Clarion of Belize for the 10th instant at there will be 14 miles of road nate legacy. was taken his seaside home in Pentitle is to be given in that Honduras, with the hope Wesley School Hall. The seriously ill immediately zance, Cornwall.
leading through almost un case should say give the that young ladies of this doors will be opened at after arriving in New York productive territory, and on present lesee planter the first town will bloom out in 30 the performance the Botanical Station chance.
side, educational usefulness since commencing at o clock about 20 miles. To build and would say that the unit the young men will not for the pine ridge lands would Tickets may be had at keep up those two take the lead in such mat Longsworths be 40 acres. If a man cannot Store alone would keep the Colony or make a living on 40 acres he ters.
from Mr. Barrow.
poor unless they change mecould not on 400 acres. It It is to be hoped that Several well known lady Mr. Jack Orane will pay a reward of 2000 for thods, move the Reserve over should be block settlementthe new Administration of reciters will be taking part the return of a Gold Wristlet Watch (Round near the Guatemala border run roads every half mile from the will offer as well as some vvho may Shape) with expanding chain which was lost on and let settlers have that land. Sibun River, to the Belize Ri.
every inducement to the be less knovvn but equally ver using the present road as the 9th inst in Limon According to last week In dependent the Government the main artery. Survey all young people to cooperate promising. The contest lands before settlement begins in the move, by founding therefore bids fair to being Dispose of no more Crown a Literary Branch to iman interesting one and we Lands to any but British prove the intelligence of citizens or those who become give assurance that the such before they get the land.
our Youth entertainment vvill be of That word British is big enough Belize Young Ladies a high order.
to include pretty near all colours, in Elocution Contest No betting will be races and religions. Make the allovved, but each member Tres golpes seguidos sentido pésame, muy especial nández. Mucho nos alegramos. dwelling on the holding the In connection with the of the audience vvill be mente para nuestro amigo main requisite just how much Nuestro amigo Egbert Egbert Browne Dicks, que de Noviembre a man can do depends on so Wonderful series of enter asked to give his or her Browne Dicks, ha recibido al tainments announced vote in the taking of the many factors health, size of de un momento a otro espera Para todos los muertos de correr de este año, tres golfamily but each man does through the columns of results.
otro golpe, la muerte de su Limón, The Searchlight. tiehis best, which he will for pes seguidos en el seno de this paper, we take pleasure señora madre.
ne en este día un recuerdo, his children sake, it won su familia. El 31 de mayo faque deben aceptar sus deudos be long before progress will lleció en esta ciudad, su her De San José como testimonio de condo. be noticed. In other districts mana Lilly de una afección Tuvimos el gusto de salu lencia, para que la paz also, when say 20 men wish del corazón. El 18 de agosto land they cannot otherwise dar a nuestro digno amigo con ellos en el Reino de los falleció en Estados Unidos get, the government should Lic. Gmo. Serrano, abogado Cielos.
look up the most suitable Miss Amalia de Browne, esde la ex Cia, United Fruit, hoy location and see they get a Onomástico posa de Leopoldo, cuñada del The sewing and embroidery machine you Cia. Bananera de Costa Rica.
chance. Then it should be the amigo Egbert, dejando hijos El martes del mes que business of the Agricultural should have. Sold by installments Advisor to know the crops menores y el 10 de octubre Proximo matrimonio hoy se inicia cumple los 50 best suitable for each type of que acaba de pasar, murio en Don José Achion Ng, actiAbriles nuestro buen amigo soil, and not only to advise Call or write en la ciudad de Kingston vo comerciante de esta plaza, Carlos Orozco Amador, por tal but to show how they may Jamaica, el Dr. George contraerá proximamente maacontecimiento The Search be produced the most ecoROB. ECHEVERRIA Browne en su residencia, detrimonio con una digna Srta light, le anticipa su felici. nomical manner. If these mejando tambien hijos menotación, deseandole al amigo, thods were followed or some de esta ciudad.
todo genero de felicidades, of them, you would not need CICLO CLUB res. La muerte del Dr. Browne to look for immigrants you Dicks, médico y cirujano con Restablecida de la pasajera más que de muchos años.
could not keep them out. But Box 323. San José. Telp. 2888 magnifica clientela, obedecio dolencia que la tuvo en cama Cronista Fisgón planters looking for Govern el haberse caido de un caballo cortos días en la Capital, se ment help had better rememcuando regresaba del campo To advertise in ber the 9th Beatitude Blessed de atender a un paciente. Para they who do not toda la familia nuestro más llero don Ricardo Mora fer is to double your business disappointed. Brookes OCCULISTIC CLINIC Dr. JOSE CORVETTI EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS FOR SALE OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and Farm Situated at Monte Verde Consisting of Cocoa and Coffee, on fertile Coffee Soil, and land for improvement. Purchaser will be Deseases and affections of the eves Commissions on Legal affairs.
reaping a full crop of coffee the coming season. Those who are interested are invited to come and examine so as to be certain of Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figucies ERNESTO ORTEGA its quality and quantity.
The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVER FOULDS Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartagg MONTE VERDE Sociales y Personales de Limón sea VESTA Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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