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Devoted to the Interests of The Province of Limon Costa Rica generally Labora por los intereses de Costa Rica en general, especialmente por Cartago y Limón YEAR II LIMON, COSTA RICA; SATURDAY NOVEMBER 15 1930 NUM. 54 On the Hospital Scheme ON DISARMAMENT a The Political Crisis in Costa Rica MR. EDITOR: from every individual who individual will assure me do not beleive in disar tive vvith the individual man man vvith another from is properly approached. their cooperation. know mament as a means whereby by the individual man, it is general point of vievv.
Again have to apAfter the formation of there will be criticism to world peace can be brought impossible to expect vvorld What is the use of scrapping proach you for more light our Commitee, we shall the project, but we will inv about. Disarmament simply peace, and it is impossible to of vvar ships? Is not this ou the necessity and possi see to the securing of a ite only healthy criticism, no means a contract of obligations expect effectiveness of world scrapping done, cognizant that bility of this Hospital pro piece of land somewhere, fault finding by vvay of obs which may be complied with peace from a World Court, the subjects or the citizens of position. There is not a we shallthen see to adopting tacles without a suggestion by the contracting parties so or from scrapping of var the scrapping country must man throughout the length a plan for the Construction, for improving the scheme far as it is convenient to the shipsas it is impossible that again bear the heavy burden and breadth af this country then we shall aproach all So soon as we shall well fare of each of the indivican put into effect that of taxation for reconstructing that would not see the Planters who may have have shown to the govern dual contracting nations.
vvhich is lacking in man the navy at any moment that necessity of an independent suitable Lumber Tress on ment and the public the Peace or world peace must himself, and vvhich is the the scrappers think necces Hospital. That would not their farms to donate, for feasability of our scheme be brought about by some individual accomplishment of sary? Scrapping var ships admit that such an Institu which we may engage a we will obtain recognition stronger force, and that force fairness, in their dealings one Continued on page tion would meet the needs pair of sawyers to get out and help, but we must must be based upon a definite of our suffering people, our Scantlings etc. first try to help ourselves. realization of the great disaster that would not see how it This is my preliminary Yours sincerely that war brings upon the would enhance the digni move Mr. Editor, and am world family, in other words, fied recognition of the co trusting that you and every Charles Rhoden a high standard of world wide loured people of this counmorality.
try, that would not agree The nations of the world Never since the Tinoco Extraordinary Session in matthat it would immortalize, must consider themselves one coup etat has the Political ters of Finance and the Estimathe thrift, industry and a large family of peoples, depen aspect of Costa Rica been as tes for 1931, sided vvith Mr.
perspicaciousness of the dent one on the other in some unsettled as it is now. The Cortés; and took up the attitude that they would not pass the Negro race.
means or the other, obligated opposition elemealt headed by Now for the possibility, There might be nc thing immigrated some years ago one to the other by some Mr. Carlos María Jimenez has Loan of six millions which as have already laid out in a name, but there might on a large scale to work special manner in a greater or been hacking the Administra vvas being arranged vvith the my foundational idea is the be very much in an appe on the Sugar Est. tes, the lesser degree, diferentiating tion even since its inception, National City Bank of New thought of the thrift and llation.
apellation was a common only by a means of production, but it novy seems as if the York to carry our a programme determination exhibited by Mr. Ramsay Dosha an one, for Want of knowing labor or other basic materials element which has alvvays of road building and other my people, in spite of low East Indian Planter at Li better, but with the spread or commodity in accordance supported the government is improvements except Mr. Cortés vvho is considered a most wages. lower am sad verpool writes as an appe of better knowledge it is vvith the dimensions, capabi novv at variance with itself to say than any other group llant from a denomination only right in keeping with litiss and extent of civilization and ofcourse a house divided, capable officer: was at the of workingmen) and other frequently applied to him, Ministerio de Fomento.
our present day intelligence one country from another. bespeaks an inevitable fall.
obstacles, in the erection and others of his country that such a general nomen We say the above because Latterly there has been a The President seeing the siof their churches, Lodges, India, which is detestably clature should be avoided, vvar has never taken place in dispute betyveen the Minister tuation, agreed to solve the Recreation Halls etc. for insulting to them and he with a view of not causing any section of the globe that of Fomento don Leon Cortés problem by removing Mr.
Castro Quesada to Panama as their own religious conve begs to give an explana offence to a people whose it does not directly or indirec. and the Administrator of the ences, pleasures and conMinister by the 20th Nov.
tion to those who are not sentimentality we would tly interfere with the political, government Railvvay don Raand refused to accept the regenially instructive meetings conversant with the mean have no reason cause economical or productive fael Castro Quesada, vvho is why then can we not exhibiting of the apellation Coolie to wound. Why should we system or organization of some cousin to tie Costa Rica Mi signation of Mr. Cortés, collectively that same spirit He would like to point out call an individual a scrub, other or several other nations. nister at Washington; a severe quietude vvas resumed.
of seelf dependence and that in India or China a a shoeshine, a scavenger, a During last vveek the MiIt is an experienced fact tension arose in consequence reliability for providing coolie is the most degrading chimney sweep or by any that hovvever speculative the of an order of retrenchment nister at Washington Mr. Mafrom our benevolence class of labourer, a scavennuel Castro Quesada cabled other degrading profession intents may be of bringing by the Minister of Fomento towards the care and atten ger, an untouchable, hence without knowing him to about vvar, vvhether vvithin in the administration of the the President don Cleto Gontfon of our sick and dis those Moslems, Mussul be such, on the contrary the country where the specuRailvvay, vvhich vvas abruptly zález Viquez, his intention of tressed fellowmen?
mans or Hindus who are let us try to live as pleasantly lative idea originated, or refused by the officer in charge. coming over to Costa Rica; The means and ways; to be found in these coun as we can, so that if we vvhether the malicious Upon signs of the vveakness the President Cabled him adNow firstly Mr. Editor we tries will prefer to be call. know an East Indian is a develish intent be localized in of the President to act in the vising that due to the Politishall have to ask every So ed by their tribes or tribal Hindu call him so, if he some distant land, the fact controversy. Mr. Cortés cal unrest here, the time vvas ciety, religious, Educational, names When such are is a Moslem call him so, remains that it has proven to tendered his resignation. inoportune for him to pay a fraternal or political to send known, or as East at any rate since he is an Continued on page be a great immoral upheaval Congress novv sitting in an us a representative with a Indian, but to be styled a East Indian he will not bringing about ruins innumeview of formulating a Com coolieman is considered object to being called so, rable, retarding the progress mittee to devise ways and as an intentional insult to no more than a West Indian of some country and some means wherewithal this gi the person addressed. Would object to be called of the vvorld people. When gantic scheme may be There are several East so, or an Englishman Would this fact is realized and accepted attempted, am starting Indians here who are from object to be called an in an honest humane manner, that ball a rolling by asking families of Rank and Wealth Englishman; but if a coolieIn the Libel suit of Mrs. height stand in good stead when mankind stops to think and it is intensely repug.
Ethi ne Majorie Barnes Haylett you Mr. Editor to be a vvith the Ladies.
man is a just cause of of the great responsibility that against Mr. Marcus Garvey Mrs. Haylett claims it occamember of that Committee nant to them to be styled offense, do not use it to the individual man has in and the Blackinan nevyspaper sioned her to great annoyarice aud to assist me to get in a Coolie.
one who resents it, it does connection to his fellovy for 1000 originating in an and loss of trade by the vi.
communication with every In the West Indies, where you no harm to call a man creature, vvhen «do unto article entitled Night Life as gilance of the Detective Dept Association of our people East Indian labour follovys Clifford Parker and and other enquiries into her Was by whatever name he adopts. others as you would they in this country a group of sprees started a business. That of dressmashould do unto you is Club on Monday night at king, from vvhich she earned Our census shows us vvithout fear practiced by the Miss Barne place at Church about per vveek.
that there are about 20. 000 OCCULISTIC CLINIC individual man, then it must and Beeston streets. Clif hopes The case lasted vitin coloured inhabitants in this develop into the members of to start vvhist drives; but a Special Jury from 22nd, 23 country and if we can Dr. JOSE CORVETTI little bird told me that poker 24th, 25th and postponed for his family, into his comercial and 21 are not prohibited, as the 27th ultmo. The Judge has prove to these people that our objects are not merely OF THE ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF PISA, ITALY activities, into his politics, into Cliff Club ought to spread. ruled hovvever that the Blackhis country, then this influ They have collected a large man nevvspaper not being an for our own personal interDeseases and affections of the eyes ence vvill develop into the number of Female members incorporated society cannot be ests, we shall be able to vvide vvorld. But before there and that alone should carry Office Sanatarium of Dr. Figueres sued and disniissed it from gain the confidence of our them through gotta notion the proceedings, vvith Costs.
is a thoro realization of mans people, and we shall be The Optician of the clinic GUILLERMO RIVERA obligation to man, that we ll be having some Mr. Garvey endeavoured to before scrazy time soon. Besta able to get contributions honest dealings become effecluck Parker and may your Continued on pape or or on The Libel suit against Mr. Marcus Garvey and The Blackman Newspaper a Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.
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