p. 6


Saturday 25 October 1930 THE SEACHLIGHT (LA UNTERNA)
PAGE It looks coldblooded The Political crisis.
use as a issued a as can Brought from page Don Cleto decides to cut sent to Paris in place of the It is reported that the overwork your Staff. vveek.
visit, Mr. Quesada Cabled that avvay the Supervision of the late. Marques de Peralta; and clerks of the offices of the Anyvvay vve are hoping See the vvritings of Henry urgent conditions as to the Railvvay from the portfolio of the Railvvay vvill be occupied Co. and other employ that when the Company Ford and Messrs Foster manipulations with the Nathe Fomento so as not to by don Luis Fournier th ees have been summoned gets its feet out of the and Catchings who recogtional City Bank in the matter remove don Rafael from this present Governor of San Jos to work extra hours at night mud it will remember nize that good vvages and of the Loan demanded his post, but suggests to put it On this being knovvn, if they wish to save their vvith kindnes and reshorter hours to labour, presence here, and on Saturday under the tutelage of the Congress has been set in a jobs. And the fact is that numeration those employees besides being an index to 8th did arrive by Airservice.
Ministerio de Hacienda. He turmoil again, because tvvo for several nights we have vvhose health and vigor prosperity, is an actual On Saturday 8th vievving sent the Ministers of Educa Ceputies Mr. Asdrubal Villamet some of them going has contributed to the economic stimulant, for it the uncertainties buzzing tion, Finance or (Hacienda) lobos and Mr. Guido affirmed home from office work at upkeep of the work of is the only means of placing around in Political in the Congress that Mr.
circles and Governacion or Interior and after 12 midnight their employers, and give more purchasing power in consequent on the expected, to ask Mr. Cortes to accept Manuel Castro Quesada told and then back on thier job them at least a little more the hands of the consumer, illadvise arrival of Mr. Quesada, this change, saying it was them that if Congress does at Sharp. Novv frijoles money especially as thus allovving the consumer vvho is a very strong man in possible if such was not done not pass the lavy for the vve do believe that in vve see that all organiza. the laborer) to up Politics and much feared. Conthere might be a rupture in Emprestito to construct the crisis like these all enter tions in the United States the surplus production.
gress demanded of Mr. Cor public safety because the Roadvvays, this will have to prises should enter into be done from the salaries of are pretty well agreed on Or as President Green tés his standing on the Exe Military was on the side of very strong economy, but a day vveek of hours of the American Federation cutive Board, this gentleman don Manuel Castro Quesada the Deputies; consequently the vve ask does it pay to per day or 40 hours per ol labour puts it, Utiless consulted vvith the President, and there is no telling vvhat deputies are much enraged, the masses of people have and attended on Congress in may happen.
and sensacional speches have leisure they cannot buy and Session, and assured them been uttered in Congress by For Information On hearing this Mr. Cortés the friends as vuell the use the products of science that the President had ratified immediately ratified his resigna.
We should like to knovy enemies of the government Mr. Sinclair your com and industry, for mass his decision of retaining him tion, and it transpires that the since Tuesday and vociferous if Mr. John Pierre is still munication re The Night production without mass in his position, vvho also President immediately appoints applauses have in Estrada. We have vvritten come from Havvk is libellous as vvell as consumption becomes ratified the declaration of Mr. Mr. Gregorio Escalante as him several times with no the public vvho filled the reply. If he is still there scandallous. Your remittance Frankenstein; more leisure Cortés over the Telephone to Minister of Fomento and it is galleries hours are therefore needed, one of the Secretary of Cong. said Mr. Rafael Castro Quesa On Wednesday The Presivvill he ansvver our Call? is at your call.
for the extended period of ress.
da vvill be brought from the dent and his Executive Council rest accorded to the vvorkIt turns out that due Railvvay to the Ministerio de Manifestation of ers through the adoption apparently to overtures by Foreign Affairs, that loyalty to the country, affirming On Disarmament of the shorter vvorkyveek Don Manuel to the President, Minister Mr. Beeche vvill be their non responsability to the vvould enable them to face alleged remarks of the Minister Brought from page of vievv, vvhen disarmament their vveekly tasks with to Washington, vvhich might looks like a disregrad for the has in view, peace for the increased strength and have been done from his nations money, it looks like world people, justice for the Vigor. Their bodies, minds Hotel ATLANTICO intimacy with his friends, but emptying so many barrels of entire globe, then disarmaand spirits would be Have you ever been to that Hotel? Go and see that, never was it their intenment be money into the sea. May the succesfully restored and renevved, and how marvelously interested Eduardo is to make tions nor ideas to commit any question be asked, vvhat effected, but as long as meag their morale and purpose you comfortable at rediculous prices act against the existence nor results have been arrived at, views are connected vvith vvoud be raised to the write to EDUARDO ESCARRÉ the dignity of Congress or or vvhat benefit has the coun disarmament, as long as one highest point attainable.
150 YARDS SOUTH OF THE BANCO COSTA RICA any other Institutions of the try or its people derived people desire to hold and Frank Morrison Secretary Country. In the meantime from those governments that maintain extreme and ridi of the Federation of Labour, public sentiment is much have already scrapped. Have culous superiority over other sees the necessity of leisure irritated and alarming Comthey become less warlike, has peoples of the world it is a hours, in consequence of ments are to be heard on all AIDA CAFETERIA the greed for imperailism vvaste of time even to conthe Changing economic sides, in the streets and in subsided, have they disinte template Disarmament.
conditions, because labour The hard times infuses us to cater for your best entertainment the press, aad on Tuesday a restedly contributed to the When people vvill be feel that on account of the All Limon knows there is no one to please your taste and personal incideni occuared existence of less fortunate willing to recognize that God introduction of machineappetite as Aida vvhich caused a scandal that When in Limon drop around the corner and see governments or countries, or made this world for the yvork, more can be produced for yourself the police had to be called in peoples?
occupancy of all the creatures in a shorter time; and Once you come is always to return to clear the public from the What is the use of disar vvhich he created, and that naturally expect that a part precinets.
mament? When vvith one hand those whom he has priviledged of the benefits of this they disarm and vvith another vvith superior benefits should increased potentiality of pore develish vveapons of that his coto vvar are stored in the arsenals. tures should vvithout des labour.
Why not take advantage of troying them partake of them, Why cant our great Brought from page the article alleged to be libel Monday 27th.
their povver to alleviate the vvhen man vill cease to be Co. consider their emlous.
The Case on being contiprove that he was not the so increasingly selfish and ployes from these stand: Editor, Proprietor, nor MaAs staded above the case nued on 27th vvorlds sufferings, to see the was decided vvas adjourned, Mr. Garvey against Mr. Garvey; the tury vveakor nations righted, to see arrogant one with another; points. Give and take and nager of the Blackman Prin defending himself personally found that in keeping with the struggling communities then and only thro those vve shall bless you as a ting and publishing Co. and and the plaintif represented the summing up of the Judge, established, and to see equity natural and moral means alone, great benefactor, but do therefore not responsible for by Mr. Manley for that the Article was libellous, and justice meeted out to all can Disarmament become an not take all and give us but that it had not the imnations and peoples, effective contribution to the nothing in return.
portance which vvas attached When the nations of the to it by the prosecution, hence amelioration of the sufferings Concert at Liverpool Mrs. Haylett vvas only awarded vvorld rid themselves of of the vvorld peoples. 30 damages and Costs, individual jealousies, of world vvhich vvas to be taxed imperialism and vvorld expanOn Tuesday 21st Oct. Pressing on. after which according to the Resident this village witnessed such a the large andience Was Magistrates scale of fees becausion, vvhen disarmament is sought for from a moral point Limon. Noviembre 1930 meeting that was arrang gathering as has never be entertained in a most eficient se it was a matter that should ed under the auspices of the fore been witnesed here, the manner in a very lenghty have been brought before the and L. of occasinn being to participa programme, of Songs Resident Magistrates Court.
EXPERT IN LEGAL MATTERS Aug 1929 of the vvorld, to te in a Variety Concert sta Choruses and Recitations, By the Clarion of Belize Attends to all sorts of lawsuits before the Courts, and come off on the 2nd Novem ged by the Garvey Lite. which does grea. credit to Honduras vve see that another ber of the present year has claim against the rary Club under the ma Mr. Roper, Mrs. Salmon and has been made by one Beeks Commissions on Legal affairs.
been postponed. Ovving to nagement of Mr. Eugene their coworkers at Liverin the Morton estate, vyhere ERNESTO ORTEGA certain conditions.
pool and the Song birds this great benefactor testated It is again arranged and The first impression creat of the Limon Division, all his Estate valued 250. 000 Oficina Su domicilio 150 varas Colegio San Luis. Cartago planned to be on Sunday 23rd ed was the arrival of the principally among these be to the Organization. It vvill of the present month (novem Scouts of Li ring Mrs. Mabel Williams be remembered that a summons vvas brought in Honduras to ber, 1930 mon, at 30 under who seemed to have outset aside the vvill as illegal, FOR SALE GOING CHEAP. Commencing at 1, 30 oclock command of Scoutmaster done the Nightingale.
but was throvvn out before The Scouts also enliven the House of Lords, and the At Siquirres HOUSE beautifully fitted for small on the Siquirres Liberty Stanley Dixon, marching in family residence adjoining the Post Office Grounds.
military formation to the ed the audience by thier will upheld leaving the Special subjects on SIQUIRRES the home of the Executive comical Choruses from the of Belize Honduras Apply to Sam McIntosh as sole Benificiaries.
Negro question vvill be dealt officers; after which they land of Scoutdom.
vvith by many prominent were entertained by the Sgd. Clara Salmon Under vvhat aspect this speakers.
Secretary and Vice PresiREPORTER claim is being brought yve have not been able to find FOR SALE ED. NOTE. we regret out yet, but Mr. Garvey is Also a musical programme dent, Mrs. Clara Salmon and Farm Situated at Monte Verde Consisting of Cocoa and Coffee, vwill be given.
Miss Indiana Woodhouse. on account of limited Space gone across to defend the on fertile Coffee Soil, and land for improvement. Purchaser will be The Concert started at not being able to reproduce Free admission: only a lively Organization and vvill be ping a full crop of coffee the coming Season. Those who are interested are invited to come and examine so as to be certain of collection is solicited. 30p. under the guidance the names of all the actors avvay from Jamaica for tvvo its quality and quantity.
or three vveeks, great interest The general public are of Eugene Roper, in their many and varied is centered in this case, and FOULDS invited.
with Miss Eleanor Walters parts as sent up; but may our readers will be made MONTE VERDE STEWART at the organ who opened make up for this deficiency avvare of the transactions as EXPRESIDENT the function, with a Song on a future occasión.
they are disclosde. Coming Event Este documento es propiedad de la Biblioteca Nacional Miguel Obregón Lizano del Sistema Nacional de Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura y Juventud, Costa Rica.


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